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Becoming part of Mozilla as an Academic

Students, professors, and other academics from around the world have found Mozilla a thriving community and excellent technology for study and research. Mozilla is open to participation and collaboration with individuals and institutions, and Mozilla Education wants to help those who are willing to get involved.

Whether you are a student looking for the chance to contribute to Mozilla, a professor who wants to give her students a real-world project, or a researcher hoping to leverage Mozilla in order to conduct new experiments, Mozilla is an appropriate choice. There are many reasons why you should consider working on Mozilla.

Working with Mozilla

A primary goal of Mozilla Education is to make it possible for students and educators to connect with Mozilla project work, learning resources, and mentors. We believe in helping academics become Mozilla contributors, rather than forcing them into a sandbox.

One of the ways we do this is by keeping track of ideas for enhancements, bugs that need to be fixed, and other projects that would be appropriate for individuals in an academic context.

  • Mozilla Project lists:
    • Active Projects - projects academics are currently working on
    • Potential Projects (TODO - waiting on keyword) - projects that would make good project work for students
    • Good First Bug - bugs that are considered good for learning how to fix a Mozilla bug from start to finish, but may not be large enough in scope for a course project. These are excellent ways to learn.