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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
  • Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
  • Vidyo Guest URL
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Actions from Last Week

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases

Firefox Desktop & Platform

Current Releases

  • 25 is unthrottled fully now

Beta (129)

  • FF26.0b2 released yesterday, going to build on beta 3 tomorrow
  • will be evaluating CTP by default in the next week or two

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)

Firefox Metro


  • Team concluding Iteration #18 on Friday November 8.
  • 17 out of 30 Aurora 28 blocking bugs resolved this iteration representing 53 points.
  • Profile Sharing Feature - 18 out of 47 points completed - 29 remain for Iterations #19 and #20: View Bugs.
    • Uplift of Profile Sharing to Aurora 28 cannot be determined at this time. First round of QA will begin at the conclusion of Iteration #18.
  • To date, 19 bugs in the Backlog are blocking uplift to Aurora 28: View Bugs.
  • To date, 14 bugs remaining in Iteration #18 are blocking uplift to Aurora 28: View Bugs.

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
801187 Change - Theme tab-modal prompts to look good in Metro P1 VERIFIED
831910 Story - Use the Auto-Complete Screen P1 RESOLVED
833192 Story - Hi DPI scaling for full HD screens of 12.5" or smaller P1 RESOLVED
840855 Defect - Dialogs intermittently fail to accept touch input P2 RESOLVED
849564 Change - Add a view-source option into the app bar menu P2 VERIFIED
855434 Story - Non HTML5 specific form elements should work P1 VERIFIED
886321 Story - APZC metrofx issue tracking P1 RESOLVED
903426 [l10n] Change - In-content crash reporter prompt P2 RESOLVED
910223 Story - Firefox Start Transition(s) P1 VERIFIED
918203 Defect - Several seconds delay before adjusting when transitioning into filled view P2 VERIFIED
919232 Defect - arrow keys not working in form autofill popup P2 VERIFIED
922121 Defect - tap-drag on nav bar input invokes scroll of content P2 RESOLVED
922851 Defect - Moving browser to larger secondary display results in clipping / mis-sizing P2 RESOLVED
924894 Story - Split prefs files up for Metro and Desktop when running in the same profile P2 VERIFIED
924911 Story - Profile switching main task: Change View on Desktop feature to be switch to Desktop feature P2 VERIFIED
924914 Add "Relaunch in Windows 8 Touch (Metro)" feature to Desktop Firefox P2 RESOLVED
924995 Story - Use same base app name so that it uses the same profile and more P2 VERIFIED
925457 Defect - Tap that crosses boundary between text field and app bar pushes Firefox Start content up the screen rather than overlaying P2 RESOLVED
926036 Defect - Long strings in about panel are cut instead of wrapping P2 VERIFIED
927238 Defect - Dropdowns appear cut off and are not selectable with keyboard shortcuts and flash on/off P2 VERIFIED
927239 Defect - Context menu items keep highlight after being selected P2 VERIFIED
928201 Defect - Download app bar displays 'Run' for non-executable content P2 VERIFIED
929256 Defect - Dragging form select scrolls content P2 VERIFIED
931115 Defect - Cache dominant color data for start tiles P2 RESOLVED
931846 Story - Change startup cache location for Metro Firefox P2 RESOLVED
932664 Story - Link clicks and file activations should open in the currently opened browser no matter which environment P2 VERIFIED
933580 Defect - Not switching to desktop if Adobe Reader set as default application P2 VERIFIED
934496 Defect - Progress bar displays when a page starts loading in a background tab P2 VERIFIED
934750 Defect - Regression: Cross-slide gesture on Start page not working P2 RESOLVED
934762 Defect - Metro renders squished and mouse/touch events are offset in dual monitor setup when one is HighDPI P2 RESOLVED
935554 Defect - Navbar displays when a page loads in a background tab P2 VERIFIED

31 Total; 0 Open (0%); 13 Resolved (41.94%); 18 Verified (58.06%);

Firefox Mobile

Current Releases

Beta (129)

Fx26 (Ships 12/10)

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)

Developer Tools

Feedback Summary


Lots of Feedback around Shaw Network issues in Canada, Bug 935394, not our problem but a significant issues in the last 24 hours.


No updates, Firefox 25 is well received.

UX & User Research

No updates this week.

Market Insights from the Market Strategy Team

Desktop / Platform

  • Study: Vision Mobile's report on "How HTML Can Compete with Native" evaluates gaps between W3C recommendations and implementation in browsers. [1]
  • Study: Pew's Internet & American Life Project examines how Americans use the internet and how their activities affect their lives. [2] It breaks down reasons for non-usage into Relevance, Usability, Price and Lack of access.


  • China's Tencent with over 1B users is about to overtake Facebook. [3]. Tencent's mobile messaging app WeChat has over 200m users, up three times from 2012 year-ending levels of around 85m. Tencent is also preparing $200m to place on a bid for US-based SnapChat. [4]


  • Microsoft is offering 11 goodies to developers who can demonstrate how they got 11% better page load performance in their organization’s home web page with Internet Explorer 11. [5]


  • Apple's new OS X Mavericks is focused on helping OS X users be more efficiently. Positives include multi-monitor support and iCloud Keychain for security, and negatives include broken email capabilities. [6] However, it is free for all Mac users, reflecting commoditized state of operating systems besides Apple's upcoming strategies with hardware differentiation. [7]


  • Google's maps is evaluating integrating data about emotions, for example, places you've rated or people you hang out with, into an interactive visual presentation reflecting our real life connections and peek into the future and possibly travel there. [8]


  • Amazon is trying to get independent book stores to sell Kindles. [9] Retailers will have the option of receiving 10% of every Kindle book purchased on Kindle devices sold by the bookstore for the first two years after a customer buys a device.


  • Numbers for Q3 of smartphone sales are out. According to Strategy Analytics, there were a total of 251 million units sold last quarter, up 45% from the same time last year. Android runs on 81% of them, iOS on 13% and Windows Phone on 4%. Microsoft’s share has doubled year - over - year and this is the first quarter when it managed to sell more than 10 million devices. The growth is likely coming from the emerging markets and the lower - end of the Lumia line, which features devices such as the Lumia 510 and 610.

  • Canalys, another research firm, adds country granularity and reports that Windows Phone achieved 2nd place in 19 countries: Finland (39%), Vietnam (16%), Italy (15%), Thailand (11%), Turkey (11%) and Russia (8%). In terms of screen sizes, Canalys also reports that shipments of large devices of 5 inch and above reached their highest level with 22% of shipments (56 million units). 66% of the 56 million had a 5 inch display, 31% had between 5 and 6 inch, and just 3% had 6 inch or larger screens. Canalys expects that the form factor between 4.1 and 5 inch to be most popular in 2014.

  • Android version distribution numbers for November put Jelly Bean at 52%, split between v4.1 at 37%, v4.2 at 12% and v4.3 at 2%. Gingerbread is the second most popular version, with 26% and Ice Cream Sandwich the third with almost 20%.

  • Version 4.4 of Android, KitKat, was released, with focus on optimising the OS for lower - end devices. They include lower memory requirements for the platform as well as the generic and Google apps, as well as an API for 3rd - party developers, where they can find out what are the memory specifications of a device so they can serve optimised code. In the effort to achieve less fragmentation and have one major version across the entire Android ecosystem, Google intends to maintain this release through-out next year. The other major category of changes in this new version of the platform is deeper integration of Google applications: Google Now can also be accessed through a swipe from the home screen and an API for deep linking for Google Search directly from applications has been created. Further, Hangouts have been more closely integrated with the SMS / Messaging apps and Google search can also be accessed from the Dialer.

Marketing, Press & Public Reaction

Questions, Comments, FYI

Actions this week