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List of bugs

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam (blocks the sprint bug 1112127)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
1033334 Vishnu Teja [:ythej] [Message] We should keep the focus in composer after sending a message --- No cf_feature-b2g [lang=js][sms-papercuts][p=2] FIXED
1089920 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Messages] Investigate and fix the gaia-header in Messages app (~50ms) 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [p(2.2S5)=1][p(2.2S3)=1][p(2.1S9)=1][p(2.1S8)=3] FIXED
1091441 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-most-wanted][lang=js][p=2][sms-sprint-2.2S4] FIXED
1109745 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Load thread_ui and activity_handler earlier when starting as an activity --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-papercuts][p=1] FIXED
1112131 Wilson Page [:wilsonpage] [header] Propose a start and end attributes to hint the component about the left and right offsets 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [p(2.2S5)=1][p(2.2S3)=2] FIXED
1112135 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] When starting as an activity/notification/, delay threads rendering until the right panel is open --- No cf_feature-b2g [p=2] FIXED

6 Total; 6 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Remaining points and burndown chart

google chart api url for Sprint 2.2S3

Burndown chart
Remaining points
Start 10
Day 2 10
Day 3 10
Day 4 10
Day 5 9
Day 6 9
Day 7 9
Day 8 9
Day 9 9
Day 10 9
Day 11 9
Day 12 9
Day 13 7
Day 14 7
Day 15 5
End 5

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam outside of the sprint (contains whiteboard "sms-sprint-2.2S3")

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
1105857 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] User doesn't receive any notification about incoming message if native modal dialog is shown 2.0M+ No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.2S1][sms-sprint-2.2S3] FIXED
1109770 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [gaia-header] trigger the reformat only once even if several mutations happen, for the same heading --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.2S3] FIXED
1112539 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Number-only contact details are broken in remove recipient confirmation dialog --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.2S3] FIXED
1112868 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Messages] Message Options appear alongside Keyboard; blocks view of text entry 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [2.2-Daily-Testing][sms-sprint-2.2S3] FIXED

4 Total; 4 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

All SMS issues tracked for this sprint (target milestone)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature b2g Resolution
990481 Vishnu Teja [:ythej] [ZTE][OPENC]MMS app allows to attach more contents even when the max MMS size is reached --- --- FIXED
1007932 Jose Manuel Cantera Allow to enclose a contact (serialized as vCard) as a message attachment --- 2.2+ FIXED
1018111 kumar rishav (:rishav_) [Flame][v1.4][MMS] Edit text messages, add video no size limit tips. --- --- FIXED
1033334 Vishnu Teja [:ythej] [Message] We should keep the focus in composer after sending a message --- --- FIXED
1062634 Vishnu Teja [:ythej] [MMS] Portrait Images are misaligned when sending or receiving multiple attachments. --- --- FIXED
1091486 Salvador de la Puente González [:salva] [SMS] Switch to MMS when entering a email recipient thread --- 2.2+ FIXED
1109745 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Load thread_ui and activity_handler earlier when starting as an activity --- --- FIXED
1112127 SMS sprint 2.2S3 --- --- WONTFIX
1112135 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] When starting as an activity/notification/, delay threads rendering until the right panel is open --- --- FIXED
1112868 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Messages] Message Options appear alongside Keyboard; blocks view of text entry 2.2+ --- FIXED

10 Total; 10 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint planning

Minutes are on a separate page.

Daily meetings

Day 2: 17th December


  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Replying the feedback
  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • The abusing of scrollViewToBottom should be the root cause of the flashing. Will find a proper way to move the message appending to promise and only called scrollViewToBottom once when append ready. Maybe we should only considering the first chunk of messages appending ready.
      (Julien) what do you mean (for the last sentence) ?
      (Steve) I mean, maybe we can just waiting for first chuck appending return for scrolling.
      (Julien) ah ok, maybe, we can look how this behaves :)
      (Steve) Just hope that late of scrolling wont be ugly
      (Julien) if we append them all at once, and then scroll, it should be fine :) But we can try different things and decide which looks better.
      (Steve) Yep
      (Oleg) mm, all at once? I mean we have date group node around messages, if we add first chunk, let's say 10 messages that fall into 2 groups, the following chunks will require more work if want to add by chunks
      (Julien) "all at once" meant only the last messages; but yep, there are challenges, so maybe keep this in a separate bug, once we have the model-in-javascript that could keep the container information
      (Oleg) yep, it was just fyi, I had similar challenge in patch for loading threads html from local storage :)
  • Some reviews for 2.0m related issues, one is the alert dialog fixing and Josh agreed that we can land the in 2.0m first without sync up the dialog layout. Another issue about ogg attachment display still need QA's feedback since they can still see the ogg file became document attachment.


  • Start allinput patch again
  • Message thread rendering and scrolling refinement


  • not much pogress yesterday, I was busy with the ideation group..
  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • started writing test for the 4th commit; something is weird the test (I didn't get the "attached" callback running) but I'm sure I'll find out today with a fresher mind :)


  • took care of creating additional bugs + scrum sprint wiki page for this sprint


  • will mostly continue splitting the gaia header work


  • bug 1105857 - [Messages] User doesn't receive any notification about incoming message if native modal dialog is shown
    • Landed 2.0m+ patch;
    • Worked on master patch + some small additional refactoring + style changes requested by Fang (almost ready, in progress).
  • bug 1109745 - [Messages] Load thread_ui and activity_handler earlier when starting as an activity
    • Adding unit test, will ask for review today(in progress).
  • bug 1081144 - [Messages] Flickering when resending a message in error, and switching SIM when sending
    • Trying to do 2 things that will use the same approach here: 1. add message node as soon as user pressed send button without relying on message-sending event; 2. change messages status to sending on existing message node when resend operation is performed (in background, in progress).


  • Reviewed/discussed "switch-to-mms-when-enter-email-thread" patch from Salva
  • v3 ideation group: prototyping websocket-server-in-fxos-app to run messages in browser, but pull/push data from real device, aka remote gecko. Some drafts if anybody curious:
    (Julien) have you discussed with Gecko devs? I thought they considered doing something related, but inside gecko API? Not sure about the timeframe though...
    (Oleg) Not yet, but will do. Just testing capabilities of mozTcpSocket.


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Day 3: 18th December


  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Ongoing, will give a follow up today
  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • creating a WIP patch for the attachment rendering in promise all and reduce scrolling action to only once.
      (Julien) once per message, or once for all thread?
      (Steve) Per thread, per message might not improve much...
      (Julien) I really think it will work fine if you do it once per message, but only after the attachment is rendered; something like: render the message without attaching to the DOM, render the attachment content to the message, only then attach the message to the DOM and call scroll. If you don't call scroll for all messages, then on longer threads it won't look right because the newer messages (that are on bottom) will be hidden. That's why we need to call scroll for each message (and this is really painful, I know).
      (Julien) it doesn't flicker today if the thread contains only SMS, so I think it's a good proof that what I say is likely correct :p I'd suggest to at least try this and see how this looks like?
      (Steve) ok for me, creating a WIP for testing shouldn't be too much
      (Julien) thanks :)
  • Still some discussion about ogg attachment display still need QA's feedback since they can still see the ogg file became document attachment. More question for QA for now.
  • RTL content friendly patch: Got feedback from Ahmed(finally) and ask for review again.


  • Start allinput patch again
  • Message thread rendering and scrolling refinement


  • basically same than yesterday: not much progress yesterday, I was busy with the ideation group..
  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • I understood that "attachedCallback" callback is not called if <gaia-header> is already in the DOM when it's created. So I'll need to account for this, but I don't see a good way to know in "createdCallback" if the component is already attached to the page... I can only think of `this.closest("body") !== null`. I'll send a mail to dev-webapi today about this.
      (Oleg) is it possible to use document.body.contains? Not sure that I correctly understood problem :)
      (Julien) Yep that's another solution; intuitively I thought that closest (which is iterating through parents) is faster than contains (which is looking in the whole subtree) :)
      (Oleg) Maybe :) Interesting to know how it's done in real. Btw thanks for "closest" - didn't know that it's already supported natively +1 It's really new on native HTML
      (Julien) I knew and then forgot and rediscovered yesterday when looking at which functions/properties I got on the header in DevTools :)


  • will mostly continue splitting the gaia header work


  • bug 1105857 - [Messages] User doesn't receive any notification about incoming message if native modal dialog is shown
    • Prepared master patch, it turned out that it requires more changes than I expected initially and couldn't resist to make some refactoring :) (in review, in ui-review)
    • All main dialogs are affected so prepared 8 screenshots for Fang to review and discuss.
  • bug 1109745 - [Messages] Load thread_ui and activity_handler earlier when starting as an activity
    • Added unit tests + review suggestions (in review).
  • bug 1081144 - [Messages] Flickering when resending a message in error, and switching SIM when sending
    • No progress so far (in background, in progress).


  • Will see if we can delay thread rendering for activity/notification case;
  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs


  • bug 1062634 - [MMS] Portrait Images are misaligned when sending or receiving multiple attachments
    • Fixed the bug and about to keep a pull request today.
      (Julien) \o/ yay
  • bug 990481 - [ZTE][OPENC]MMS app allows to attach more contents even when the max MMS size is reached
    • Wrote unit test for newly added lock()/unlock() functions.By making 'lock' as private, had a problem in thread_ui_test.js.Will try to solve that problem for today.

Day 4: 19th December


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • finished tests for the 4th commit, now I need tests for the 5th commit
    • compared on Buri and this does not bring so much improvement now in my opinion; I'll wait for a profile from Ting-Yu before moving forward


  • will mostly handle my review queue


  • bug 1112135 - [Messages] When starting as an activity/notification/, delay threads rendering until the right panel is open
    • Have wip patch that delays thread rendering for activity and notification case (in progress);
    • Delaying threads rendering works quite good when next panel is Composer("share" activity and "new" activity when contact doesn't have existing thread);
    • For "notification" and "new" activity(for contact with existing thread) cases we have dependencies for the thread object ( and Drafts that are fulfilled during thread list rendering. At the first look "new" activity kind of partially works as ActivityHandler creates corresponding Thread object (via Threads.registerMessage), but we'll still miss draft for this thread if it exists.
    • Will try to use Drafts.request as Julien suggested and probably some sort of fake thread for notification (eg. retrieve message by id from notification param and use Threads.registerMessage) - will see.
  • bug 1112539 - [Messages] Number-only contact details are broken in remove recipient confirmation dialog
    • Quick fix for this annoying issue, I see it only with workload data (in review).
  • bug 1081144 - [Messages] Flickering when resending a message in error, and switching SIM when sending
    • No progress so far (in background, in progress).


  • Reviewed Object.assign patch;
  • Start reviewing Steve's RTL patch.


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs


  • Absent/no report

Day 5: 22nd December


  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • A follow up patch provided.
  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Not much progress from last week
  • bug 1112868 - [Messages] Message Options appear alongside Keyboard; blocks view of text entry
    • I remember the dialog will call focus when show up. The reason why keyboard still displayed after focusing on option menu is still not clear. Maybe I can take a look if there is no response from Chris.
  • The patch for solving the duplicated CMAS notification might have a side effect that cause the CDMA's cellbroadcast not working. I've applied a quick patch for QC that no need to back out the original patch.


  • Message thread rendering and scrolling refinement
  • Reviewing the dialog patch
  • Waiting for other feedbacks


  • mostly handled the review queue:
    • bug 997547: Contacts to MMS by Email activity
    • bug 1109745: don't lazy load JS files when starting as an activity
    • bug 1112539: BB issue in dialog, producing a bad display in some situations in SMS
  • others:
    • reviews in wap push and Test Agent
  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • profile from Ting-Yu shows an improvement


  • will mostly move forward the gaia-header patch
  • will also move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)


  • bug 1109745 - [Messages] Load thread_ui and activity_handler earlier when starting as an activity.
    • Got r+, landed (landed).
  • bug 1112135 - [Messages] When starting as an activity/notification/, delay threads rendering until the right panel is open
    • Prepared WIP patch that improves situation for "new" and "notification" cases (used side by side comparison on 2 flames) that handles in-thread-drafts too, no unit tests yet, asked for feedback first (awaiting feedback).
  • bug 1112539 - [Messages] Number-only contact details are broken in remove recipient confirmation dialog
    • Will see if we can get rid of too broad app-specific BB selector, will try to analyze apps that may use span inside confirmation dialog body (in progress).
    • The same bug, but related to locales with non-whitespace carrier separator was reported recently, so will try to resolve it.
  • bug 1081144 - [Messages] Flickering when resending a message in error, and switching SIM when sending
    • No progress so far (in background, in progress).


  • Will mainly handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Vishnu Teja(last updated on December 22nd)

  • bug 1062634 - [MMS] Portrait Images are misaligned when sending or receiving multiple attachments
    • Got the review from steve,Done the modifications and about to create the pull request for the second review. Thanks Steve.
  • bug 990481 - [ZTE][OPENC]MMS app allows to attach more contents even when the max MMS size is reached
    • Bug fixed and created a pull request.Waiting for the review.


  • bug 1033334 - [Message] We should keep the focus in composer after sending a message
    • Fixed the bug and about to create the pull request today.


  • bug 1018111 - [Flame][v1.4][MMS] Edit text messages, add video no size limit tips.
    • small nits fixed, got r+ , thanks Steve
    • checkin-needed done.


  • bug 1113480 - [Mesage] Refine the file size unit in file too large dialog
    • WIP
    • modify the methods accordingly where Utils.getsizedl10n used.

Day 6: 23rd December


  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Feedback+ from Oleg, will continue the unit test part.
  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Try to focus on reducing the scrolling to message base(The scrolling will be triggered once when single mms message parsing complete)
  • The patch for solving the duplicated CMAS notification might have a side effect that cause the CDMA's cellbroadcast not working
    • Still waiting for QC's reply, I think we'll need to land this patch to make sure both GSM/CDMA cellbroadcast works fine.
  • Message RTL content friendly got r+. Since Ahmed already give positive feedback previously, will land this patch first and create another follow up if necessary.
  • Quick glance for Oleg's dialog patch first, will give it a try on device later.
  • Mostly on v3 ideation group(


  • Message thread rendering and scrolling refinement
  • Reviewing the dialog and read/unread selection patches


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • finished writing unit tests
    • did some more changes to remove some more lag when loading gaia-header
    • On the device I don't see much improvement :/ But I see that loading gaia-header takes less time. So I don't really know if I should move forward given it brings more complexity to the code... I also want to look whether other changes can bring the same improvement (eg: set display: none on the gaia-header).


  • will also move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • will look at other bugs for the sprint


  • bug 1112135 - [Messages] When starting as an activity/notification/, delay threads rendering until the right panel is open
    • Got f+, working on unit tests + will see if we can call Drafts.request earlier without consequences (in progress).
  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • Prepared v2.0m patch, didn't test it much, but partner found problem with mms with this patch - will see what's going on.
      (Julien) wondering if Devices team couldn't help if you don't have much time?
      (Steve) Is it a 2.0m-only issue? or it's reproducible on master
      (Oleg) I'll just take a look what issue they have and if it's related to this patch, I'm not sure if they are related. If it's something that needs more work will ask for help from Josh & Team. But as I noted partners should help with thorough testing :)
      (Julien) just to answer Steve: the master patch landed ~ 1 month ago, they want an uplift to v2.0m.
      (Steve) Just looking the subject of the bug, I can't remember I even reviewed the patch...:p Yes you did :) But I didn't see any comment from partner about the mms with the 2.0m patch, did you discuss this offline?
      (Oleg) Ah, it's in bug Thanks!



  • Will handle the rest of review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs
  • Going to take PTO tomorrow.


  • bug 1062634 - [MMS] Portrait Images are misaligned when sending or receiving multiple attachments
    • Updated the pull request after getting review form the Steve.


  • bug 1033334 - [Message] We should keep the focus in composer after sending a message
    • Got the review form Julien. Need to write unit test for the change.Thanks Julien.


  • bug 1018111 - [Flame][v1.4][MMS] Edit text messages, add video no size limit tips.
    • small nits fixed, got r+ , thanks Steve
    • checkin-needed done.
    • merged n Fixed
  • bug 1113480 - [Mesage] Refine the file size unit in file too large dialog
    • WIP
    • modify the methods accordingly where Utils.getsizedl10n used.
    • had discussion on L10n


Day 7: 24th December


  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Not much progress today
  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Instead of moving appendMessage to promise, also tried to simply move the mmsContent to promise. Changing the appendMessage might be a little bit more work for this sprint, will see how it performed
  • Reviewed Oleg's dialog patch and other patch and looks great.
  • Other feedback for contributors. I still have some review need to clean up.
  • web-nearby v3 ideation group


  • Message thread rendering and scrolling refinement
  • Reviewing the dialog and read/unread selection patches



  • will also move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • will test the gaia-header improvements using the performance test framework.


  • bug 1062634 - [MMS] Portrait Images are misaligned when sending or receiving multiple attachments
    • Updated the pull request after getting 2nd review form the Steve.Thanks Steve.
  • bug 1033334 - [Message] We should keep the focus in composer after sending a message
    • On going.


  • bug 990481 - [ZTE][OPENC]MMS app allows to attach more contents even when the max MMS size is reached
    • Got the review from Oleg. Do the changes accordingly and update the pull request.

Day 8: 25th December


  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Not much progress today
  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Giving a WIP to reduce the flashing effect, but Jenny suggested that there are still some drawbacks that we should improve as well:
      • Showing the thumbnail. Although the list didn't flash now, we could still see the empty thumbnail at first and then loading the image. She think maybe we can have a animation for it.
      • Showing the next chunk while scrolling. The hidden item will become visible and we'll need to scroll back to original position. Didn't come out any good idea for now.
  • web-nearby v3 ideation group


  • Message thread rendering and scrolling refinement
  • Will take PTO tomorrow

Day 9: 26th December

No status update today

Day 10: 29th December


  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Not much progress today
  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Continuing the work from last week: Try to fix the flashing for next chunk first.


  • Next chunk rendering refinement
  • Code review


  • bug 1112135 - [Messages] When starting as an activity/notification/, delay threads rendering until the right panel is open
    • Got first review round comments, will fix that today (in progress).
  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • It's turned out that problem with MMS was related to partner-specific changes that not in the v2.0m branch.
    • Asked for review for v2.0m patch, it's almost the same as master one, but with some differences in startup.js (in review).

Day 11: 30th December


  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Starting the patch again with unit tests, hope I could give another patch this week
  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Some feedbacks from Oleg, will reply it later.
  • Clean up the reviews, some patches(composer focus and dialog string) might need Jenny's final confirm.


  • Next chunk rendering refinement
  • Code review


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • tested the improvements using make test-perf, I could see improvements so will ask some review today
  • bug 1112868: keyboard is displayed when showing message options
    • I waited for an answer from accessibility team; the answer is not completely answering my question but I'll still merge today
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • updated the README file according to comments
    • will likely land today
  • flowchart about handling bugs:
    • updated the flowchart


  • will move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • will move forward with the gaia-header improvements asking some first review
  • will land some r+ed bugs


  • bug 1112135 - [Messages] When starting as an activity/notification/, delay threads rendering until the right panel is open
    • Fixed review comments, rebased on the latest master to resolve conflicts (in review).
  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • Got r+ for the rebased v2.0m patch. Not sure how to help partner, looks like they just have problems with applying the patch.
  • bug 1105857 - [Messages] User doesn't receive any notification about incoming message if native modal dialog is shown
    • Rebased and landed (landed).
    • Noticed that there is a case when our custom dialog is displayed together with keyboard :) It wasn't the case for native alert. Not sure how to resolve this properly, maybe blur active element when we show alert/confirm, what do you guys think?
    (Steve) I think Julien just landed one patch in master
    (Julien) not landed yet, but r+ : bug 1112868; will land real soon :)
    (Steve) yes, bug 1112868
    (Oleg) \0/ But we need the same for Dialog right?
    (Julien) can you comment your STR in bug 1112868? I can maybe update the patch and ask a new review.
    (Oleg) Okay
  • bug 1112539 - [Messages] Number-only contact details are broken in remove recipient confirmation dialog
    • As Julien suggested, changed BB selector from "p span" to "p > span", Settings peer advised to confirm with Jenny if we need specific rule for the "p label span" case as it looks strange currently, asked ui-review from Jenny (in ui-review).
      (Julien) ball of wool ;) :)


  • Left feedback for Steve's mms-thread-without-flash patch, looks much better on my Flame now;
  • Yesterday noticed that we display SIM information in message bubbles and notifications even if I have only one sim inserted (on the latest PVT build). Quickly debugged - second serviceID is empty string while we filter out only null values. Something changed recently?
    (Julien) not that I know, you should ask bevis or hsin yi :/
    (Oleg) Ok, will check once again and ni? RIL guys.
    (Steve) My PVT build(few days ago) still works fine, maybe I need to flash the latest one and try again
    (Oleg) Hmm, I flashed yesterday, so maybe something changed very recently, will check for both of my flames.


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs


  • bug 1062634 - [MMS] Portrait Images are misaligned when sending or receiving multiple attachments
    • Bug fixed and pull request got merged.Thanks Steve :)
  • bug 1033334 - [Message] We should keep the focus in composer after sending a message
    • Got the review from Steve and need to handle the focus in composer panel too.Thanks Steve :)


  • bug 961572 - [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header
    • Start working on this.

Day 12: 31st December


  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Still working on the unit test
      (Julien) wondering if we should wait for the 2.2 branching before landing this on master? Unless it gives perf improvements right away :) Or do you think it will be safe to land?
      (Steve) I think the changes is not that huge, but I can provide a latest version for you guys and you can decide it then.
  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Some refinement based on Oleg's suggestion and unit test
  • Clean up the reviews, some patches(composer focus and dialog string) might need Jenny's final confirm.


  • Next chunk rendering refinement
  • Select all patch


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • asked for review but looks like gmarty and wilson are both in PTO :(
  • bug 1112868: keyboard is displayed when showing message options
    • added the same fix in dialog.js, tested on device, still need to write tests
    • I think that we have issues: when I tested, sometimes the SMS app didn't show up after clicking the notification :/ I need to test some more today, on master...
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • asked for a proofread by our MDN master Chris Mills
  • bug 1116315: issue with the subject placeholder in arabic
    • wrote a simpler testcase so that gecko devs could fix this easily
    • it's a gecko bug when using italic on fonts when we don't have the specific italic font
  • had a first look at bug 1091441 and bug 1112135, will look more today
  • Others: tomorrow is holiday, and I have a PTO Friday, see you next Monday ;)


  • will move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • will land some r+ed bugs


  • bug 1058459 - [SMS] Data shared from other applications are not shown as Drafts until the app is killed and open again
    • Will try to understand the latest message from partner in bug 1112959 :)

bug 1116431 - [Messages] SIM identifier is displayed inside messages and notifications even if only one SIM inserted

    • Filed a bug, Hsin-Yi quickly provided RIL patch for accidental change in iccId default value (from null to empty string), should be landed soon.
  • bug 1112539 - [Messages] Number-only contact details are broken in remove recipient confirmation dialog
    • No updates yet (in ui-review).
  • bug 1081144 - [Messages] Flickering when resending a message in error, and switching SIM when sending
    • Moved forward a bit with this bug, but not much, thinking how we can add just sent message immediately if sent from Composer but should belong to existing thread (in progress, should be landed not earlier than branching).


  • Reviewed :ythej patch for disabling attach button if mms size limit is exceeded, r+'ed.


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs


  • bug 990481 - [ZTE][OPENC]MMS app allows to attach more contents even when the max MMS size is reached
    • Bug fixed and checkin-needed done.Thanks Oleg :)
  • bug 961572 - [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header
    • On going.

Day 13: 2nd January


  • bug 1112135 - [Messages] When starting as an activity/notification/, delay threads rendering until the right panel is open
    • Fixed last nits and got r+ (landed).
  • bug 1112539 - [Messages] Number-only contact details are broken in remove recipient confirmation dialog
    • Got r+ and ui-review+, waiting for BB r? (in review).
  • bug 1116101 - [FFOS2.0][Woodduck][HZ][FT] Unable to receive Class 0 SMS when SMS is empty
    • Investigated the root cause, it's because of the patch for bug 1105857, we don't consider "null" as valid alert content. Asked reporter and Jenny about the way we should handle empty class-0 messages, can't think of use case where empty class-0 message alert maybe useful for the user (awaiting info from reporter and UX).
  • bug 1105548 - [Messages] Notifications for messages will still be present when a message is received while in the message thread opened from contacts
    • Made preliminary investigation here, the problem is that we app that is run as activity doesn't handle sms-received system message and system activates\runs another message instance to handle notification and since this instance doesn't know about inline-activity-instance it creates notification. Trying to understand if it'd be possible to use our inter-instance-event-dispatcher to somehow handle this (in progress).


  • Reviewed patch for "bug 1112868 - [Messages] Message Options appear alongside Keyboard; blocks view of text entry";
  • Quick feedback on patch for "bug 1116780 - [Messages] We should not focus the composer after clicking a notification";
  • Quickly skimmed through sms-most-wanted and sms-papercuts, closed some as already-handled-in-other-bugs or dupe.


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Day 14: 5th January


  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Still working on the unit test.
  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Julien also gave some suggestion and I think it's reasonable(And it also works fine). Will give another patch for feedback later.
  • Clean some contributor's ni?


  • Message view flashing patch refine.


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • not moved forward, but I got a review so I'll work on this today.
  • bug 1112868: keyboard is displayed when showing message options
    • finished tests for the second fix, reviewed, landed
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • no progress
  • looked at bug 1091441 (flashing while rendering a thread with MMS) and I don't really like the approach, I proposed another approach. But I don't want to prevent the improved behavior to land so please do, but I'd like to revisit some day later.
  • reviewed bug 1112135 (delay thread rendering when entering activity)
  • did a simple pach + cleanup in bug 1113002 (reported by woodduck)
    • added a img.src = '' earlier than what we did before to prevent OOM kill
      (Oleg) Btw, was you able to reproduce it by yourself on v2.1?
      (Julien) nope, but I can maybe try with a Flame 319 MB. It was more a "better be safe than sorry" patch from partner's comments.
      (Oleg) Ok, I'm fine with the current patch, only maybe we can use "cleanup" instead of "img.src = " and remove it from later "then" callback.
      (Julien) oki I'll look at this :)
  • bug 1116780: regression: we should not focus the composer when clicking a notification
    • needs tests but asking feedback to know if this is a right approach


  • will move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • will otk on gaia header bug


  • bug 1116101 - [FFOS2.0][Woodduck][HZ][FT] Unable to receive Class 0 SMS when SMS is empty
    • Waiting for Jenny's feedback (awaiting info from reporter and UX).
  • bug 1105548 - [Messages] Notifications for messages will still be present when a message is received while in the message thread opened from contacts
    • Asked Alive (already answered and forwarded to :fabrice) about the issue that make it impossible to listen for sms-received system message when app is run as inline activity (ni?).
    • Have almost ready WIP that based on inter instance event disptacher, just to see if we can make it without Gecko work, if simplify the idea is the following: when app (main instance) receives 'sms-received' system message it checks if it's visible _and if it's not_ it queries inter-instance-event-dispatcher for all other messages instance info to see if any of them visible and have appropriate thread opened (info response is like { visible: boolean, currentPanel: object}). Should be ready for feedback today (in progress).


  • Steve, could you please ping Eric to check if he's still able to convert moz-traps tests at least to bugs in bugzilla? I'm going to have some time to create marionettejs tests for them.
    •  :(Steve) I talked to him about this. Will reply you later Thanks!
  • Reviewed simple master cleanup patch from Julien


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs


  • bug 1033334 - [Message] We should keep the focus in composer after sending a message
    • Fixed the bug and it's merged into master.Thanks Steve.
    • Still need to handle the case when we send a message in composer panel.Steve filed another bug for that, as it becomes complicated in here.
  • bug 961572 - [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header
    • On going.


bug 1105857: User doesn't receive any notification about incoming message if native modal dialog is shown

bug 1112539: Number-only contact details are broken in remove recipient confirmation dialog

bug 1112135: When starting as an activity/notification/, delay threads rendering until the right panel is open

bug 1109745: Load thread_ui and activity_handler earlier when starting as an activity

Side by side comparasion (right device is the one with patches applied):

bug 1091441: [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS

Side by side comparasion (right device is the one with patches applied):


Previous sprints' actions

From 2.1S3

  • Look into VM with gaia dev environment
    Nothing more done in this sprint

From 2.1S4:

From 2.1S5:

  • in planning for sprint N, we pick some items we want to do in sprint N+1 to ask early questions to UX and Designers (esp refresh bugs, but also bugs with UX changes)
  • we'll add screenshots of panels in Wiki, with the various cases for these panels, to help analyzing change impacts and not forgetting things
    Oleg started this:

What was good in the last sprint

  • I think we addressed some small old bugs that were hurting the experience +1

What was bad in the last sprint

  • I still couldn't finish the gaia-header patch.
  • The sprint is not complete. Did we take too many bugs in this holiday period?
    (Steve) For me I think the v3 discussion took too much time on meetings... I will reduce the unnecessary discussion and only focus on certain topic in next sprint
    (Julien) yeah, focus on what does have the most impact :) But it's fine if you need to take time in the v3 discussions, we just need to decrease the points.

Any questions

any questions ? :)

Actions for next sprint

  • decrease velocity points accordingly when team members are busy for external matters