Thunderbird:QA TestDay:2008-08-21

Bug Day August 21, 2008

Schedule for Thursday at Bugdays page, which also tells you how to get started and get help.

Bug days are conducted to reduce the number of UNCOnfirmed bugs in the bugzilla database, and to improve the quality of the bugs in the database.


Let's help our bug reporters by driving these numbers down!

Focus for this bug day :

Of course, work any bugs that interest you, perhaps from Bug queries or a variety from prior bugdays:


Before starting, see the Bugdays page for information about what to do and how to get help. Don't be concerned if you don't understand everything, just ask for help.


For this bugday, the times of the sessions, accounting for 30mins [1] of grace period before and after each session, were as follows:

  • Session 1
    • Start time: 2008-08-21 0530h PDT
    • End time: 2008-08-21 0830h PDT
  • Session 2
    • Start time: 2008-08-21 1130h PDT
    • End time: 2008-08-21 1430h PDT
  • Session 3
    • Start time: 2008-08-21 1830h PDT
    • End time: 2008-08-21 2230h PDT
  • 17 hour duration
    • All sessions & intermediate rest time.
    • Start time: 2008-08-21 0530h PDT
    • End time: 2008-08-21 2230h PDT
Bug Day results
Sessions Product Any Change Last bug day Only Resolution Change [2] Last bug day
Improvement Improvement
Session 1 Thunderbird-only Q 82 Q 89 up (+57) Q 75 Q 76 up (+70)
Core-only Q 7 Q 1
Session 2 Thunderbird-only Q 62 Q 84 up (+58) Q 4 Q 5 up (+1)
Core-only Q 22 Q 1
Session 3 Thunderbird-only Q 12 Q 14 down (-31) Q 7 Q 7 down (-4)
Core-only Q 2 Q 0
17 hour Duration Thunderbird-only Q 208 Q 279 up (+118) Q 95 Q 101 up (+62)
Core-only Q 71 Q 6

Many thanks to volunteers and developers (total 5 - 10) who turned up for this bug day, and others that I may have possibly missed.


  • Spreadsheet of bugday results is compiled and updated after each session / bugday.
  • The letter Q stands for the query with all the appropriate criteria, which over time may differ from the results that have been logged.
  • [1] Session and period time includes 30mins before and after the official time period, so as to include early and late/spill over activity.
  • [2] A resolution change may be non-terminal, for example a bug may have been reopened.