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Build the Robot Party

171 bytes added, 23:27, 10 June 2008
Part List
* Cardboard: for feet, legs, chest -- pretty much everything. Need 5-10 people responsible for bringing as much post-consumer cardboard as they physically can.
** polvi - will grab from local office recycling bins
** patrick - will bring as much as can carry
* Paints: Spray or conventional paint, need to paint the cardboard. Need lots of silver and red. Details need blue and white.
* Chicken wire: handy for creating rounded parts
** patrick - will see what we can scroungeup.
* Tin foil
* Ladders
* Plastic jugs and containers
* Bi-rite ice cream: Mary
* Real robots to build the robot
** - this might or might not happen
== Show your support ==

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