Engagement/Developer Engagement/Evangelism Meetings/2012-04-05

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  • How we run meetings
  • Blogging planning and general code posting mess-uppery
  • Code Post Permissions Issue
  • Evangelism Reps
  • Tie back to mozilla brand
  • Apps Technical Content Strategy Plan
  • Kilamanjaro / 'K90'


  • Barry
  • Christian
  • Havi
  • Jeff
  • Joe
  • Rob
  • Shez
  • Stormy


Meeting format

  • Rotating facilitator
    • Next time: Christian H (April 19) - Havi, Shez, Robert Nyman will not attend (in LATAM)
  • Secretary
    • Jeff will do it (thanks!) Jeff gets a t-shirt!
    • Send reminder to list the day before with etherpad and call for agenda items
    • Run meeting
    • Post notes to mailing list and wiki

Blogging Plan

  • Calendar, not everyone invited
  • Had surprise posts, including 3 posts today
  • ACTION: Christian will invite all Hacks editors/authors to calendar
  • wordpress plugin? Rob & Robert were looking at it
    • more for scheduling posts
  • Hacks blog accounts need to be cleaned out
  • User permissions too restrictive for posting code / video tags
  • Havi wants to post Latam tour post
  • Give a couple of days notice, give others a chance to review


B2G channels

Evangelism Reps

  • ~60 people who want to be speakers
  • ~20 that are speakers and we didn't know
  • Asking speakers to record and post on blog
  • Need mentors
  • World wide coverage: Asia, Latin America
  • Need a training date, agenda?, how many trainers?, attendees?, material?, ...
    • ACTION: Christian to draft a training plan (Goal: Tuesday)


  • date conflicts?
  • administrivia around speakers & events
    • need help for admin / tracking - no headcount currently
      • hacks for this?
    • cross-team position for 2013?
    • last-minute requests burns lots of cycles
      • need to evaluate if it is worth it
      • can say no!
      • educate Mozillians about event process so they can hand off more effectively
      • educate Mozillians about how they can take on speaking / event participation
      • ask speakers to sign up for make
    • a bunch of incoming events
    • tools/infrastructure for evangelism reps
    • methods for communication for evangelism reps
      • IT bug to create new list/group/thing - mailing list for evangelism reps
    • Event planners are using high level Mozilla people to bypass process. We need to educate all of them about the process.
      • make-me-a-speaker@

Tie back to mozilla brand

  • One Mozilla look proposal: http://people.mozilla.org/~smartell/sandstone/
  • Mozilla branding team would like to see things before they get pushed into an event
  • What does it mean for personal blogs?
  • Important for slide decks for evangelist reps - focus there first
  • some sort of mix of a standard styling and individual flair (?)

Not covered

  • Apps Technical Content Strategy Plan
  • Kilamanjaro / 'K90'
    • will follow up by email