Bugmasters/Projects/Firefox 29

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Currently the Beta release!

Firefox 29 bug triage team

Hello! If you'd like to help out with bug management for Firefox 29 builds, please email bugmaster@mozilla.com!

Every night the latest pre-release version of Firefox is made available as the Nightly release. After 6 weeks of further development that branch becomes the Aurora release, and is more stable than the nightly; 6 weeks later it becomes the Beta release. If you want to test against the Firefox 29 release of Firefox, 29 download the Firefox 29 build and use it as your main browser. If you find any bugs, file them. (How to File a Bug).

You may also be interested in looking at the bugs others have filed, and see if you can replicate them or add any useful information. Triaging the Firefox 29 bugs will help us catch important bugs quickly, while you still have a relatively stable development browser to use!

1. Download the Firefox 29 build and run it.
2. Make a bugzilla account.
3. Skim over the current bugs against the Firefox 29 release (currently, the 29 branch).
4. File bugs when you find them...
5. Triage through the list of untriaged Firefox 29 bugs. So helpful!
--- replicate, comment, confirm
--- needinfo the bug reporter to get more details
--- regression testing

UNCONFIRMED bugs in the 29 Branch

Full Query
ID Summary Product Component Status Op sys
921491 Firefox on Linux shows transparent combobox using style.display javascript Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED Linux
926230 Editor does not style blanks at end of line Core DOM: Editor UNCONFIRMED Windows XP
952773 Gamepad API wrongly mapping control Core Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
959949 `No Proxy For` too one sided to be useful Core Networking: Proxy UNCONFIRMED Windows 8
972848 Render errors with skia/Linux/hw accelerated layers in google web store Core Graphics: Layers UNCONFIRMED Linux
987197 Opacity on element nested in scaled parent affects position Core CSS Parsing and Computation UNCONFIRMED All
988822 Fuzzy font in location bar in Firefox 29 Beta / Win 8.1 Core Graphics: Text UNCONFIRMED Windows 8.1
988944 Back button / history.back() doesn't get past first entry in history Core General UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
993776 Right click menu size issues when switching monitors Firefox Menus UNCONFIRMED macOS
996795 Bookmarks bar disappears on start-up Firefox Toolbars and Customization UNCONFIRMED Windows 8.1
998518 All nsICommandLineHandler's apparently invoked by Thunderbird invocation of Firefox Core General UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
999127 Windows Classic Look - favicons are hardly visible Firefox Theme UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1003143 improving the private window button in the window titlebar Firefox Toolbars and Customization UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1003367 urlbar-conainer does not respect min-width and max-width in Fx 29 Firefox Toolbars and Customization UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1004181 In Mavericks on Mac, notifications from Facebook no longer open Firefox 29 (beta) when clicked on. (Other notifications such as those from LinkedIn still work) Firefox Shell Integration UNCONFIRMED macOS
1004234 Page Rendered incorrectly when W7 returns from DisplayOff on page that forwarded. Core General UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1004244 Firefox doesn't use Mac system Appearance color for URL bar menu Toolkit Themes UNCONFIRMED macOS
1004386 throw an error Core JavaScript Engine UNCONFIRMED Windows 8.1
1004794 Multiple tabs, after a while, the content shifts over one tab but the tab title stays the same Firefox Tabbed Browser UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1004801 Severe graphical bugs when coming out of standby Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED Windows 8.1
1004916 Add UI for a "block all popups" non-default option for the popup blocker Firefox Settings UI UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1005017 File download not visible Toolkit Downloads API UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1005572 A line appears above the back button on hover Firefox Theme UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1005649 Move new tab '+' to current focus tab Firefox Tabbed Browser UNCONFIRMED All
1005947 onresize event is fired twice Core DOM: Events UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1006163 Number spinners not affecting scrollWidth properties for input[type="number"] Core DOM: Core & HTML UNCONFIRMED macOS
1006325 Modify input placeholder by javascript will fire mouseover event Core DOM: Events UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1007162 Firefox insists on restoring tabs on startup Firefox Session Restore UNCONFIRMED Linux
1008392 firefox misinterpret lpoptions when printing with cups on linux Toolkit Printing UNCONFIRMED Linux
1008665 Areas within the firefox browser screen will suddenly turn light blue in version 29.01 Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED Windows 8.1
1008866 CANVAS certain globalCompositeOperation types don't work for createRadialGradient Core Graphics: Canvas2D UNCONFIRMED macOS
1008907 div with "height:100%" style does not fully occupy its container with "display: table" Core Layout UNCONFIRMED All
1008911 Menu options like "open new tab", " new private window", frequent pages are missing when I right click the mozilla 29.0.1 icon on the task bar. Firefox Shell Integration UNCONFIRMED Windows 8.1
1009251 I can't dynamically remove a page's RSS link effectively Firefox Toolbars and Customization UNCONFIRMED Linux
1009382 menubar appears a few seconds after system suspend/resume Firefox Toolbars and Customization UNCONFIRMED Linux
1009496 Repeated print to file with same file name on 3rd attempt prints nothing Core Printing: Output UNCONFIRMED Linux
1009629 Call location.reload in onreadystatechange cancels user navigation Core DOM: Navigation UNCONFIRMED Linux
1009932 External programs executed from file:// or mailto: open in background without focus Firefox File Handling UNCONFIRMED Linux
1010108 I can't drag Tab Icon to Desktop to create a Link on Desktop Firefox Tabbed Browser UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1010358 Australis Tab Gradient is too harsh on dark color themes Firefox Theme UNCONFIRMED Linux
1010579 Shortcut duplication on the spanish version. Firefox Keyboard Navigation UNCONFIRMED macOS
1011450 nsIAlertsService.showAlertNotification observer leak on Mac Toolkit Alerts Service UNCONFIRMED macOS
1011860 select: cancelling onkeydown doesn't cancel arrow button clicks Core DOM: Events UNCONFIRMED macOS
1012554 When Selection is enabled in Print dialog, only the first page is printed in Firefox 29 Core Printing: Output UNCONFIRMED Windows XP
1012615 browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk does not work for .pem file Firefox Settings UI UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1013302 400 Errors should not be stored in session history Core DOM: Navigation UNCONFIRMED Windows 8.1
1013319 [@font-face] Font files *sometimes* improperly loaded Core Networking: HTTP UNCONFIRMED Linux
1013528 Pressing The Escape Key in the system file browser also fires the main window's keyup event Core DOM: Events UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1013737 New google maps - black screen reports in lite mode Core Graphics: Canvas2D UNCONFIRMED Linux
1013939 play speed options are lacking Core Audio/Video: Playback UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1014004 event.target is text node in click event after hiding parent in mouseup event Core DOM: Events UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1014539 Very slow response time when a lot of elements with listeners Core SVG UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1014666 Platform version error displayed after updating Firefox General UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1014734 Single click into title maximizes Firefox Firefox General UNCONFIRMED Linux
1014738 Half-pixel difference of getBoundingClientRect().top between parent and inline child Core Layout: Text and Fonts UNCONFIRMED Windows XP
1014796 Problemas con la visualización de algunas páginas web Core Graphics: Text UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1015263 LayerX on ::before ::after elements, wrong event.target (layer) / non-relative value. Core DOM: CSS Object Model UNCONFIRMED macOS
1015571 libxul.so (vp9_half_horiz_variance8x_h_sse2) cpu usage after long time of inactivity Firefox General UNCONFIRMED Linux
1016350 Bookmark Bar cannot be placed above Navigation Bar Firefox Toolbars and Customization UNCONFIRMED macOS
1016509 thunderbird drop email into firefox does not work but works in all other browsers Firefox File Handling UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1017847 High memory usage when drawing SVG images of varying sizes on a canvas Core Graphics: Canvas2D UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1017857 saving html file as html results in deleted source file Core General UNCONFIRMED Windows 8
1017936 Images are not converted to RGB colorspace before resizing Core Graphics: Color Management UNCONFIRMED Linux
1018251 CSS on parent window html element overrides CSS on iframe html element. Core CSS Parsing and Computation UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1018593 OS X fullscreen leaves black stripe on top Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED macOS
1018962 TEXTAREA decoration does not render the "resizebutton" (gripper) without the mousepointer hovering above it Core Widget: Gtk UNCONFIRMED Linux
1019079 302'd Images in conjuction with load events and CSS transitions do not act properly Core DOM: Events UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1019630 preventDefault not working with select/option tags for mouse/keyboard events Core DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1020013 Create an implementation of PGP for text fields similar to Chrome's End-to-End plugin Firefox General UNCONFIRMED All
1020081 Firefox does not allow users to add certificate exceptions for stapled ocsp responses Core Security UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1020752 Closing tabs quickly causes the browser to resize itself. Firefox Tabbed Browser UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1020870 Laggy scrolling and zooming for complicated SVGs Core SVG UNCONFIRMED Linux
1021020 gap in corners of rounded borders when more than one border color is used and width is <= radius Core Web Painting UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1021028 Regression: Orca can't read correctly Firefox >= 25 Firefox Disability Access UNCONFIRMED Linux
1021750 Cached Fonts are not properly updated on full page reload Core Layout: Text and Fonts UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1022432 (WheelClick on tab1) -> (quickly move cursor on tab2), in result is closed tab2 instead tab1 Firefox Tabbed Browser UNCONFIRMED All
1023736 SSL Client Authentication dialog (certificate selection) - not all eligible client certificates are displayed when the certificates have identical nicknames and different subjects Core Security UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1024461 [Downloads.jsm] "DownloadSaver" can not be overridden Toolkit Downloads API UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1027860 background repeat image uses incorrect size Core Layout UNCONFIRMED Linux
1037048 if wheel or DOMMouseScroll listener added to window, scroll event not triggered IF you scroll your wheel when context menu is open AND mouse pointer is not over the menu (Linux only bug) Core Widget: Gtk UNCONFIRMED Linux
1037134 clicking on a contenteditable image changes its zindex Core DOM: Editor UNCONFIRMED macOS
1046486 rendering difference between screen and pdf Core General UNCONFIRMED Windows 7
1054658 Firefox opens local website with wrong port number every time Firefox Session Restore UNCONFIRMED macOS
1059821 "file://" determines content type using suffix of symlink target, not of symlink itself Core Networking: File UNCONFIRMED macOS
1264597 CSS "repeating-linear-gradient" unstable/imprecise during resizing Core Graphics UNCONFIRMED Unspecified

85 Total; 85 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Note: I would love to figure out how to make a mediawiki-bugzilla chart here to show bugs that have changed state from UNCO to NEW. Or since that may not be super useful, this might be better done in a dashboard; it would be good to know the number of bugs that changed state in this way.

  • Number of bugs reported for 29 Branch that were confirmed

Firefox Untriaged bugs in 29 Branch

Bugs that are in the Firefox Untriaged component, reported for 29 branch.

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

The following bugs have been replicated, or confirmed as NEW, but haven't yet been assigned to a product and component. It's important to make an effort to get these bugs into a category where developers on particular teams are more likely to see them.

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);