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List of bugs SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam (blocks the sprint bug 1015843)

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Whiteboard Resolution
963013 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread. --- [p=1] FIXED
963109 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Multi-recipient participants view should show back button instead of cross one --- [p=1][not-part-of-initial-sprint] FIXED
990537 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [DSDS] Messaging. Apply Visual Refresh to DSDS scenarios. --- [p=2] FIXED
1003820 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Recipients container grows without limit breaking the layout 2.0+ [p=1] FIXED
1008127 Pavel Ivanov [:ivanovpavel][:pivanov] UX [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer --- [sprint2 p=3][sprint3 p=2][not-part-of-initial-sprint] FIXED
1008890 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Thread carrier header isn't localized correctly right after language switch --- [p=1][not-part-of-initial-sprint] FIXED
1010093 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Message] Visual refresh for delivery/read report icon in thread view --- [p=1] FIXED
1011654 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [B2G][SMS]Opening the messages app after sending a message from the Call log causes the sent notification sound to occur a second time 1.4+ [p=1] FIXED
1013295 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Migrated messages don't have a proper sentTimestamp 1.4+ [p=1] FIXED
1015867 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Messages] The editable composer should take more space 2.0+ [sprint2 p=2][sprint3 p=1] FIXED
1017018 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Bug 963018 regresses the localizability of the "To:" string in the recipient panel 2.0+ [p=1][not-part-of-initial-sprint] FIXED

11 Total; 11 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Remaining points and burndown chart

Burndown chart
Remaining points
Start 12
Day 2 12
Day 3 11
Day 4 9
Day 5 9
Day 6 9
Day 7 9
Day 8 9
Day 9 9
Day 10 7
Day 11 7
End 7 All SMS issues tracked for this sprint (target milestone)

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Resolution
951682 [meta][Messages][Refresh] Composer. Update layout and styles. --- FIXED
963013 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread. --- FIXED
963018 Joan Leon [:joan] [Messages][Refresh] Update styles of the Composer --- FIXED
963109 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Multi-recipient participants view should show back button instead of cross one --- FIXED
1003820 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Recipients container grows without limit breaking the layout 2.0+ FIXED
1007591 Marina Rodríguez [:mai] [SMS] Make SMS react upon the IAC broadcast from Cost Control application to friendly mute Cost Control specific SMS --- FIXED
1008890 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Thread carrier header isn't localized correctly right after language switch --- FIXED
1010093 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Message] Visual refresh for delivery/read report icon in thread view --- FIXED
1010690 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Tarako][MMS][Notification] The notification of new MMS does not appear while playing music/video in foreground 1.3T+ FIXED
1011654 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [B2G][SMS]Opening the messages app after sending a message from the Call log causes the sent notification sound to occur a second time 1.4+ FIXED
1013295 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Migrated messages don't have a proper sentTimestamp 1.4+ FIXED
1014178 Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) [Visual Refresh][Messages] Thread messages view contains last-child selectors and is slightly misaligned --- FIXED
1016541 Paco Rampas [:paco] Thread and Composer. The input placeholder text (Message) should be italic --- FIXED
1017018 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Bug 963018 regresses the localizability of the "To:" string in the recipient panel 2.0+ FIXED
1017024 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Messages] Bug 963018 change panel's default height and leads the notification mispositioned 2.0+ FIXED

15 Total; 15 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint planning

Minutes are on a separate page.

Daily meetings

Day 2: May, 27th


  • Just finish bunch of reviews 1st round
  • Bug 1010093 [Message] Visual refresh for delivery/read report icon in thread view:
    • Vicky granted the latest image assets changes, so I'll update the images with some JS changes later
  • Bug 1003820 [Messages] Recipients container grows without limit breaking the layout
    • Will fire another patch for ui-review


  • I updated the Scrum pages
  • I tried to reproduce Bug 1010690 (v1.3t, the notification is not played when reading a Video or playing a Music), but still couldn't; I'll try once again today with the files they used
  • I have all information for bug 1015867 (max-height for the composer from Victoria) so I'll be able to start working on it (but I'd like to land the refresh for the composer and thread panels first)
  • I moved forward on the Simulator branch that I started some weeks ago:, one goal is to make it easier to hack the application in DSDS mode. But the style is strange right now, especially compared to running the app without the simulator.
  • Today: I definitely want to do all pending reviews, so I won't probably do much real code.


  • Fixed nits for v1.4 blockers bug 1011654 (duplicated sent audio) and bug 1013295 (invalid sentTimestamp) + rebased it on current master and asked for review;
  • Fixed comments that Julien left in Joan's patch for bug 963013 (update message bubble styles), testing it right now, trying to improve it a bit and will ask for review today. \o/
  • Also asked Victoria what to do with long MMS subject (currently it's wrapped into two lines, but in Joan's patch ellipsis is used).

Today: will finish with patch for bug 963013 (update message bubble styles) + work on review comments for v1.4 blockers if any + will look into what I can pick up next.

Day 3: May, 28th


  • Bug 1010093 [Message] Visual refresh for delivery/read report icon in thread view
    • Patch given for review
  • Bug 1003820 [Messages] Recipients container grows without limit breaking the layout
    • Update the patch for ui-review again
  • Bug 963109 - [Messages] Multi-recipient participants view should show back button instead of cross one
    • Just start to work
  • Code reviews: Bug 1011654/Bug 1013295 from Oleg and bug 1014178 from Doug


  • Bug 1010690 (v1.3t, the notification is not played when reading a Video or playing a Music)
    • still tried to reproduce this; found another issue in the process (bug 1016829: can't retrieve a MMS for SIM2)in old version v1.3t only, yes
    • still I don't reproduce :(
  • Simulator branch
    • I understood why I get a strange layout: there are scrollbars painted everywhere while they're hidden in the responsive mode. I still don't know why we have scrollbars, maybe we removed some overflow: hidden in the composer patch...
  • bug 963018: visual refresh for the composer
    • will land after the meeting (but not in the sprint ;) )
  • bug 1015867: max-height for the composer
    • didn't have the time to work on this properly but I shared screenshots
  • bug 974867: send email from MMS:
    • reviewed again, patch was really better

Today: more reviews, hope to start working on bug 1015867

Tomorrow, friday: I'm absent


  • Bug 1011654 - [B2G][SMS]Opening the messages app after sending a message from the Call log causes the sent notification sound to occur a second time;
    • Added tests for MessageManager.resendMessage, Steve found out that we didn't have any :)
    • v1.4 patch is reviewed, for master one I'm waiting for green Travis.
  • Bug 1013295 - [Messages] Migrated messages don't have a proper sentTimestamp
    • Review nits fixed, master patch is landed, for v1.4 patch I'm waiting for green travis
  • Bug 963013 - [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread.
    • Got a bunch of new feedback from Victoria for the message bubble styles;
    • Also Victoria provided us with the new spec for carrier header(colors, size, alignments), that I'm going to implement today.
  • Bug 1010093 - [Message] Visual refresh for delivery/read report icon in thread view
    • Reviewing

Today: will work on new carrier header for VR + review Bug 1010093 - [Message] Visual refresh for delivery/read report icon in thread view.

Day 4: May, 29th


  • bug 1010093 [Message] Visual refresh for delivery/read report icon in thread view
    • Patch landed
  • bug 1003820 [Messages] Recipients container grows without limit breaking the layout
    • Still waiting for ui-review again
  • bug 963109 - [Messages] Multi-recipient participants view should show back button instead of cross one
    • Patch given but declined. Need to update for another review
  • bug 1009098 - [Messages] The "composer" is displayed in the "edit" mode
    • Just start to work
  • Clean code reviews: bug 1014178 from Doug and bug 963043 from julien
  • [other]
  • Some discussion with bug 829820 - Ability to mark selected SMS threads as read
    • There are many feature/recatoring mentioned in the bug. We might need to create a separate bugs for it.
    • Have some discussion with UX about the spec.


  • bug 1011654 - [B2G][SMS]Opening the messages app after sending a message from the Call log causes the sent notification sound to occur a second time;
    • Both v1.4 and master patches landed.
  • bug 1013295 - [Messages] Migrated messages don't have a proper sentTimestamp
    • Both v1.4 and master patches landed. Will add related example to our Demo page.
  • bug 963013 - [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread.
    • Made quite big refactoring of message bubble styles (partially to get rid of some magic);
    • Moved message bubble style to a separate file as 200+ related lines deserve its own file :)
    • Made several rebases as sms.css was updated;
    • Will separate carrier header today and ask for code review as it may take time due to refactoring (later today will prepare new screenshots for ui-review).
  • bug 1010093 - [Message] Visual refresh for delivery/read report icon in thread view
    • Reviewed.
  • bug 990518 - [Messaging][Visual Refresh] Keyboard suggestions should update messaging composer layout.
    • Would like to test our idea with SettingListener today.
  • [other]

Today: will split carrier header in thread view to style it differently, add example to our Demo page regarding to landed "sentTimestamp" patch + will look into bug 990518.

Day 5: May, 30th


  • bug 1003820 [Messages] Recipients container grows without limit breaking the layout
    • ui-review granted
  • bug 963109 - [Messages] Multi-recipient participants view should show back button instead of cross one
    • Patch landed
  • bug 1009098 - [Messages] The "composer" is displayed in the "edit" mode
    • Reviewing
  • Clean code reviews: bug 963013 from Oleg and bug 963043 from partner
  • bug 1010690 - [Tarako][MMS][Notification] The notification of new MMS does not appear while playing music/video in foreground:
    • Just flash the latest tarako. This intermittent issue seems like a LMK that cause notification sometimes could not show up.

Today: Finish all the ongoing blockers and clean the review queue.


  • bug 1013295 - [Messages] Migrated messages don't have a proper sentTimestamp
    • Added related example to our Demo page.
  • bug 963013 - [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread.
    • Added last suggestions from Victoria;
    • Cleaned this up and asked for review.
  • bug 1008890 - [Messages] Thread carrier header isn't localized correctly right after language switch
    • Prepared patch for this (as it makes easier to customize carrier header for bug 963013) and asked for review.
  • bug 963109 - [Messages] Multi-recipient participants view should show back button instead of cross one
    • Reviewed.
  • bug 1009098 - [Messages] The "composer" is displayed in the "edit" mode
    • Reviewed.

Today: will handle review comments for bug 1008890 and bug 963013 + will look into other blocker.

Day 6: June, 2nd

Attending: Julien, Oleg


(updates for last wednesday)

  • Bug 1010690 (v1.3t, the notification is not played when reading a Video or playing a Music)
    • still couldn't reproduce... but I'm glad Steve found at least one issue !
  • bug 963018: visual refresh for the composer
    • landed ! Took more time than expected, we should probably have included it in the sprint.
  • bug 1015867: max-height for the composer
    • not started yet... definitely today as I want a first review if we want it to land this sprint. Same for Bug 990537 for DSDS refresh.
  • bug 974867: send email from MMS:
    • there is a new patch ready for review, will need to have a look today too


  • definitely some patches for both my bugs (dsds refresh + composer height)
  • some reviews, but I'll try to timebox this.

Other: I have some difficulties to find time to code during this sprint :(


  • Bug 963013 - [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread.
    • Found and fixed regression in my patch - as we didn't clean up various CSS classes when leaving view(like 'has-carrier'), carrier header was visible in composer. It wasn't visible previously because we were using crazy selectors like "[class="panel has-carrier"]" to show carrier header that obviously didn't match "class="panel has-carrier new"" :) I changed it to ".has-carrier .carrier-wrapper". So I'm removing this class in "afterLeave" now.
  • Bug 1008890 - [Messages] Thread carrier header isn't localized correctly right after language switch
    • Fixed review nits (in review).
  • Bug 1010690 - [Tarako][MMS][Notification] The notification of new MMS does not appear while playing music/video in foreground
    • Was investigating and wasn't able to reproduce with devices I had;
    • Also reviewed Steve's hot-fix on this, left small comment about other possibly missed files that may be required in one or another case.
  • Bug 1017018 - [Messages] Bug 963018 regresses the localizability of the "To:" string in the recipient panel
    • Reason of regression is "word-wrap: unset" for content editable container that was previously inherited as "word-wrap: break-word". Trying to understand why we needed "unset" for ".recipient[contenteditable=true]:focus" rule.
    • (JW) note: in one of the WIP patch, there was some "word-wrap: pre-wrap" that I asked to remove because nobody knew about it; could it be this?
      -> I'll check, but don't think so.
    • (JW) how could word-wrap influence this?
      -> I suspect that it actually wrapping to new line, that is why you see cursor at the beginning, but still not sure. Am I fixing issue that you've meant? :) Let me try with jsfiddle
      -> Try this
      (follow-up on IRC)

On Friday realized that Thursday was holiday in Germany :) So, Friday was short day for me.

Today: will prepare patch for bug 1017018

Day 7: June, 3rd

Attending: Steve, Julien, Oleg


  • Bug 1003820 [Messages] Recipients container grows without limit breaking the layout
    • Patch updated
  • Bug 1010690 - [Tarako][MMS][Notification] The notification of new MMS does not appear while playing music/video in foreground
    • I could only discover utils.js is missing in sms receiving page. But intermittent notification missing issue might still exist after fixing the parsing issue.
  • Bug 1009098 - [Messages] The "composer" is displayed in the "edit" mode
    • Patch landed
  • Clean code reviews: Bug 963013 discussion with Oleg



So, no patch yet :(

  • bug 1015867: max-height for the composer
    • still not started yet...
  • Bug 990537 for DSDS refresh.
  • bug 974867: send email from MMS:
    • there is a new patch ready for review, will review today, didn't look yesterday
  • bug 1007591: IAC communication between cost control and SMS, to silence some received SMS from the operator (TEF is doing this patch)
    • reviewed it once again, it's moving forward, they want to land it this week too


  • definitely some patches for both my bugs (dsds refresh + composer height) (again)
  • some reviews, but I'll try to timebox this. (again)


  • Bug 963013 - [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread.
    • Discussed "ellipsis vs line wrap" for long subjects with Omega and Jenny and ..... "line wrap" won! So leaving it as it was before (+ adjusted line-height and paddings per Victoria suggestion) :)
    • Received all u-review+ I asked (ui-review+, code review in progress)
  • Bug 1008890 - [Messages] Thread carrier header isn't localized correctly right after language switch
    • Got rid of template in favour of direct DOM manipulations as Steve suggested (in review).
  • Bug 1017018 - [Messages] Bug 963018 regresses the localizability of the "To:" string in the recipient panel
    • Fixed small nit suggested by Steve (reviewed, check-in needed);
    • Discussed regression with "word-wrap" with Jenny and Omega - current behaviour looks better for them, so it's not regression anymore, but unexpected small improvement :)
  • Bug 925404 - [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known
    • Discussed this bug (including Bug 883911 - [SMS][MMS] Update all occurrences of "Type ? Carrier ? Number" strings to same format) with Victoria, please see details in bug 925404 comment 38.
    • Started looking into places that should be updated.

Today: will work on bug 925404 so that we can finish with this set of issues. Also will probably look into DSDS update for the "Send" button (just a part that is responsible for displaying a SIM number near the button) per Arnau request, don't have a bug number yet.

Day 8: June, 4th


  • bug 1003820 [Messages] Recipients container grows without limit breaking the layout
    • Patch updated again because of the recipient list VR(and small fixing for alignment)
  • bug 1010690 - [Tarako][MMS][Notification] The notification of new MMS does not appear while playing music/video in foreground
    • Land the patch for fixing utils missing issue, still need to verify after landing this patch
  • bug 898364 - Moving conversation thread database from Gecko to Gaia by introducing DataStore API
    • Join the DataStore discussion for general(mostly on contacts app) and for message future plaining.
  • Reviewed bug 1008890 and bug 1005866
  • Loop Client meeting
    • Except for bug 895484(and it was landed), there should be no other feature for message app...
  • 2.1 Planing: Nothing really needed/committed for message app. Maybe Hadification only?
    • wap/broadcast message handling: It could be 2 parts, one is ability setting specific channel depends on country (should be settings/RIL work) and another one is storing these messages in db



  • bug 1015867: max-height for the composer
    • calculated the formula I wanted to use (a * vh + b) so that it can adapt on all devices; pending Vicky approval (maybe she gave it during my night ;) I didn't check yet )
    • once I get approcal it should be easy to do a patch
  • bug 990537 for DSDS refresh.
    • WIP patch, something is not clear to me about how it should look like with a subject
    • WIP patch adds back the SIM number (removed by the flexible layout for composer patch) and the "..." (moved by a building block change)
    • maybe good enough for now, because there is more work pending on this button ? /ping Oleg
-> You mean new icon and new sim number indicator (number only)?
-> yes
-> right
-> the button and sim indicator is currntlly handled by a common object in /shared, common for dialer and SMS; you can ask Doug about it, he did it. But now we need to know if we have the same look&feel for Dialer than for SMS, especially regarding the SIM indication.
-> Ah, didn't know that it's shared, ok will ask
-> look for "multi_sim_action_button" or something in shared/js
-> so maybe I'll just take my WIP patch and move it in another bug to just fix the regressions so that we can have a clean state?
-> +1
-> ok, I'll do this
  • bug 974867: send email from MMS: (from madai)
    • could not review, there was 5 patches + 2 pull request, I didn't know what to look at... (and I wanted to make them learn)
  • bug 1007591: IAC communication between cost control and SMS, to silence some received SMS from the operator (TEF is doing this patch)
    • spent a lot of time on this yesterday, testing and explaining promises to Marina, and suggesting code, should be ready today or tomorrow
  • bug 992473: use mutation observers to retranslate DOM nodes when the l10n-id changes
    • slightly reviewed their approach, they contacted me during the night because SMS shows a wrong behavior with their patch, so I'll need to dig this out


  • lots of new bugs by external testing, I had to triage them. Lots of them were invalid/duplicate :/


  • I want the 2 patches ready
  • wlll finish reviewing the 2 patches that are due for this week
  • will try to review at least one older review request to decrease my number


  • bug 963013 - [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread.
    • Had a discussion with Steve on "sticky" header (for date groups) performance implications. Steve is going to check that during review :) (ui-review+, in code review)
  • bug 1008890 - [Messages] Thread carrier header isn't localized correctly right after language switch
    • Uplifted small fix for ".has-carrier" from the messages bubble patch as both patches simplify ".has-carrier" selectors that lead to problem I mentioned at previous stand-up (in review).
  • bug 1017018 - [Messages] Bug 963018 regresses the localizability of the "To:" string in the recipient panel
    • Landed
  • bug 925404 - [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known
    • In progress, moved all manipulations with phone type\carrier separators from JS to mark-up (via data-l10n-Id attributes). Want to check if that would be convenient to move it to a single html template that can be reused for all cases.
  • bug 898364 - Moving conversation thread database from Gecko to Gaia by introducing DataStore API

Today: will continue to work on bug 898364, and will check how I can help with bug 1008127 - [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer

Day 9: June, 5th


  • bug 1003820 [Messages] Recipients container grows without limit breaking the layout
    • Nee d to figure out the weird behaviour about automatic scrolling issue. I might create another bug for it if we could not find the solution right away...
  • bug 1010690 - [Tarako][MMS][Notification] The notification of new MMS does not appear while playing music/video in foreground
    • Unable to reproduce it after landing the first patch
  • bug reviewing:
    • bug 963013: Jut have some nits about fixed status icon / message body spacing and it should be landed today.
    • bug 1017024: Landed
    • bug 990537: Some concern about the send button :before/:after pseudo element, maybe we should wait for bug 1008127 to fix the pseudo element properly first.
    • bug 1013296: Send button VR, It cause some regression that makes counter indicator unable to show up.


  • Figure out weird issue in bug 1003820(or create a follow up for it)
  • Take other blockers


  • bug 1015867: max-height for the composer
    • did a first patch but it was hitting a performance issue with vh. Basically, when resizing and vh/vw is used, all style information is trashed and Gecko calculates everything again.
    • did a new patch using %age, and probably also a simpler logic
    • but it's hitting a weird issue on the device... when the keyboard hides, it seems some styling data is not correctly refreshed
  • bug 990537 for DSDS refresh.
    • asked for review but maybe we'll want to wait for the new send button ?
  • bug 974867: send email from MMS: (from madai)
    • did not review yesterday
  • bug 1007591: IAC communication between cost control and SMS, to silence some received SMS from the operator (TEF is doing this patch)
    • spent a lot of time on this again, I think today will be the landing day
  • bug 992473: use mutation observers to retranslate DOM nodes when the l10n-id changes
    • will need to dig deeper today to see why there is a weird behavior in SMS. Maybe we're hitting a synchronous reflow.


  • I'll need to find the reason of the weird behavior for the "max height" patch
  • will finish review for the IAC patch
  • will review the "send by email" patch
  • will look the mutation observer for l10n patch
  • will read and think about the datastore issue (didn't have the time yesterday)


  • very concerned by the current sprint: still 9 remaining points


  • bug 963013 - [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread.
    • Added Steve's suggestions to the patch, rebased and squashed (ui-review+, in code review)
  • bug 1008890 - [Messages] Thread carrier header isn't localized correctly right after language switch
    • Landed.
  • bug 1008127 - [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer
    • Prepared patch for JS part, asked Pavel whether it's what he wants, I think we still need few CSS updates here (show MMS indicator when subject isn't empty only + Omega's and Vicky's suggestions);
    • Had discussion with Vicky about her suggestion with line beneath subject and MMS indicator, I think it makes sense and isn't that difficult to implement.
  • bug 925404 - [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known
    • Since related patches landed yesterday and today, I was able to rebase my changes for this patch. So not much progress on that today.

Today: will continue to work on bug 925404, but it seems I'll carry over it to the next sprint.

Day 10: June, 6th


  • bug 1003820 [Messages] Recipients container grows without limit breaking the layout
  • bug 1010690 - [Tarako][MMS][Notification] The notification of new MMS does not appear while playing music/video in foreground
    • Still unable to reproduce it. I just left my comment and let QA to verify it.
  • bug 1016897 - [Flame][v1.4][Message]Tap new message icon, it will automatically return SMS which is just saved as draft. .And if then tap Back key, this contact will have 2 SMS items in main message view.
    • Seems like a problem in this.draft, maybe we should clean it while leaving the thread view.
    • ! (Julien) yep, something like this
  • bug reviewing:
    • bug 963013: Landed! \o/. thanks!
    • bug 1013296: Send button VR, regression that makes counter indicator unable to show up was fixed in the latest patch. Need to take a look again.
    • bug 1016541: Haven't started yet(but it should be quick)


  • Fix bug 1016897 or other blocker
  • Clean up the review queue


  • bug 1015867: max-height for the composer
    • couldn't investigate more :(
  • bug 990537 for DSDS refresh.
    • will wait for the subject handling + the new send button
    • won't likely be done in this sprint then :(
    • will do a new patch based on the 2 dependencies
  • bug 974867: send email from MMS: (from madai)
    • reviewed this once more; I didn't try the patch yet, because some things were obviously wrong. Will probably need to review again today.
  • bug 1007591: IAC communication between cost control and SMS, to silence some received SMS from the operator (TEF is doing this patch)
    -> (Oleg) Looks like a taskQueue :) But agree can be useful for everybody
    -> (Julien) yeah it is, bad naming, ok ;)
  • bug 992473: use mutation observers to retranslate DOM nodes when the l10n-id changes
    • found that there was actually an issue in our code (we had a wrong l10n-id that was not used currently because we don't call "translate" on the node, but their code uses it automatically), and they will remove it as part of their changes
  • reviewed some other small patches
  • made a burndown chart using the brand new camera :)
    -> (Oleg) so sad chart :(
    -> (Julien) failing is good too, will get better :)
    -> (Oleg) yeah I know that failing is learning, but anyway. We'll do better :)


  • definitely want to have a final patch for the max-height bug
  • old reviews are waiting
  • will try to pick up an easy blocker to cheer me up


  • bug 963013 - [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread.
    • Landed
  • bug 1008127 - [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer
    • Updated desktop-only/mobilemessage mock, so that Pavel can test counter directly in the browser. He said that he's working on Omega's and Vicky's suggestions right now.
  • bug 925404 - [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known
    • Have progress on it, using single template for all known for me cases: thread view header, participant view, phone header in the participant context menu, phone label in prompt when user tries to remove contact from "To" field. But there are still some places where number is shown, will ask Vicky about it.

Today: will continue to work on bug 925404, but it seems I'll carry over it to the next sprint.

Day 11th: June, 9th

Steve is absent because of sick leave :'(


  • bug 1015867: max-height for the composer
    • working patch \o/ but one remaining issue
  • bug 990537 for DSDS refresh.
    • didn't have time to work on a new patch based on the 2 dependencies
  • bug 974867: send email from MMS: (from madai)
    • will review once more today

Other: found the cause of a Marionette JS issue, and did a patch to split marionette JS tests.


  • will work on the roadmap for Haida
  • will work on the DSDS refresh bug
  • will prepare tomorrow's planning


  • bug 1008127 - [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer
    • Working with Pavel to make it work.

Other: Friday was the travelling day, so not much was done :(

Today: today is public holiday in Germany.


bug 963018: Composer Visual Refresh

This bug was not in the sprint but landed during the sprint.

bug 1010093: delivery/read icon update

bug 1013295: Migrated messages don't have a proper sentTimestamp

If we migrated message from old database where sentTimestamp hadn't been yet suported, we hide label with invalid timestamp.

bug 1017018: bug 963018 regresses the localizability of the "To:" string in the recipient panel

Example for Hungarian language.

bug 963013: [Messages][Refresh] Update bubbles style and layout of the thread.

SMS DSDS simulator



Review of Previous sprint's actions

  • we need to know when the blocker phases end (especially when will 1.3t+ end?). +1
    • still not this
  • have a centralized place for all uptodate visual design material
    • should be ok for future features
  • daily meeting: use etherpad as a more synthetic way to update the bug status, and keep IRC as discussion backchannel(+1)
    • was done and seems to work fine

What was good in the last sprint

  • landed a bunch of VR patches +1, we finished the "big things"
  • using etherpad as daily (was it good for you too?)
    • (Oleg) I like it!
    • (Steve) +1 It make IRC cleaner with pure discussion and easier to update on wiki
  • (Oleg) I really liked to have f2f conversation with Steve, Vicky (it eliminates a lot of ni?), Jenny and guys that works on Messaging DB

What was bad in the last sprint

  • did not complete the sprint; burndown:
  • a lot of reviews coming from external sources: it's counted in the "efficiency" but this time there was a lot. Should we count the bug we know in the sprint?
  • both bugs that was started externally (message bubble VR and subject handling) took more time than expected, to continue it correctly I needed to do almost the same amount of work as it required in the beginning (verify that all requirements are met in the initial patch version and etc.). Ideally guys who started work should be presented at sprint planning (wasn't possible in case of Joan, but Pavel can probably join in the future)
  • Maybe we should assign the tasks divide by higher level instead of bugs. There are too many people developed on same or related stuff but blocked by each other +1
    • (julien) yeah this happened a lot during this sprint
    • (julien) IMO we at least need to better identify dependencies +1
  • we started working in the bigger bugs only on the second week
  • workweek: how did it work for you?
    • (Oleg) I really liked to have f2f conversation with Steve, Vicky (it eliminates a lot of ni?), Jenny and guys that works on Messaging DB
    • (Steve) It was good for detail discussion, but hurts the productivity... I can't focus on something more than 1 hr :p
    • (Steve) WW for the beginning of the cycle would be better, we could have clear goal that what we should do and discussion with visual and UX before developer kick off.(And less pressure on solving bugs)
    • (Julien) We see this well on the burndown
    • (Julien) so next workweek, we reduce the velocity? Yes, a lot of meetings interrupts, travelling and jet lag also affect performance.
    • (Oleg) WW needs more detailed agenda (but it's more about WW itself rather than SMS team), so you can understand what is going to be discussed
    • (Julien) instead of having meetings planned today for tomorrow ? Or you mean, know better what will be in one meeting (so, agenda for a meeting, or agenda for the WW ?)
    • (Oleg) both, no ad-hoc meetings and more clear agenda (instead of just "DataStore discussion" as every team thinks about different things(Contacts, SMS))
  • another general question: why do we always rush at the end? If we'd say (internally) that our deadline is 1 or 2 weeks before the real deadline, would that work?
    • You mean braching ?
    • not branching, but have as a goal that every feature needs to be done the sprint before... so that the last sprint is more about details. My thoughts here is that we always rush to finish, but we also always finish, so maybe we go to slowly at the start ? Or maybe it's just because of previous version's blockers and we can't do better ?
    • This time with Haida we're less dependent on other people so maybe we can do better.
    • Hope so, but we still have some VR stuff for 2.1. The good news is seems we didn't have many other feature for 2.1, the bad news is we can't confirm that(especially from partner)
    • for some partners, Haida is very important, so let's focus on this for next version :)
  • not a lot of contributors these days
    • (Julien) I have one contributor that sent a comment today \o/ and Gabriele mentors someone on the SMS app too

Any questions

Nothing this time.


  • (From previous sprint) we need to know when the blocker phases end (especially when will 1.3t+ end?). +1
  • Reduce velocity during workweeks
  • invite all people that work on SMS to daily meetings (this time, we were missing Pavel, Marina)
  • better identify that bugs will target the same area (eg: composer bugs); ideally we need to span them on several sprints, so we need to identify well in advance
  • workweeks:
    • should be at the beginning of the cycle
    • more detailed agenda: meetings planned well ahead, better agenda for each meeting


5 is very good, 1 is very bad.

Product Performance

(Oleg) pp= 3 (Steve) pp= 3 (Julien) pp= 2

We use pp=3

Product Quality

(Oleg) pq=3 (Steve) pq= 3 (Julien) pq= 3

We use pq=3.

Commited tasks vs Completed tasks

(Oleg) t= 4 (Steve) t= 3 (Julien) t= 2

We use t=3.

Code Quality (inverse of Technical Debt)

(Oleg) cq= 3 (Steve) cq= 3 (Julien) cq= 3

We use cq=3.

External contribution from community

(Oleg) ec= 0 (Steve) ec= 0 (Julien) ec= 1

We use ec=0.