
From MozillaWiki
< Drumbeat‎ | events‎ | toronto‎ | training
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  • Event format
    • an event to get people involved in existing projects
    • Trojan horse: a party with a huge demographic that sneakily deputizes people
    • Interactive/art/hacker set pieces; a room of joy and love and chaos to get people excited /aquainted with other people
    • Drumbreat project incubators; set the stage, step back and show and tell at the end of the day. Bar camp on steriods, American idol for open web has a multilingula event ever been tried
    • find out about people ahead of time (via short questionnaire) and pair them with their foils. ask for project ideas at the end of the night
    • what are some other exercise to expose who's in the room?
    • event idea - here's a beer, let's just hang out. Awesome ensues
    • how do you engage remote participants at a participatory event?
    • How can you get back on track effectively if time/topic get out of hand?
  • Outreach
    • what are some best practices to find the unusual suspects?
    • How to self-regulate eg. alienating, intimidating language
    • How do you make each volunteer experience valuable?
    • Drumbeat meta- software:
    • Some mechanism to alert people, as they surf the web of ways they can help build open web
    • how can you recruit sponsors for a local event?
    • how can we reach out and collaborate with other/existing open web gourps and projects?
    • How do we better telling the maker-doer drumbeat story
    • how to find better longterm opportunities across sectors
  • Projects
    • Introduce structure to good ideas; how to get them actually started...
    • Job board for coders
  • Follow Up
    • How do we turn volunteers into ambassadors?
    • What is the follow up to drumbeat event participants
    • How is Drumbeat event success defined?
    • What's the Ask: How do we get people to commit?
    • how can you keep the energy up post-event? encourage follow up activities
    • How can you get great photos, videos and blogs out of your event within 24 hours?
    • How do you make sure you have longterm engagement?
    • How do we use drumbeat events to a) move existing projects forward, b) get great new projects into the pipeline
  • Resources
    • Share tools and diverse event models that bring different communities together?
    • What kin dof support is offered to local organizers?
    • What resources are out there to support understanding (of the open web)?
  • Facilitation
    • What are the queues to know that people have run out of steam?
    • How to win back the crowd, crowd psychology?
    • What is the best way to hand over control to the participants?
    • What are the must have drumbeat components / toolkits?
    • How do you drill in without being overbearing?
    • How do we associate Drumbeat events with: Fun, Celebration, Performance, Festival AND NOT - A Dry conference
    • We would like more tips to divide folks into groups to brainstorm.
    • How do unfacilitate the other facilitators? In the room
    • How do you keep folks on track from drumbeat?
    • How do you differentiate between tangent and a good idea?
    • How to mix hands-on practical learning + demonstration with theory
  • People
    • How do you manage a toxic personality?
    • How do you tease out quiet people without embarrassing them?
    • How best to balance time constraints with desire / need to empower the quiet folk
    • How do we keep balance but still focus on doing things?
    • How best to deal with loud mouthed contrarians and hecklers?
    • What to do if you sense a clique forming?
  • Politices & Issues
    • How do we make the case and strike the balance to our community for Open Tools & Tech vs. Facebook / Twitter / Flash
    • How to build a long term vision for open web that is sustained by aligned sectors.
    • How can we demonstrate practical benefit of open web?
    • What to say when someone asks why are we doing this / whats the motivation (beyond 'cause its important)
    • Let's brainstorm about examples (concrete) of open web vs closed web?
    • What is / does canada's position on the open web?
    • Why isn't Mozilla unionized? :P
  • Diversity / Relevance
    • How do we help attendees, people from different backgrounds to identify and create new projects?
    • How to promote the divirsity within Drumbeat?
    • How do we get more diversity into drumbeat?
    • How can you do great outreach to get unusual suspects to your event?
    • What are the best ways to get non-typical people to attend an event?
    • How can diverse practices from communities be brought together to reveal the open web?
    • How will diverse sectors use open web ideas?
    • How do you take local culture into consideration?