
< WeeklyUpdates

Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Development Updates

Branch work: Firefox 3.0.x / Thunderbird 2.0.0.x

Gecko 1.9.1

  • Sustained zero blockers over the weekend; however, there's at least one that has popped up today. Looks like a rebuild of the RC might occur. There's also one blocker nomination the JS team is looking into right now; however, it doesn't look like a blocker so far.
  • In parallel to the Firefox 3.5 effort, we've been working on a multi-process implementation. Chris Jones just sent a great update to the dev list, and we will be having a brown bag to discuss the Chromium Security Sandbox.
  • New interns this week:
    • Justin Lebar, Stanford, working in the Content group with Jonas Sicking
    • Matin Movassate, Stanford, working in Content with Blake Kaplan
    • Ryo Kawaguchi, CMU, working in Layout with Daniel Holbert.

Firefox 3.5

Firefox Front End Work

  • helping QA test RC1, other than that, moved on to Firefox.next tasks (see below)


  • Firefox Interns are totally rocking it:
    • both have code in the tree, MattN will have code in 3.5!
    • about:me has gotten fantastic feedback and even some press mentions (yay, Margaret)
    • can't wait for Felipe to get here

TB 3



  • Fx 3.0.11 went out unthrottled!
    • That's four for four!
    • Bouncer logging still needs a re-architect (bug 464778)

Release Engineering

  • FF3.5rc1 (build#1) handed to QA Friday+Sunday. FF3.5rc1 (build#2) waiting for formal "go".
  • TB2.0.0.22 beta delayed Friday because of bug 497956
    • builds, mars are fine. html snippets regen'd using older sha1.
    • going to beta today
  • did two *non*downtimes last week
    • lots of backlogged changes after long code freeze, more this week depending on rc1.
    • pooled talos machines on mozilla-central, 3.0; still need to convert 1.9.1 and tracemonkey.
  • Lukas in MV this week; stop by and say hi.


Test Execution

Web Dev Testing

  • Please join us in welcoming Raymond, our 1-year-long intern!
  • Shipped SUMO 1.1, which included screencast support (FLV, SWF, OGG)
  • Soft-launching Mozilla Service Week (might be behind auth for a short while) today!

Metrics, Accessibility, Localization, Community

  • Moco Fx3.5 Preview Testday results
    • Had a max of 64 in the testday channel at its peak
    • Major contributors outside mozQA: Labs team! (jono, myk, Mardak), mak, kbrosnan, tmyoung, asadotzler, ozten, Lucas, TheUni, limi, zpao, dao, dria, mitchell, and dveditz
    • 23 Bugs found
  • Website testing Testday on June 19th. See QMO for details

Test Development

  • Working our way through running external CSS tests for 3.5 to checkpoint ourselves. (Thanks Aaron & Clint!)
  • Making great progress on JS Ref Tests - have browser based tests, shell tests should land this week
  • Running Reftest on Windows Mobile
  • Running FennecMark for TPanning & Tzoom for performance testing on Fennec maemo.
  • Continued tracking down crashtests and other reported bugs for 3.5.



Firefox 3.5 Launch

  • "Fastest Firefox" video campaign continues, will wrap up with 3.5 launch. Over 130 community contributed videos have been uploaded. http://www.fastestfirefox.com
  • Apply for your Firefox 3.5 party pack here: http://bit.ly/fx35launch_swagrequest
  • Website, search engine marketing, and affiliate program updates are all on track for 3.5.

Mozilla Service Week

  • Going live today!
  • Help get the word out by blogging & tweeting (tag: mozservice09)

Community Marketing Call

  • Next Community Marketing call is Wednesday, June 17th, at 10am PDT. Dial-in Info: +1.650.903.0800, followed by 92# and then 7391#. Or you can use our toll-free number: +1.800.707.2533, followed by 369# and then 7391#. For those that can't make the call or want to participate online, join us in #marketing on irc.mozilla.org. Please note the new the new Air Mozilla channel for all marketing-related activities.



  • Open Source Bridge, Portland, June 17 - 19:
    • Mikeal Rogers and Dietrich Ayala are both speaking.
    • Mozilla will participate in the Hacker Lounge. Our proposed session: Firefox & extension hacking. Dietrich will also participate in the Open Web Games session.
    • We're also looking to participate in the Knowledge Fair
    • More details on our participation here.
  • Open Video Conference, New York, June 19 - 20:
    • Help get the word out about the conference! http://openvideoconference.org/
    • Chris Blizzard and Mark Surman will be speaking.
    • We're hosting a video contest that will now kick off at the conference vs. wrapping up then.
    • NYC-based and interested in attending? You can do so in exchange for time at the Mozilla table!
  • Personal Democracy Conference, New York, June 29th - 30th: Mozilla Foundation is sponsoring the PdF conference. Frank could use some help hosting a Mozilla booth -- free passes in exchange!
  • FISL - Porto Alegre, Brasil, June 24 - 27

New Team Members

  • Welcome Sarah Doherty, Community Marketing Manager and Shannon Prior, PR Intern!


  • Support is doing a Support Firefox Day next Thursday to gear up for 3.5. Blog post coming. We'd love to see you all there.
  • If you want to help with Firefox 3.5 support during release, let us know.


  • Our 8th edition of Funnelcake ships this Thursday
  • Firefox.com download button test
    • launched the test last Monday
    • testing three new colors of the Fx download button to see if we can improve our conversion rate
    • orange/yellowish color seems like a clear loser (from early analysis)
  • Firefox Uninstall Survey
  • Introducing Eric Hergenrader, our analytics intern
    • Eric will be working on analytics projects related to SUMO, l10n, and AMO (among other projects)


  • Mozilla Developer Center
    • Continuing to work on back-end stuff; we should have some more new features and skin fixes up very soon.
    • Firefox 3.5 documentation cleanup continues, but there's not much happening there anymore. Starting to gear up for some content reorganization. Expect to see blog posts on this soon.
  • 35 days week 1 is done!
    • Posted 7 features and 7 demos
    • More than 500 followers on twitter now
    • 200 comments in the various posts
    • Today featured first demo written by someone who found us instead of us reaching out to someone else


  • Working on pulling together a Weave 0.4 release in the next two weeks.
  • Personas 1.2.1 released, fixes Thunderbird regression in Personas 1.2.
  • Jetpack 0.2 was released with slidebar support, storage, and the future! http://jetpack.mozillalabs.com . Good press coverage, with many new Jetpacks created by web developers.

Developer Tools

  • Integration is complete. Thunderhead 2 and Bespin have collided and the new UI has been created
  • Next, we polish


  • Compatibility up to almost 80% for 3.5.*
    • Most of the remaining add-ons are in the long tail, we're now approaching developers directly to see if they'll upgrade
  • Extend Firefox 3.5 launches this week
  • AMO 5.0.6 launched!
    • launch post
    • Still waiting on overall web metrics but downloads are steady
      • Target is new users, will get interesting data once 3.5 launches.
    • over 9000 collections created since Wednesday
    • 36,000 downloads of the Add-on Collector
    • 116,000 add-on downloads from collections
  • Nick will be at FISL next week in Porto Alegre, Brazil



Firefox 3.5



Foundation Updates

  • We'll be hosting the hybrid organization summit this week; for more information see the agenda.
  • We continue to prepare for the relaunch of www.mozilla.org:
  • We've started requirements gathering for the Bugzilla project:
  • We're continuing to look for new Mozilla Education partners and projects:
    • On last week's call we discussed possible new ideas for online courses; for more information see the call notes.
    • Frank attended a workshop last week on teaching open source and blogged about it.


The interns group has just exploded this week! Please give a warm welcome to our new 9 recruits:

  • David Tran -- IT/Ops
  • Jeremy Hiatt -- l10n
  • Shannon Prior -- PR/Marketing
  • Eric Hergenrader -- Metrics
  • Matin Movassate -- Content
  • Justin Lebar -- Content
  • Roy Frostig -- Mobile
  • Ryo Kawaguchi -- Layout
  • RJ Walsh -- Web Dev

Other Business