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Aurora bug triage team

Hello! If you'd like to help out with bug management for Aurora builds, please email bugmaster@mozilla.com!

Every night the latest pre-release version of Firefox is made available as the Nightly release. After 6 weeks of further development that branch becomes the Aurora release, and is more stable than the nightly. If you want to test against the Aurora release of Firefox, download the Aurora build and use it as your main browser. If you find any bugs, file them. (How to File a Bug).

You may also be interested in looking at the bugs others have filed, and see if you can replicate them or add any useful information. Triaging the Aurora bugs will help us catch important bugs quickly, while you still have a relatively stable development browser to use!

1. Download the Aurora build and run it.
2. Make a bugzilla.mozilla.org account.
3. Skim over the current bugs against the Aurora release (currently, the 54 branch).
4. File bugs when you find them...
5. Triage through the list of untriaged Aurora bugs. So helpful!
--- replicate, comment, confirm
--- needinfo the bug reporter to get more details
--- regression testing

UNCONFIRMED bugs in the 54 Branch

Full Query
ID Summary Product Component Status Op sys
1334406 High resolution display UHD dialogue scaling Core XUL UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1335488 Severe YouTube flickering on OS X with HWA disabled Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED macOS
1336720 warn user about invisible content when copying to clipboard Core DOM: Serializers UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1337267 about:crashes - all links lead to http://crash-stats.mozilla.com/about/throttling Toolkit Crash Reporting UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1340895 "SecurityError: The operation is unsecure" when loading fido.ca login page Core Layout: Form Controls UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1342414 The message about insecurity of form submission should respect change of window size Toolkit Password Manager UNCONFIRMED Linux
1343705 WebGL: drawArraysInstancedANGLE with gl.POINTS not working Core Graphics: CanvasWebGL UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1346222 ClientLayerManager::BeginTransaction with IPC channel down. GPU process may have died, (Intel Haswell on Linux) Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1355770 www.gnome.org and bugzilla.gnome.org are broken in Firefox 54 on Ubuntu 17.04 Core Graphics: Text UNCONFIRMED Linux
1357464 Slide down/up animation is really slow on long pages Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1358822 Diagonal tearing on scroll with NVIDIA mobile (Optimus) graphics. Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1358842 Poor scrolling performance on high-resolution display with Intel HD graphics when Chrome is open in the background. Core Panning and Zooming UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1359727 font size is too small Core Graphics: Text UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1360755 Keystrokes on <datalist> fire keyboard events on associated <input> Core DOM: Events UNCONFIRMED All
1360921 Fixed background image not sized to viewport when using transforms Core Layout UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1360965 Context menu on macOS has incorrect behavior Firefox Menus UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1362004 text stays bold until final * Core Networking UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1364140 canvas drawImage ignores clipping for various globalCompositeOperation values (regression) Core Graphics: Canvas2D UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1367676 zen garden wasm demo fail to start on 64bit Firefox stable and dev Core Graphics: CanvasWebGL UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1370958 Alpha component of color affects color glyphs Core Layout: Text and Fonts UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1373370 When printing a long table, the second page appears to shift the table slightly to the left, cutting off the border. Core Printing: Output UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1373903 Problem playing videos Core DOM: Events UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1373998 Else's (correct English for a possessive) is in my personal dictionary, but it's ignored and shown as a spelling error. It's annoying. (So is seeing all the previous spelling errors in this session - it didn't used to be like that.) Core Spelling checker UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1374001 Spellchecker used to (version 4?) show only the current word and choices. It's been showing a history of misspelled words for many versions now. Core Spelling checker UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1374171 position: sticky combined with height adjustment causes scrolling glitches (bouncing) Core Layout UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1374558 Canvas Arc weird render behaivior Core Graphics: Canvas2D UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1374602 Checkboxes cannot be seen if unchecked Core Widget: Gtk UNCONFIRMED Linux
1375046 Firefox doesn't start if 3D graphics acceleration is enabled in Vmware Workstation Player Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1375181 color management destaturated image Core Graphics: Color Management UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1375209 Select menus with really long options can't be clicked as expected Core Layout: Form Controls UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1375466 WebAudio API latency Core WebRTC: Audio/Video UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1375530 Text in history menubar is blurry when first shown Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1375839 Can't print a page to PDF when large block of Javascript content is shown Core Printing: Output UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1376064 Multiple versions of the same page showing in the Back buttons Core DOM: Navigation UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1376443 Select option inherited background-color differs between initial focus/open state and subsequent focus/open states Core Layout: Form Controls UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1376708 Labels for Passwords Toolkit Password Manager UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1376729 disabled-attribute on link-element does not take effect Core DOM: CSS Object Model UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1376749 Unsaved changes Confirmation dialog box on web page does not trap foucs Toolkit Content Prompts UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1377455 textbox number decimalplaces selected text not cleared on decimal entry Core XUL UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1377558 Canvas perf is poor when creating many radial gradient filled circles Core Graphics: Canvas2D UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1377663 Form autocomplete sometimes does not work Toolkit Autocomplete UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1377665 When the browser is running slowly, clicking on a link and then holding down Ctrl executes a Ctrl+click Core DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1377693 Black frame on bottom and right side when launching firefox Core Widget: Gtk UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1377823 Webrtc over TCP (STUN) not working on Firefox 54 Core WebRTC: Signaling UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1377841 Problem with click/hover detection on 3d transformed DIVs Core Layout UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1377893 Feature Request: Provide option to return Blob, AudioBuffer or ArrayBuffer of audio generated by window.speechSynthesis.speak() Core Web Speech UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1377941 select tag shows no colors as background in Linux version Core Layout: Form Controls UNCONFIRMED Linux
1377943 Gmail View is wierd Core Layout UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1378166 Push notifications font smoothing Toolkit Alerts Service UNCONFIRMED Windows
1378314 No password saved on https://sogo.nu/ Toolkit Password Manager: Site Compatibility UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1378344 reboot wrong profile Toolkit Startup and Profile System UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1378769 Open file dialog freezes on frequent filesystem change Core Widget: Gtk UNCONFIRMED Linux
1378984 text looks slightly too bold/thick when you zoom in a web page Core Graphics: Text UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1379152 Add option to force use of EmojiOne in Firefox Core Graphics: Text UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1379760 The limit of div sizes is limited to a height of 7895697px Core Layout UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1380213 paste into FF crashed popup fails Toolkit Crash Reporting UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1380427 Most recent version, 54.0.1, will not update Widevine and will not play Widevine streaming movies. I found a way to fix, but you need to know about this problem. Core Audio/Video: Playback UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1380594 Bad 3d rendering with css Core Layout UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1381392 Text shadow renders incorrect for some fonts (e.g. Algerian) if text stroke is also applied Core Layout UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1381492 Event.timeStamp resolution should have a minimum of 5 microseconds Core DOM: Events UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1381688 Middle-clicking randomly refuses to start scrolling Core DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1382003 Viewport got black Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1382126 The numbers in the drop-down list box misplaced Core Layout: Form Controls UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1383118 gtk 3 filechooser is slow in folders with many images Core Widget: Gtk UNCONFIRMED Linux
1383438 when the Preference under General "Open windows in a new tab instead" is checked the new URL loads over the current tab when opening a url from the library Firefox Bookmarks & History UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1383563 scrolling lag only when gpu in idle state Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED Windows 10
1383937 Web content too big and block my laptop Core DOM: Content Processes UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1383945 Scrolling on a specific site causes vertical distortion Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED Linux
1384201 Firefox forcing HTTPS on non-HSTS enabled domains Core Networking: HTTP UNCONFIRMED Windows 10
1384575 Firefox on Windows incorretly handles missing font in form input field's placeholder Core Layout: Text and Fonts UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1384867 widevineCdm mis-caught HDCP restriction on initial run Core Audio/Video: Playback UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1384973 overlay div stops getting focus when column in table underneath is collapsed Core Layout UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1385107 Firefox will freeze after watching Sky Go VOD for 10 minutes Core Audio/Video: Playback UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1385275 Webpage starts at random scroll positions on certain website Core Layout UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1385728 if Firefox is not default browser, Firefox 54.0.1 does not reset default browser Firefox Shell Integration UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1385741 Text and selector form fields are inactive but should not be. Core Layout UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1386150 box-shadow not correctly rendered when using small spread values Core Layout UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1387272 Posting a form to about:blank results in an "insecure connection" warning Toolkit Password Manager UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1387879 Print properties do not match what has been set in the OS Toolkit Printing UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1389405 won't allow to select from suggestions given using arrow keys Core Widget: Gtk UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1389858 emacs keybindings stopped working Core Widget: Gtk UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1390418 Firefox on Linux can only display on one xorg DISPLAY for one user Core Widget: Gtk UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1390648 "Connection is Not Secure" message appears even for Core DOM: Security UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1390902 SOCKS 4/4A HTML injection in malformed socks server ACK response Core Networking: Proxy UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1391179 <input type="number"> with unexpected layout when inside inline-block label Core Layout: Form Controls UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1391505 input ellipsis is rendered like underline Core Layout: Form Controls UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1392068 Input type=number fails to parse '+' (plus) sign Core Layout: Form Controls UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1393078 firefox-55.0.2/media/sphinxbase/src/libsphinxbase/fe/fe_sigproc.c:1112: botched assignment ? Core Web Speech UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1393553 firefox-55.0.2/toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/common/mac/file_id.cc:64]: (style) Suspicious condition Toolkit Crash Reporting UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1394380 firefox doesn't respond after opening it with netbeans Toolkit Startup and Profile System UNCONFIRMED Windows
1394703 Copy from elements with user-select: none Core DOM: Serializers UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1400670 Firefox versions 54+ don't display checkboxes or radio buttons Core Layout: Form Controls UNCONFIRMED Linux
1404438 CSP frame-ancestors works incorrectly when x-origin iframe is nested inside srcdoc iframe Core DOM: Security UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1406855 Media resolution does not match settings in screen Core WebRTC: Audio/Video UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1415440 resetting shared FileList of input[type=file] doesn't reflect on all inputs Core Layout: Form Controls UNCONFIRMED Unspecified
1421700 [GFX1-]: ClientLayerManager::BeginTransaction with IPC channel down. GPU process may have died. Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED Unspecified

96 Total; 96 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Note: Bugs that have changed state from UNCO to NEW. Or since that may not be super useful, this might be better done in a dashboard; it would be good to know the number of bugs that changed state in this way.

  • Number of bugs reported for 54 Branch that were confirmed

Firefox Untriaged bugs in 54 Branch

Bugs that are in the Firefox Untriaged component, reported for 54 branch.

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

The following bugs have been replicated, or confirmed as NEW, but haven't yet been assigned to a product and component. It's important to make an effort to get these bugs into a category where developers on particular teams are more likely to see them.

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);