BMO/Recent Changes/2017-01
From MozillaWiki
< BMO | Recent Changes
- bug 1334158 Lightbox images CSP error on bug modal
- bug 1333942 Include quicksearch query string in the buglist.cgi HTML title
- bug 1334160 CSP error on button "rep_hw_os"
- bug 1280397 [a11y] Make the component, product, and other latches accessible
- bug 1286290 CSP compliant bug modal
- bug 1333525 Blocking type tracking flags are not visible from the modal UI
- bug 1280397 [a11y] Make the component, product, and other latches accessible
- bug 1332540 Cannot set param "delete_comments_group": Undefined subroutine &Bugzilla::Extension::BMO::check_group called
- bug 1331302 Restrict the max-width of the textarea of "add comment".
- bug 1333012 [a11y] Make sure the attachments table is always a data table for screen reader users
- bug 1280406 [a11y] Make each start of a comment a heading 3 for easier navigation
- bug 1280395 [a11y] Make the Add Comment and Preview tabs real accessible tabs
- bug 1329659 Copy A11y tweaks from BugzillaA11yFixes.user.js
- bug 1330449 Clarify "Edit" button
- bug 1329511 Any link to user-entered URL with target="_blank" should have rel="noopener" or rel="noreferrer"
- bug 1328665 Two issues with Project Review form for RRAs
- bug 1307478 Elasticsearch Indexer / Bulk Indexer
- bug 1328650 Update HRBP list in Recruiting Product
- bug 1209242 Can't locate object method "_reverseoperator" via package "Bugzilla::Search" at /data/www/ line 3134.
- bug 1280388 [a11y] Make the bug summary a heading level 1
- bug 1328464 The checkbox of "Add me to CC list (follow this bug)" doesn't work
- bug 1262457 the list of comment tags in the 'tags' menu isn't updated in real time
- bug 1321662 Ensure that Carp and Carp::Heavy are only loaded after @INC is setup with the vendor bundles
- bug 1325432 Work 'New' in bug summary for form.crm is redundant and should be removed
- bug 1299855 Implement token-bucket rate limiting on top of memcached
- bug 1324058 Migrate from jquery-cookie to js-cookie, as the former is no longer maintained
- bug 1262465 ensure unprivileged users can mark a bug as security sensitive