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Metrics/Telemetry 2013-02-07

Attendees: Daniel Einspanjer, Annie Elliott, Taras Glek, Lawrence Mandel


BIV-70 (bug 776714) and BIV-69 (bug 776716) Adding descriptions to Telemetry dashboard

  • done

BIV-224 (bug 810034) Telemetry Dashboard session timeout is too quick

  • Still testing

METRICS-1356 (bug 778809) Simple measures

  • Taras missed sending e-mail with target measures, measures now added in Jira and bug
  • This will be implemented in ETL

BIV-114 (bug 707280) Need simple queries

  • Harsha looking at initial work to prototype it out, sidetracked with spike in telemetry submissions METRICS-1366

METRICS-1366 Telemetry submission spike has been taking a lot of time

  • 5 mil to 21 mil submissions in a single day is bad for a number of reasons
    • not a steady trend of submissions wondering how valid is data coming in, no evidence of this type of fluctuation within a weekday
    • all channels went up but release channel went up 12 million as it's a bigger channel
    • not equipped to handle this amount of traffic, strain put on resources (elastic search)
    • every few days see a spike of submissions
    • haven't found a pattern
    • Harsha working full time to attempt to fingerprint the documents looking for indication of source
    • comparison of idle daily vs saved sessions and trend is holding stable
    • can deal with capacity side but how can we trust this data if it's behaving in a way that we don't understand?
  • would like to get someone on dev side to look at submissions from client side to try and find more useful information
    • Taras: there have been no changes in date range that Daniel provided, nothing else to act on without more guidance from metrics
  • Taras requests that Metrics look at the IPs from the submissions

METRICS-1363 (bug 821403) Make raw shutdown times available

  • No progress


Lawrence: Engineering didn't know that all work was stopped due to the Telemetry submission investigation. Annie: We should have communicated the work stoppage. Telemetry has 1 FTE allocated, which is why all work stopped while Harsha was 100% on the submission spike investigation.

Iteration 2 planning

  • All work is stopped until the submission spike has been resolved in METRICS-1366
    • Taras requests daily updates on this issue until it is resolved, please cc Taras Glek, Vladan Djeric, Nathan Froyd
  • BIV-110 not ready to start
  • BIV-85 and BIV-224 should be done in the next two weeks