BMO/Recent Changes/2014-10
From MozillaWiki
< BMO | Recent Changes
- bug 1083790 Default version does not take into account is_active
- bug 1078314 Missing links and broken unicode characters in some bugmail
- bug 1072662 bugzilla-rw-vip:Schwartz Queue is CRITICAL
- bug 1086912 Backport bug Bug 1084490 to bmo (Fix BugUserLastVisit->get)
- bug 1062940 Please increase bmo's alias length to match bugzilla 5.0 (40 chars instead of 20)
- bug 1082113 The ComponentWatching extension should create a default watch user with a new database installation
- bug 1082106 $dbh->bz_add_columns creates a foreign key constraint causing failure in when it tries to re-add it later
- bug 1084052 Only show "Add bounty tracking attachment" links to people who actually might do that (not everyone in core-security)
- bug 1075281 bugmail filtering using "field name contains" doesn't work correctly with flags
- bug 1088711 New bugzilla users are unable to user bug templates
- bug 1076746 Mentor field is missing in the email when a bug gets created
- bug 1087525 Move Operations: Desktop Issues to Infrastructure and Operations::Servicedesk
- bug 1079476 Backport upstream bug 1014345 and bug 658485 to bmo/4.2 to allow getting and updating groups
- bug 1079463 Bugzilla::WebService::User missing update method
- bug 1080600 CVE ID format change: CVE-\d{4}-\d{4} becomes CVE-\d{4}-\d{4,7} this year
- bug 1080554 Create custom entry form for submissions to Mozilla Communities newsletter
- bug 1074586 Add "Bugs of Interest" to the dashboard
- bug 1062775 Create a form to create/update bounty tracking tracking attachments
- bug 1074350 "new to bugzilla" indicator should be removed when a user is added to 'editbugs', not 'canconfirm'
- bug 1082887 comments made when setting a flag from the attachment details page are not included in the "flag updated" email
- bug 1075578 [SECURITY] Improper filtering of CGI arguments
- bug 1074980 Forbid the { foo => $cgi->param() } syntax to prevent data override
- bug 1064140 [SECURITY] Private comments can be shown to flagmail recipients who aren't in the insider group
- bug 1054702 CSV export vulnerable to formulae injection
- bug 1059318 The drop-down box for components doesn't scroll
- bug 1072105 "TypeError: summary_container is null" when creating an attachment
- bug 1072110 _concatenate_js assumes javascript_urls is an array
- bug 1035972 add preference to include all X-Headers in email bodies to allow gmail to filter on them
- bug 1073063 javascript error when viewing bug 1070107
- bug 1072944 User activity should default to a range smaller than the last 8 weeks
- bug 1056083 User activity page when filtered for a single day shows activity from next day
- bug 1072981 User activity labels & params conflate "sort" and "group"
- bug 1067810 Review history page displays the wrong duration
- bug 1075196 Backport Bugzilla::Flag->update() modification_time fix from Bug 1070317
- bug 1023405 Shortcut for marking bugs as read