Capture Mozilla/Communications

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The presentation will be built using popcorn.js. For each item in the list, an overlaid number will appear in the top left of the screen, and a copy/pastable URL for more info will appear at the bottom. The visuals will be a combination of screenshots and video clips, as noted in each section.


This short "Understanding Mozilla" presentation covers Communications.

Mozilla has 6 key communications mechanisms you need to know about to be involved with the project.

Discussion Forums

Number one: Discussion Forums. There are over 200 of these. You should review the list and join the ones which are most relevant to your involvement. There isn't really a central forum for announcements - for development things, mozilla dot dev dot planning is the closest we get. So it's probably best to join that. firefox-dev and tb-planning are the main Firefox and Thunderbird development forums, respectively.

Most forums can be accessed as mailing lists, newsgroups or on the web at Google Groups, according to your preference, but some (like firefox-dev and tb-planning) are mailing-list-only.


Number two: Bugzilla. If anything needs doing that involves changing code or takes more than five minutes, it needs a Bugzilla bug associated with it, and people collaborate on the task using that to record progress. You will need to register for a Bugzilla account. Bugzilla can be daunting, but it's lovable really. See Johnath's "Bugzilla for Humans" video for an introduction. Lastly, avoid use bugs to work out what to do - use forums for that. Once you've decided, file a bug about how to do it.


Number three: Internet Relay Chat, or IRC. This is a real-time, text-based, one-to-one or many-to-many secure communications mechanism. IRC was around long before Instant Messaging, and incorporates most of its features. There is a long list of channels which your IRC software should show you. The name of IRC channels begins with this sign <show #> which has different names depending on where you're from; we'll call it "hash". Popular channels include hash-developers, hash-firefox and hash-webdev. If you are new to Mozilla, try hash-introduction.


Number four: Teleconferencing. Mozilla has many weekly meetings which are accessible to anyone by telephone. You can use the normal phone system or Voice over IP, but if you wish to contribute to the meeting please make sure you have a clear, non-laggy connection and good quality audio equipment (which is not expensive to obtain). If you don't wish to contribute, please mute your microphone.


Number five: Vidyo. Mozilla employees have access to a video conferencing system called Vidyo. Only employees can initiate meetings, but anyone can participate using a guest link. If a guest link isn't posted for a meeting, request one. Many weekly meetings also have a Vidyo room associated with them. (On desktop OSes, Vidyo requires Flash. Sad, but true.)


Number six: Email. You can always communicate with people via email, although you should try hard not to have discussions via email which would be much better had in public where all interested project participants can be involved. Mozilla should "default to open" - if there's not a good reason to have a discussion in private, it should be public. Once you have created an account on the Mozilla Community Directory at and been vouched for, you can find people's email addresses there.

Happy communicating!