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List of bugs

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam (blocks the sprint bug 1096317)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
1053709 Steve Chung [:steveck] Make SMS messages content UI RTL-friendly --- No cf_feature-b2g [p=2 for 2.1S9][p=1 for 2.2S1] FIXED
1079824 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Draft saved from activity is duplicated 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.1S8][p=1] FIXED
1080832 [Messages][RTL] Cursor is badly located in recipients and subject when they're empty --- No cf_feature-b2g [p=1] WORKSFORME
1089920 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Messages] Investigate and fix the gaia-header in Messages app (~50ms) 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [p(2.2S5)=1][p(2.2S3)=1][p(2.1S9)=1][p(2.1S8)=3] FIXED
1092437 Messages app should follow text selection pattern --- No cf_feature-b2g [p=1] FIXED
1096330 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][RTL] Correctly handle recipient pills --- No cf_feature-b2g [p=1] FIXED

6 Total; 6 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Remaining points and burndown chart

google chart api url for Sprint 2.1S9

Burndown chart
Remaining points
Start 7
Day 2 7
Day 3 7
Day 4 7
Day 5 7
Day 6 6
Day 7 6
Day 8 5
Day 9 5
Day 10 4

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam outside of the sprint (contains whiteboard "sms-sprint-2.1S9")

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
1094076 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] Intermittent failing test, TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | apps/sms/test/marionette/composer_test.js | Messages Composer Messages Composer Test Suite Message char counter and MMS label --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.1S9] FIXED
1094822 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][RTL] Number of group thread participants in Thread panel heading should always be LTR --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.1S9] FIXED
1100954 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] Activities menu has no text after forwarding a SMS 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.1S9] FIXED
1101532 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Messages] load the gaia header asynchronously --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.1S9] FIXED

4 Total; 4 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

All SMS issues tracked for this sprint (target milestone)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature b2g Resolution
943165 Dorian [:munto] [Messages] Bug 934531 follow-up: make the visual right for numbers-only headers --- --- FIXED
1079824 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Draft saved from activity is duplicated 2.2+ --- FIXED
1085276 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Messages] Error in sms_test when running with a newer mocha --- --- FIXED
1091299 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] It's possible to open the SMS activity menu multiple times 2.2+ --- FIXED
1094822 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][RTL] Number of group thread participants in Thread panel heading should always be LTR --- --- FIXED
1096317 SMS sprint 2.1S9 --- --- WONTFIX

6 Total; 6 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint planning

Minutes are on a separate page.

Daily meetings

Day 2: 11th November


  • bug 1079824 - [Messages] Draft saved from activity is duplicated
    • Some feedback from julien that we should reuse Threads object for storing both threads and messages. But facing some problem while handling draft in Threads :-/
  • bug 1092437 - Messages app should follow text selection pattern
    • Will create a wip for bubble text selection, and check if there is any usability issue after copy/paste enabled.
  • bug 1079824 - [Messages] Draft saved from activity is duplicated
    • Decide to cleanFields while leaving the activity
  • Some work from system platform window manager


  • Clean up review queue
  • Duplicated draft bug
  • More copy/paste experiment
  • Start select all implementation.


  • Absent/no report


  • bug 1094822 - [Messages][RTL] Number of group thread participants in Thread panel heading should always be LTR
    • Got r+, but Treeherder results disappeared, waiting for them once again before landing (checkin-needed).
  • bug 1096421 - Explicit directional isolates don't work as expected in RTL mode
    • Tried to use bidirectional Unicode marks instead of HTML markup to overcome gaia-header issue, but marks don't work well in current Fx and should be upgraded according to the latest Unicode spec - there is a bug for that too "bug 922963 - update Unicode Bidi Algorithm implementation to v6.3".
    • So created test case and filed this bug.
  • bug 1080832 - [Messages][RTL] Cursor is badly located in recipients and subject when they're empty
    • Started investigation (in progress).
  • bug 1082067 - Receiving 2 SMS with prepaid SIM card breaks SMS app
    • Checked test cases I used to reproduce this bug - there are working fine with the latest PVT, so once reporter receives OTA he can confirm whether it works for him too.


  • Handled several review/feedback requests from Julien and contributors;
  • CostControl uses html imports that are embedded at build time for optimized build, so that app doesn't work in mulet\Fx in Debug mode because app expects imports to be embedded - will try to embed it for the debug build too.


  • Will handle review/feedback requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 3: 12th November


  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Another WIP given for testing, basically we will cache threads/messages into Threads, even the drafts
  • bug 1092437 - Messages app should follow text selection pattern
    • Not started yet. Will flash latest build for testing copy/paste functionality first.
  • bug 1079824 - [Messages] Draft saved from activity is duplicated
    • Small patch that clean up all the fields while leaving activity


  • Clean up review queue
  • Duplicated draft bug
  • More copy/paste experiment, some bugs about cpoy/paste created and need some discussion with system's devs.
  • Select all implementation.


  • perf startup improvements (bug 1087329 and dependencies)
    • did clean up on various perf-related patches and asked review: bug 1089145 which moves sticky header init out of startup path, bug 1087981 that does not init using mozSettings at startup
    • landed one perf-related patch: bug 1086529 that adds lazy init in Template library
      • wanted to check on datazilla if there was any improvement but datazilla seemed to have lost previous data?? Mmm no rather the 7days filter doesn't work...
  • bug 1089920
    • I analyzed some of the biggest bottlenecks in gaia-header and compared with the older solution in font_size_utils.
    • goal for today is to produce a small web component "simple-header" that would not try to do anything magic, but rather take the start/end values as parameters (while keeping the font fit algorithm). Who knows, it might even work with nested markup ;) \0/
  • about bug 1091299 that is a regression from the dialogs' animations
    • will land today


  • will work on the header reflow issue (bug 1089920)
  • will do reviews + needinfo
  • will send a mail to the layout ML (maybe)


  • bug 1094822 - [Messages][RTL] Number of group thread participants in Thread panel heading should always be LTR
    • Landed (landed).
  • bug 1080832 - [Messages][RTL] Cursor is badly located in recipients and subject when they're empty
    • Created simple test case to demonstrate issue;
    • From what I see the issue happens if contenteditable is empty (no nested br) _and_ it's located inside flex-container, ni?'ed Daniel and Masayuki. Daniel will look later how it's related to flex;
    • Just in case it's not fixed from Gecko side it should be easy enough to fix from our side, for SubjectComposer it's just few lines of code, not 100% sure about recipients input though.
  • bug 1096898 - [Usage] Make Usage app work in Mulet
    • Working on it in background, with the current patch it's possible now to pass FTE and see dashboard (graph isn't yet working :();
    • Got great advice from Julien about using LazyLoader to embed html imports in DEBUG mode.
    • The latest versions of Mulet were pretty unstable, a lot of crashes and NS_FAILURES, reverted back to November 5th version to have stable env.
    • Seems gaia-header that is located inside imported HTML (and embedded by LazyLoader) doesn't work - will try to figure out, presumably a Gecko bug.
      (Julien) yeah, a custom component issue?
      (Oleg) mm "custom component" - what do you mean? I see a bunch of exceptions in gaia-header initialization code, when it's inside html string that is assigned to container.innerHTML... custom proto methods aren't available
      (Julien) "custom component" is the part of web component that handles custom elements :) (or maybe it's just "custom elements"; mmm sorry)
      (Oleg) Okay, got it, anyway it doesn't work :)


  • Attended RTL spec meeting, the only unexpected thing is that header buttons (including back button) won't be realigned for v2.2. IIRC to spend less effort on changing "slide" transformation inside certified and 3rd party apps.
    (Julien) do we need to change what we did so far?
    (Oleg) I guess only panel slide transformation once gaia-header changes are backed out. Don't remember, we changed it for RTL right?
    (Julien) yeah, and it actually was quite easy :/ I can reach Stephany about this
    (Oleg) Yep, maybe you can convince her :)


  • Will handle review/feedback requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs (will pick up next from the sprint)

Day 4: 13th November


  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Maybe need to wait for bug 958105 first (and reviewing it)
      (Julien) actually, you just decide :) we can do the big work in any bug, up to you, I don't have a big preference. bug 958105 can be an inspiration for your work, or we can land it and modify then.
  • bug 1092437 - Messages app should follow text selection pattern
    • Just flash the latest build today, and seems more bugs need to deal with. Except the bug 1095768 and bug 1095774, the recipient part is not working well either. The filed is unable to paste while empty, and cut all text will cause the cursor set into weird place.
  • bug 1079824 - [Messages] Draft saved from activity is duplicated
    • Gor r+, need to reply questions from Oleg


  • Duplicated draft bug
  • Proved a WIP for the bubble selection


Slow day for me: I was late in mails due to tuesday being a holiday, and I had unrelated meetings in afternoon :(

  • perf startup improvements (bug 1087329 and dependencies)
    • will land today bug 1089145 (sticky header change) and maybe update bug 1087981 according to review comments
    • discussed with some people that know more than me about bug 1089154 and slow selectors. We should try to completely remove our last-child/first-child/nth-child selectors and see if this improves either time-to-first-panel or time-to-full-thread-list or time-to-full-thread-panel.
  • bug 1089920
    • didn't move yesterday


  • starting next Tuesday Oleg and I will have a Smart Data standup at 8:45am CET. So 2 different teams, twice as many meetings, will see how this works...


  • will work on the header reflow issue (bug 1089920)
  • will do reviews + needinfo
  • will send a mail to the layout ML (maybe)


  • bug 1080832 - [Messages][RTL] Cursor is badly located in recipients and subject when they're empty
    • We have two Gecko dependencies here;
    • Prepared workaround just as a back up plan, looks pretty simple and straightforward, asked for feedback (awaiting for feedback).
  • bug 1096898 - [Usage] Make Usage app work in Mulet
    • Not much progress on this, will continue today, so that we at least have fully functional dashboard.
  • bug 1096330 - [Messages][RTL] Correctly handle recipient pills
    • Have WIP, will ask for review today, probably we'll need workaround for bug 1080832 (in progress).
  • bug 1097884 - [Messages][Drafts] Thread List panel doesn't display "No messages" screen if invalid draft information is stored in IndexedDB
    • Tried some time investigating issue, at first it looked like app is stuck (white screen instead of thread list), but as it turned out it just a minor thing - only "No messages" isn't displayed :)
      (Julien) note that we can have a stuck app for another reason: bug 1078438
      (Oleg) Ha, that one looks more serious :)


  • Handled review request about double drafts from Steve and papercut from contributor.


  • Will handle review/feedback requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs (will pick up next from the sprint)

Day 5: 14th November


  • bug 1092437 - Messages app should follow text selection pattern
    • WIP given, basically the bubble copy/paste could work, but it got some gecko issues(or maybe something need to be handled in gaia) to do before it reach perfect. For the recipient copy/paste usability problem, I'll create another bug for it.
      (Julien) Wondering if we don't have already a bug for this
      (Steve) You mean recipients?
      (JUlien) yep for the recipient issue.
      (Steve) Haven't seen it yet, will check it again(and I'm afraid it would be more complicate than bubble)
      (Julien) ok !
  • bug 1079824 - [Messages] Draft saved from activity is duplicated
    • Will ping Oleg about my thought offline
  • reviewed bug 958105 - Restore thread timestamp with last message timestamp when draft is discarded. Got some thought about the message caching mechanism, wondering which way is better.
  • Will discuss with Jenny about the alert tone/vibration for CMAS(if we really need some specific pattern for CMAS)
    (Julien) I think it's by law :/ (hope the vibration pattern is not different per country :p)
    (Steve) Hope so, but it looks like we are likely need to implement a pattern from CMAS
    (Julien) I think they have some utilities in Dialer already, or maybe in System (or both !). mmm or I simply saw that navigator.vibrate takes a pattern already.
    (Steve) Maybe we should create a bug for it first
    (Julien) if we don't have a bug yet, yep


  • Land duplicated draft bug
  • Wait for bubble selection WIP feedback
  • Create a bug for recipient copy/paste
  • Clarify the CMAS ringtone/vibration pattern and create a bug if necessary


  • perf startup improvements (bug 1087329 and dependencies)
    • bug 1089145 (sticky header change): did the last change but didn't land because I couldn't have a green try. I think I'll still land if I still can't get one soon :/
    • didn't move forward bug 1087981 (make notify.js load less costly)
  • bug 1089920
    • did some WIP code, I hope to get this ready today for at least see if this works.
    • WIP is at, I borrowed a lot of code from the gaia-header (and should take more today) but I tried to remove every code that _gets_ data from the DOM.
  • Reviewed some patches from Oleg and Steve
  • Others:
    • Fixed an issue with electrolysis: please regenerate a profile with latest nightly and master, or just disable e10s manually in the settings, to get app:// protocol working in Nightly.


  • will work on the header reflow issue (bug 1089920)
  • will do reviews + needinfo
  • will send a mail to the layout ML (maybe)


  • bug 1080832 - [Messages][RTL] Cursor is badly located in recipients and subject when they're empty
    • Got f+, but current patch has a11y problem as it's hard to focus on "width=0" contenteditable with screen reader. Maybe setting textbox role on entire container would work as Julien suggested;
    • Just built/tested r+'ed patch from "bug 1097894 - [RTL] Caret is mispositioned in empty RTL contenteditable block, when the parent isn't also a block" - everything seems to work fine, so once it's landed we don't need workaround :) So let's wait \o/
  • bug 1096898 - [Usage] Make Usage app work in Mulet
    • Finished first step, FTE->Dashboard flow should now work in Mulet, so that we can start use it, asked for feedback (awaiting for feedback);
    • IIRC yesterday I didn't see any gaia-header errors in the latest Mulet, maybe that was fixed
  • bug 1096330 - [Messages][RTL] Correctly handle recipient pills
    • Got first round review comments, will handle it today.
  • bug 1098515 - [Usage][Tests] Prepare the ground for MarionetteJS integration tests
    • Started to work on that, will going to give this priority for today (in progress).
  • bug 1014686 - [Messages][Refactoring] Improve "html template string" to "dom node\fragment" conversion
    • Handled some review comments and asked for review again (in review).


  • Will handle review/feedback requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Day 6: 17th November


  • bug 1092437 - Messages app should follow text selection pattern
    • Reply some quetions in WIP, and ask some questions about the recipients in bug 1098161. Will create another bug for body user-select and selection range reset.
  • bug 1079824 - [Messages] Draft saved from activity is duplicated
    • Landed in master
  • Reply for bug 958105 about the message sorting by timestamp
  • bug 1053709 - Make SMS messages content UI RTL-friendly
    • Hey Oleg,is there any key points about the messages content based on RTL meeting last week?
      (Oleg) nope, nothing that we didn't know :) have you seen recording?
      (Steve) Not yet, just want to take a look before taking this. Not sure if it's a good news to know that first :p
      (Oleg) Got it :D
  • Pend CMAS ringtone/vibration pattern since it's not an urgent for 2.2


  • Refine bubble selection WIP and create more bug for selection
  • Start messages content UI RTL-friendly


  • bug 1080832 - [Messages][RTL] Cursor is badly located in recipients and subject when they're empty
    • No updates, "bug 1097894 - [RTL] Caret is mispositioned in empty RTL contenteditable block, when the parent isn't also a block" still not landed.
  • bug 1096898 - [Usage] Make Usage app work in Mulet
    • Got first feedback from Julien, waiting the same from :salva and then we'll handle review comments (awaiting for feedback).
  • bug 1096330 - [Messages][RTL] Correctly handle recipient pills
    • Working on it, flex:grow:1 and dir=auto doesn't play well together, because caret is always left aligned by default that sounds reasonable. If Eitan doesn't want to set textbox=role (ni?'ed in "bug 1080832 - [Messages][RTL] Cursor is badly located in recipients and subject when they're empty") on entire recipients input, we need to think how to place caret correctly inside long dir=auto content editable (in progress).
  • bug 1098515 - [Usage][Tests] Prepare the ground for MarionetteJS integration tests
    • Prepared PR, waiting for Treeherder and will ask for review once it's green (almost ready for review).
  • bug 1014686 - [Messages][Refactoring] Improve "html template string" to "dom node\fragment" conversion
    • Fixed review comments, got r+, waiting for green Treeherder (checkin-needed).


  • Will handle review/feedback requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Day 7: 18th November


  • bug 1092437 - Messages app should follow text selection pattern
    • Not much progress. maybe we need to push harder and create bug for gecko.
      (Julien) if there are other gecko bugs, yeah, I think we should file separate bugs
  • bug 1053709 - Make SMS messages content UI RTL-friendly
    • Watch some video about the bidi and create a WIP for some feedback, basically the direction of the incoming/outgoing bubble will exchange for RTL, use unicode-bidi -moz-plaintext for proper text direction and also the changes for attachment layout. Seem there is one bug about unicode-bidi that text overflow ellipsis does not work correctly. Will verify it on desktop later.
      (Julien) I don't really understand moz-plaintext (compared to others) :) do you have a good video or article about this? Initially I thought we should use "isolate" with "dir=auto" but I'm not sure about this.
      (Steve) I think dir=auto could also reach the goal, but isolate does not work(not sure, will need more experiment)
      (Julien) my fear with plaintext is when you have RTL text inside a LTR message, or the contrary. I think that plaintext just disables the bidi algorithm and so RTL text will show up LTR. But yeah, needs some experiment.
      (Steve) My patch will contain some mock messages for such scenario and you could have some fun for testing :p
  • Review the Jenny's new recipients spec draft's


  • Still need to create more bug for selection and push gecko side.
  • Create messages content UI RTL-friendly WIP for testing and for Arabic contributor


  • perf startup improvements (bug 1087329 and dependencies)
    • bug 1089145 (sticky header change): landed but approval rejected :( I asked Bhavana once again...
    • didn't move forward bug 1087981 (make notify.js load less costly)
  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header
    • has a working WIP change but I think I broke the old way of doing. I'll fix it and try to make the webcomponent team care about it to integrate it properly in their code.
    • Very impressive improvement, will upload a video later today so that this shows the improvement \0/
  • Others:
    • showed Firefox OS and devtools during the DotJS conference in Paris yesterday. I think there were lots of interest about Firefox OS.


  • will work on the header reflow issue (bug 1089920)
  • will do reviews + needinfo
  • will send a mail to the layout ML (maybe)


  • bug 1080832 - [Messages][RTL] Cursor is badly located in recipients and subject when they're empty
    • In bug "bug 1078384 - [MMS] Move MMS label to appear always at the end of the subject line" flex was removed from subject field, so it should fix subject field cursor placement.
  • bug 1096330 - [Messages][RTL] Correctly handle recipient pills
    • Tried various non-invasive approaches to make [contenteditable=true][dir=auto] with flex-grow, ni? Ehsan on caret placement inside empty contenteditable issue (in progress);
    • Eitan was right that textbox role can't contain button roles, so if we apply textbox to recipients container it's not possible to focus on recipient pill with ScreenReader, so we still should live with flex-grow.
  • bug 1078384 - [MMS] Move MMS label to appear always at the end of the subject line
    • Helped :salva to make more efficient solution for this requirement;
    • R+'ed, should be landed soon.
  • bug 1014686 - [Messages][Refactoring] Improve "html template string" to "dom node\fragment" conversion
    • Landed.
  • Usage/CostControl work


  • Will handle review/feedback requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Day 8: 19th November


  • bug 1092437 - Messages app should follow text selection pattern
    • Created bunch of bugs for selection module, and revisit the patch based on some suggestion. I think there is no other better idea than focus/blur except the textSelectionChanged event been exposed. Will ask for review again.
  • bug 1053709 - Make SMS messages content UI RTL-friendly
    • WIP created. After some experiment for bidi content I still think -moz-plaintext is the best solution we could have now. Waiting for Ahmed's feedback now.
  • Not much specific thought about Jenny's new recipients spec draft's at first glance, will take a look again when I have time.
  • Some minor question reply on bugzilla
  • Some system issue


  • Create a follow up commit for text selection patch.

Tomorrow: Absent because of PTO


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header
    • has a working WIP, uploaded videos to show improvements
    • today I'll do a "live" review with gmarty who's in Paris today
    • I hope we'll be able to uplift to 2.1 but I think it's too late
    • note: I think we can consider the p=1 we planned is done, even if the bug is not RESOLVED/FIXED, so we can decrease the burndown chart for this :)
  • reviewed Steve's patch about RTL in content


  • will mostly do reviews today
  • will work with gmarty on the header reflow issue (bug 1089920)


  • bug 1096330 - [Messages][RTL] Correctly handle recipient pills
    • Waiting for Ahmed reply on "!" and "mail" icons inside recipients pills, the rest is ready (awaiting for ni?)
  • bug 1094076 - Intermittent failing test, TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | apps/sms/test/marionette/composer_test.js | Messages Composer Messages Composer Test Suite Message char counter and MMS label
    • Tried a lot of times, but can't reproduce it locally, as per screenshots attachment isn't visible when we call tap on it, not sure why;
    • So just hide keyboard to make attachment visible before tap and wait unitl keyboard frame is fully hidden (awaiting for feedback).
      (Julien) the issue is really what I said: there is a delay between calling "scroll" and the scroll really happening; likely the delay does not exist on your computer because it's fast.
      (Oleg) Do you mean "scroll" that we call manually or "scroll" that is performed by "tap".
      (Julien) both actually :) I "think" that merely sleeping after scrolling should work until bug 1046706 is resolved. (at least it would prove I'm right or wrong :) )
      (Oleg) Okay, anyway it would be nice to remove "keyboard" dependency from test :)
      (Julien) yeah , I don't mind your solution, but it's a workaround and I know the root cause was painful when writing tests for the Vertical Homescreen as well. The root cause needs to be fixed eventually. Put the bug number for the root cause in a comment before the workaround :)
      (Oleg) Sure :)
  • bug 1100954 - Activities menu has no text after forwarding a SMS
    • Regression from "RTL numbers" bug, problem is that we use HTML markup for header inside Thread panel (that we clean in _afterLeave_), but Composer uses l10n.setAttributes to set header in _beforeEnter_. As the result l10n lib throws exception and localization is broken. Will probably move clearing of header to beforeLeave
      (Julien) mmm normally beforeEnter is the mirror of afterLeave, and afterEnter the mirror of beforeLeave. That's why it makes sense to have the "mirrored" codes in these functions (don't know if it's clear :) ).
      (Oleg) Mmm, I just want to say that Navigation.js calls beforeEnter before afterLeave when we move from Thread to Composer (the same panel object) in forward message case. Ah got it what you meant, you mean that what we do in "beforeEnter" we should un-do in afterLeave?
      (Julien) yep ! (but maybe I misunderstood your first comment?)
      (Oleg) Let's discuss on IRC then :)
      (Julien) yep :)
  • Usage/CostControl work


  • Will handle review/feedback requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Day 9: 20th November


In short, I missed my goal of doing only reviews, bug 1089920 took most of my time :(

  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header
    • found that merely loading the header script with "async" made things better, so maybe that could be upliftable
    • worked with Guillaume about this and the bigger changes, I'll likely try to split the changes.
  • bug 1094320: can't have nested markup in gaia header
    • found the issue with Guillaume while working on the previous bug
    • will move forward with a patch today


  • will mostly do reviews today
  • will ove forward on header reflow issue (bug 1089920) and nested markup issue (bug 1094320)


  • bug 1096330 - [Messages][RTL] Correctly handle recipient pills
    • Still waiting for Ahmed reply on "!" and "mail" icons inside recipients pills, the rest is ready (awaiting for ni?). Maybe Ahmed is on PTO? :)
      (Julien) Ahmed is a contributor ;) \0/ Very valuable one :)
  • bug 1094076 - Intermittent failing test, TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | apps/sms/test/marionette/composer_test.js | Messages Composer Messages Composer Test Suite Message char counter and MMS label
    • Prepared patch + added clarifying comment about workaround for bug 1046706, run Gij a bunch of times (in review)
  • bug 1100954 - Activities menu has no text after forwarding a SMS
    • Prepared patch (in review).
  • Usage/CostControl work


  • Will handle review/feedback requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs


  • Absent/no report

Day 10: 21st November


  • bug 1092437 - Messages app should follow text selection pattern
    • Refine the patch with more description. I think we can complete this one point for the WIP patch?
      (Oleg) Sounds good, I guess we planned this point for WIP only and we have WIP :)
    • (Steve) Ok, will update the dashboard as well
      (Julien) ok :)
  • bug 1053709 - Make SMS messages content UI RTL-friendly
    • Will submit another WIP patch. About the thread list, I think we will need to wait for Ahmed and Stephine 's feedback and create another follow up for it
      (Julien) good for me :)
  • About the recipient draft spec, looks like we need to re-layout the recipient and suggestion list. There's also some discussion about the email/number hybrid multiple recipient (whether we should treat it as single mms or separate sms/mms messages )
  • Some system issue


  • Update text selection and content RTL WIP.


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header
    • discussed with Wilson about my changes, but didn't move more forward
  • reviews various patches


  • will still mostly do reviews today
  • will move forward on header reflow issue (bug 1089920) and nested markup issue (bug 1094320)


  • bug 1096330 - [Messages][RTL] Correctly handle recipient pills
    • Got Ahmed's reply on "!" and "email" icon position, to position "!" in RTL correctly bb changes are needed, but just a few;
    • Also Jenny advised to have "!" and "email" icons on the same side that sounds logical; Julien is reconfirming whether it should only left or only right position. These icons also doesn't look equal if we use the same padding for them. Did we have UI mocks for email pills?
      (Julien) yes: Thanks!
      (Oleg) Hmm, didn't find it on the bug that introduced that icon, maybe just missed
    • Tried to remove "#messages-recipients-list >" from recipient element selector, but it was done previously on purpose to override BB styles :( Out of curiosity grepped who uses ".bb-editable", looks like we're the only app, seems even email uses its own simple styles.
      (Julien) mmm it was definitely done to be used in email too; maybe email was not converted to using them yet, but it could be useful to know.
  • bug 1094076 - Intermittent failing test, TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | apps/sms/test/marionette/composer_test.js | Messages Composer Messages Composer Test Suite Message char counter and MMS label
    • No updates (in review).
  • bug 1100954 - Activities menu has no text after forwarding a SMS
    • Added review nits + marionette integration test (landed).


  • Reviewed Salva's patch to automatically switch to MMS when entering email thread, I still prefer the simplest solution even with hard Composer & Threads dependency as playing with cleaning code always regresses something :)
  • Usage/CostControl work


  • Will handle review/feedback requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs


bug 1092437: Messages app should follow text selection pattern

bug 1053709: Make SMS messages content UI RTL-friendly

bug 1096330: Correctly handle recipient pills

bug 1100954: Activities menu has no text after forwarding a SMS

bug 1078384: Move MMS label to appear always at the end of the subject line

Kudos to :salva!

bug 1101532: Load the gaia header asynchronously

See for a comparison with 2 Flames. The Flame on the right has the patch.

See for a comparison with 2 Buri. The Buri on the right has the patch.

The changes are more important on Buri, which is expected.
