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List of bugs

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam (blocks the sprint bug 1074714)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
1003843 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] Follow up to Bug 951676 - [Messages][Refresh] Add specific image in case of more than one recipient in the list threads --- No cf_feature-b2g groupmms [p(2.1S6)=1][p(2.1S5)=1] FIXED
1021608 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Report panel visual refresh --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-most-wanted][p(2.1S7)=1][p(2.1S6)=2][p(2.1S5)=2] FIXED
1053708 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) Make SMS main User Interface RTL-friendly --- No cf_feature-b2g [p(2.1S6)=1][p(2.1S5)=2] FIXED
1058459 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again 2.0M+ No cf_feature-b2g [g+][LibGLA,TD92050,QE1, B][sms-most-wanted][p=2] FIXED
1068618 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Loop] The shared link sms message is wrong --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-most-wanted][p=1] FIXED
1074732 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model --- No cf_feature-b2g [p(2.1S7)=2][p(2.1S6)=1] FIXED

6 Total; 6 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Remaining points and burndown chart

google chart api url for Sprint 2.1S6

Burndown chart
Remaining points
Start 8
Day 2 8
Day 3 8
Day 4 8
Day 5 8
Day 6 7
Day 7 7
Day 8 6
Day 9 4
Day 10 3
Day 11 3
End 3

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam outside of the sprint (contains whiteboard "sms-sprint-2.1S6")

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
1050416 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Build] Add build script to ignore the desktop-only folder for production build --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.1S6] FIXED
1071514 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Woodduck][Messages] The picture will flicker once when you take one picture as attachment --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-most-wanted][sms-sprint-2.1S6][p=2] FIXED
1074790 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] We should revoke contact image blob URL when contact or its image is removed --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.1S6] FIXED
1076703 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [woodduck] There is no response in switch data connection page while pressing OK button. 2.0+ No cf_feature-b2g [2.0-woodduck-test-run-1][sms-sprint-2.1S6] FIXED

4 Total; 4 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

All SMS issues tracked for this sprint (target milestone)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature b2g Resolution
1003843 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] Follow up to Bug 951676 - [Messages][Refresh] Add specific image in case of more than one recipient in the list threads --- 2.2+ FIXED
1026384 Salvador de la Puente González [:salva] [MMS]Display switching of SMS/MMS composition screen --- --- FIXED
1053708 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) Make SMS main User Interface RTL-friendly --- --- FIXED
1058459 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again 2.0M+ --- FIXED
1068618 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Loop] The shared link sms message is wrong --- --- FIXED
1069817 Steve Chung [:steveck] [sms] localization missing for unknown contacts --- --- FIXED
1074714 SMS sprint 2.1S6 --- --- WONTFIX
1074790 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] We should revoke contact image blob URL when contact or its image is removed --- --- FIXED

8 Total; 8 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint planning

Minutes are on a separate page.

Daily meetings

Day 2: 1st October


  • bug 1021608 - [Messages] Consider adding a "resend" button in the message report page, if there is an error, and other visual refresh
    • First round feedback updated


  • Personal matters this afternoon.
  • Keep moving bug 1021608
  • Fix the missing localization string issue in bug 1069817


  • looked into the strange blob-related issue that appeared while I was in holidays (bug 1059233); should have been fixed in gecko... (bug 1063658 might be this)
    • no movement
  • bug 1053708 (make main interface RTL friendly)
    • need to fix some review points and land. Haven't worked on this yesterday.
  • worked on sprint planning etherpad + demos
  • created a script to automate the creation of sprint planning page
    • Possible improvement: generates the dates for standup ;)
  • mostly worked on reducing my needinfo/review queue. Will continue focussing on this today, I need a clean queue to clean my mind too ;)
    • reviewed the build patch from Oleg (bug 1050416)
    • reviewed the small fix about blob URL revocation (bug 1074790)
    • reviewed the template library change, but needs a stamp from a peer. (bug 1014686)


  • Bug triaging like every day


  • will do reviews + needinfo
  • will continue work on bug 1053708 and land it
  • will continue working on bug 1063658 for the blob related issue (mostly want to understand why this works in v1.4)

Tomorrow: absent until next tuesday. Next tuesday I might be absent during the standup too but will be there later.


  • bug 1074790 - [Messages] We should revoke contact image blob URL when contact or its image is removed
    • Got r+, landed (landed).

bug 1050416 - [Messages][Build] Add build script to ignore the desktop-only folder for production build

    • Got r+, landed (landed).
  • bug 1003843 - Follow up to bug 951676 - [Messages][Refresh] Add specific image in case of more than one recipient in the list threads
    • Almost finished handling review comments, will be ready for review today (in progress)


  • Started collecting screenshots for the "Current state of the App" wiki page


  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Will handle review requests.

Day 3: 2nd October


  • bug 1021608 - [Messages] Consider adding a "resend" button in the message report page, if there is an error, and other visual refresh
    • Working on the test part
  • bug 1052424 - [Messages] Cursor should be in the "to" field by default while forwarding messages.
    • Patch reviewed and landed on master. It should fixed some existing focus racing issue in compose view and put the cursor to the end of content properly.



  • On PTO till October 7th


  • bug 1003843 - Follow up to bug 951676 - [Messages][Refresh] Add specific image in case of more than one recipient in the list threads
    • Got r+, will handle some Julien's comments and ask for final review from Steve (in progress)
    • PR is closed and I don't have rights to open it again until tree is open.
      (Oleg) Steve, I believe you have merge rights, can you reopen some PR for me, so that I see Try results before asking for review? :)
      (Steve) I don't have the right either :( , I think currently only the gaia owner like Vivien get the reopen right.
      (Oleg) Ahh, got it. Does it make sense to ask for review on closed PR, what do you think?
      (Steve) You already got r+ for this one. Or you are asking other patches?
      (Oleg) I've just wanted to you get some quick look on the final changes on this one and yes full review for the next bug's patch.
      (Steve) I think the reopen right is taken just temporary. Once the tree reopen, maybe we can reopen our branch again(** Maybe**).
      (Oleg) Yeah, I'll hope they open it today :) Okay, will wait
      (Oleg) Hah, just opened :)
  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • Resumed work on it, added two things: 1. Listen for window.unload and send "postMessage('close')" so that SharedWorker can remove dying port. It's not fired all the time so that is why I've made the following too; 2. Once SharedWorker gets connection request, it checks how many ports are considered active, if this number exceeds some predefined value (currently 5) it pings every port to check if it's still alive. So this shouldn't affect performance much because "ping-pong cleanup" will be run only in abnormal cases (5 active ports doesn't look like a normal case). Probably we can have this if app is killed by OOM several times or something similar.
    • Working on unit tests, should ask review today by EOD.


  • Still collecting screenshots, will have something more or less ready by end of week.
  • Tomorrow is Public Holiday in Germany..


  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Will handle review requests.

Day 4: 3rd October


  • bug 1021608 - [Messages] Consider adding a "resend" button in the message report page, if there is an error, and other visual refresh
    • Almost ready, will submit the patch later
  • bug 1069817 - [sms] localization missing for unknown contacts
    • Will submit patch later.



On PTO Today

  • bug 1003843 - Follow up to bug 951676 - [Messages][Refresh] Add specific image in case of more than one recipient in the list threads
    • Fixed all comments and asked Steve for final review (in review)
  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • Finished and asked for first round of review (in review).


  • Still collecting screenshots, will have something more or less ready by end of week.
  • Cleaned up review queue.


  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Will handle review requests.


  • On PTO till 10/7

Day 5: 6th October


  • bug 1021608 - [Messages] Consider adding a "resend" button in the message report page, if there is an error, and other visual refresh
    • 1st complete patch submitted for review
  • bug 1069817 - [sms] localization missing for unknown contacts
    • 2 patch (1 for master and 1 for 2.1 uplift) submitted. Simply a localization issue.

Reviewing bug 1003843 thread list contacts image patch. Sorry that I'm new to ES6 generator :p

  • (Oleg) No worries, we're all new :) Since we started using generators wanted that you also know about that :)
    (Steve) ya, good to know this, thanks!

Other review: One for email mms switching and one for data share. Today:

  • Review thread list UI patch bug 1003843
  • Spend some time to figure out the thread selection functionality refactoring


  • On PTO till 10/7



  • Will pick up next sprint bug, presumably bug 1068618 - [Loop] The shared link sms message is wrong.
  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Will handle review requests from Steve.

Day 6: 7th October


  • bug 1021608 - [Messages] Consider adding a "resend" button in the message report page, if there is an error, and other visual refresh
    • 1st complete patch submitted for review
  • bug 1069817 - [sms] localization missing for unknown contacts
    • Patch for master is reviewed, but for v2.1 is not yet. Seems that I pinged wrong person...
  • bug 1074732 - [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model
    • Simply a brief idea about the model. Maybe we need a base selection module for both Thread list and Thread view. Selection module stores the selected item and emit the selected item changed event for both view. It will also need to register the messaging API for select all.
  • Take a quick glance to other issues:
  • bug 1073232 - [Browser] Tapping on top sites/history link will transfer user to the Messages app
    • Looks like we need to change the behavior in activity: After sending the message, activity will force to exist immediately instead of staying in thread, which means we don't have to any circular activity issue.
  • bug 996755 - [B2G][MMS] Unsupported data formats are not displayed corrected when received by MMS
    • Found a possible root cause(unsupported media missed in smil) but not sure it's as same as QA side. Provide a patch and need QA's feedback.
  • More review from other bugs.


  • Review data share patch bug 1058459
  • Spend some time to figure out the thread selection functionality refactoring


  • Absent/no report


  • bug 1003843 - Follow up to bug 951676 - [Messages][Refresh] Add specific image in case of more than one recipient in the list threads
    • Got r+, landed (landed).
  • bug 1068618 - [Loop] The shared link sms message is wrong
    • Still working on it (in progress).



  • Will try to not left unfinished things before my PTO :)
  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Will handle review requests.

Day 7: 8th October


  • bug 1021608 - [Messages] Consider adding a "resend" button in the message report page, if there is an error, and other visual refresh
    • Working on the 1st round of review
  • bug 1069817 - [sms] localization missing for unknown contacts
    • Both patch for master and v2.1 got r+
  • bug 1074732 - [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model
    • Trying to create a prototype for selection model
  • Take a quick glance to other issues:
  • bug 996755 - [B2G][MMS] Unsupported data formats are not displayed corrected when received by MMS
    • Found a possible root cause(unsupported media missed in smil) but QA could not provide any feedback...
    • Might related to bug 1069135. Some operator might change the attachment mime-type in server side. And the unsupported media might cause some unexpected result in smil.
      (Julien) can you give us access to that bug?
      (Steve) Sure
  • More review from other bugs.


  • Resume the report view refresh work.
  • Review data share patch bug 1058459. First round review is almost down.
  • Spend some time to figure out the thread selection functionality refactoring


  • looked into the strange blob-related issue that appeared while I was in holidays (bug 1059233); should have been fixed in gecko... (bug 1063658 might be this)
    • David Flanagan provided the workaround fix for Gallery; seems to fix the various issues, we'll be able to revert bug 1059233. Note that a new bug 1077106 also appeared, so it looks like the workaround in SMS was not working well enough anyway.
    • I'll revert the patch in bug 1059233 today
      (Oleg) Ideally we need integration test for that in case gallery fix goes away before Gecko patch is ready :)
      (Julien) definitely, should we file a separate bug?
      (Steve) Ya, there is no better for to verify this except integration test
  • bug 1053708 (make main interface RTL friendly)
    • need to fix some review points and land. Will do today.
  • reviewed various bugs
    • the "double escape activity body" bug from Oleg
    • some changes in the Template library (this could affect SMS)


  • Bug triaging like every day
    • looks like we have some 2.0 blockers. I'm working to make them actionable.
  • bug 1079700: Found a big issue in how the performance measurements are done... which makes us look quite bad and unpredictable :)


  • will do reviews + needinfo
  • will continue work on bug 1053708 and land it
  • will pick a new bug from the sprint
  • revert patch in bug 1059233 and dupe this bug


  • bug 1068618 - [Loop] The shared link sms message is wrong
    • Got r+, updated Compose.fromMessage tests to check that message content is properly escaped;
    • Tried to make marionette tests smarter in verifying of possible XSS attacks, but we have double protection: 1. <script> isn't executed automatically if it's passed to innerHTML 2. If I try to insert smth like <img src="/" onerror="delete window.Compose;"> it's caught by CSP settings - so positive cases works, but wasn't able to fail tests because of CSP :)
      (Julien) maybe try to insert <strong> and see if the DOM node is there? But I don't know if it's worth spending too much time on this.
      (Oleg) I'll leave <img src="/" onerror="delete window.Compose;"> - it should be in textContent and Compose should be present - looks like enough for the test.
    • Will try to find out why test is failing on Try but not locally. I had such problems before, after second push problems went away, will see what happens in this particular case.
      (Julien) could be related in how the builds are choosen; but on master it "should" work well :)


  • Left some comments on Report VR patch.


  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Will handle review requests.

Day 8: 9th October


  • bug 1021608 - [Messages] Consider adding a "resend" button in the message report page, if there is an error, and other visual refresh
    • Patch for 1st review completed.
  • bug 1069817 - [sms] localization missing for unknown contacts
    • Landed on master, and still waiting for 2.1 approval.
  • bug 1074732 - [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model
    • Trying to create a prototype for selection model. But we might have more function like markread in thread list selection UI. So not sure if it's good idea to handling the UI together. Maybe creating a module simply for selection logic is another idea.
      (Julien) yep I agree, only having the logic in the module is a good idea.
  • Take a quick glance to other issues:
  • bug 996755 - [B2G][MMS] Unsupported data formats are not displayed corrected when received by MMS
    • Might redirect the patch to bug 1069135 for partner testing if they are eager to solve the problem(although they didn't provide any useful information eventually...)
      (Julien) If there is a real issue in the SMIL parsing, maybe just file a separate bug and request a review?
      (Steve) The only problem is I'm not sure the actually root cause they faced, since it depend on the operator. The best way is they provides their testing database.
      (Julien) yes, that's why I propose to simply land your patch without waiting for their feedback.. we can get the feedback later?
      (Steve) Ya... maybe you're right and it seems the only way to keep this moving
      (Julien) there is another related issue, where they get an ogg file with the MIME application/ogg (I needinfo you on that bug).
      (Steve) Thanks
  • More review from other bugs.


  • Review data share patch bug 1058459. again. No big issue in the first round, so it should be quick for the 2nd review.
  • Another review for message dialog animation
  • Spend some time to figure out the thread selection functionality refactoring


  • looked into the strange blob-related issue that appeared while I was in holidays (bug 1059233); should have been fixed in gecko... (bug 1063658 might be this)
    • David Flanagan provided the workaround fix for Gallery; seems to fix the various issues, we'll be able to revert bug 1059233. Note that a new bug 1077106 also appeared, so it looks like the workaround in SMS was not working well enough anyway.
    • reverted the patch in bug 1059233
    • we have bug 1080020 happening again though, but the regression window seems to come from the work in bug 994190
    • a bug for adding an integration tests was filed: bug 1080122
  • bug 1053708 (make main interface RTL friendly)
    • fixed the review points
    • looked at some BiDi information: Especially, we'll need to use "isolation" for content. All this is very complex but we need to understand it to use it properly (because have complex cases too). So you can read it :)
    • will file additional bugs for the remaining issues today


  • Bug triaging like every day
    • we have an important 2.0 blocker, I think this can wait next sprint but we'll need to work on it in priority next sprint. The fix should be very easy though.
  • bug 1079700: "checkin-needed" state, will see how this makes us look better ;)


  • will do reviews + needinfo
  • will continue work on bug 1053708 and land it
    (Julien) Steve, any chance you can ping Fang? :)
  • will pick a new bug from the sprint


  • bug 1068618 - [Loop] The shared link sms message is wrong
    • Found the reason of failed MarionetteJS test - mozMobileMessage mock was incorrectly creating SMS message objects. Related exceptions are only visible if tests are run with VERBOSE=1. Asked on dev-gaia if enabling VERBOSE=1 on TBPL would be useful for anybody, got only one reply so far (landed). Filed bug for that "bug 1079972 - Run MarionetteJS (Gij) tests with VERBOSE=1"
  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • Fixed review comments and asked for review again (in review).
  • bug 1079824 - [Messages] Draft saved from activity is duplicated
    • Investigated this bug a bit, looks like it's a massive regression from "bug 994190 - Modify main-thread IndexedDB to use PBackground". Let's wait for the fixes to investigate further.
      (Julien) bug 1080020 too
      (Oleg) I'm sad that we have one more sprint with severe Gecko regressions :(
      (Julien) would not happen with solid integration tests ;) Let's take this as an opportunity to do some tests for this :)
      (Oleg) Yeah, I'm trying to write it where possible :) It's pretty easy and really useful



  • Will handle review comments for the patches that currently in review;
  • Will handle review requests.

Day 9: 10th October


  • bug 1021608 - [Messages] Consider adding a "resend" button in the message report page, if there is an error, and other visual refresh
    • Patch for 1st review completed(With visual feedback addressed, still waiting for ux-review).
  • bug 1074732 - [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model
    • Trying to create a prototype for selection model. But we might have more function like markread in thread list selection UI. So not sure if it's good idea to handling the UI together. Maybe creating a module simply for selection logic is another idea.
  • bug 1069135 - [Rose][Woodduck][Case Fail][[Comms]MMS]The "ogg" file will not show play button and save button in MMS
    • Discussed with Dominic. It's easier to handle all the application/ogg as video(opened by video no matter it's video or audio) But it's still possible to parse media with some quick method(using video element).
  • bug 1058459 Data shared mechanism iac patch reviewed


  • Review data share patch bug 1058459. again. No big issue in the first round, so it should * * National holiday in Taiwan


  • bug 1063658 about the memory-backed blob related issue
    • landed, but bug 1080020 is still happening. Will see what :bent will tell.
  • bug 1053708 (make main interface RTL friendly)
    • ready to be landed, but gaia try does not want to run :/ Will try to rebase once again...
    • filed additional bugs for the remaining issues
  • bug 1068490 (flickering while adding an attachment, blocker)
    • started refactoring some things to make my mind clearer. I have an idea on how to fix this but this will need a ui review from Jenny and Fang :) Should have a first poc today
    • if I keep the refactoring for master, we'll need a smaller fix for v2.0 and v2.1
  • bug 1076703 (switch SIM does not work from the new message panel, blocker)
    • produced a patch, reviewed, waiting for approval
    • needs to file a bug for the flickering issue


  • Bug triaging like every day
  • bug 1079700 (performance measurement issue) landed
  • reviewed some new UX from Jenny


  • will do reviews + needinfo
  • will finish regression window for the graphics issue
  • will try hard to land bug 1053708
  • will work on bug 1076703
  • will take part to a brainstorming with some Paris colleagues about v2.2/v2.3 featires


  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • Got r+, landed (landed). I suspect Sasikala will want to uplift it to v2.0 too
  • bug 1079824 - [Messages] Draft saved from activity is duplicated
    • Will check today if it's fixed and if so, try to make integration test for it


  • Was investigating Gecko regression that led to weird behaviour in recipients input, report view and probably other places too. Looks like "bug 1074030 - Scrollbars flash off and on while scrolling" is the culprit (unexpectedly).


  • Will do something that can finish today to not leave unfinished stuff before PTO :) Any ideas?
    (Julien) maybe integration tests?
    (Oleg) Yep also thought about it, at least one for double draft if it's fixed, and read the thread about tests from image blob issue. Haven't read yet what is expected
    (Julien) or pick some sms-papercuts bug:
    (Julien) there are some very small ones about warnings, etc :)
    (Oleg) Okay, ping me if you need spare hands :)
  • Will handle review request from Rishav.

Day 10: 13th October


  • bug 1021608 - [Messages] Consider adding a "resend" button in the message report page, if there is an error, and other visual refresh
    • 2nd review again and wait for ux-review now
      (Julien) gave review comments :)
  • bug 1074732 - [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model
    • Not much update last Friday, will keep working on this part
  • bug 1078295 - SMS app dialogs are missing all transitions
    • Code reviewing, one gij error there because animation applied on attachment menu display, and we might need longer delay menu clicked workaround for this... Seems there's no better way to check this before bug 912873 landed.


  • Try out patch in bug 1071514 for image attachment display refinement.
  • Start to work on selection issue again.


  • bug 1053708 (make main interface RTL friendly)
    • landed
  • bug 1068490 (flickering while adding an attachment, blocker)
    • proposed a simple fix
    • I have something in mind that is simpler than my previous refactoring but still builds on the same idea, will propose another fix today
  • bug 1076703 (switch SIM does not work from the new message panel, blocker)
    • still waiting for approval
    • filed a bug for the flickering issue when we resend an errored message: bug 1081144


  • found issue bug 1081677: when running in Firefox, we have 2 DOMContentLoaded event and as a result we have an error in console
  • found issue bug 1081207: looks like we never revoke the blob URL for attachments
  • found and fixed bug 1081684: with the new "theme" framework, we didn't have the background color in the header anymore when running in Firefox
  • we had a brainstorming session in Paris about differentiating features


  • will do reviews + needinfo
  • will work on bug 1076703
  • will prepare sprint planning for tomorrow


  • Absent/no report

Day 11: 14th October


  • Absent this afternoon.
  • bug 1021608 - [Messages] Consider adding a "resend" button in the message report page, if there is an error, and other visual refresh
    • 3nd review again and hope visual is happy now
  • bug 1074732 - [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model
    • Not much update last Friday, will keep working on this part
  • bug 1078295 - SMS app dialogs are missing all transitions
    • Still one suggestion about the unit test.
  • Some try out for bug 1071514 attachment flickering issue for both patch. I think empty container for attachment is good enough, but not sure having the placeholder is necessary for master. Will take some time to look into both patch later.


  • Try out patch in bug 1071514 for image attachment display refinement.
  • Start to work on selection issue again.


  • bug 1071514 (flickering while adding an attachment, blocker)
    • proposed a simple fix
    • proposed another bigger fix including a refactoring about how inserting an image works
  • bug 1076703 (switch SIM does not work from the new message panel, blocker)
    • still waiting for approval
  • reviewed bug 1021608 for Steve


  • will do reviews + needinfo
  • will work on bug 1071514
  • will prepare sprint planning for tomorrow


  • Absent/no report


bug 1021608: Report panel refresh

This bug has not been completely finished during the sprint.

bug 1053708: Make the SMS user interface RTL-friendly

See the previous sprint demo, as visuals haven't changed before landing.

bug 1003843: Thread List visual refresh for contacts without pictures and group threads


Previous sprints' actions

From 2.1S3:

  • Look into VM with gaia dev environment
    Nothing more done in this sprint

From 2.1S4:

From 2.1S5:

  • in planning for sprint N, we pick some items we want to do in sprint N+1 to ask early questions to UX and Designers (esp refresh bugs, but also bugs with UX changes)
    Not really done this time :/
  • we'll add screenshots of panels in Wiki, with the various cases for these panels, to help analyzing change impacts and not forgetting things
    Oleg started this:
  • ask UX about WIP status for v2.2, so that developers can give ideas and feedbacks
    did this, but UX is not ready yet

What was good in the last sprint

  • we completed it fairly well

What was bad in the last sprint

  • some bugs are still no finished though. Bad estimation?
    (Steve) Maybe I should split report refresh (and some related feature) into small bugs...
    (Julien) yeah maybe.
    Julien) Also timezone issues add delays, so maybe in bugs that are more complicated we should take advantage of the common hours (morning for Oleg and I, afternoon for you) and discuss on IRC.
    (Steve) Sadly I always got local meetings in afternoon... :(
    (Julien) can you ask to change the meetings time? Can't they happen on the morning?
    (Steve) I'll try to propose this(to reduce the meeting in afternoon), but since I'm the 'exception' that people work with colleague in different timezone , but sure it's a persuasive reason for them.
    (Julien) tell me also if you want that I ask to someone. In Paris we usually try to have local meetings in the start of afternoon so that we can have global meetings with Taiwan or US out of these periods.
    (Steve) Thanks for your example ;)
    (Julien) just want to say: if you need that I talk to someone to make this happen, just tell me ! Like to Tim or someone else.

Any questions

(Steve) Uncertainty of the WoodDuck issue. Do you think we should only focus on solution for master and providing idea for 2.0m and let other people in device team(their resource is still another uncertainty...) to take it
(Julien) I think we should not take this bugs as "urgent", however we can certainly take them during sprints, as another "source" of bugs. However I would be completely ok to have people from device team taking these bugs, I didn't see this happen yet...
(Steve) Luke is willing to take the image flickering issue, although you don't like his solution and your actually provide a better patch for 2.0m :p
(Julien) I was quite fine with his patch for a branch but for this specific issue we have deeper issues and I felt a workaround was maybe not the best idea :/ Is Luke part of the device team ?
(Steve) Yes he is
(Julien) oki. Also in this sprint I had some time so that's why I took these bugs, might not be always the case :)

Actions for next sprint

  • Steve tries to arrange local meetings in the morning ;)