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List of bugs

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam (blocks the sprint bug 1126214)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
1087329 [messages] More perf improvements --- No cf_feature-b2g [p(2.2S5)=1][p(2.2S4)=1] WONTFIX
1089154 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [p(2.2S5)=1][p(2.2S4)=1] FIXED
1089920 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Messages] Investigate and fix the gaia-header in Messages app (~50ms) 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [p(2.2S5)=1][p(2.2S3)=1][p(2.1S9)=1][p(2.1S8)=3] FIXED
1112131 Wilson Page [:wilsonpage] [header] Propose a start and end attributes to hint the component about the left and right offsets 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [p(2.2S5)=1][p(2.2S3)=2] FIXED
1120018 Steve Chung [:steveck] [RTL][Messages] Latin characters and numbers are right-aligned on input field --- No cf_feature-b2g [p=2] FIXED

5 Total; 5 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Remaining points and burndown chart

google chart api url for Sprint 2.2S5

Burndown chart
Remaining points
Start 6
Day 2 6
Day 3 6
Day 4 6
Day 5 6
Day 6 6
Day 7 6
Day 8 6
Day 9 6
Day 10 4

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam outside of the sprint (contains whiteboard "sms-sprint-2.2S5")

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
1104961 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] Intermittent share_activity_test.js | Messages as share target Share via Messages Activity close button Should return to Thread panel if in Participants panel --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.2S5] FIXED
1124141 Zibi Braniecki [:zbraniecki][:gandalf] The langpack changes break the "load SMS in Nightly" approach - "NotInApp" error --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.2S5] FIXED
1124758 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] We should not add the hidden (+0) text at the end of the header --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-papercuts][sms-sprint-2.2S5] FIXED
1127857 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) We should have 2 different thresholds for the minimum font size --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.2S5] FIXED
1128093 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Messages] It's impossible to scroll participants list in group MMS report panel 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-2.2S5] FIXED

5 Total; 5 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

All SMS issues tracked for this sprint (target milestone)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature b2g Resolution
961572 Vishnu Teja [:ythej] [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header --- --- FIXED
1087981 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Message] Lazy init settings in notify.js 2.2+ --- FIXED
1091511 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Flame][v2.1][Message]The number/email or URL can't be tapped if there is full-width text in this message. 2.1+ --- FIXED
1124758 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] We should not add the hidden (+0) text at the end of the header --- --- FIXED
1125525 ashutosh.nath.agarwal Overflow of contact name while tapping on the recepient in composer 2.2+ --- FIXED
1126214 SMS sprint 2.2S5 --- --- WONTFIX
1127898 Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] [Messages] Send button is misaligned if message input has more than one line of text --- --- FIXED
1184865 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages][NG] Replace some methods in MessageManager with messaging service in conversation view --- --- FIXED

8 Total; 8 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint planning

Minutes are on a separate page.

Daily meetings

Day 2: 28th January


  • Spending ALL DAY with partner about the partner requirement for 2.2(Partner WW in Taipei this week) Might not be able to join the stand up in time. Will update some news if you're interested.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Classes clean up / replaced in action menu and edit mode. Now I'm cleaning more on message app classes. Update the profile later(Still ongoing)
  • bug 1091511 - [Flame][v2.1][Message]The number/email or URL can't be tapped if there is full-width text in this message.
    • Landed and ask for approval 2.1
      (Julien) you need to ask approval for 2.2 as well :)
  • bug 1118154 - FFOS can not receive Cell Broadcast messages on SIM2
    • Landed and ask for approval 2.1.
      (Julien) you need to ask approval for 2.2 as well :)
  • More performance experiment: Testing if we could render less element in the thread list(for example, delay element insertion for checkbox or contact photo)


  • More testing replace selectors in action menu/edit mode.
  • Reduce element rendering experiment
  • code review


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • Continued review with wilson, found some more bugs (including in Gecko) that Wilson fixed or worked around; will land really soon now ;)
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • no progress
  • bug 1122649: mozSettings has a synchronous penalty
    • bug 1115796's issue didn't move forward even if I gave Fabrice all proof
  • bug 1087981: remove the load penalty of notify.js
    • need to fix latest comments before landing
  • started investigating around async scripts, not much yet

Today: I want to (again):

  • review Oleg's patches ;)
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • continue review the gaia-header patch
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file


  • bug 1122501 - [Messages][Drafts] Unsaved draft is silently discarded when user tries to forward message
    • No updates (in review)
  • bug 1104961 - Intermittent share_activity_test.js | Messages as share target Share via Messages Activity close button Should return to Thread panel if in Participants panel
    • Was looking for possible intermittent failures reasons:
      • One is that we can waitElementToDisappear for element that belongs to activity window that's being disposed that - marionette is badly crashed with this, eliminated that check to fix the issue;
      • The second one is recipients.js that re-renders itself several times on single "add/remove" operation. Currently don't have better idea other than timeout in test or throttle on RecipientsView.render. Still looking for better alternative (in progress).
  • bug 1124758 - [Messages] We should not add the hidden (+0) text at the end of the header
    • Working on the patch (in progress);
    • Prepared patch and added/updated tests for this part of functionality (in review)


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs


  • bug 961572 - [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header
    • Under review
  • bug 986510 - [Messages app] Replace menu icon with settings icon when no messages in app
    • Fixed the bug but need to write integration tests.


  • bug 986510 - [Messages app] Replace menu icon with settings icon when no messages in app
    • Write integration tests and create pull request.

Day 3: 29th January


  • Spending ALL DAY with partner about the partner requirement for 2.2(Partner WW in Taipei this week) Might not be able to join the stand up in time.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Will provide a patch today with selector refinement. I tried to set display: none to the checkboxes, seems we could gain ~30ms from it.
      (Oleg) Yay! I remember we discussed something similar in the past, but probably forgot
      (Julien) initially we didn't want to set them to :none because we would lose the transition because of reflow... but now the transitions are starting after reflows, so maybe it's good. We need to check whether we have a bigger lag when enabling edit form.
      (Oleg) Anyway we can remove display:none after full or 1st page load
      (Julien) yeah, this too.
  • Request 2.2 approval for 2.1 blockers


  • More testing replace selectors in action menu/edit mode.
  • code review


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • landed the gaia-header patch, today I'll do a PR for the SMS patch and submit it for review
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • no progress
  • bug 1122649: mozSettings has a synchronous penalty
    • bug 1115796's issue didn't move forward even if I gave Fabrice all proof
  • bug 1087981: remove the load penalty of notify.js
    • implemented latest comments from Steve, asked feedback, will land today
  • did a lot of reviews for Rishav and Oleg; have some more to do today ;)

Today: I want to (again):

  • more review
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file


  • bug 1122501 - [Messages][Drafts] Unsaved draft is silently discarded when user tries to forward message
    • Got question from Steve, reading and replying :)
  • bug 1104961 - Intermittent share_activity_test.js | Messages as share target Share via Messages Activity close button Should return to Thread panel if in Participants panel
    • Tried several approaches to tackle the problem with recipients.js:
      • Was counting "recipientschange" event (1 event is fired when we send recipient number with marionette's sendKeys and 4 times when we assimilate recipient with Enter key), but actually found out that Marionette can sendKeys in a small batches so that number of "recipientschange" event isn't easily determined;
      • The current solution is that I throttle Mutation events with 1sec timeout - I don't see intermittent failures in share_activity test anymore, but still not sure in the solution;
      • Haven't tried yet solution with throttling of "recipientschange" event per Julien's suggestion.
      (Julien) Maybe the solution is to change how recipientschange is sent, after all :) doing a proper patch
      (Oleg) That's true, but it doesn't look like a simple and safe thing, and I want these test to be enabled as soon as possible because new patches are arriving all the time :) + we probably we'll have these intermittent failures in v2.2 branch
      (Julien) I don't really care about v2.2 as long as we have the test working in master. FWIW I'm fine with an ugly timeout for v2.2 :) Maybe an ugly timeout for master is also fine if we have a plan to remove it by refactoring the code. If the goal is to reenable the test quickly..
      (Oleg) If you mean client.helper.wait - then it was my plan, but I see some resistance from Kevin :)
      (Steve) I'm fine this this mutation observer with timeout, but does this patch solve bug 1121766 as well? Because you also remove compose test from list
      (Oleg) 1121766 - nope, not entirely, I won't enable it in this patch. Yeah, as I replied on GitHub I just wanted to see if it helps as well - and it helps, but we have one more problem there - I'll address it in composer_test patch separately.
      (Oleg) So guys, what do you think is better for now? just client.wait or throttling with MutationEvent/"recipientschange"?
      (Julien) If Steve is ok with the mutation observer then i'm ok too; but it's also using a timeout so is it really better than client.wait? Kevin had resistance initially but if there is a plan to change it then I think he'd be ok.
      (Steve) Agree, we have refine the recipients.js for it in the future and make these test work first.
      (Oleg) Okay I'm leaving as is for now (MutationObserver + timeout, it still has better chances to work than plain timeout, unless timeout is ~3 sec :) ) and if Steve is not ok, then will change to just client.helper.wait.
      (Julien) good for me !
  • bug 1121766 - Intermittent failing test, TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | apps/sms/test/marionette/composer_test.js | Messages Composer Messages Composer Test Suite Message char counter and MMS label
    • The good news here is that I finally understand :) that there is only one (I hope) root cause for several different intermittent - "stale element" (recipient node is removed), "sendKeys timeout" (placeholder node is removed) and "email recipient can't be removed" - recipients.js that re-renders its content.
  • bug 1124758 - [Messages] We should not add the hidden (+0) text at the end of the header
    • Got first review comments, addressed and asked for review (in review)


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs

Day 4: 30th January


  • Still requesting for the meeting minutes.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Patch give with some css class removal and refinement, the overall result isn't that impressive(reduce ~40ms in average) but still have some effects.
      (Julien) could you measure the effect in other apps?
      (Steve) Not measured yet, but it's good idea.
  • bug 1127678 - [SMS][Text Selection] Selection range is hard to change in SMS
    • I think it's not difficult to disable the context menu while in edit mode, but it might need UX comment about whether we should disable the other message's context menu.
  • Some investigation about the bug 1125601, it seems like a system work to define a better place to enable the pointer-events


  • Investigative some text selection issues
  • More testing on bug 1089154 for other apps used shared styling
  • Create RTL refinement for network-alerts


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • reviewed the small follow-up: bug 1124582 -- which also fixes an issue in SMS
    • waiting that new gaia-header lands on gaia/master to update the PR for the SMS patch and submit it for review
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • no progress
  • bug 1122649: mozSettings has a synchronous penalty
    • not much more move for now. I don't know if we'll be able to make it better.
  • still no move for bug 1115796's issue even if Gandalf did measurements that give the same result than mine
  • bug 1087981: remove the load penalty of notify.js
    • landed
  • reviewed bug 1124758: we don't add the hidden "(+0)" text in single-contact threads now
  • spent a lot of time on separate matters and helping contributors
  • found bug 1127550: looks like we can't send a message while a thread is loading... we can see this on very big threads, but very big threads are the threads we use the most, so it's very visible as a result.

Today: I want to (again):

  • more review
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file


  • bug 1122501 - [Messages][Drafts] Unsaved draft is silently discarded when user tries to forward message
    • Updated PR with Steve's advice + added one-line fix for email-group thread (it's impossible to send message to email-contact from Participants view) (in review).
  • bug 1124758 - [Messages] We should not add the hidden (+0) text at the end of the header
    • Got r+, landed (landed).
  • bug 1104961 - Intermittent share_activity_test.js | Messages as share target Share via Messages Activity close button Should return to Thread panel if in Participants panel
    • Re-run Treeherder the last time with MutationObserver workaround, from ~123 Gij-5 runs, no any shared_activity_test failure, only 23 unrelated.
    • Got question from Steve, replying.


  • Asked Ahmed to confirm some RTL issue, before we start work on them.
  • Seems I saw bug that prevent us from scrolling long messages in Composer input yesterday night, will try to reproduce again and file bug if it's.
    (Julien) could be the same than bug 1126777 ? Just guessing ;)
    (Oleg) Yeah, I was thinking about it, will check :)


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests; Steve's request in priority.
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs



  • Bug :1067275
    • WIP. under review -> julienw
    • unit test done.
  • Bug: 1037650
    • WIP- >

Day 5: 2nd February


  • Fix text selection bugs. I only set user-select: none to main panel but not for other widgets, and we also need to set for position: absolute elements(see MDN, -moz-user-select is not inherited by absolutely positioned elements). So I think there is no better selector than universal selector
    (Julien) :( with the universal selector, will it work if we set user-select: text for a specific element, I mean, will it be inherited by its child elements?
    (Steve) Sorry not sure what you mean, could child elements inherit user-select: text?
    (Julien) I mean, if we use "* { user-select: none }", can we add ".bubble { user-select: text }" and the subchildren (like p and other elements) will be selectable? Or do we need ".bubble *" ?
    (Steve) hmm, good question, I haven't tried this since currently we don't have this scenario, maybe I can test it for whole message container.
    (Julien) yeah, the bubble was an example, but I'm sure we have similar cases :) If we need to use the universal selector everywhere, then I'm not really OK with this. If we don't, then ok :)
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Patch given for feedback and test for other apps


  • Investigative some text selection issues
  • More testing on bug 1089154 for other apps used shared styling
  • Create RTL refinement for network-alerts


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • no update on friday
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • no progress
  • bug 1122649: mozSettings has a synchronous penalty
    • not much more move for now. I don't know if we'll be able to make it better.
  • still no move for bug 1115796's issue even if Gandalf did measurements that give the same result than mine
  • bug 1127550: looks like we can't send a message while a thread is loading...
    • tried to reproduce with workloads or my old data, but I can't; I'll need to try with my current data. Also maybe it's been fixed since my current dogfooding build has been done (it's several weeks old now).

Others: had some meetings with HR about inclusiveness. Today: I want to (again):

  • more review
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file


  • bug 1122501 - [Messages][Drafts] Unsaved draft is silently discarded when user tries to forward message
    • No updates for now (in review).
  • bug 1104961 - Intermittent share_activity_test.js | Messages as share target Share via Messages Activity close button Should return to Thread panel if in Participants panel
    • Tried on Treeeherder one more time and landed (landed).
  • bug 1121766 - Intermittent failing test, TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | apps/sms/test/marionette/composer_test.js | Messages Composer Messages Composer Test Suite Message char counter and MMS label
    • Patch from previous bug reduced number of intermittent failures in this test, but we still have some that I currently investigating, trying to debug and reproduce locally and trying not to spend much time on it. Will keep you updated (in progress)


  • Friday was unlucky day, found and investigated a bit several regressions:
    • bug 1127773 - [Messages] It's impossible to scroll content inside message input - added video per :kats request.
    • bug 1127898 - [Messages] Send button is misaligned if message input has more than one line of text - :dholbert will look into, it looks like a conflict of display:flex and height: 100% on the same element, if we remove height: 100% everything works, but it's still regression.
    • bug 1128093 - [Messages] It's impossible to scroll participants list in group MMS report panel - per regression window it doesn't look like the same issue as we have with message input.
    • bug 1128337 - [Messages] Last thread in thread list is a bit cut off when in edit mode
    • Some weirdness with gaia-header buttons, especially with Settings button, when you try to tap on it from the right side, it's visible that button style changed to "hover", but action isn't called, when you tap somewhere between "New message" and "Settings" buttons, both change style to hover. It became harder for me to call Settings, I'd say I hit that "non-actionable" area 4 times of 10 while using Flame. I don't see these problems in v2.2 - will talk to Wilson in person today :)
  • Looked at Steve's "css scoping" patch - changes look good for me, I'm only worried about :last-child -> ".last" replacement in data-type="action" dialogs - at the first look there are too much dialogs use relies on it that doesn't use OptionMenu for it (the only thing that takes care about adding ".last" for its buttons), but don't have better idea right now other than carefully update all cases. Also tried to run performance tests with the patch to see improvement, but for 20 RUNS on eng build current master gives better results :( I use this command to get moz-visual-complete: "RUNS=20 APP=sms MOZPERFOUT=~/perf.json MARIONETTE_RUNNER_HOST=marionette-device-host make test-perf" and "". Steve, am I doing smth wrong?


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs


  • bug 961572 - [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header
    • About to merge. yay \o/ .Thanks Steve.
  • bug 986510 - [Messages app] Replace menu icon with settings icon when no messages in app
    • Needed to add '!important' to override the gaia-header properties.
    • Made changes as Julien suggested.Thanks Julien.
    • Under review.


  • bug 1124624 - Add transition to the group view panel
    • Start working.

Day 5: 3rd February


  • Fix text selection bugs. Gave a universal selector patch but depreciate. Will try to apply user-select: none to absolute element to see if it did work.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Just check with Oleg and maybe it's because of base if different (the mater he tested is the latest master, but my patch is from original branch) Maybe the header or other patches landed in master recently?
      (Julien) the new header is not in master yet, but I don't know for others
  • bug 1120018 - [RTL][Messages] Latin characters and numbers are right-aligned on input field
    • I've tried dir=auto to subject and unicode-bidi to composer, the main problem is starting text align position because of no content at first, so the starting position would be left(looks weird, not sure if it's bug), we might need to set starting position forcefully when placeholder is displayed.
      (Julien) wondering if this is a gecko bug; I think dir=auto when there is no content should inherit the direction from parents, but we need to check the spec and do simpler testcase.
      (Steve) It's interesting that it behaves differently on device and desktop(dir='auto')... For unicode-bidi they both align left no matter the app direction.
      (Julien) if it behaves differently then it's really a bug :)
  • The meeting minutes from partner meeting last week sent out today, will forward to you if you have additional comments about the Moz part.


  • Investigative some text selection issues
  • More testing on bug 1089154 for other apps used shared styling
  • RTL refinement for message and network-alerts


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • no update on friday
    • note: I want to do bug 1127857 before importing the new gaia header to master, that's why there is no update. We need UX input and they keep answering wrongly..
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • no progress
  • bug 1122649: mozSettings has a synchronous penalty
    • not much more move for now. I don't know if we'll be able to make it better.
  • bug 1115796's issue about mozApps loading issue
    • filed bug 1128505, and there are some move now. I hope to see good things happening now :)
  • bug 1127550: looks like we can't send a message while a thread is loading...
    • still couldn't reproduce; I flashed a new 2.1 build on my dogfooding phone and maybe it looks fixed. To be continued...
  • did some reviews
    • bug 1127587 (all user selection issues): I think we need to fix the Gecko issue, so that we don't have the same issues in all apps and need to workaround in a badly way.
  • discussed with etienne about bug 1117443 (starting an app/putting an app in background is really slow)
    • he's working on some tweaks to make these actions feel better
  • worried about bug 1125751: looks like partners disable the readhead pref? :/
  • tried to reproduce scrolling issues (bug 1127773 and bug 1128093): reproducing those is not straightforward (the STR is not really complete IMO) but this can still happening; definitely a Gecko issue though.
  • looked at bug 1125369: the "tabs.css" and "edit_mode.css" both use pointer-events, which unfortunately overrides pointer-events we put on body to prevent the user from tapping. I looked at possible good solutions but nothing obvious so I guess we'll have to do bad solutions instead :(
  • others: disabled a test (bug 1124141 -- interesting issue) and asked gandalf about bug 1124141 (I guess we'll need to fix it ourselves)

Today: I want to (again):

  • more review
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file

Day 5: 4th February


  • Fix text selection bugs. Update the selection patch with selectable class.
    (Julien) There was no answer from George, do you know if we can ask somebody else about the core gecko issue ?
    (Steve) I think he asked Morris Tseng offline, but I can ni? him on bug.
    (Julien) maybe; I'd like at least a confirmation they'll work on it in Gecko. I really think it's a better solution because this would make all apps work correctly (including the Web content !!). And then we could move the bug out of the Gaia::SMS component ;)
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Requesting feedback
  • bug 1120018 - [RTL][Messages] Latin characters and numbers are right-aligned on input field
    • Provide a patch that only set the dir/unicode-bidi when text content exist, I put more details on bugzilla, but the main reason is the text will still align left after reset the content to empty even dir/unicode-bidi set, and the desktop browser has the same behavior.
      (Julien) I remember something about the caret issue, I think Oleg could remember if you can ask him, I think we got the issue somewhere else. I think this is related to keeping a
      after deleting which works around the issue.
      (Steve) ok, I also vaguely remember some issue about the
      tag, will confrim with him
  • The meeting minutes forwarded. Spent some time on this with Bevis and PM today.


  • Investigative some text selection issues
  • RTL refinement for message and network-alerts
  • Comments for partner's spec


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • bug 1127857: UX answered so I'll try to do it today so that we can move forward.
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • no progress
  • bug 1122649: mozSettings has a synchronous penalty
    • not much more move for now. I don't know if we'll be able to make it better.
  • bug 1125369: investigated possible solutions to prevent 2 actions from happening when double-tapping on an icon in the edit_mode. Pavel seemed to like one of my solutions and will help ;)
  • discussed with etienne about bug 1117443 (starting an app/putting an app in background is really slow)
    • he's working on some tweaks to make these actions feel better
  • bug 1128093: sounds like it's an issue in SMS: using pointer-events: none is not a good solution here :/
    (Steve) Do we need workaround in app? or wait for gecko fix
    (Julien) no gecko fix actually, gecko works as expected. It had a bug before and fixed it, and as a result our bug is now showing :D we use pointer-events to prevent clicking on the list, but this is what prevents scrolling as well. So I think we need to not add the click listener instead.
    (Steve) I see, but why it's not a good solution here?
    (Julien) because the list needs to be scrolled ? Sorry I don't understand your question :) currently in the app we use "pointer-events: none", this prevents the scroll, so we need to remove it and find another solution to prevent the click.
    (Steve) Sorry I misunderstood :p .
  • bug 1124141: no update from gandalf, I'll have a look if I can fix it

Today: I want to (again):

  • more review
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file
  • work on blockers


  • bug 961572 - [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header
    • Under review
  • bug 986510 - [Messages app] Replace menu icon with settings icon when no messages in app
    • Under review.
  • bug 1124624 - Add transition to the group view panel
    • WIP.

Day 5: 5th February


  • bug 1127678 - [SMS][Text Selection] Selection range is hard to change in SMS
    • Create a small patch to disable the context menu
  • bug 1127648 - [Messages] Attachment can be selected, caret appears
    • Create an experiment patch for George, we might able to find some gaia work to avoid this but still have some small bug.
      (Julien) if user-select is "text" and not "all" we should not be able to select attachments, right ?
      (Steve) The attachment will not been copied into memory actually, it's just the caret position that "feels" attachment been contained in the selection.
      (Julien) ah ok... If it's a feeling, maybe UX can help deciding what we should do?
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Seems Oleg still unable to saw any improvement at his side, will retry on current master.
      (Julien) tell me if you want that I have a look as well. Note: I've noticed we have a ".XXX *" selector somewhere too.
      (Steve) Definitely great if you have some free time for testing this patch :)
  • bug 1120018 - [RTL][Messages] Latin characters and numbers are right-aligned on input field
    • Found the bug created by Oleg in platform. We could land this in v2.2 or even on master and remove the workaround once the platform bug fixed.
  • The meeting minutes replied to PM. Just ping me if you're interested in the answers for spec.


  • Investigative some text selection issues
  • Land RTL patch


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • bug 1127857: r+ patch but I need to discuss a nit with Wilson; hopefully will land today, in that case I'll land the full new gaia-header to master and I'll be able to prepare a patch for bug 1089920 :)
    • If I have time I want to prepare a patch to remove the textContent of all gaia-headers in gaia from the index.html files, because this makes fontFit run twice: once before localization, once after localization.
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • no progress
  • bug 1122649: mozSettings has a synchronous penalty
    • not much more move for now. I don't know if we'll be able to make it better.
  • bug 1125369: investigated possible solutions to prevent 2 actions from happening when double-tapping on an icon in the edit_mode. Pavel seemed to like one of my solutions and will help ;)
    • Still need to discuss with Pavel on IRC about this
  • bug 1128093: sounds like it's an issue in SMS: using pointer-events: none is not a good solution here :/
    • Propose an idea but then I thought it was not right. 2 possible solutions: either point 'pointer-events: none' on the A elements, or have a new flavor for ContactRenderer with another template, that would not use the A elements. The second solution is cleaner but also longer :) I'll try to do it today.
  • bug 1124141: langpacks breaking SMS in Nightly + running unit tests that needs l10n.js in nightly
    • proposed a patch, it's been r+; will likely land today as well
    • (Steve): Great, I hope this could land ASAP :D
  • reviewed Steve's patches about user selection and RTL in the input composer.

Today: I want to (again):

  • more reviews, especially ones from contributors
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file
  • work on blockers


  • (couldn't do much work as I was to attend JS workshop in the college and also some small subject related tests in the class)
  • bug 961572 - [Messages][Refactoring] Implement a new independent cancel button for information view's header
    • Checkin-needed done !! \o/ , Thanks Steve .
  • bug 986510 - [Messages app] Replace menu icon with settings icon when no messages in app
    • Under review.
  • bug 1124624 - Add transition to the group view panel
    • Gecko needs to move more elements when we use translate(-100%) to move the particular panel.So, it would be better if we move complete wrapper to left/right according to panel needed to be display.
    • WIP.

Day 5: 6th February


  • bug 1127678 - [SMS][Text Selection] Selection range is hard to change in SMS
    • Refine the patch based on the suggestion and submit again
  • bug 1127648 - [Messages] Attachment can be selected, caret appears
    • George thought it might be a gecko issue(that elements shouldn't be embraced by caret, if element's style already set user-select to none) But Omega thought it's fine because it's default desktop browser behavior. Will ni him on the bug.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • Have no time to test it yesterday, will find some time today.
  • bug 1120018 - [RTL][Messages] Latin characters and numbers are right-aligned on input field
    • Working on the unit test part with some refinement.


  • Still on text selection patch with George and Omega
  • Land RTL patch


  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
    • bug 1127857: landed in gaia-header repository
    • while testing to land the new gaia-header to Gaia, I found 2 issues that I fixed as well: bug 1129850 is important because it shows some headers with an ellipsis while they have enough space (in review) and bug 1129943 that is performance-related and happens when we dynamically add a gaia-header to a document (in review as well)
    • bug 1129913: prepared a patch to remove all textContent for header titles and asked review from all app peers (in review)
    • bug 1129853: I tried to cache the results of canvasContext.measureText but in the end it was faster to _not_ cache :)
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • no progress
  • bug 1122649: mozSettings has a synchronous penalty
    • not much more move for now. I don't know if we'll be able to make it better.
  • bug 1125369: investigated possible solutions to prevent 2 actions from happening when double-tapping on an icon in the edit_mode. Pavel seemed to like one of my solutions and will help ;)
    • Looked at Manuel's patch for v2.2. I still wonder if we should make this "shared" given the small amount of code.
  • bug 1128093: sounds like it's an issue in SMS: using pointer-events: none is not a good solution here :/
    • proposed 3 solutions and because Steve agrees with me I'll move forward with solution 1 for v2.2 and solution 3 for master.
  • bug 1124141: langpacks breaking SMS in Nightly + running unit tests that needs l10n.js in nightly
    • landed\o/ It's painful using webIDE for RTL patch :p
  • reviewed several patches:
    • bug 1127678: disable context menu while selecting text -- we should not use the DOM as a state holder
    • bug 1067275: add "delete" and "mark as read" actions to a context menu in the thread list panel -- good work by Rishav
    • bug 986510: replace the "menu" icon by a "settings" icon when the inbox is empty
    • bug 1124624: add transition for the group panel -- but this is really an opportunity to change how our panel transitions are done.
    • bug 1129041: the "usertiming.js" shim is going away

Today: I want to (again):

  • more reviews
  • investigate if read-ahead value changes something in SMS
  • move forward some background matters (organize group MMS bugs, and drafts handling issues started some weeks ago)
  • land the README file
  • work on blockers

Day 5: 9th February


  • bug 1127678 - [SMS][Text Selection] Selection range is hard to change in SMS
    • Patch got r+ and will request approval for 2.2
  • bug 1127648 - [Messages] Attachment can be selected, caret appears
    • Since UX thought it's default browser behavior, it seems not urgent to fix for 2.2.
  • bug 1089154 - [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules
    • More profiling today, and it seems there styling changes won't cause much improvement on make test-pref and the result is unstable. Increasing the test run up to 50
  • bug 1120018 - [RTL][Messages] Latin characters and numbers are right-aligned on input field
    • Landed on master and requested 2.2 approval.


  • Still on text selection patches with George and Omega
  • Performance stuff and do more profiling for bug 1089154


Won't be able to join today (and likely these 2 weeks) because I need to be at the office earlier. Also: the sprint finishes tomorrow but we won't be able to do a proper planning for next one (as Oleg is here as well) so I suggest we continue on the same things: blockers and perf.

  • bug 1089920: fix gaia-header performance
  • bug 1082618: add a README file
    • no progress
  • bug 1122649: mozSettings has a synchronous penalty
    • not much more move for now. I don't know if we'll be able to make it better.
  • bug 1128093: can't scroll recipients in the report view
    • no progress; needs to do a PR for v2.2 and a PR for master. I'll try to do it during today's subway commute.
  • reviewed several patches:
    • bug 1127678: disable context menu while selecting text, r+ :)


