Support/Mobile/Weekly Mobile Meetings/2014-03-26

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SuMo Mobile Meeting

5:30PM UTC (10:30AM PT) (Held every Wednesday) Vidyo room: Michelle Luna (213) Estimated time: 25 minutes - 1 Hour

  1. sumo (IRC) is where links will be transmitted between each other.

You need to have Vidyo in order to join. Join link: Please enter guest name and then click join. To call in: +1 650 903 0800, x92 9213 +1 800 707 2533, pin 369 - conf 9213

Previous Minutes

Present at meeting (enter your name here):

Mobile Meeting

Any Previous business

   action items: get osumo featured (michelle) TBD
   some conversation about putting this is the IA on SUMO; 
   also Hermina will send new market info to Joni to add to the article for carrier support
   still some things to improve in the sSUMO app, Hermina is triaging the bugs
   action item for new marketplace feed contributor-driven


Marcia & Jason : agps update, TEF/Vivo can reproduce in Spain, waiting for Here maps team to test and respond asap


2014 & big goals for the year: means larger user base to support

   -Innovating on support to make it more discoverable & get more people involved in support
       -Q&A app with voice (see the crab)
           o first time experience with the phone, an article and webinar for the first time          experience
       -"BuddyUp" : live help & training sessions on-device

Firefox OS and Android News and feedback

Firefox OS:

   Not significant changes from last week
   ringtones app in the marketplace for v1.2 or better
   canned responses, check the performance article as archived


   Rob is working on a report on interactions and opinions of about:home

Firefox OS

-Docs update?started scoping the 1.3 articles. Updating starts today. Also making new "basic features" article that I need to coordinate with Ralph (thanks for forwarding this suggestion, Andrew!) -Badges update? [roland] I looked at Diego's badge stuff which is excellent, thank-you! No update other than i will add my summary of it to the SUMO badge roadmap: and then once we get the Mozilla wide badge team rebooted in April, I will hold a meeting for all contributors interested in SUMO badges. If there's anything we need badges wise before end of April, please email me ASAP rtanglao AT

Firefox For Android

  • Anybody have a Samsung Galaxy S4? If you do please test and reply to: I don't think this is a Firefox 28 for Android bug but willing to file a bug if I can get somebody to verify this
  • Please test Firefox Accounts Sync in FF29 Beta this week: One and Done coming to this etherpad and to the mobile group today! Here is the etherpad for One and Done:
  • Next Firefox for Android One and Done at the end of this week will be around FF 29 beta and Web Apps

Anything else

   Firefox OS taxonomy is being tested ( Proposed categories: User testing on is complete. Joni needs to review the videos.
   Articles are being updated for 1.3 this week:

Joni will give locale leaders update about the changes coming, and then communicate to them about when thing are ready for L10n

Notes for the next meeting

Need to talk in detail about the new languages and timings for FFOS and localizing articles. Template available at: