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Promoting Your Campaign

Releasing a new product? Launching a new engagement campaign? Wondering how to cross-promote your campaign through the Mozilla Web Universe? You've come to the right place. The objective of this wiki page is to walk you through the process of working with Creative and the Mozilla Web Team to launch your product of campaign on Mozilla.org/firefox.

Content Strategy

Our content programming is grounded in our overarching marketing strategy. Carmen Collins and the Engagement leads work together to formulate the marketing and content strategy on a monthly basis depending on our quarterly goals, product launches, and competitive landscape. Carmen Collins then helps develop this content into fruition. See the Content Promotion Process page for more details.

Content Overview

Let's use an example: Mozilla has invented the next SuperWidget and wants to let the world know it exists. To do so, we want to make sure we promote it on Mozilla.org/firefox. We'll need all of the following resources to do so: 

  1. Designated promotional spots on Mozilla.org firefox product pages
  2. Copy assets
  3. Graphic assets
  4. Time from WebDev to build your new promos

Note that the items here are outside of and separate from any permanent product information that will be updated on Mozilla.org - for example - creating a new product page where people can go and download the SuperWidget at www.mozilla.org/superwidget. 

Everything You Need to Know About Launching Your Content

As an engagement team, we have a lot of information we'd like to share with the world, this process allows us to work with multiple stakeholders and across channels to present content in an over-arching, consistent, cohesive manner. Follow these steps to secure the assets and resource you'll need to launch a sucessful site campaign. 

Roles and How We Work Together

Carmen Collins - Content Lead As content lead, Carmen's job is to coordinate with all stake holders to keep abreast of planned events, campaigns etc. She will help drive us forward so that content and messages are integrated in to our channels (direct or indirect) at the right and consistent times. Carmen will manage a content calendar and work with Laura Forrest who will then work to implement scheduled content pushes. Carmen will cover the "how" we talk about product, campaigns.

Laura Forrest - Website Lead Laura works to create new content pages (or new versions of pages / update content on pages). She will drive the creative process (everything beyond written copy) and will then work to implement scheduled content pushes (focusing on Web and Snippet channels). In additional Laura will continue to manage the snippet implementation process and relationship with the Google team. Laura will cover the "how" we get the messages to the world and the marketing mix on the website and through the snippet schedule.

Laura Mesa - Product Marketing Lead Laura's role is to provide and guide the product specific content/messaging strategy and give content/messaging input. She will work with Carmen on a weekly basis. Her role is critical with regard to in product pages. She will provide ongoing guidance and support for content and design of in product pages. If necessary - Laura may also override content strategy depending for crisis communications on in product pages e.g. a security alert, major product issue. Laura M. will cover the "what" we'll talk about from a product perspective.

Winston Bowden - Snippets Lead Winston works directly with Carmen to strategize content for snippets, and manages the snippet implementation process and relationship with the Google team. Winston will cover the "how" we get the messages to the world and the marketing mix through the snippet schedule.

Content Stakeholders - These are the owners of the content channels, like Social Media, Email, Snippets, etc. They will participate in decisions on what will be promoted on their channels from the content pipeline, in conjunction with the Content Lead and the Website & Product leads.

Campaign Stakeholders - plug into the process with the "what" they'd like to cover from a campaign, messaging standpoint.

Process for Requesting Content Promotion on User Engagement Channels

Please see the wiki page for the Content Promotion Process.

Attend The Bi-Monthly Content Meeting

Please see the wiki page for the Content Promotion Process.

Sign Up for the Content Group Email List

To get email updates on content and advance looks at meeting agendas:

Join the integrated content team mailing list here

Creative Assets

Create a kick-off meeting with Tara and Laura to review your campaign. Tara will help you figure out what design/copy bugs need to be filed, and what type of information to include. She will also help set a design direction that's aligned with your campaign, and identify the right resources.

Note that Graphic and Copy bugs are filed under specific Bugzilla components located here.

Also at that point Laura will let you know what promotional spots are available to work with on Mozilla.org. It's important to collaborate at this point so we know from the beginning what site real-estate the creatives will design for.

Mozilla.org WebDev Resources

File one implementation bug under the Mozilla.org/Firefox component to implement all the assets created above. Within that implementation bug provide all of the following details:

  1. Live Date
  2. Links to use
  3. Project Wiki Page (if there is one)
  4. Finally, list all the creative bugs within the "Depends On" section (very important)

For the bug's subject line a nice naming standard is something like: "[ProjectName] Launch Promos on Mozilla.org." Here's a good example. Assign this bug to Laura Forrest or Chrissie Brodigan.

See the Mozilla Web Team overview for more information on our development schedule. From there, Laura or Chrissie will find a developer to work with you, and route it into the proper development milestone. 


Stas and Pascal to provide info here.

Next Steps and Related Links: 

Measuring the effectiveness of your campaign (LAURA ADD LINK HERE)

How long does it take for my program to go live?

How to implement custom tracking for your campaign