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List of bugs

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam (blocks the sprint bug 1118192)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
1087329 [messages] More perf improvements --- No cf_feature-b2g [p(2.2S5)=1][p(2.2S4)=1] WONTFIX
1087981 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Message] Lazy init settings in notify.js 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [p=1] FIXED
1089154 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [p(2.2S5)=1][p(2.2S4)=1] FIXED
1116780 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] We should not focus the composer after clicking a notification 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [p=1] FIXED
1118214 [Messages] Investigate how we can make shared/js/date_time_helper.js more performant at executing time --- No cf_feature-b2g [p=2] WONTFIX
1118215 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] ThreadUI.init takes too much time --- No cf_feature-b2g [p=1] FIXED

6 Total; 6 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Remaining points and burndown chart

google chart api url for Sprint 2.2S4

Burndown chart
Remaining points
Start 7
Day 2 7
Day 3 7
Day 4 7
Day 5 7
Day 6 7
Day 7 7
Day 8 7
Day 9 7
Day 10 7
Day 11 5
Day 12 5
Day 13 5
Day 14 5
Day 15 4

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam outside of the sprint (contains whiteboard "sms-sprint-2.2S4")

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
988269 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Refactoring] Investigate whether ActivityHandler.isLocked is still required (follow up from bug 936729) --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.2S4] FIXED
1091441 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-most-wanted][lang=js][p=2][sms-sprint-2.2S4] FIXED
1091511 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Flame][v2.1][Message]The number/email or URL can't be tapped if there is full-width text in this message. 2.1+ No cf_feature-b2g [sms-most-wanted][lang=js][sms-sprint-2.2S4] FIXED
1118963 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages][SMS] Keyboard Lingers in thread list after Group Message, breaks UI when used 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [2.2-Daily-Testing][sms-sprint-2.2S4] FIXED
1119013 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Subject] Focus is not given to the subject area of a message when adding a subject to the message 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [2.2-Daily-Testing][sms-sprint-2.2S4] FIXED

5 Total; 5 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

All SMS issues tracked for this sprint (target milestone)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature b2g Resolution
997547 Salvador de la Puente González [:salva] [MMS]Text to email from Contact details --- 2.2+ FIXED
1079255 Salvador de la Puente González [:salva] [Messages] Flip Settings.supportEmailRecipient to true when the functionality is ready --- 2.2+ FIXED
1091441 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS --- --- FIXED
1115243 Vishnu Teja [:ythej] [Messages] message/thread deletion always shows plural in confirm dialog even when only one item is selected --- --- FIXED
1116780 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] We should not focus the composer after clicking a notification 2.2+ --- FIXED
1118192 SMS sprint 2.2S4 --- --- WONTFIX
1118214 [Messages] Investigate how we can make shared/js/date_time_helper.js more performant at executing time --- --- WONTFIX
1118215 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] ThreadUI.init takes too much time --- 2.2+ FIXED
1118963 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages][SMS] Keyboard Lingers in thread list after Group Message, breaks UI when used 2.2+ --- FIXED
1119013 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Subject] Focus is not given to the subject area of a message when adding a subject to the message 2.2+ --- FIXED
1122512 Salvador de la Puente González [:salva] [Messages][Drafts] Unsaved draft is silently discarded when user goes to report or participants panel --- --- FIXED

11 Total; 11 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint planning

Minutes are on a separate page.

Daily meetings

Day 2: 7th January


  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Not much progress on this.
  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • TaskRunner works good as well(although it might a little slower then promise all), so threadui tests needs to be revised based on promise base now.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Start to replace the pseudo classes and investigate the overall performance after replacing them.
  • Just a note to remind myself to ask QA Eric to create integration test from moztrap, since he is not in office this week.


  • Message view flashing patch refine.


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • discussed a lot with Wilson about this, especially about how to keep attribute values in a local object, but couldn't finish it yet.
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • Chris Mills made a corrected copy and gave some comments so I'll try to address them and lad it.
  • did a simple pach + cleanup in bug 1113002 (reported by woodduck)
    • waiting for approval
  • bug 1116780: regression: we should not focus the composer when clicking a notification
    • removed as assignee so that one of you can take it


  • usual sprint planning stuff
  • ideation group stuff


  • will move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • will move forward on gaia header bug
  • land the README file ? :)


  • bug 1116101 - [FFOS2.0][Woodduck][HZ][FT] Unable to receive Class 0 SMS when SMS is empty
    • All agreed to display empty class-0 message, I think device team can easily handle that, will ask Josh for help.
  • bug 1105548 - [Messages] Notifications for messages will still be present when a message is received while in the message thread opened from contacts
    • While waiting for ni? from :fabrice, asked your non-urgent feedback on the idea in general (awaiting ni and feedback).
  • bug 1118214 - [Messages] Investigate how we can make shared/js/date_time_helper.js more performant at executing time
    • Started investigating this thing and some other related stuff, here are some results:
      • Lazy loading data_time helper right before first usage looks ugly, will see how much time it will take if I cache navigator.mozHour12 in local or async storage. Almost all time (30 ms on flame for processing this file) 25-26ms is spent on mozSettings.createLock().get() to get initial value.
      • "navigator.mozContacts.addEventListener" in ThreadListUI.init takes about 18ms if I measured it correctly :) Looks like we can add this listener later, after first page rendered.
      • I noticed that we have default Gecko read ahead pref equals to 7 ( that is why I see that when we load the last thread in the first page we spent ~200ms only to retrieve it, while just a few ms or even less to retrieve prev threads. If I decrease firstPanelCount just from 9 to 8 - I see much improvement, but if I change it to even 15 I don't see much regression because of read ahead thing :) Btw on Flame only 8 thread in the first page.
        (Julien) I suspect there is a memory impact on changing this too, but why not, good idea :)
        (Julien) "much improvement" what do you mean?
        (Oleg) I used make test-perf, 30 runs (2 times each), with and without change, 1552 -> 1358 on engineering build for moz-visual-complete.
        (Julien) ah yeah, I see what you mean; do you think we can ask Bevis to increase the read ahead pref to 9 or 10 ? Another idea is to make the API fetch more in background ahead of time when we consumed all but 1 or 2.
        (Oleg) The strange thing that I tried to change it manually and nothing changed, maybe I changed pref incorrectly :( Used Julien's addpref tool that always works as expected
        (Steve) I think we could adjust the value by ourself, but we had better confirm with him
        (Julien) re: addpref tool, depends on where the pref is stored, but it should work :/ yeah we can ask Bevis to have his insight.
        (Oleg) yep, let's ask, also unrelated, tried "setContact(node) -> setTimeout(() => this.setContact(node))", it shaved just ~6ms for every thread, not much improvement.
        (Julien) looks like it can be overriden by settings: and so it could be set by the SMS app :) (except we'd need to call mozSettings, which is costly :p)
        (Steve) yes, it should be be changeable from settings
        (Oleg) tried both "ril.sms.maxReadAheadEntries and dom.sms.maxReadAheadEntries", but it's better to check with anyone else :)
        (Julien) we can follow-up on IRC yep


  • Advised 3 workarounds for the "bug 1112959 - [FFOS2.0][Woodduck][SMS]The message list isn't refresh after save a draft in other".


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests; Steve's patch is the first.
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Day 3: 8th January


  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • TaskRunner version patch with unit test changes complete, asking for another review(sorry Oleg :(, I still choose the taskRunner solution in the end)
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Removed some pseudo classes in the thread list view first. Will test the performance later.


Not much progress on anything yesterday, ideation group took a lot of time + couldn't really focus after what happened in Paris.

(Oleg) yeah :( Hope everything is more or less fine right now
(Julien) I'll be able to focus :) will see what happens here..
  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • didn't move yesterday
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • not much progress
  • did a simple pach + cleanup in bug 1113002 (reported by woodduck)
    • got approval, will land soon on 2.1 (need to test on a device first :) )


  • ideation group stuff
  • bug 1115224: some issues around gaia-header auto-resize in Settings
  • bug 1118829: unit testing and app:// broken in Firefox. (we'll move to Mulet, but this should be planned and expected, not a side-effetct of a patch)


  • will move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • will move forward on gaia header bug
  • land the README file


  • bug 1116101 - [FFOS2.0][Woodduck][HZ][FT] Unable to receive Class 0 SMS when SMS is empty
    • Luke is helping on this, will answer to his concern regarding to proposed fix today (in progress)
      (Julien) I answered too ;)
      (Oleg) Ah, thanks!
  • bug 1118214 - [Messages] Investigate how we can make shared/js/date_time_helper.js more performant at executing time
    • Prepared two WIPs, one with lazy load date_time_helper on deman + local-storage cache to display date with previous format and second one with lazy load only. Will post it to the bug. Currently numbers aren't impressing at all. Maybe if start lazy load only after first page is loaded then we'll have improvement. Will comment about that with numbers in a few minutes (in progress)


  • Left feedback for mms flickering patch.


  • Will experiment with read ahead pref using Julien's hint with omni.ja;
  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Day 4: 9th January


  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Patch given with some feedbacks return, stil updating to move queue into local
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • The overall performance didn't improve much after removing the classes (Only ~10ms less, maybe it's only 18 selectors removed and there is still more in shared BB). Will find a buri for more testing.
      (Julien) 10ms is not that bad, but maybe not worth it now given the risk. You can continue look if we have some in BB :)
      (Steve) So we can just refine BB if the selector do affect the performance? or other method to avoid them instead of modify BB styling directly
      (Julien) if we find something in BB that _really_ affects performance, I think it's better to modify BB because this can affect all apps. But it's a lot of work, so it needs to be worth it...
      (Steve) I see... Because 10ms seems not a persuasive number :p
      (Julien) yep; Vivien would tell that 10 + 10 + 10... :) but I think it depends on the complexity of the change, so clearly I wouldn't want to change BB and all apps for 10ms, 1 day before branching :p
      (Steve) ok

bug 1118154 - [FFOS7715 v2.1] [dolphin] FFOS can not receive Cell Broadcast messages on SIM2

    • Patch given for reporter to test.


  • Keep profiling the result after removing all the pseudo classes on buri
  • Refine the flashing patch.
  • Half-day PTO this afternoon


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • fixed most issues + wrote unit tests
    • there is a regression in the "automatic" behavior, I need to check why. Likely a small issue.
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • not much progress
  • did a simple pach + cleanup in bug 1113002 (reported by woodduck)
    • landed


  • bug 1118829: unit testing and app:// broken in Firefox. landed.


  • will review Oleg's patches
  • will move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • will move forward on gaia header bug
  • try to land the README file


  • bug 1116101 - [FFOS2.0][Woodduck][HZ][FT] Unable to receive Class 0 SMS when SMS is empty
    • Luke prepared master and v2.0m patches, r+'ed (landed).
  • bug 1118214 - [Messages] Investigate how we can make shared/js/date_time_helper.js more performant at executing time
    • Measured both WIPs (2x30 runs of make-test perf on light workload), commented about that on the bug (awaiting feedback).
  • bug 1087329 - [messages] More perf improvements
    • Played with read ahead setting (via modifying settings.js inside omni.ja). Changed it from 7 to 8 and did tests (2x30, light workload, engineering build) - [1466, 1387], avg. 1426, with the patch from bug above (with localstorage one) = [1293, 1387], avg. 1340. For clean master numbers are [1565.8, 1567.9], avg. 1566.8. But had a hard time yesterday when was running make test-perf approx. 8 of 10 times failed with "too much recursion" error in the log, so now I can't trust the numbers :)
    • ni'ed Bevis to get more insights about read ahead pref.
      (Julien) use "median" value instead of "average". We need to have this reported automatically (I should file a bug :) ) but in the mean time try to calculate yourself. I used in jsbin so that I could use test-perf's output.
      (Oleg) Okay, will do, thanks!
      (Julien) how do you explain that it's "moving to 8" that works fine, and not "moving to 9", given that we want to display 9 threads?
      (Oleg) Light workload contains only 8 for the first screen :) I'm not really sure when it reads "ahead", read first -> return and in the meantime read 7 or read seven and only then returns first
      (Julien) so you changed the "threads in first panel" to 8 in thread_ui.js? Trying to understand how you got your numbers.
      (Oleg) Nope, only changed setting from 7 to 8
      (Julien) ok, I'll look at your patches first and then we can discuss on IRC :)
      (Oleg) yep


  • Reviewed Luke's small patch about class-0 messages without body;
  • Reviewed Salva's patch about email via mms;


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Day 5: 12th January


  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • New patch given with local taskRunner and some other mms parsing promise refinement.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Some problem while flashing buri with fake DBs. At the mean time I'll also work on share BB class removal.
      (Julien) do you have an error "ActorParent" and the phone does not boot correctly?
      (Steve) I didn't get any error after phone reboot, but the workload just doesn't work(script does run to the end without any error).
      (Julien) ah ok; try to look if it writes to /data/local/storage/persistent or /data/local/storage/permanent; it should be the latter on newer versions of phones (and I think the script on master writes in this directory too... but can still detect earlier phones).
      (Steve) Yes, I'm trying to figure out this part as well. Thanks!
  • bug 1118154 - [FFOS7715 v2.1] [dolphin] FFOS can not receive Cell Broadcast messages on SIM2
    • Seems some problem from partner's modem. CB message was sent from wrong modem so it need partner support anyway.
  • bug 1118215 - [Messages] ThreadUI.init takes too much time
    • Start to investigate the root cause from init.


  • Keep profiling the result after removing all the pseudo classes on buri
  • ThreadUI init profiling.


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • The regression was only because I had a gecko without bug 1102502, my code works fine with a recent gecko
    • discussed a lot with Wilson, he forked my patch thursday and as a result we can't directly merge my changes in his patch. He took my unit test work though and will finish the patch.
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • not much progress


  • Contributed an ideation result on slack: enhanced task manager.

Today (yeah, really): :)

  • will review Oleg's patches
  • will move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • try to land the README file


  • bug 1112539 - [Messages] Number-only contact details are broken in remove recipient confirmation dialog
    • Finally got r+ from Arnau, rebased and landed (landed).
  • bug 1116780 - [Messages] We should not focus the composer after clicking a notification
    • Picked it up from Julien's patch, was thinking about possible use cases where current WIP works and doesn't, the only thing is if app is run as "new" number-less inline activity, discussed and confirmed that case with Julien. Today will see if I can handle this case in this patch or file follow up (in progress).
  • bug 1087329 - [messages] More perf improvements
    • Today got response from Bevis, haven't read yet :) But looks like we can increase default value for read ahead property without much penalty, it would be great if someone else except me can check that improves moz-visual-complete time.
      (Julien) I may have the time tomorrow (not today for sure)
      (Oleg) cool thanks! I don't trust myself on that matters :)


  • Reviewed Salva's patch that enables MMS-via-Email - haven't noticed any problems so far, will presumably r+ today;
  • Provided patch for small (in terms of fix) Browser and tv_apps regression caused by my BB changes in "dialog-alert" patch "bug 1116736 - [Flame][Browser]The "Try again" button is covered and device only shows a little bit blue icon in the lower right corner."
  • ideation group: recorded small demo (with a shitty quality :)) for SMS in browser connected to phone on the same network, just in case you're curious:


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests; Steve's patch is in priority.
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs



  • bug 1113480 - [Mesage] Refine the file size unit in file too large dialog
    • WIP

Day 6: 13th January


  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Some new feedback from Oleg, will fix and reply today.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • More profiling result for buri and pseudo classes removal in shared BB. It's sad that only remove these classes in message seems have no improvement on buri, but removal for both message and BB could work for both devices(but not much, ~70m on flame and ~30ms on buri)
      (Julien) means that maybe if we remove only those in BB you'd have the same improvement ?
      (Steve) probably, but it's weird that it could reduce more on flame. Maybe it's because of my test round is limited (only ~10 times profiling for average time, the the value varies a lot on buri)
      (Julien) yep, I used 50 when I tested... "median" does not change much with 50, but "average" still changes a lot. BTW just filed bug 1120828 so that test-perf gives median information too, if you want you can fix it so that it's easier to measure for you ;)
  • bug 1118215 - [Messages] ThreadUI.init takes too much time
    • Some result about profiling. Compose.init does consumed some time(5ms) but Recipient init took more (~15 ms) And for deeper investigation the spent time would mainly on Recipient.View private set setup (~6ms) and reset().focus() (~5ms) . Will go deeper and profile on buri as well.


  • Keep profiling the result after removing all the pseudo classes on buri
  • ThreadUI init profiling.


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • Wilson asked me review, will review today
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • not much progress
  • started looking at Oleg's patch about the mozHour12 helper. Not sure about the added complexity yet, and I haven't tried on device either yet.
    • (Oleg) Yep, I don't really want to introduce such complex solution for such small win, maybe you'll have better idea.
      (Julien) my plan for today is to look at mozSettings API and maybe discuss with people responsible for it; maybe we should not have such a penalty when merely accessing it. We should have it only between "get" and the result.


  • Spent the day in ideation group

Today: I want to:

  • review Oleg's patches
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • review the gaia-header patch
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file


  • bug 1116736 - [Flame][Browser]The "Try again" button is covered and device only shows a little bit blue icon in the lower right corner. (regression from alert-dialog patch)
    • Got r+, landed (landed).
      (Julien) do you know if it's easy to find similar cases in whole Gaia?
      (Oleg) Don't know any simple way, otherwise I found that earlier :)
  • bug 1116780 - [Messages] We should not focus the composer after clicking a notification
    • Not much progress on this since yesterday (in progress).
  • bug 1087329 - [messages] More perf improvements
    • Trying to see if it's possible to dynamically set read ahead setting via mozSettings (in progress).
      (Julien) I'd really want to remove this possibility instead :/ this is useless and messy.
      (Oleg) I'm not really understand how such config values (that depend on device characteristics) are set for different devices? Is it done by operators or ...?
      (Julien) I think it's not set. I don't really understand what was behind this. Or maybe this is in the customization? see customization/settings.json.
      (Oleg) So currently nobody uses it (except for the default value), we need to make use of it :)
      (Julien) operator can have customization files that you don't know :)
      (Oleg) But do operators know about that setting at all? It seems quite important thing to customize.
      (Julien) I don't know, probably not :p examples in but that's old ones
      (Oleg) Sooo what do you prefer to do with it?
      (Julien) Have a more sensible default for a start ;) And then discuss with devices team, but I don't know who's main point of contact?
      (Oleg) Okay, can you, when you have time, just to make sure that you see difference too when default value is increased. Then I think we can proceed + I think we can ping Josh or Evelyn to make device team aware of it.
      (Julien) yep I'll do this today
      (Steve) The things I worried is it didn't improve loading time actually, it just help to provide a more accurate profiling result for 1st view ready, so it's hard to push them or even operator to customize by them-self
      (Oleg) + show first page of threads earlier to the user, or I again messed it with ThreadUI :)
      (Steve) Ya, it can improve to lazyloade earlier, but not much for user visualization
      (Oleg) Agree, it's more about statistics
      (Julien) from what I understand, if we need more than 7 threads to be displayed in first panel, then we have a penalty for last one. I agree we need to look at what happens in real life.
      (Steve) +1 that adjust the value manually first to see if it did improve something


  • Made a final review of Reviewed Salva's patch, r+'ed (landed);
  • Almost reviewed Steve's mms-flashing patch, will finish today, everything is good, just small nits in unit tests.
  • Mostly ideation stuff yesterday.


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Day 7: 14th January


  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Refine the patch based on new suggestions.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Will provide a css removal patch later(it simply hide the classes anyway). And do more profiling and use median instead. I'm not sure if I can figure out which selector actually spend most time from data. Maybe file by file first.
      (Julien) good idea !
  • bug 1118215 - [Messages] ThreadUI.init takes too much time
    • Some result about profiling. Compose.init does consumed some time(5ms) but Recipient init took more (~15 ms) And for deeper investigation the spent time would mainly on Recipient.View getPropertyValue (~6ms) and focus() (~5ms) . I created a patch that remove initRecipient from ThreadUI first.
  • bug 1118963 - [Messages][SMS] Keyboard Lingers in thread list after Group Message, breaks UI when used
    • Created a tiny patch to early return to avoid compose focus for multi-sms case.


  • Keep profiling more data and try to figure out which part might takes most of time
  • Revisit flashing patch.


Again the day was taken by nearly only ideation group stuff. And I also handled some of my bugmail.

  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • Did not review yesterday...
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • not much progress
  • started looking at Oleg's patch about the mozHour12 helper. But nothing more :/

Today: I want to (again):

  • review Oleg's patches
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • review the gaia-header patch
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file


  • bug 1116736 - [Flame][Browser]The "Try again" button is covered and device only shows a little bit blue icon in the lower right corner. (regression from alert-dialog patch)
    • Patch missed v2.2, asked for approval to uplift it (waiting for approval to uplift).
  • bug 1116780 - [Messages] We should not focus the composer after clicking a notification
    • Added unit tests, fixed support of "new" number-less activity + some small refactoring (in review).
  • bug 1105548 - [Messages] Notifications for messages will still be present when a message is received while in the message thread opened from contacts
    • After reading "vibration" spec and code at mxr, I found out that actually "vibrate" won't work if app is hidden (even if call navigator.vibrate), so I've updated the patch with InterInstanceEventDispatcher.emit('notify') that is processed only by instance that's visible at the moment (awaiting feedback);
      (Julien) Haven't read your code, but I think we'll need some comment around some of this code to explain how and why it works
      (Oleg) Yeah, definitely, will add if it reaches review stage :)
    • Since "console in SharedWorker" landed few days ago, updated patch to remove custom "dump" capabilities in favour of built-in "console" object.
      (Julien) BTW, should we use the "dump" little lib that's in shared? I think it also uses the "gaia debug traces" setting that's in the developer menu.
      (Oleg) Hmm, haven't heard about it :) Will look into it, thanks!
      (Julien) likely not in this patch :) but something in my head for some time.


  • Finished reviewed of Steve's mms-flashing patch - everything is good, left just few unit test suggestions.


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Day 8: 15th January


  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Will update the patch today.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Still profiling for more detail
  • bug 1118215 - [Messages] ThreadUI.init takes too much time
    • Patch got positive feedback and work on unit test.
  • bug 1118963 - [Messages][SMS] Keyboard Lingers in thread list after Group Message, breaks UI when used
    • Landed on master.


  • Keep profiling more data and try to figure out which part might takes most of time
  • Revisit flashing patch.


  • bug 1116780 - [Messages] We should not focus the composer after clicking a notification
    • Provided alternative PR with Julien's suggestions in mind (awaiting feedback).
    • Initially I thought that the same approach (focusComposer navigation param) can be used "bug 1116978 - [Message] After sending a message from new compose page, compose area should stay focused" - but it turned out that it's a bit more complex :)
  • bug 988269 - [Messages][Refactoring] Investigate whether ActivityHandler.isLocked is still required (follow up from bug 936729)
    • Extracted this from the PR above, it's time to close it :) (in review)
  • bug 1105548 - [Messages] Notifications for messages will still be present when a message is received while in the message thread opened from contacts
    • Filed DOM bug about vibration support for hidden certified apps "bug 1121376 - navigator.vibrate() should vibrate for privileged/certified apps even if they are hidden". Ehsan is fine with implementing this, waiting for feedback from Jonas.
    • Btw, BroadcastChannel API is almost landed - so we'll probably migrate our InterInstanceEventDispatcher from SharedWorker to BroadcastChannel. Rarely I see some "cyclic" exceptions from shared worker in adb log, can't find any STR to reproduce it, but I'm concerned.


  • Reviewed two patches from Steve.

Day 9: 16th January


  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Patch given for another review.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Still profiling for more detail
  • bug 1118215 - [Messages] ThreadUI.init takes too much time
    • Patch created with unit tests for review.

bug 1091511 - [Flame][v2.1][Message]The number/email or URL can't be tapped if there is full-width text in this message.

    • Take a look first since it's 2.1 blocker. Since full-width char is separated in unicode table and it's difficult to match every full-width char, We might need to treat words except English char/number/certain symbol as safe start.


  • Keep profiling more data and try to figure out which part might takes most of time
  • Work on full-width char within link helper.


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • Did a first review, need to test on device
    • nearly everything changes, I hope we'll be able to uplift to 2.2 :/
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • not much progress
  • reviewed bug 1120947: the mock for mozSettings was not returning a then-able to use as a promise
  • did a quick and dirty patch for bug 1122174: be able to open a specific thread at SMS launch

Today: I want to (again):

  • review Oleg's patches
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • review the gaia-header patch
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file


  • bug 1105548 - [Messages] Notifications for messages will still be present when a message is received while in the message thread opened from contacts
    • Fabrice confirmed that currently we can't listen system message for two different target URLs, but we can make a proposal to change things. I think we can try first some workaround to have better understanding of our use cases before we make any proposal (awaiting feedback)
  • bug 1121376 - navigator.vibrate() should vibrate for privileged/certified apps even if they are hidden
    • Jonas don't want API to behave differently for certified and non-certified apps and I somewhat agree with him, he also proposed to do vibration (and sound) for the case when open thread is visible in mozMobileMessage.onmessagereceived handler instead of "sms-received" system message handler. Will check.
  • bug 1119013 - [Messages][Subject] Focus is not given to the subject area of a message when adding a subject to the message
    • Spent quite a big amount of time to understand the issue here - it turned out that OptionsMenu uses buttons with default type (submit) for action items and any focus calls are ignored if called inside click handler for such button for some reason (in b2g only). In our case we call subject.focus or message.focus in button click handler (in progress).
  • bug 1121766 - Intermittent failing test, TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | apps/sms/test/marionette/composer_test.js | Messages Composer Messages Composer Test Suite Message char counter and MMS label
    • Started to look into that (in progress).


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs


  • bug 1115243 - [Messages] message/thread deletion always shows plural in confirm dialog even when only one item is selected
    • Fixed the bug by double confirming the number of selected threads or selected messages.
    • Added the [zero] case too and updated the pull request.Thanks Francesco :)
    • Under review
  • bug 961572 - [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header
    • Made the two information view's as real panel's but still have some problem in moving to the new panels.
    • group-view need to have the transition happen and report-view may not as Julien said.
    • May file a new bug for the transition part.


  • bug 961572 - [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header
    • Will resolve the problem in moving to new panels and handle the test's too.



  • bug 1113480 - [Mesage] Refine the file size unit in file too large dialog
    • WIP

Day 10: 19th January


  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Patch given for another review.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • More result on flame: Testing patch given. Removing all classes in message and shared could reduce ~30ms, and removing css only in action menu/edit mode could reduce ~10ms for each. Find some easy selector replacement to see if it did work in theses css styling
      (Julien) That's so cool, because it could also help other apps \o/
      (Steve) Maybe there is not much choice for styling replacement, or improve very little with other selector, will see how it works on class name replacement first.
  • bug 1118215 - [Messages] ThreadUI.init takes too much time
    • Patch created with unit tests for review.

bug 1091511 - [Flame][v2.1][Message]The number/email or URL can't be tapped if there is full-width text in this message.

    • Create a small testing patch that treat all non-ascii char as safeStart since it's complicate to distinguish all the full-width char. Not sure if a url with leading Latin char(or other language) is valid.
      (Julien) I thought of this too (like, maybe not doing the safeStart mechanism if the url starts with http:// (same for https / rtsp) but then I thought like you: I don't think we should link if there is another latin char before, like : ahttp://..... This does not feel right.


  • Try to replace selectors in action menu/edit mode for more testing.
  • Work on full-width char within link helper.
  • Clean up review queue.


(not much progress overall)

  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • more review
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • not much progress
  • bug 1122649: mozSettings has a synchronous penalty
    • trying to explain to peers that we indeed have a penalty. We'll see what happens here.
  • bug 1116780: reviewed Oleg's patch about focusing the composer only for the right activities. The second alternative feels really better: less changes, cleaner.

Today: I want to (again):

  • review Oleg's patches
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • review the gaia-header patch
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file


  • bug 1105548 - [Messages] Notifications for messages will still be present when a message is received while in the message thread opened from contacts
    • Updated PR with suggestion from Jonas (awaiting feedback).
  • bug 1119013 - [Messages][Subject] Focus is not given to the subject area of a message when adding a subject to the message
    • Created simple test case and file a Gecko bug "bug 1122463 - It's impossible to focus input from submit button click handler in B2G" and prepared WIP PR that changes button type for OptionMenu items (in progress).
  • bug 1121766 - Intermittent failing test, TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | apps/sms/test/marionette/composer_test.js | Messages Composer Messages Composer Test Suite Message char counter and MMS label
    • Can't find root cause as wasn't able to repro this locally, but seems found solution, experimenting in background (in progress).
  • bug 1116780 - [Messages] We should not focus the composer after clicking a notification
    • Got f+ on my alternative PR, will write unit tests and prepare it for review today (in progress).


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests; Will handle Steve's requests.
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Day 11: 20th January


  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Oleg found a bug about the async message appending. The original stopRendering flag could not avoid message appending from the executing taskQueue. Patch updated for another review.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Refining the selector for profiling. Maybe we can count this point in dashboard since we might have some idea for shared styling first.
      (Julien) yep; from the planning: "OK then, p=1 for at least know if this is a likely improvement." :)
  • bug 1118215 - [Messages] ThreadUI.init takes too much time
    • Landed in master.

bug 1091511 - [Flame][v2.1][Message]The number/email or URL can't be tapped if there is full-width text in this message.

    • Jenny agreed that we can treat all the non-ascii char as safe start and any valid url/email/phone number after the chars can treat as an actionable link. Will add some test for it and review.


  • Try to replace selectors in action menu/edit mode for more testing.
  • Work on full-width char within link helper.


Yesterday was mostly dedicated to ideation, so no progress at all on anything.

Today: I want to (again):

  • review Oleg's patches
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • review the gaia-header patch
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file


  • bug 1105548 - [Messages] Notifications for messages will still be present when a message is received while in the message thread opened from contacts
    • No update so far except for the landed BroadcastChannel, but it's for master only anyway.
  • bug 1122463 - It's impossible to focus input from submit button click handler in B2G
    • Investigated this issue a bit deeper to give :smaug more details.
  • bug 1121766 - Intermittent failing test, TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | apps/sms/test/marionette/composer_test.js | Messages Composer Messages Composer Test Suite Message char counter and MMS label
    • Hope I'll have small PR ready for feedback today (in progress).
    • Running experimental patches on Treeherder, so it takes time to get results.
      (Julien) nowadays they should be split in a lot of jobs, right ? So you should be able to restart only the job containing your test ?
      (Oleg) Sure, it would be still good if I can initially run only one :)
      (Julien) because currently you don't know which "number" will hold your test, that's the reason ?
      (Oleg) I know the number already, I mean when you update your PR, all test are run and that takes most of the time, but it's pretty fast when you just retrigger one small job afterwards. And interesting that intermittent doesn't happen in the first ~20 runs :)
      (Julien) you can cancel the other tests :) or even cancel all and run only the one you want. But is it really making things slower to run the other tests ?
      (Oleg) Ah, good idea! Maybe I haven't noticed cancel button :)
      (Oleg) Haven't measured, but I had an impression that first run is much slower, maybe it's not because of other tests, don't know for sure
      (Julien) you have the little cross in treeherder, to cancel all jobs. Same to cancel one job, when you click on the job, but it's in the bottom left area.
      (Oleg) Yep I see now, thanks
  • bug 1116780 - [Messages] We should not focus the composer after clicking a notification
    • Updated alternative PR and asked for review (in review).


    • Reviewed several Steve's PRs.


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs


No much work done yesterday as I am sick.

  • bug 1115243 - [Messages] message/thread deletion always shows plural in confirm dialog even when only one item is selected
    • Fixed the bug and check-needed done. Thanks Steve.
  • bug 961572 - [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header
    • Fixed the bug and created the pull request.Under review.


  • bug 961572 - [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header
    • File a new bug for transition of group view panel.
  • bug 986510 - [Messages app] Replace menu icon with settings icon when no messages in app
    • start working on this bug.

Day 12: 21st January


  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Final version for the review. There is still a security error when quick back. Oleg, are you ok with creating another follow up for this issue?
      (Julien) ok for me.
      (Oleg) Sure, works for me as well.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Working on the action menu/edit mode css selector replacing.

bug 1091511 - [Flame][v2.1][Message]The number/email or URL can't be tapped if there is full-width text in this message.

    • Create a patch for review


  • Try to replace selectors in action menu/edit mode for more testing.
  • More profiling for overall start up call path


Yesterday was mostly dedicated to ideation, so no progress at all on anything.

  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • no progress
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • no progress
  • bug 1122649: mozSettings has a synchronous penalty
    • looked at this with Alexandre Lissy, the first access to mozSettings only is especially costly (~30ms first, then less than 1ms) and then each call to createLock().get() is costly too (~15ms for both calls together). We're still trying to find the root cause and if it's easily patchable.

Today: I want to (again):

  • review Oleg's patches
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • review the gaia-header patch
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file


  • bug 1080480 - [Messages] Use BroadcastChannel API instead of SharedWorker for inter instance communication
    • Created WIP based on experimental patch from bug 1105548 - looks like it works pretty well with BroadcastChannel instead of SharedWorker.
  • bug 1122463 - It's impossible to focus input from submit button click handler in B2G
    • Testing our quick patch that changes button type to "button" in OptionMenu to check that everything works good in Messages, if so remove blocking flag from this bug (in progress).
  • bug 1121766 - Intermittent failing test, TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | apps/sms/test/marionette/composer_test.js | Messages Composer Messages Composer Test Suite Message char counter and MMS label
    • Asked feedback on patch that seems got rid of intermittent failures, at least I haven't noticed it in ~90 runs (awaiting feedback).


    • Made a final review of Steve's mms-flashing patch;
    • Reviewed Salva's patch that fixes regression "bug 1122512 - [Messages][Drafts] Unsaved draft is silently discarded when user goes to report or participants panel"


  • Will look into other places where we can squeeze some more performance;
  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Day 13: 22nd January


  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Landed in master, will create a follow up for security issue.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Just use a class for action menu and remove the unnecessary selector in edit mode(original header selector, now we only use gaia-header). The average and median time looks reduce 20~30ms as well. Will do more test to verify this.

bug 1091511 - [Flame][v2.1][Message]The number/email or URL can't be tapped if there is full-width text in this message.

    • Create a patch for review
  • bug 1118154 - FFOS can not receive Cell Broadcast messages on SIM2
    • Create a patch for 2.0m


  • More testing replace selectors in action menu/edit mode.


Yesterday was mostly dedicated to ideation, so no progress at all on anything. Good news is that today I take a no-ideation day ;) \0/

  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • no progress
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • no progress
  • bug 1122649: mozSettings has a synchronous penalty
    • Alexandre could reduce mozSettings load penalty \o/
      (Oleg) Nice! Hope we won't need any patch for date_time_helper lazy loading.
      (Julien) I think we still have the createLock().get() penalty, and still _some_ penalty for mozSettings, but at least this is better. We'll need to measure again :)
      (Oleg) Yep, will measure again, once anything related is landed.
  • bug 1087981: remove the load penalty of notify.js
    • Fixed most comments given by Steve + started adding a unit test (in progress).

Today: I want to (again):

  • review Oleg's patches
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • review the gaia-header patch
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file


  • bug 1119013 - [Messages][Subject] Focus is not given to the subject area of a message when adding a subject to the message
    • Tested patch with all OptionMenu cases I was able to find in gaia + added Messages-specific integration test and asked for review (in review).
  • bug 1122463 - It's impossible to focus input from submit button click handler in B2G
    • Because of the low-risk and reasonable workaround in the bug above, removed blocker status from this issue.
  • bug 1109754 - [Messages] Consider using a queue to render threads at startup
    • Tried WIP patch on my flames - posted results and side by side video to bug, but in short it looks even worse with the patch for me.
  • bug 1123598 - [Midori 2.0][Messages][MMS]The MMS content display obscure about 2 seconds when view a newspaper MMS.
    • Reproduced this issue on v2.0 pvt build & Flame, helped :kats a bit to reproduce this issue as well.
  • bug 1116780 - [Messages] We should not focus the composer after clicking a notification
    • Jenny positively replied on unification of draft-discard dialogs, it can be probably handled in patch for bug "bug 1122501 - [Messages][Drafts] Unsaved draft is silently discarded when user tries to forward message" - btw do you guys know if that was for a reason that we don't show this dialog for forward case?
      (Julien) I think we just forgot -- or even maybe there is an old forgotten bug lying somewhere ;) Maybe we should just save a draft without user intervention ?
      (Oleg) Ah, okay! Mmm in all similar cases? "Forward", "send message when we tap on number in message bubble", opening thread from notification
      (Julien) I'm supposed to prepare a graphical workflow for drafts, I think we should remove all these dialogs and just save them :) To be continued...
      (Oleg) Yeah, maybe, so will leave this bug alone until we get your workflow diagram then :)
      (Julien) not necessarily, as you wish; maybe it's better to fix this bug now to be consistent with the other behaviors, and then or parallely look at the whole draft process.
      (Oleg) I see, okay, makes sense


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs


  • bug 1115243 - [Messages] message/thread deletion always shows plural in confirm dialog even when only one item is selected
    • Fixed and Merged.
  • bug 961572 - [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header
    • Done with unit tests.


  • bug 961572 - [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header
    • File a new bug for transition of group view panel.(will do it today for sure)
    • Need to do integration tests.

Day 14: 23rd January


  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Need to create a follow up for security issue.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Classes clean up / replaced in action menu and edit mode. Now I'm cleaning more on message app classes. Update the profile later
  • bug 1091511 - [Flame][v2.1][Message]The number/email or URL can't be tapped if there is full-width text in this message.
    • Create a patch for review
  • bug 1118154 - FFOS can not receive Cell Broadcast messages on SIM2
    • After some negotiation with PM, we decide to move it to 2.1 blocker since the DSDS functionality isn't totally available on 2.0m.
  • bug 1123598 - [Midori 2.0][Messages][MMS]The MMS content display obscure about 2 seconds when view a newspaper MMS
    • Since thumbnail parsing improvement in bug 983172 might help to avoid the low precision painting issue when APZ enabled.
      (Julien) My concern is that it's a complex patch that had some regressions :/ Moreover there is a root cause in Gecko that could happen in other situations (and actually when I use the phone I see cases where there is low precision painting but I feel there shouldn't.. but difficult to reproduce reliably)
      (Steve) Yes, that's my concern too because we are not sure about when it must happen, but it's still good to reduce the cpu usage, especially it does help.
      (Julien) I'd rather not uplift a complex patch to a branch that's at the end of the stabilization phase...
      (Steve) So any other better solution for low precise paint issue(if it becomes a blocker for 2.1)?
      (Julien) A gecko solution, in my opinion :/ I'm sure we can have a chirurgical patch for gecko rather than uplifting a big patch that makes the problem disappear. But we can revisit the decision if the gecko patch looks scary too. In the end, it's a risk comparison. I'm commenting on the bug.


  • More testing replace selectors in action menu/edit mode.


Not as much progress as I'd wanted, but still some...

  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • reviewed Wilson's patch, I need to assess its performance today
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • no progress
  • bug 1122649: mozSettings has a synchronous penalty
    • still moving forward thanks to Alexandre
  • bug 1087981: remove the load penalty of notify.js
    • still in progress
  • bug 1116780: reviewed the patch for this bug about focussing composer in an activity


Today: I want to (again):

  • review Oleg's patches
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • continue review the gaia-header patch
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file


  • bug 1119013 - [Messages][Subject] Focus is not given to the subject area of a message when adding a subject to the message
    • Got r+, I'm not sure if I need some other "shared folder" peer review on this (OptionMenu change), I see that previous patches were mostly reviewed by Messages or Dialer peers. What do you think?
      (Julien) you can ask Kevin.
      (Oleg) ok, thanks!
  • bug 1122463 - It's impossible to focus input from submit button click handler in B2G
    •  :smaug found a reason in Gecko side, :timdream will look into it.
  • bug 1116780 - [Messages] We should not focus the composer after clicking a notification
    • Got r+, prepared additional patch for v2.2, wasn't able to land it yesterday due to Gij bustage, it's fixed now, waiting for Treeherder now.
  • bug 1122501 - [Messages][Drafts] Unsaved draft is silently discarded when user tries to forward message
    • Prepared patch that includes draft discard dialog unification + confirm dialog for forward case + found that when we open thread from notification and composer isn't empty at the moment we show draft discard confirmation dialog even if the same thread is open - fix is quite easy (in progress)
  • bug 988269 - [Messages][Refactoring] Investigate whether ActivityHandler.isLocked is still required (follow up from bug 936729)
    • Got r+ (landed).
  • Other:
    • Some ideation prototyping.


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests; Steve's request is in priority.
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs


  • bug 961572 - [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header
    • Done with Integration tests and updated the pull request.
    • Under review

Day 15: 26th January


  • bug 1091441 - [Messages] the thread view is flashing while loading if there are MMS
    • Follow up for security issue created and ask for 2.2 approval(it looks safe with security error, so I still asked anyway. But it would be good to know why. Maybe ni? Stéphanie would be a good start?).
      (Julien) yeah Stéphanie could know.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Classes clean up / replaced in action menu and edit mode. Now I'm cleaning more on message app classes. Update the profile later(Still ongoing)
  • bug 1091511 - [Flame][v2.1][Message]The number/email or URL can't be tapped if there is full-width text in this message.
    • Got r+ and reply
  • bug 1118154 - FFOS can not receive Cell Broadcast messages on SIM2
    • It became a 2.1 blocker, created a patch for :kgrandon review.
  • More performance experiment: Testing if we could render less element in the thread list(for example, delay element insertion for checkbox or contact photo)


  • More testing replace selectors in action menu/edit mode.
  • Reduce element rendering experiment
  • code review


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • assessed the performance over the week-end: sems to be better than my patch ;) and we win more than 20ms. Not _that_ impressive after all, but I think there is also a visual effect that makes it look a lot better. And the gaia-header itself has now a better algorithm IMO.
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • no progress
  • bug 1122649: mozSettings has a synchronous penalty
    • still moving forward thanks to Alexandre
      (Oleg) I see that some related patch has been already landed, does it make sense to re-test my date_helper patches?
      (Julien) yep I think so; there is still some sync perf penalty, but less than before.
      (Oleg) Okay, will try again
      (Julien) I think bug 1115796 regressed the perf though :/ grrr
  • bug 1087981: remove the load penalty of notify.js
    • finished unit tests, tested on a device, asked for review

Today: I want to (again):

  • review Oleg's patches
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • continue review the gaia-header patch
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file


  • bug 1119013 - [Messages][Subject] Focus is not given to the subject area of a message when adding a subject to the message
    • Got r+ from Kevin as well, landed on both master and v2.2 (landed)
  • bug 1116780 - [Messages] We should not focus the composer after clicking a notification
    • Landed on both master and v2.2 (landed)
  • bug 1122501 - [Messages][Drafts] Unsaved draft is silently discarded when user tries to forward message
    • Finished unit tests and asked for review (in review)
  • bug 1121766 - Intermittent failing test, TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | apps/sms/test/marionette/composer_test.js | Messages Composer Messages Composer Test Suite Message char counter and MMS label
    • Rebased on master and re-run Treeherder as some new composer tests were added recently, waiting for result.
  • bug 1124758 - [Messages] We should not add the hidden (+0) text at the end of the header
    • Working on the patch (in progress);
    • Found that gaia-header patch (disable RTL support for gaia-header) regressed our group mms header RTL-compatibility - "bug 1125602 - [Messages][RTL] Header text of group MMS thread should respect directionality of the current locale"
  • Other:
    • Reviewed Steve's patch about full-width chars near links.


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs


bug 1115243: [Messages] message/thread deletion always shows plural in confirm dialog even when only one item is selected

Thanks to our contributor Vishnu Teja!

bug 1091511: [Message]The number/email or URL can't be tapped if there is full-width text in this message

bug 829820: Ability to mark selected SMS thread as Read/Unread.

Thanks to our contributor Kumar Rishav!

bug 997547: [MMS]Text to email from Contact details

See the Youtube Video:

Thanks to Salvador de la Puente González!


Previous sprints' actions

From 2.1S3:

  • Look into VM with gaia dev environment
    Nothing more done in this sprint

From 2.1S4:

From 2.1S5:

  • in planning for sprint N, we pick some items we want to do in sprint N+1 to ask early questions to UX and Designers (esp refresh bugs, but also bugs with UX changes)
  • we'll add screenshots of panels in Wiki, with the various cases for these panels, to help analyzing change impacts and not forgetting things
    Oleg started this:

What was good in the last sprint

  • We tackled difficult performance issues.

What was bad in the last sprint

  •  :(Oleg) Ideation stuff took some time
    • (Julien) But it was planned, right ?
    • (Oleg) Yes, but it still affected Messages work :)
    • (Steve) I believe it will take more in next sprint for you, but I think it's fine
    • (Julien) it was "bad" for Messages (even if I think we planned it so it's ok), but was it good for you ? :)
      (Oleg) Exactly! :)

Any questions

  •  :(Steve) Any clear goal for next sprint? I mean we should narrow down the v3 ideations from now on.
    • (Julien) about ideation process: next 2 weeks, we'll have a survey to sort and give advices on all ideas (available to anyone); starting 9th Feb a group of people (Oleg and I are part of this) will gather in Paris to deepen ideas and probably do some prototypes.
    • (Julien) I don't think that Messages is really concerned for now, and we should just focus on blockers. What do you think?
    • (Steve) Except the performance issue, I think the rest of blockers should be handleable
    • (Julien) does your question mean that we should plan some time just because we'll have to read all ideas ?
    • (Steve) Ah, just want to make sure the schedule for v3 ideation because I've remember we should start to review all the ideas at the end of Jan and comes out some practical action from next month.
    • (Julien) I'm not sure of what happens after the 2 weeks in Paris, but I think in March we'll have to put the plan in shape -- not sure whether we'll work on this though.
    • (Steve) Ok

Actions for next sprint
