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List of bugs SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam (blocks the sprint bug 1008277)

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Whiteboard Resolution
871432 Steve Chung [:steveck] [sms][mms] display the received time inside the sms/mms box --- [p=2] FIXED
881469 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [MMS] Implement Navigation object --- [p=3][comms-triaged] FIXED
963013 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread. --- [p=1] FIXED
980461 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [MMS] Visual adjustments to attachment download indicator --- [p=1] FIXED
1003384 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [B2G][1.4][SMS] - The phone type "Other" is not translated in any of the languages when suggested contacts are shown in SMS 1.4+ [p=1] LocRun1.4 FIXED
1008823 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Don't use activity to send message via "Send Message" action from unknown number context menu --- [p=1] FIXED
1010301 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [B2G]][Messaging App] Spinning icon when sending an sms and mms is not displayed --- [p=1][not-part-of-initial-sprint] FIXED

7 Total; 7 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Remaining points

Remaining points
Start 10
Day 2 9
Day 3 7
Day 4 7
Day 5 7
Day 6 5
Day 7 5
Day 8 5
Day 9 5
Day 10 5
End 0 All SMS issues tracked for this sprint (target milestone)

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Resolution
871432 Steve Chung [:steveck] [sms][mms] display the received time inside the sms/mms box --- FIXED
881469 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [MMS] Implement Navigation object --- FIXED
895484 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [SMS] Handle a share URL activity --- FIXED
923452 Carmen Jimenez Cabezas [User Story] Single variant: Maximum length of SMS to convert to MMS customization by SIM --- FIXED
980461 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [MMS] Visual adjustments to attachment download indicator --- FIXED
996889 Pavel Ivanov [:ivanovpavel][:pivanov] UX Create a new icon for attachments in the Messaging app. --- INVALID
996900 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messaging] Bring up keyboard when user taps in the middle of the Messaging screen. --- FIXED
997391 [Messages] Speed up message deletion time by doing more work during idle IPC waiting --- INVALID
999286 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Sora][Message]The content is lost after do some operations. 1.3+ FIXED
1003060 Joan Leon [:joan] [VR][Messaging] Empty circle to the right in messages without recipient 2.0+ FIXED
1003080 Joan Leon [:joan] [VR][Messaging] Grey Stroke that circles the contact's photo looks pixelated. --- FIXED
1003384 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [B2G][1.4][SMS] - The phone type "Other" is not translated in any of the languages when suggested contacts are shown in SMS 1.4+ FIXED
1008823 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Don't use activity to send message via "Send Message" action from unknown number context menu --- FIXED
1010301 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [B2G]][Messaging App] Spinning icon when sending an sms and mms is not displayed --- FIXED
1011558 Francesco Lodolo [:flod] [SMS] Attachment download indicator: improve localization comments --- FIXED

15 Total; 15 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint planning

The minutes are stored in a separate page.

Daily meetings

Day 2: May, 13th

<azasypkin> hi julienw!
<julienw> azasypkin, I failed to send a mail to steve soon enough, and arnau can't join today, so it's only you and me
<azasypkin> oh, ok
<azasypkin> Soo, my updates from yesterday
<azasypkin> 1. Reviewed Doug's patch for 'appendThread' unit tests (landed);
<azasypkin> 2. Prepared master patch to get rid of activity from 'Send Message' action (check-in needed);
<azasypkin> 3. Prepared small patch to fix activity picker unit tests (landed);
<azasypkin> mmm don't remember what else, fixed nits(type=button + copy text) in download indicator patch, but haven't pushed it yet
<julienw> okay
<julienw> any blocker ?
<azasypkin> tried to flash flame device, but it doesn't recognize my SIM
<azasypkin> :)
<julienw> I didn't try that yet ;)
<julienw> and what do you plan for today?
<azasypkin> :) seems no any blockers, today will finish with download indicator and probably pick something up from the yesterday list 2.0+ or VR
<azasypkin> or do you have smth in mind for me?
<julienw> maybe you can take the bug assigned to joan ?
<julienw> from yesterday'sl ist
<julienw> Arnau answered me that Joan is in PTO
<azasypkin> yeah seems entire this week, what bug exactly do you mean?
<firebot> Bug 963013 nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), joan.leon, NEW, [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread.
<julienw> it may be a good opportunity to use the template mechanism to create the message bubble too
<julienw> it may (or may not) smplify the code
<azasypkin> mm, ok will see what I can do there. I not sure whether I need Joan's WIP patch
<julienw> maybe you can just give a WIP patch that we'll land only with joan's patch?
<azasypkin> ok, I need to skim through code, cause I don't really know much about thread layout
<julienw> ok :)
<julienw> good for you then !
<julienw> my turn then ?
<julienw> 1. I updated the Scrum page
<julienw> 2. I did a lot of reviews, especially pending ones from last week, and the big composer changes from Joan: bug   963018
<firebot> Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), joan.leon, NEW, [Messages][Refresh] Update styles of the Composer
<julienw> 3. I also reviewed doug's patch that removes the "delete" waiting screen
<julienw> and I don't like it :(
<julienw> goals for today
<julienw> * I don't have much reviews today, so I should be able to do most of them quite early and work on the navigation patch
<julienw> * I write down each day the remaining points in our sprint

Day 3: May, 14th

<azasypkin> * Started looking into markup for threads and bubbles to see what I can do for bug 963013;
<firebot> Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), azasypkin, ASSI, [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread.
<azasypkin> * Also went through "How to provide the *built-in* data store for messages?" dev-webapi thread updates(!topic/ It looks like we're going to mainly query data from DS (+ probably work with Threads) as too much complexity is hidden in Gecko and it will be difficult and unreasonable to move it to gaia. 
<azasypkin> There is discussion to make DS is more like shared IndexDB, to support index and rich queries (;
<julienw> I need to read that discussion too :)
<julienw> thanks for sharing
<azasypkin> * Played a bit with your Navigation patch.
<azasypkin> Today is going to work on bug 963013 and I need to find something else to work on.
<azasypkin> that is it :)
<julienw> who's next ?
<arnau> hey
<arnau> I just wanted to follow up on Joans work here
<arnau> he is on PTO
<arnau> AFAIK he has updated the PR he was working on
<arnau> If you could please review it and let me know what's missing I could look at it
<julienw> oki
<julienw> maybe azasypkin could try to fix the issues we find if he needs something to work on ;)
<arnau> only would be good if anyone could help him on the missing javascript part
<arnau> cool
<julienw> I don't like the idea of joan working while he's in PTO
<azasypkin> definitely!
<schung> :p
<julienw> oki great
<schung> my turn?
<julienw> azasypkin, I'll talk to you about this later then
<julienw> schung, yep please !
<arnau> He is tying to land this patch ASAP
<arnau> I know some of us review stuff while on PTO :)
<schung> ok. For my side: Fix a regression: Bug 1007441 - Emergency Callback Mode UI not displaying
<julienw> because we love this project, but it's not a good life balance ;)
<firebot> Bug nor, --, ---, schung, NEW, Emergency Callback Mode UI not displaying
<julienw> is it SMS related ?
<schung> No, but it's 1.4 blocker and I create this months ago...
<julienw> ok ;)
<schung> Anyway it's landed in master and waiting QA verify
<julienw> oki ! anything else ?
<julienw> also what do you plan to do today, and did you have any blockers ?
<schung> For the SMS related : Bug 871432 - [sms][mms] display the received time inside the sms/mms box
<firebot> Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), schung, ASSI, [sms][mms] display the received time inside the sms/mms box
<schung> I re-submit the patch again for review
<julienw> I've seen it ;)
<schung> And create another report icon issue for follow up in bug 1010093
<firebot> Bug nor, --, ---, schung, NEW, [Message] Visual refresh for delivery/read report icon in thread view
<julienw> btw should this bug be included in our sprint?
<julienw> we can see later, one minute left
<julienw> my turn :)
<julienw> * updated the scrum page to use more general queries (thanks to rik):
<julienw> * also updated the current's sprint page:
<julienw> * worked on bug 881469 mainly: tested a lot, small fixes; I'm looking for the TODO that I left and creating bugs for them; I hope to have a review request today for you
<firebot> Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), felash, NEW, [MMS] Implement Navigation object
<julienw> * today I have some reviews to do, especially related to joan's patch for visual refresh, and steve's patch too
<julienw> * i'll also work on bug 881469 again
<julienw> I also want to share gaia try with you:
* arnau est parti (Ping timeout)
<julienw> it should eventually replace travis
* arnau ( a rejoint #gaia-messaging
<julienw> one build is started every pull request, like travis
<julienw> so it's great

Day 4: May, 15th

<azasypkin> 1. Worked on bug 963013. As it turned out, wrapping header and ul into single container requires more work than I expected :) In scope of this bug I'd like to refactor ThreadUI.getMessageContainer a bit as it's quite big and may go out of control;
<firebot> Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), azasypkin, ASSI, [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread.
<azasypkin> 2. Created tiny patch that adds localization note to 'expiry-date-format' that it may not me suitable for all locales; I'm curious whether we're going to use l20n any time soon;
<julienw> note that some of getMessageContainer will go away in Steve's bug
<julienw> see
<azasypkin> hmm, ok, thanks will check that
<azasypkin> 3. Jason Smith filed a regression bug 1010301, it's because of the spinner color change in my "download attachment" styling patch. Spinner is white now, but bubble background is also still white (IFAIK it was going to be green after VR). Asked Victoria on that. I see here two ways: either switch back to blue spinner for now (and make it white in the scope of bug 963013) or wait for bubbles VR (I'm not sure when it's expected to 
<azasypkin> be landed);
<firebot> Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, [B2G]][Messaging App] Spinning icon when sending an sms and mms is not displayed
<azasypkin> 4. In bug 1001439, Stefan Plewako (I guess from Polish localizers team) revealed (well, at least for me :))  that the same date\time format string can be different across locales. So to move '%A, %B %e' format to the shared locale file I'll need to check if that format is the same across all available locales. I'll check that, but it seems I may close this as INVALID if there is nothing to move to shared.
<firebot> Bug nor, --, ---, azasypkin, ASSI, [Refactoring] Move '%A, %B %e' date format from app specific files to the shared\locales\date
<julienw> oki
<azasypkin> Regarding to Steve's patch on refactoring getMessageContainer, maybe it would be better for me to wait for it, I'll check
<julienw> you can base your work on it too
<julienw> just cherry pick
<azasypkin> Today, I'm going to submit patch for bug 963013 for review (probably based on Steve's branch then). And if I have time, will look into other VR bug that we were talking about yesterday.
<julienw> great !
<julienw> arnau you're next then ?
<arnau> I landed Bug 1004710
<firebot> Bug nor, --, ---, arnau, RESO FIXED, [B2G][Dialer]Creating a new contact and tapping on a text field in the dialer app causes a white bar
<julienw> something about SMS ?
<arnau> to fix the weird square bugs appearing in copntacts when entering from dialer tabs
<arnau> but now I see the dialer delete icon staying on top of contacts
<arnau> when you switch tabs
<arnau> I'll be looking into it 
<arnau> Have no more updates from Joan
<arnau> I'll talk to him during the day
<julienw> oki
<julienw> next time it might be handy if we know he'll be in PTO before he is :)
<julienw> is it my turn then ?
<arnau> sure
<arnau> yep, I'm done
<julienw> yesterday I mostly worked on bug 881469, I think I'm very close to have a patch ready for review, so hopefully today
<firebot> Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), felash, NEW, [MMS] Implement Navigation object
<julienw> today there is an accessibility day here
<julienw> so I plan to work on accessibility stuff with some experts we have here
<azasypkin> oh, cool
<julienw> along with doing my duties
<julienw> so that's it :)

Day 5: May, 16th

<julienw> arnau1, schung, azasypkin, it means not more than 3 minutes per person :)
<arnau1> from Joan's side
<arnau1> I think all he could do is addressed :)
<julienw> oki great I'll check it out this morning !
<arnau1> next :)
<arnau1> oleg
<azasypkin> 1. Worked on bug 1010301 to support different spinner style for incoming and outgoing message bubbles (landed);
<firebot> Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), azasypkin, RESO FIXED, [B2G]][Messaging App] Spinning icon when sending an sms and mms is not displayed
<azasypkin> 2. Worked on bug 963013, prepared PR to wrap date header and message list into single section
<firebot> Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), azasypkin, ASSI, [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread.
<azasypkin> + made some minor refactoring while scanning ThreadUI on possible affected pieces.
<azasypkin> NI?'ed Joan to preliminarily check whether it what Joan needed to fully resolve this bug. 
<azasypkin> It's based on the latest Steve's PR, so I'm not sure whether it's fine to ask for review now?
<julienw> steve's PR will likely land this morning
<azasypkin> nice!
<azasypkin> will ask for r? once it's landed and I rebase all the stuff
<julienw> do you have anything needed for the day ?
<julienw> or do you need more work ? :p
<azasypkin> Today I'm going to spend some time (not much :)) to check if it's possible to use flex boxes for recipient_panel+composer+input and to start review of Julien's navigation patch
<azasypkin> :)
<julienw> ok we can discuss about the recipient panel later if you want
<azasypkin> sure
<julienw> are you finished ? :)
<azasypkin> yep :) next is Steve then
<schung> I think Bug 871432 is close to land ;)
<firebot> Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), schung, ASSI, [sms][mms] display the received time inside the sms/mms box
<schung> And just look into Bug 963109, but I think navigator object should be first
<firebot> Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), schung, NEW, [Messages] Multi-recipient participants view should show back button instead of cross one
<schung> BTW just reviewing the navigator patch(It's still huge even I glanced it 3 month ago :p)
<julienw> \o/
<schung> Basic function work fine! I'll take more time for the detail
<julienw> bug 963109 is not due for the sprint but there was another bug that you said you'd investigate too
<schung> low storage?
<julienw> ah yeah
<julienw> I couldn't remember :)
<schung> Ah sure, I will take a look next week, we should land navigator first
<julienw> yep definitely
<schung> And some discussion about the delivery/read icon with Omega
<schung> That's it
<julienw> oki
<julienw> so, I worked on the navigation patch :D
<julienw> I'm very excited about this because this will let us do a lot of nice things
<julienw> I created lots of depending bugs so we can pick some of them in later sprints
<julienw> today I plan to do some things I kept aside, most notably reviewing some patches from Doug that should help performance
<julienw> and also bugs from contributor that I didn't look much lately
<julienw> waiting for your review :p
<julienw> otherwise the sprint is looking good, we'll be at 5 remaining points today, out of 10
<schung> you could redirect to us if you have no time
<julienw> yep that's right I don't do this enough :)

Day 6: May, 19th

julienw: "I was the last one friday so I get to choose who's starting"
julienw: "and that's schung :)"
schung: "ok, I still reviewing the navigation patch"
schung: "Might need sometime for unit test part"
julienw: "don't hesitate to ask here if there's some things not clear"
schung: "Sure, it's great without significant bug ;) "
julienw: ":D"
schung: "timestamp in bubble is landed with julien's suggestion"
julienw: "I'll take screenshots of the timestamp for the sprint page"
schung: "And I just take a little time on bug 891344 for low storage issue, I will ping Omega for more UX details"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S3 (6june), nobody, NEW, [SMS/MMS] When storage is low with "Device space low" message displayed on status bar, device can't "
schung: "That's all!"
julienw: "next is ?"
azasypkin: "I can :)"
schung: "Oleg?"
azasypkin: "I've ensured that format '%A, %B %e' for bug 1001439 is unfortunately changed across different locales so it doesn't make sense to move it to shared locale file. Resolved bug as INVALID;"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, RESO INVALID, [Refactoring] Move '%A, %B %e' date format from app specific files to the shared\locales\date"
azasypkin: "Rebased my patch for bug 963013 (wrap date header and message list into single section element) on the latest schung PR, today I'll rebase it on master and ask for review;"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), azasypkin, ASSI, [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread."
julienw: "you still need joan's answer though, right ?"
azasypkin: "yeah, to be sure that it's the right thing for him"
julienw: "oki"
azasypkin: "Started reviewing patch for bug 881469;"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), felash, NEW, [MMS] Implement Navigation object"
azasypkin: "And looked into Composer layout to understand how it works to be better prepared for bug 963018 follow-ups."
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), joan.leon, NEW, [Messages][Refresh] Update styles of the Composer"
azasypkin: "Today, as I mentioned earlier I'm going to submit for review patch for bug 963013 (and take care of review comments)"
azasypkin: "and complete reviewing of navigation object patch. "
azasypkin: "Also once Julien and Joan file JS related follow-ups for bug 963018, I'll will look into it."
azasypkin: "or we already have such bugs filed?"
julienw: "nope we don't have it, and I'd like it to be either CSS only, either we don't do it :p"
azasypkin: "ah"
azasypkin: "anyway we need follow-ups?"
julienw: "yes"
azasypkin: "ok I meant not only JS only follow-ups then :) That is it from my side"
julienw: "okay, I can be next"
arnau: ":Julien will you file the follow up bugs?"
julienw: "arnau, I can do it, yes"
arnau: "If they are css related, you can asign them to me"
arnau: "Joan won't be doing follow ups, just land his patch"
julienw: "okay, the first thing will be to find a good solution to achieve all requirements"
julienw: "I'll post the requirements to the bug"
arnau: "ok"
arnau: "we could sync offline"
julienw: "yes !"
julienw: ":)"
julienw: "friday I spent a lot of time to review the patch in bug 974867"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, na-matsumoto, NEW, [MMS]Auto suggestion for email address"
julienw: "they waited for Francisco who's in PTO and I missed their request earlier so it was quite urgent"
julienw: "some part of the patch is fine, some other part is not really good, and yet some other parts should be in another patch/bug"
julienw: "I spent some time thinking about bug 1001467 and discussing with benoit girard from the graphics team"
firebot: "Bug nor, P2, ---, drs+bugzilla, ASSI, [Messages] Background deletion of messages"
julienw: "I wonder if a :last-child rule is triggering a style recomputation for each message removal"
julienw: "today I'll loo to bug 1011573 that is a blovker"
julienw: "blocker"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, [B2G][Tarako][Messaging] Keyboard auto closes when editing the 'To' field in the messaging app"
julienw: "(or will be, I don't remember)"
julienw: "it's a follow up to the simple draft implementation for tarako"
azasypkin: ":("
julienw: "and I'll start looking at your comments for the navigation patch"
schung: "draft on tarako?"
julienw: "schung, yeah, while you were in holidays )"
julienw: "arnau, do you hve something SMS-related to add ?"
schung: ":("
julienw: "schung, bug 989600"
firebot: "Bug cri, --, ---, felash, RESO FIXED, [Tarako] Message app MUST save draft when killed by LMK"
julienw: "arnau1, do you have something SMS related to add ?"
arnau1: "nope, nothing else from my side"

Day 7: May, 20th

azasypkin: "1. Almost reviewed navigation patch, just two unit tests files left;"
azasypkin: "2. Rebased my patch for header and message list wrapper, Joan said it's what he actually needs"
azasypkin: "Also you've noticed that something wrong with screenshots Joan provided and wrong rebase might be a reason. I'll look into it today."
azasypkin: "Today I'll review two unit tests files from navigation patch and will be ready to do smth else. "
azasypkin: "that is it"
julienw: "maybe you can pick some 2.0+ bug"
julienw: ":)"
azasypkin: "sure!"
julienw: "I can be next"
Joan: "@Oleg ping me when you are back"
julienw: "I answered most comments on the navigation patch"
azasypkin: "Joan, ok"
julienw: "I'll start handling them today"
julienw: "I investigated the 1.3t? bug about the drafts"
julienw: "and otherwise nothing much, some reviews but not all directly related to comms"
julienw: "was a slow day"
julienw: "schung, you can be next"
schung: "Not much progress on Navigator patch review since Oleg also provide lots of feedback"
schung: "I'll still take some time on the unit tests and feedback/answer from you"
schung: "About the visual refresh: Bug 1010093 got the visual assets about the icon."
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S3 (6june), schung, NEW, [Message] Visual refresh for delivery/read report icon in thread view"
julienw: "great"
schung: "So we just need to update the delivery/read icon without adding the status sting below"
schung: "Oh sorry, one more thing about 2.0, bug 891344 for low storage issue, just take the bug and have more discussion with Omega"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S3 (6june), schung, NEW, [SMS/MMS] When storage is low with "Device space low" message displayed on status bar, device can't "
julienw: "okay; the goal for this bug is to be ready for next sprint"
Joan: "I'm working in bug 963018 and bug 990518"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), joan.leon, NEW, [Messages][Refresh] Update styles of the Composer"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), joan.leon, NEW, [Messaging][Visual Refresh] Keyboard suggestions should update messaging composer layout."
Joan: "I wait review from Empty circle to the right in messages without recipient."
Joan: "And I'll talk to Oleg for the bubbles bug"
Joan: "Thats all"
julienw: "Joan, any blocker ?"
Joan: "yes in 963018"
julienw: "what's your blocker ?"
julienw: "I mean, is there something that prevents you from moving forward where we can help ? :)"
julienw: "Joan, ^"
Joan: "This bugs ui-review block but not stoping me for working"
firebot: "Bug 1003820 nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), borja.bugzilla, NEW, [Messages] Recipients container grows without limit breaking the layout"
firebot: "Bug 1008127 nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), pivanov, ASSI, [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer"
julienw: "ok"
arnau: "Joan unfortunately will leave us this week"
arnau: "he has found a new job :("
julienw: "good for him ! ;)"
arnau: "So I have pinged Pavel, you know him?"
julienw: "yes"
arnau: "and he can help us till the end of 2.0"
julienw: "oki great !"
arnau: "I could also help…"
julienw: "remember schung azasypkin and I can also take visual refresh bugs"
arnau: "ok, so let's try to sync with him to split the work during this week"
arnau: ":)"
julienw: "ok, I'll look at the remaining items"
arnau: "I wanted to thank Joan for the difficult work he was assigned to :)"
julienw: "yes, clearly the bugs were difficult especially for a new comer"
schung: "we could help with the remaining bugs for sure ;)"
Joan: "thanks Arnau"
julienw: "see you tomorrow then !"
arnau: "bye"
Joan: "bye"

Day 8: May, 21th

julienw: "my update for today as I'll be away later:"
julienw: "* worked on the v1.3t+ blocker bug 1011573, it's a one line patch pending review from Oleg"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, felash, NEW, [B2G][Tarako][Messaging] Keyboard auto closes when editing the 'To' field in the messaging app"
julienw: "* started handling your review comments in bug 881469 (but not pushed yet)"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), felash, NEW, [MMS] Implement Navigation object"
julienw: "* spent a lot of time on reviewing bug 963013"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), azasypkin, ASSI, [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread."
julienw: "today I'll be at the Solution Linux conference at the Mozilla booth so I won't have much time to work and especially no time online"
julienw: "I qtill expect to be able to finish handling reviews on bug 881469; we'll see :)"
julienw: "have a nice day !"
schung: "Seems like julienw_afk and azasypkin is off this morning, Hi Joan , do you have anything for update?"
Joan: "Schung, I'm waiting for the revision of bug 1003060"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), joan.leon, NEW, [VR][Messaging] Empty circle to the right in messages without recipient"
schung: "ok, thanks"
schung: "1) I think navigation patch review 1st round is finished(just add some questions) "
schung: "2) Fix recipient list multiline mode bug because milestone is close (see"
schung: "3) Update delivery/read report icon in thread view (see"
azasypkin: "1) Finished reviewing navigation patch, looks good, just few nits;"
azasypkin: "2) Fixed nits in my bubbles patch (bug 963013) suggested by Julien. Will ask for review today once again;"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), azasypkin, ASSI, [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread."
azasypkin: "3) Started to look into v1.4 blocker bug with duplicated message sent audio notification when we have two instances of SMS app running (one originated from inline activity), bug 1011654."
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, azasypkin, ASSI, [B2G][SMS]Opening the messages app after sending a message from the Call log causes the sent notification"

Day 9: May, 22th

julienw: "yesterday I only could move forward on the navigation patch (bug 881469)"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), felash, NEW, [MMS] Implement Navigation object"
julienw: "I'll try to give you another review to do today"
julienw: "today I'll also work on the v1.3t+ patch about the draft issue"
julienw: "(bug 1011573)"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, felash, NEW, [B2G][Tarako][Messaging] Keyboard auto closes when editing the 'To' field in the messaging app"
julienw: "and then I'll do all my pending reviews, especially the ones for the sprint"
julienw: "azasypkin, you're next"
azasypkin: "ok, 1. Added more tests for ThreadUI.appendMessage in my patch for bug 963013, asked for review again;"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), azasypkin, ASSI, [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread."
azasypkin: "2. Prepared v1.4 patch for bug 1011654, waiting for green Travis before I ask for review. "
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, azasypkin, ASSI, [B2G][SMS]Opening the messages app after sending a message from the Call log causes the sent notific"
azasypkin: "As Julien suggested at the bug page, we play audio only in app instance that initiated message send request. "
azasypkin: "Today will work on review comments for bug 1011654 (probably will need separate master patch) and pick something up from our blocker list."
azasypkin: "I see that we have one 1.4+ and four 2.0+ unassigned issues."
azasypkin: "that's it, next is schung?"
schung: "sure, I sent a small patch about recipient list yesterday(bug 1003820)"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), schung, NEW, [Messages] Recipients container grows without limit breaking the layout"
julienw: "vh unit rules"
schung: "yes, that's really help"
schung: "and 1.3t blocker(still oom...) bug 1008071"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, schung, NEW, [Tarako][Messages]Sometimes attach Gallery image will cause Messages app be killed (not LMK)"
schung: "but I got some problem while flashing the tarako..."
julienw: "using the twqa script worked for me tuesday"
julienw: "the auto flash from pvt script"
schung: "I could not flash the gaia without pushing apps to data/local"
schung: "Since fabrice didn't suggest we doing that..."
julienw: "mmm"
julienw: "for testing it's probably fine"
schung: "Hope so, otherwise I can do nothing :-/"
julienw: "yep :)"
julienw: "I think it brings security issues"
julienw: "but for testing the sms app we don't really mind"
julienw: "anything else schung ?"
schung: "And after that I'll also take some nobody blocker"
julienw: "schung, have you moved forward for the low storage space bug too ?"
schung: "not much, just some testing for the current behavior, and I've left some comment on bugzilla"
julienw: "schung, do you think it is ready for tnext sprint ?"
schung: "I think it's ready after discussion with Omega. We have a clear goal for that"
julienw: "oki perfect !"
julienw: "Joan1, your turn then !"
Joan1: "Yesterday I was working on: "
Joan1: "- The layout of the composer "
Joan1: "- Analyzing a regression bug 1003080 "
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), joan.leon, REOP, [VR][Messaging] Grey Stroke that circles the contact's photo looks pixelated."
Joan1: "And Today:"
Joan1: "- I'm looking at the regression bug 1003080 and fix this in contacts"
Joan1: "- As requested Julien, I make a plain html page reproducing the issue in the same bug"
Joan1: "That's all"
Joan1: "The regression is in contacts, and I have the solution"

Day 10: May, 23th

julienw: "azasypkin, you're first !"
julienw: "(random pick)"
azasypkin: "ok :)"
azasypkin: "Reviewed (mostly was testing on device) Julien's v1.3t patch for bug 1011573. Noted some odd behavior with invalid recipients;"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, felash, NEW, [B2G][Tarako][Messaging] Keyboard auto closes when editing the 'To' field in the messaging app"
azasypkin: "Prepared and sent for review patch for bug 1013295"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, azasypkin, ASSI, [Messages] Migrated messages don't have a proper sentTimestamp"
azasypkin: "patch allows to hide sent\received timestamp labels if corresponding timestamp isn't valid."
azasypkin: "Today will deal with review comments for bugs that are under review if any"
azasypkin: "+ review Julien's navigation patch changes"
azasypkin: "+ want to look into on bug 1014686 (follow-up from bug 963013)"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, azasypkin, NEW, [Messages][Refactoring] Improve "html template string" to "dom node\fragment" conversion"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), azasypkin, ASSI, [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread."
azasypkin: "mm, can't remember what else"
azasypkin: "that is it then :) next is schung "
schung: "ok I just update the 1.3t bug about the lmk (bug 1008071)"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, schung, NEW, [Tarako][Messages]Sometimes attach Gallery image will cause Messages app be killed (not LMK)"
schung: "I think we could not leave a serious block after that, so I fixed it and requested review again"
schung: "And reviewing the navigator patch again "
julienw: "oki"
schung: "Got some feedback from vicky in bug 1010093, might finish it when I have time"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S3 (6june), schung, NEW, [Message] Visual refresh for delivery/read report icon in thread view"
schung: "And take another 2.0 blocker bug 1009098 about compose regression"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, schung, NEW, [Messages] The "composer" is displayed in the "edit" mode"
schung: "Oh BTW, I flash tarako in system instead of data/local "
julienw: "ah !"
julienw: "what was the issue ?"
schung: "but we might need to remove wallpaper(since it was big) and make clean(it is important!)"
julienw: "okay"
julienw: "good to know !"
schung: "Seems like a bug in build system if we don't clean it first"
julienw: "anything else ?"
schung: "I think that's all"
azasypkin: "Oh, forgot to ask, julienw do you know if Joan is going to work on CSS part for bug 963013 on his last(?) day?"
azasypkin: "bubble updates"
azasypkin: "I see you've left a bunch of comments in PR"
julienw: "I don't know"
julienw: "maybe we can ask during the next comms standup meeting"
julienw: "if he or arnau is here"
azasypkin: "yep"
julienw: "arnau seems connected on #fxos-comms, we can ask on IRC directly"
julienw: ":)"
julienw: "so my turn, quickly"
julienw: "worked on bug 1011573 v1.3t+, I'm sad there are still issues ;)"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, felash, NEW, [B2G][Tarako][Messaging] Keyboard auto closes when editing the 'To' field in the messaging app"
julienw: "will look at it first today because this needs to land today"
julienw: "I'll also review in priority the patch from Steve for tarako as well"
julienw: "yesterday I also handled your comments on the navigation patch bug 881469"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), felash, NEW, [MMS] Implement Navigation object"
julienw: "so that we can have a review today and maybe land it before the end of the sprint"
julienw: "I reviewed again the composer refresh from Joan, I think it might be able to land today, we'll see, otherwise we'll need to finish ourselves next week"
julienw: "I also reviewed a change in the contact pick activity, seems like we have a "multipick" option now, so that the user can selects several contacts"
julienw: "I might redirect the second review to one of you"
julienw: "today I'll do the 2 v1.3t+ bugs in priority"
julienw: "then handle your comments on the navigation patch (if any)"
julienw: "and try to do most of my reviews"
julienw: "and prepare next week sprint planning (I have some bugs to file for the visual refresh)"
schung: "there is another message issue in tarako about the notification(bug 1010690). Is there anything we can do for this?"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S2 (23may), sfoster, NEW, [Tarako][MMS][Notification] The notification of new MMS does not appear while playing music/video in"
julienw: "I think this is a system issue "
julienw: "because document.hidden is false !"
julienw: "mmmm"
julienw: "sorry another bug"
julienw: "so here I don't know yet ;)"
julienw: "I'll have a look"
schung: "but the fallowing discussion didn't focus on that, that make me confuse"
julienw: "there is another bug about the document.hidden issue"
julienw: "I'll try to make sense of it :)"
julienw: "ok I wanted to tell something about monday but I'll send you a mail instead because we're late"
julienw: "let's go to the other stand up meeting ;)"
schung: "see you later"


Bug 871432: display the received time in the message bubble


Bug 1003384: The phone type "Other" is not translated in any of the languages when suggested contacts are shown in SMS



What was good in the last sprint

  • we finished the sprint !
  • I finished the navigation patch (at last !) yay :)
  • I like that we discuss every day about SMS only things +1
  • it was good to have the visual design team in the daily meetings

What was bad in the last sprint

  • Still tones of blocker... (v1.3t/v1,4) Not sure when it will be ended
    -> what can we do about this? at least try to know when it will finish?
    -> Maybe that will help whether we should keep more resource on blockers
  • It's still difficult for me to quickly find source of truth for VR (a lot of mocks, some of them outdated and etc.) +1
    -> we already discussed about this with Victoria but nothing changed; let's discuss this again later today.+1

Any questions

  • Could we have more easy way to update our status? You mean, every day?Yep, for example, maybe we could have a google doc for bug id/status and we can update if before meeting(or update to wiki directly, we don't need to copy/paste everyday) and just update if something really blocked in the scrum.
    The goal of the daily meeting is not really the status, it's more to discuss together. So I'm happy to change it to make it more useful. Oleg what are your thoughts?
    Mmm, having some centralized doc\wiki (with bug<->status) will be good for Mon\Wed\Fri Comms meeting, not sure whether anyone else read our minutes. Regarding to daily meetings in IRC - I like it :)
    Would it make sense to do the daily meeting partly in an etherpad too ? (like we do here now) We'd have etherpad for the bugs (and this way we can just add a line every day, for example) and IRC for other discussions
  • is the sprint the right size? is 2 weeks fine? I think 2 is the right one, 1 is too small, 3 is too big.


  • we need to know when the blocker phases end (especially when will 1.3t+ end?). +1
  • have a centralized place for all uptodate visual design material
  • daily meeting: use etherpad as a more synthetic way to update the bug status, and keep IRC as discussion backchannel(+1)