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List of bugs

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam (blocks the sprint bug 1061491)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
983172 Steve Chung [:steveck] Parsing jpeg header information for downsampling the image for thumbnail --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-most-wanted][p=2] FIXED
1048717 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Refresh] Display call button at the header of single recipient thread --- No cf_feature-b2g [p=1] FIXED
1053952 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Refactoring] Delete all messages at once when deleting threads --- No cf_feature-b2g [p=1] FIXED
1059233 Steve Chung [:steveck] [SMS] User cannot view the cropped image in SMS application and ActivityCanceled error was shown when try to view --- No cf_feature-b2g [LibGLA,TD91659,QE1, B][p=1] DUPLICATE

4 Total; 4 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Remaining points and burndown chart

google chart api url for Sprint 2.1S4

Burndown chart
Remaining points
Start 5
Day 2 4
Day 3 4
Day 4 4
Day 5 4
Day 6 4
Day 7 2
Day 8 2
Day 9 2
Day 10 2
End 0

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam outside of the sprint (contains whiteboard "sms-sprint-2.1S4")

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
1053964 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Tests] Add marionette JS test case to verify close\back button behaviour when app is in activity mode --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-most-wanted][sms-sprint-2.1S4] FIXED
1063970 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Refresh] Update styles of phone and url links located inside messages --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.1S4] FIXED

2 Total; 2 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

All SMS issues tracked for this sprint (target milestone)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature b2g Resolution
960800 Luke Chang [:lchang] (inactive) [B2G][SMS][RTSP] RTSP link doesn't appear as hyperlink when SMS is received 2.0M+ --- FIXED
981052 Jorge Prudencio [:jorgep] [Messages] We should ask for confirmation when the user tries to delete an outgoing message --- --- FIXED
983172 Steve Chung [:steveck] Parsing jpeg header information for downsampling the image for thumbnail --- --- FIXED
995035 Eitan Isaacson [:eeejay] Invisible UI elements are visible to screen reader 2.1+ --- FIXED
1023259 Goutam(:goutamnair) [Flame][v1.4][Gaia::SMS] The contact number is shown incompletely in the contact detail screen of SMS conversion when the contact phone label is more than 19 characters. --- --- FIXED
1038176 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Meta] SMS app launch latency regressed in v2.0 2.0+ --- FIXED
1048717 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Refresh] Display call button at the header of single recipient thread --- 2.2+ FIXED
1053952 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Refactoring] Delete all messages at once when deleting threads --- --- FIXED
1055355 Eitan Isaacson [:eeejay] [SMS] Make recipients field and suggestions accessible --- --- FIXED
1059053 Paco Rampas [:paco] [Messages][SMS] Icon in Message report is truncated 2.1+ --- FIXED
1059233 Steve Chung [:steveck] [SMS] User cannot view the cropped image in SMS application and ActivityCanceled error was shown when try to view --- --- DUPLICATE
1060727 Steve Chung [:steveck] [CMAS] Duplicated notifications in system tray when dismiss the attention screen by tapping on home button 2.1+ --- FIXED
1061491 [meta] SMS subteam sprint 2.1S4 --- --- FIXED
1061682 Yan Or [Messages] Header shows wrong icons for back\close actions --- --- FIXED
1063041 (no longer active) Inline the activity options used in the SMS app in order to make it easier to automatically extract the activity arguments from the source code --- --- FIXED
1063256 Théo Chevalier Need new strings for "{{n]} selected", due to new UX --- --- FIXED
1063970 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Refresh] Update styles of phone and url links located inside messages --- --- FIXED

17 Total; 17 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint planning

Minutes are on a separate page.

Daily meetings

Day 2: 3rd September


  • bug 1061150 - [Messages][Refresh] Change outgoing message background to #fff
    • Prepared patch for background and bubble box-shadow, got r+, landed (landed).
  • bug 1048717 - [Messages][Refresh] Display call button at the header of single recipient thread
    • Started to work on this (in progress);
    • Noticed that if we have invalid number (like sender equals to string, in my case operator sends messages with sender === 'FehlerInfo'), we can't easily validate number, so we display call option, but if user tap on it - nothing will happen as telephony activity is just rejected. Talked to Rik about it, probably solution for that will be "bug 1032273 - [v2.1] Bug: Tapping "Call" launches Phone but does not dial" where we call directly from SMS + probably some shared with Dialer\Emergence Call error handling and number validation code.
  • bug 1061215 - [Messages][Refactoring] Improve handling of remaining chars counter
    • Follow-up for subject handling patch, have a WIP (in progress).
  • bug 1061682 - [Messages] Header shows wrong icons for back\close actions
    • Noticed that regression caused by the latest gaia-header patch (checkin-needed, v2.1?)
  • bug 1048845 - [Messages] Compose Panel refresh (subject behavior change)
    • Landed (landed).
  • bug 1061710 - [Flame][SMS] Unable to send sms
    • Was investigating, it's hard to reproduce but still possible. There is the same problem I saw some time ago with CMAS - settings.createLock.get doesn't return, it just hangs somewhere, for that reason MultiSimAction button doesn't work - neither executes send nor shows correct sim number.
    • I believe there are other apps affected by this, will look for similar bugs, otherwise will try to find good STR.
    • Just noticed Steve's reference to might have caused this "bug 1061510 - [B2G] JavaScript Error: "ReadOnlyError: A mutation operation was attempted in a READ_ONLY transaction.".


  • Reviewed CMAS duplicated notification bug, r+'d
  • Added Demos to wiki page.


  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Will deal with review\feedback requests;

Day 3: 4st September


  • bug 1060727 - [CMAS] Duplicated notifications in system tray when dismiss the attention screen by tapping on home button
    • Landed on master and create a follow up bug 1062104 for future system changes
  • bug 1048841 - [Messages] investigate performance hit from IndexedDB at startup (eg: Contact lookup)
    • Waiting for the QC's reply. If they takes the gecko patch, we might need to provide the corresponding gaia patch to fix the profiling result
  • bug 983172 - Parsing jpeg header information for downsampling the image for thumbnail
    • It's time to finish this patch anyway. Will also apply the square thumbnail visual changes as well.
      (Oleg) I also see we have one more bug with incorrect attachment alignment
      (Steve) Yes, I saw it too. Do you think we should separate them and fix?
      (Oleg) I guess we should (if we need to uplift this to v2.0), I see that reporter says it happens for v2.0 too, so I can take a look what broke this and then we can decide :)
      (Steve) Hmm ,it would be reasonable to separate them if it's 2.0 blocker...
      (Oleg) Btw, do you plan to uplift patch for bug 983172 to v2.1?
      (Steve) I think we should. Memory leak is an irresistible reason ;) Yep!
      (Oleg) I also think so! So if we uplift it and fix for wrong alignment is one-liner or so, we can bundle it with your patch for v2.1. So I'll figure out what the reason for this alignment issue

Bunch of review

  • Clean up more review.



  • On PTO till September 15th


  • bug 1048717 - [Messages][Refresh] Display call button at the header of single recipient thread
    • Prepared patch and sent it for review (in review);
    • Left some concern about non-valid numbers on Github.
  • bug 1061682 - [Messages] Header shows wrong icons for back\close actions
    • Verified that bug is fixed, asked Yan to ask for approval to uplift it in v2.1 :)
  • bug 1061710 - [Flame][SMS] Unable to send sms
    • I believe Steve is right that the following bug is the reason for this bug and for the one that Loli noticed, so tracking "bug 1061510 - [B2G] JavaScript Error: "ReadOnlyError: A mutation operation was attempted in a READ_ONLY transaction.".
      (Steve) Ya, there are bunch of bugs related to this issue(Anything related to settings DB is broken :p)
      (Oleg) Yep, this can break everything :)
  • bug 1059233 - [SMS] User cannot view the cropped image in SMS application and ActivityCanceled error was shown when try to view
    • I see "storage is null" in the gallery when the issue happens, after that I can't even open gallery - "no memory card" error is displayed, attached logcat and redirected to Gaia::Gallery to reconfirm.
      (Steve) So it's only reproducible while no memory card inserted?
      (Oleg) Mm, I don't have memory card to check, but it always worked before and works after reboot...
      (Steve) Ya, I think so, but I can check for the memory card inserted scenario
      (Oleg) That would be nice, thanks!


  • Cleaned up review queue! :)


  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Will deal with review\feedback requests;

Day 4: 5th September


  • bug 1048841 - [Messages] investigate performance hit from IndexedDB at startup (eg: Contact lookup)
    • Waiting for the QC's reply. If they takes the gecko patch, we might need to provide the corresponding gaia patch to fix the profiling result
  • bug 983172 - Parsing jpeg header information for downsampling the image for thumbnail
    • Missing one image asset, and visual will update later. Trying to clean up the original hard-coded js styling as possible.
      (Oleg) yeah, that would be great!

Bunch of review

  • Still on the reviews, has some concern in Eitan a11y's patch. Just thought that we create many element in JS runtime, and seems like we need to revisit this part in the future.


  • Create patch for bug 983172
  • I owe many reviews from Oleg, time to clean them up :p
    (Oleg) no worries! :)

Next week:

  • Might take PTO for almost a week for some personal matter(you know that), I will still take review in the limited time, but might not able to send more patch :(


  • On PTO till September 15th


  • bug 1061710 - [Flame][SMS] Unable to send sms
    • Looks like the patch that intended to fix this is landed, will check once it appears on pvt.
  • bug 1061215 - [Messages][Refactoring] Improve handling of remaining chars counter
    • Prepared patch and asked for low-priority review (in review).
  • bug 1053964 - [Messages][Tests] Add marionette JS test case to verify close\back button behaviour when app is in activity mode
    • Added last fix with contenteditable=true as Steve noted and landed (landed).
  • bug 1063043 - send button doesn't work when keyboard is open
    • It's actually true when we tap not in the button center, will try to find out what is the reason, keyboard or some sort of click fluffing problem maybe.
    (Steve) I remember we seems doing some preventDefault action in send button to prevent keyboard dismiss on click long time ago... it seems like a workaround but maybe I'm wrong
    (Oleg) Ok, thanks for pointer! Will look into that too
    (Steve) Maybe I'm just wrong. Is it really hard to tap the send button? Since our send button is a little bit smaller then before
    (Oleg) I guess it's just habit, I always tap in center, so it didn't bother me before and now :)
    (Steve) If Dietrich is tapping on the "button container" but not button, maybe we could enlarge the button size for usability, but we need to confirm it first.
    (Oleg) The only thing that is strange and I'd like to confirm with reporter is, if he taps on the same area when keyboard is visible and when it's not. I assume that he's talking about the same area, if it's not because keyboard's iframe then it's something wrong in SMS. If I tap on bottom right corner for example when keyboard is shown - keyboard just becomes hidden, when I tap on the same area when keyboard is not visible, then it works as expected. I made preliminary debugging and don't see that click is fired on our button at all, maybe keyboard is capturing it somehow. don't know :) Just ideas. It's fine for Email, because button isn't too close to keyboard. The same is for Add attachment button
    (Steve) Will talk to kb owner then.
    (Oleg) Oh, cool, is he also in Taipei? :) Also just for the record (maybe not useful at all :)) if you debug keyboard app with Web IDE and select row-0 - web inspector shows it's boundary that a bit overlap our buttons, maybe it doesn't matter


  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Noticed that send button didn't work in browser - will take a look, I see exception from shared date helper about mozSettings, will check if it's related.

Day 5: 8th September


  • Public Holiday in Taipei


  • On PTO till September 15th


  • bug 1061710 - [Flame][SMS] Unable to send sms
    • Asked reporter to check once again as settings dependency bug has been landed (awaiting info from reporter).
  • bug 1063043 - send button doesn't work when keyboard is open
    • Bisected gaia and noticed that first signs of that issue started to happen after "bug 1011087 - [B2G][SMS]Using edge gestures to change apps while keyboard is present, message bar is partially offscreen after returning to SMS app" landed. Everything works fine with "Edge swipe navigation" turned off. Asked Dietrich to confirm that turning off swipe navigation fixes issue for him. If so, will talk to Etienne (awaiting for info from reporter).
  • bug 1050416 - [Messages][Build] Add build script to ignore the desktop-only folder for production build
    • Prepared patch for it + some refactoring attempt in dekstop-only code and asked for low priority review (in review).
  • bug 1063970 - [Messages][Refresh] Update styles of phone and url links located inside messages
    • While dogfooding noticed that we didn't change styles for the links inside messages, asked Fang on what styles should be changed (awaiting info from VD).


  • Played with Foxbox ( Looks like vagrant+virtualbox+custom shell scripts is our way to go here. We probably just need to tune foxbox for our needs, but overall idea looks good to me. Will make a fork with some adaptations.


  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Clean up review queue.

Day 6: 9th September


  • bug 1048841 - [Messages] investigate performance hit from IndexedDB at startup (eg: Contact lookup)
    • bug 1038176 launch time latency issue seems able to be closed with gecko patch landed( \o/ ) So I might take some time to finish this nice-to-have item to make the

aggressiveness adjustable by device resolution.

    • (Oleg) Yay! :)
  • bug 983172 - Parsing jpeg header information for downsampling the image for thumbnail
    • Patch given and some precious feedback returned. Will find some time to update the patch for review again.
  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • I've been told that partner are eager to fix this problem in this sprint... Will try out some solution for this. Not sure if it's overkill to use localstorage simply for event bus, but worth to give it a try.
      (Oleg) Just attached, you can take a look if you have time - simple poc :) Didn't test much, just thrown what I had in mind :)
      (Steve) Maybe we could ask our partner for testing first.
      (Oleg) Yeah, and who is contact point from partner there? I'll try to test this patch a bit, ~1h just see major cases.
      (Steve) sasikala could help or even finish the patch if it works ;)
      (Oleg) Oh, cool :) It will save some time for us :) Will ask her then <-her Oh, got it :)

Bunch of review

  • Eitan a11y's patch r+ and reply some review/ ni?.


  • Update bug 983172
  • Review deletion patch and call button first


  • bug 1063043 - send button doesn't work when keyboard is open
    • Asked reporter to try to use send button without swipe navigation and prepared reduced test case for Etienne that demonstrates issue when we tap on button areas close to window edges (awaiting for info from reporter and Etienne).
      (Steve) So Etienne suspected that this might related to app edge swipe gesture?
      (Oleg) Nope, that I suspect, didn't get reply from Etienne yet, I've bisected that previously and also see the difference if I turn off swipe navigation...
      (Steve) ya, just try it out and the edge swipe option really affect the result... But it's nice catch ;)
      (Oleg) I hope this issue bothers Dietrich, not the other one that we haven't discovered yet :). Btw in test app click target is "Red container", but in our case it "messages-container", weeeeird ..
  • bug 1063970 - [Messages][Refresh] Update styles of phone and url links located inside messages
    • While dogfooding noticed that we didn't change styles for the links inside messages, asked Fang on what styles should be changed (awaiting info from VD).
      (Steve) Thanks for discovering this... Missing this part in the VD spec
      (Oleg) yeah, my bad, noticed that when was looking for possible cases for "call" action in menu :)
  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • Prepared small PoC, just was curious if that can work with localstorage as event bus - looks like it works - will attach to the bug and maybe it can give us some hints for better solution.


  • Some reviews, new bug triaging and investigation.


  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Clean up review queue.


  • On PTO till September 15th

Day 7: 10th September


  • bug 1048841 - [Messages] investigate performance hit from IndexedDB at startup (eg: Contact lookup)
    • Ongoing, but not the top priority
  • bug 983172 - Parsing jpeg header information for downsampling the image for thumbnail
    • Patch updated and waiting for VD reply
  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • Will review the patch later
  • bug 1061417 - [SMS] We don't properly discard the draft in some occasions
    • I could reproduce that but the STR is a little bit complicate, will spend some time on it to find out why the draft is not deleted in certain scenario.

Bunch of review

  • Reviewed the deletion patch and testing, it works great and will r+ if everything is fine.
  • Some other minor issue reply


  • Land bug 983172 and investigate draft discarding issue.
  • Review draft saving issue first and clean up the review/ni queue


  • bug 1063970 - [Messages][Refresh] Update styles of phone and url links located inside messages
    • Got new VD, will prepare small patch today (in progress).
  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • Improved localStorage PoC patch a bit, talked to Sasikala about her concerns (awaiting info from partner). Looks like it works as she wants. Regarding the last concern, I can only suspect that asynStorage actually saved draft later then new app was opened, so I moved firing "drafts-changed" event in asyncStorage.setItem success callback. Still hesitating if that hacky solution is acceptable...
  • bug 918970 - [B2G][SMS] Conversation history does not appear when sending a SMS through the contacts app
    • Spent some time reviewing this patch, looks like it doesn't cover cases when we have threads with error/sending/not-downloaded messages only, asked advice from Steve on Github.
      (Oleg) Steve, could you please look into my advise request once you have some time? :)
      (Steve) Sure, will reply later
      (Oleg) Thanks, it's not urgent :)
  • bug 1048717 - [Messages][Refresh] Display call button at the header of single recipient thread
    • Fixed review nits and landed (landed).
  • bug 1053952 - [Messages][Refactoring] Delete all messages at once when deleting threads
    • Fixed review comments and asked for review (in review).


  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Will probably pick up new blocker


  • on PTO till 9//15

Day 8: 11th September


  • bug 1048841 - [Messages] investigate performance hit from IndexedDB at startup (eg: Contact lookup)
    • Ongoing, but not the top priority
  • bug 983172 - Parsing jpeg header information for downsampling the image for thumbnail
    • Some regression reported by Oleg that we might have some problem with generating a thumbnail from cropped image. It might be the same root cause in bug 1059233.
      (Oleg) Can you please help me to understand what's happening here after standup, on IRC maybe?
      (Steve) Sure, no problem,
      (Oleg) Thanks!
  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • Still trying to find better solution than localStorage. Not sure if postMessage could work.
      (Oleg) That would be great if we can find something other than this, also trying to find out better way..
  • bug 1059233 - [SMS] User cannot view the cropped image in SMS application and ActivityCanceled error was shown when try to view
    • Create a quick patch that store the blob and fetch the blob again to prevent any possible memory access violation.
      (Oleg) Do you know why Blob.slice doesn't work for this? I thought it was copying original blob, but probably I'm wrong
      (Steve) Ya.. I though it might work at first, but actually access the blob for further memory copy will make the system(!) crash. I still think it's a bug in gecko side, maybe I will ping David directly on the bug.
      (Oleg) Yeah, I think it's a way to go, to be honest don't want to create workarounds for not our bugs :) I believe if Gallery or some other app returns some data, then this app should take care about it, or at least we should be able to use blob.slice to copy data.... Don't know :) Gallery currently behaves itself strangely, every 2nd/3rd time I try to select attachment it complains about missing SD card
  • bug 1061417 - [SMS] We don't properly discard the draft in some occasions
    • Not much progress right now.

Bunch of review

  • R+ deletion patch.
  • Some other minor issue reply


  • Figure out the cropped image memory issue before landing thumbnail refactoring.
  • More investigation about the across window communication.
  • Draft discard issue.


  • bug 1063970 - [Messages][Refresh] Update styles of phone and url links located inside messages
    • Prepared patch and set for review (in review).
  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • Not much updates here, waiting for better approach code snippet from Steve.
  • bug 918970 - [B2G][SMS] Conversation history does not appear when sending a SMS through the contacts app
    • Probably I was wrong when I was thinking that only one of these 3 fields (sender/receiver/receivers) can be available at the same time, but that's true for all my SIMS though.
      (Steve) Is there any info available about these fields or maybe you know why sender can be null for outgoing messages for my SIMs, but not for other (like contributor for this bug)?
      (Steve) Null sender is possible because RIL could not know device phone number(and it very common for the most cases)
      (Oleg) Ok, got it, so that not always true as I thought
  • bug 1053952 - [Messages][Refactoring] Delete all messages at once when deleting threads
    • Fixed review comments and landed (landed).


  • Reviewed Steve's thumbnails patch, looks great, r+'ed! Reviewing cropping issue workaround.


  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Will probably pick up new blocker


  • PTO until 9/15

Day 9: 12th September


  • PTO today, so not much update here
  • bug 983172 - Parsing jpeg header information for downsampling the image for thumbnail
  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
  • bug 1059233 - [SMS] User cannot view the cropped image in SMS application and ActivityCanceled error was shown when try to view
    • Seems like we always patching for old branches instead of fixed it in gecko or gaia master. So we decide to adjust this workaround into better shape and landed in master first.


  • PTO, but will still read mail and review.


  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • Played with one more approach - SharedWorkers, it still hacky as SharedWorker are intended for another purpose + need some nasty code to deal with dead ports to avoid memory leaks. Investigated also Inter App Communication ways existing in Gecko, including "connection" requests - abandoned this idea, as it wakes up app if it's not alive + it's impossible to connect to the app in the same origin (awaiting for feedback).
    • Thinking more about this, using Datastore to store drafts will help here as it's basically IndexedDB (as used in asyncStorage) + built-in notification mechanism. The only architectural doubt is that DS is mainly about sharing data with other apps, but drafts.... don't know :)


  • Rebased my patches that are in review, some of the them had conflicts with the latest master.
  • Reviewed Steve's patch with workaround for cropped images, works great, r+'ed. Still have issues with Gallery\Video, but seems I found bugs about this, noted them in the bug comment.


  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Will probably pick up new blocker


  • PTO until 9/15

Day 10: 15th September


  • bug 983172 - Parsing jpeg header information for downsampling the image for thumbnail
    • Reviewed and landed.
  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • Reviewing the SharedWorker patch(and it's brilliant!) will leave some comments later and give it a try
  • bug 1059233 - [SMS] User cannot view the cropped image in SMS application and ActivityCanceled error was shown when try to view
    • Reviewed and landed. create a follow up about the blob checking for the refinement.
  • bug 1067232 - [SMS] Avoid to make a private memory copy for file based blob
    • We should only make a copy for non-file based blob, but have no idea how to write a test for it :-/
      (Julien) you can ask bent or baku on IRC maybe. (baku in european timezone, bent in US timezone)
      (Steve) Ok, maybe baku is more easier for me.
  • bug 1061417 - [SMS] We don't properly discard the draft in some occasions
    • Start to investigate it today.
      (Julien) I think we don't remove the "ThreadUI.draft" properly somewhere. That said if we have some time we might want to review the use of this property at all.
      (Steve) Yes, we just have another issue about ThreadUI.draft not removed properly at some moment, maybe it's a good chance to revisit it and remove this property



  • will read the mails and try to update some bugs


  • bug 1067228 - [Messages][Refactoring] Move subject management to a separate component
    • Analyzed what we need to make Composer as separate (web)component to share it between ThreadUI and Compose panels. Looks like just separating Subject from Thread UI deserves separate task - filed a non-critical bug.
    • Tried to use web components for that - basically it looks great in terms of granularity and encapsulation, but contenteditable doesn't work inside Shadow DOM currently (both subject and message input based on it), filed a bug for that. In the meantime we can separate without web components and migrate to it later if required - after separation it won't take much time.
    • + Wilson filed a bug to DevTools, so that we can inspect shadow DOM with DevTools, currently it's possible only with DOM Inspector plugin - well it's hard and not handy.
      (Julien) yeah, let's not push too hard on web components while it's not handy to use :/ but it's good to experiment to fix the bugs, so thanks for this :)
  • bug 1063970 - [Messages][Refresh] Update styles of phone and url links located inside messages
    • Landed (landed).


  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Will pick up new bug


bug 1048717: Display call button at the header of single recipient thread

Single participant non-email thread

bug 11063970: Update styles of phone and url links located inside messages

bug 983172: Parsing jpeg header information for downsampling the image for thumbnail + attachment VR

bug 1053952: Delete all messages at once when deleting threads

Side by side comparasion, 285 messages in 10 threads:

bug 1059233: User cannot view the cropped image in SMS application

Side by side comparasion:


Previous sprints' actions

  • Look into VM with gaia dev environment
    • I've checked out FoxBox, looks like it's the best way to go, but we still need to adapt it a bit for our needs: 1. maybe update guest OS to the latest one to simplify loading of dependencies, 2. Provide some tips and tricks for the inside VM - like set of shortcuts to build debug\release, work with PR and etc. Maybe install IRC client :)

What was good in the last sprint

  • Nothing special, but finished sprint :)

What was bad in the last sprint

  • A bunch of nasty Gecko regressions that created some noise to investigate and triage new bugs

Any questions

  • about the FL date: I think we should move the sprint start/end to start/end of weeks, after all...
    • (Oleg) Yeah, I think it will be clearer and our expectations will match

Actions for next sprint

  • add a explaining the first steps for contributing to SMS


(5 is very good, 1 is very bad)

Product Performance

(Oleg) pp=4 (Steve) pp= (Julien) pp=4 (with all the good work done for 2.0)

Product Quality

(Oleg) pq=3 (Steve) pq= (Julien) pq=3

Commited tasks vs Completed tasks

(Oleg) t=3 (I think I've done more out of the sprint than for sprint, that's not good) (Steve) t= (Julien) t=4 (still lots of tasks handled out of the sprint, but the sprint is completed)

Code Quality (inverse of Technical Debt)

(Oleg) cq=4 (for the pace, we've done a bunch of nice refactorings) (Steve) cq= (Julien) cq=4, but we're not there yet :p

External contribution

(Oleg) ec=1 (I'd say even 0 :(, but at least I saw attempts to fix and work on something) (Steve) ec= (Julien) ec=1 (we get lots of requests to work, but not a lot of fixed :) )