Talkilla/Status Meetings/2013-06-11
From MozillaWiki
< Talkilla | Status Meetings
Development Summary and Future Iterations
The future weeks are our goals for the iterations, so that we can assess in the retrospectives.
- Last Week
- Text Chat and Incoming Call notifications now implemented
- This Week
- Ignore options
- Persistent logins
- Contact saving
- Online/Offline indication
- Do we add styling to the definition of done?
- Not yet, non-ideal style is ok for mock ups
- Would need a card to do styles later on
- This may change if we get another resource, or once we start releasing
- Are we still looking for web design resource?
- Yes, web design/graphic design
- Dan and Nicolas to specify this out
Social API
- IndexedDB now available on nightlies
- If items in the dependency tree are not on
- Might be able to uplift some items to 23
- Small sidebar (as Zurb), if we want it in or not, to be discussed between JB & Boriss
- If you have any blockers due to UX, please ping Boriss
- Q2 Demo
- We want to have the Talkilla project explained at the trade show, and having polished a demo to go with it would be very useful.
- June 17 - 21st, Paris
- Goals:
- 1) Completion of work for Demo
- 2)
- July:
- Date: 15 - 19th,
- Location: Paris