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  • Scribed by Dennis
  • Facilitated by Raul

Increase in "unsupported" issues (Dennis? Everyone?)

We're seeing more and more reports with pages that simply do not support Firefox, and showing a banner saying as much. What can we do about that?

  • James: The normal thing would be to add it to the State of WebCompat report, and raise this issue that way. There is a chance that, at least parts, of the report might not happen in Q1, because of the KB delays. An alternative might be to publish the trends analysis anyway, without the top issues. It was in the last report, but since it doubled again this year, it feels more urgent. We should raise an alarm first, and then figure out more details second.
  • Tom: Not sure if we should wait for the report, or raise it earlier.
  • Simon: I'm wondering if we can automatically detect unsupported messages in the Web Archive etc.
  • Tom: Probably, but this is going to be a large project. And it depends on which datasource we use, because top sites are more likely to support Firefox, and the long-tail of sites is less likely.
  • James: That's definitely a thing we could try, it's not easy. Maybe the bias doesn't matter - even if we learn that 1% of the top-million side from CrUX isn't supported, that's still worth knowing. That's still a big project, though.
  • James: I think the best people to tell about this are Bobby and Overholt. We should check with Honza.
  • Tom: We also should think about what we could do about that. Right now, we can do outreach but that feels less and less effective. And shipping interventions, hoping that the site doesn't break.
  • James: It's not clear what to do here. We'd need to separate the issues based on the cause here is - a WebUSB-grounded block is different from a site just not testing in Firefox. If there's a lot of the latter, it might not be on us to do something here, but more in the realms of BizDev/DevRel, ...
  • Raul: Honza mentioned it might make sense to take a look at the geography. Maybe there are countries that are reporting more unsupported.
  • James: We should pull a list of all unsupported reports, and then we could look at the domain. We do run into the bias of who is reporting issues. We've seen a bunch of Korean reports lately, but we don'tknow if this means the issue is more prevalent in Korea or if this is just one person.
  • Tom: We have limited time already, and taking deeper more analysis takes more time. But this might be important enough to spend the time on it anyway.
  • Dennis: We need to talk about this next week, when Honza is back.

Google Offline feature (SV)

  • Raul: We made a list of Offline-Features in Google products based on our own exploratory testing and some research. If you know about other testcases/features, you can add them to the doc. There's 20 right now. Google Drive and Google Docs are pretty much linked together.
  • James: Did you run any of the tests yet?
  • Raul: No, we just did exploratory in Chrome to see which features are available. For example, not all document types do even work in offline mode - PDFs do not, for example. We just looked at the apps in Chrome to get a list of features.