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Hiring Interviews (miketaylr)


  • mike: I started to look at the applications. (Discussions about the process).

New Hire (miketaylr)


  • mike: We have found someone for the outreach role. Next monday should be his/her starting date.

Contributing Guidelines (karl)

The outreachy flow showed us we had some holes in the documentation for beginners. We need to fix here and there or do something a bit separate.

  • karl: This week I helped a lot the volunteers when you were on holiday. There were two types of issues: 1) helping to code, skills, etc. Normal stuff. 2) The way we organized the project, our style guidelines, etc. We can make a style guide to make it less frustrating for new participants. Right now people aren't following our conventions. It can be difficult to ask new people to change things, tension between being welcoming and wanting to fit in with style.

Heads Up


Broken Voices of the Web

Web Compatibility Progress