Engagement/User Engagement/Content Promotion Process

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As an engagement team, we have a lot of information we'd like to share with the world, this process allows us to work with multiple stakeholders and across user engagement and other engagement channels to present content in an over-arching, consistent, cohesive manner.

Content Process

So you have a campaign, a project, a product enhancement - something AWESOME to talk about. Yay! To get it into the promotion pipeline:

Step 1. Send an email to Carmen Collins (ccollins AT Mozilla) with a proposal for content promotion. The information should be as detailed as possible, and err on the side of too much information, so we can balance priorities and promotion requests. Please include:

  • Project
  • Audience/Who to Reach
  • Desired Message (The content doesn't have to be written/completed. We just need to know what you're trying to communicate and how you'll be communicating it.)
  • Timing (is it tied to a specific date? Do you want it to run in multiple weeks?)
  • Description of the project and it's goals/objectives. (Or attach a creative brief)
  • Which channels would you like representation? Is promotion date specific?
  • Any market research that may support your request for extended promotions
  • How will you measure success? Desired outcome.
    • Here, think about your specific campaign. You want to move the needle to do X. Downloads? Votes on a contest? CTR? Think less about "I want to be successful about social or email or snippets." That's the goal of every campaign, and the user engagement team is on the hook for that. What goals are YOU on the hook for? Feel free to email Carmen with questions on this if you have them.

Step 2. Carmen compiles a "bucket list" of all the content requests, and presents the list to the channel owners. The channel owners then look at all the requests, best practices for their channel, goals for their channel, etc. and then we slot content promotion requests into the appropriate places.

Step 3. Carmen sends an email to the engagement team, and updates the Wiki, with a list of what will be promoted and where in that given month.

Step 4. If there's an objection, Carmen takes that back to the channel owners and we discuss from there.


As an engagement team, we're trying to get an umbrella view of what "themes" we'll be communicating to our users at least six months in advance.

As we add more locales and languages to our communications, this means that we also need more lead time in order to get copy created and sent to our localizers, get graphics created and get things coded (email.) Which means we need to have a more concrete, final content plan completed 6-8 weeks in advance.

Here are the deadlines for submitting content promotion requests:

February content submitted by Jan. 18, 2012
March content submitted by Jan. 31, 2012
April content submitted by Feb. 29, 2012
May content submitted by March 27, 2012
June content submitted by April 30, 2012
July content submitted by May 31, 2012
August content submitted by June 29, 2012
September content submitted by July 31, 2012

Content Channels and Best Practices

So what happens after you submit a proposal for content promotion for your campaign? The user engagement channel owners meet and discuss the bucket of proposed content for the upcoming month. We then look at best practices and individual goals for each channel, in conjunction with the campaign content goals and other information, and then schedule promotions as they fit. While there is no "guaranteed" promotion, please know that we want to make your project a success, and we try to do that in a way that makes the most sense for all.

Channel Best Practices Channel Owner
Firefox & You Email
Click here to see best practices for the email newsletter(TK), and what things we use as benchmarks to decide what to promote each month, or check out the email timeline (you'll need to request access.)
Winston Bowden and Jess Davis
Social Media (Firefox on Facebook/Twitter)
Click to see best practices for social media, and to see what social media metrics help us decide which content to post here and how to position it. If you want to start a social media channel dedicated to a specific campaign, please contact William Reynolds.
William Reynolds
Click to see best practices for snippets, and to see what metrics help us decide which content to post here and how to position it.
Winston Bowden/Laura Forrest
The Den - User Engagement Blog
The Den is a user-facing blog, so posts here should not be press releases or simple announcements. Work with Carmen Collins to craft a story around your product to bring it home to the user.
Carmen Collins
Web Site
If you would like your campaign to be featured on a Web page, that's a separate, but integrated process. Please click here for instructions on how to engage the Web channel.
Laura Forrest

Content Promotion Schedule

Content Promotion Calendar

To see the detailed schedule of content promotions, please see the content calendar. It will show you a month to month umbrella view of what we'll be talking about to our users, the main features that we'll be including in the email, a daily look (2 weeks out) of social posts, the snippets schedule, etc. (LINK)

Monthly Content Promotion Lists

For the overview of "here's what we'll be promoting this month," There is also a monthly etherpad of final content that we're planning to promote in the upcoming month.

Month Bucket List of Content Proposals Final Content Promotion
February requests
February final promotion plan
March requests
March final promotion plan
April requests
April final promotion plan
May requests
Etherpad link
Etherpad link.
Etherpad link


You may also attend the content meeting, held monthly. This meeting is where we make sure we know about all the promotions needed, and where we talk about priorities and strategies. There is also a time at the end of the meeting to brainstorm new content.

Our open meeting occurs TBD and is held on Vidyo in Carmen Collins' room. To join from a telephone, dial the following number: +1 650 903 0800, x92 99442 or +1 800 707 2533, pin 369 - conf 99442

March 15, 2012 meeting agenda

March 1, 2012 meeting agenda

February 16, 2012 meeting agenda

February 2, 2012 meeting agenda

January 19, 2012 meeting agenda

January 5, 2012 meeting agenda

December 15, 2011 meeting agenda

November 30, 2011 meeting agenda

November 3, 2011 meeting agenda

October 19, 2011 meeting agenda

October 5, 2011 Meeting Agenda

Get Email Updates on Content

To get email updates on content and advance looks at meeting agendas:

Join the integrated content team mailing list here