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1 byte added, 07:14, 29 May 2014
whiteboard keywords for categorizing the issues
; [country-ISOCODE] : Some websites are dedicated to a specific country. For example, a French Web site can be classified as [country-fr], a japanese Web site as [country-jp], for international Web sites you can use [country-all]
; [js] : JavaScript issue
; [lib-foo] : When related to a specific JS lib being used. Example [lib-yui] [lib-jquery] [lib-mootools]
; [notcontactready] : Sometimes a bug has a dependency or is in the process of being further investigated, hence it is not ready for being formally contacted.
; [serversniff] : When the sniffing is happening on the server-side such as HTTP redirection and/or different content being served on the same domain
; [sitewait] : Once the Web site has been contacted for Web compatibility issues. This helps to not have two separate persons contacting the same Web site. Leave also a comment with the date when you contacted the site. [ list of contacted Web sites]
; [tier1] : When the issue is about a site not giving the nicest experience that some other browsers get. For example, getting the low-end mobile version instead of the shiny touch version.
; [uaoverride] : When the current bug is about the UA override list added on to [[Fennec|Firefox for Android]] or [[Gaia|Firefox OS]]; [lib-foo] : When related to a specific JS lib being used. Example [lib-yui] [lib-jquery] [lib-mootools]
; [webkitcss] : An interoperability issue created by WebKit CSS: missing -moz- and/or prefixless equivalent.
; [wptouch] : This bug is affected by the old version of WPTouch.

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