Summit2008/Sessions/Proposals/Growth in Asia
From MozillaWiki
Session Title
Growing Mozilla in Asia
Session Leaders
- Gen Kanai
With Firefox growing past 20% in the US and past 30% in Europe, Mozilla's next focus needs to be on Asia, South Asia, SE Asia and Asia-Pacific. How should Mozilla best grow our community of users in the part of the world where we have traditionally lagged?
NOTE: This discussion will not cover Japan or China or India specifically as those topics are addressed in separate presentations.
- Overview of Asian Internet trends
- Current situation in specific Asian locales
- Specific focus on areas where Mozilla has active communities or localizations
- Indonesia
- Korea
- Mongolia
- Taiwan
- Sri Lanka
- others including Australia, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and more
- Open discussion
Estimated length
- 60 minutes
Expected turnout
- 40 people
Equipment needs
- Projector