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List of bugs

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam (blocks the sprint bug 1193649)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
818000 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) system messages are ignored if the handler pathname is not the same as the foreground application pathname --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint FxOS-S7 p=3][sms-sprint FxOS-S6 p=2][sms-sprint FxOS-S5 p=3] WONTFIX
1169576 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][NG] Implement Conversation service: method for streaming joined threads and drafts list --- No cf_feature-b2g [p(FxOS-S5)=3][p(FxOS-S4)=3][p(FxOS-S3)=3] FIXED
1184865 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages][NG] Replace some methods in MessageManager with messaging service in conversation view --- No cf_feature-b2g [p(FxOS-S5)=1][p(FxOS-S4)=2][sms-sprint-FxOS-S5] FIXED

3 Total; 3 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Remaining points and burndown chart

google chart api url for Sprint FxOS-S5

Burndown chart
Remaining points
Start 8
Day 2 8
Day 3 8
Day 4 8
Day 5 8
Day 6 6
Day 7 6
Day 8 6
Day 9 4
End 0

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam outside of the sprint (contains whiteboard "sms-sprint-FxOS-S5")

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
1167144 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Reduce the use of and Threads.currentId in conversation view --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-FxOS-S5] FIXED
1184865 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages][NG] Replace some methods in MessageManager with messaging service in conversation view --- No cf_feature-b2g [p(FxOS-S5)=1][p(FxOS-S4)=2][sms-sprint-FxOS-S5] FIXED
1192754 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Messages][a11y] Bug 1162030 regressed the panel visibility 2.5+ No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-FxOS-S5] FIXED
1197104 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages][Drafts] Threadless drafts are broken 2.5+ No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-FxOS-S5] FIXED

4 Total; 4 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

All SMS issues tracked for this sprint (target milestone)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature b2g Resolution
1167144 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Reduce the use of and Threads.currentId in conversation view --- --- FIXED
1192754 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Messages][a11y] Bug 1162030 regressed the panel visibility 2.5+ --- FIXED
1193649 SMS sprint FxOS-S5 --- --- FIXED

3 Total; 3 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint planning

Minutes are on a separate page.

Daily meetings

Day 2: 13th August


  • Half day PTO for personal matters
  • bug 1184865 - [Messages][NG] Replace some methods in MessageManager with messaging service in conversation view.
    • Create a timeout PR to Wilson for review.
  • bug 1179628 - [Messages][NG] Lay out Settings service structure
    • Start mozMobileConnections.
  • bug 1180592 - [Messages][NG] mozMobileConnections shim Implementation
    • Layout for mozMobileConnections shim first. No progress yet.
  • bug 1167144 - [Messages] Reduce the use of and Threads.currentId in conversation view
    • In review(Might have some conflict with navigation patch, so hold it first).
  • Fast list experiment: Provide a WIP, it had some serious performance concern while reload for new list and list rendering/ header updating are really costly... Report to Etienne already.


  • Timeout patch for threads lib
  • Revise the messaging client patch.
  • Figure out the problem that blocking the scroll event while thread DB cursor continuous traversing.
  • Layout for mozConnections shim


  • waiting on review for the 2 follow-ups for the navigation patch:
    • bug 1190276: activity "new" does not behave correctly in some situations (in review)
    • bug 1190275: images attachments are not visible in some situations (in review)
      (Oleg) Sorry, will take a look today, was trying to get back to work-rhythm, so didn't review anything :)
  • reviewed Augustin's patch in bug 1087933: switch to New Message panel from the Conversation panel.
  • did some cleanup on existing bugs I found while looking at other bugs, also adding mentored bugs
  • started working on bug 818000, but mostly looking at existing code so far, and reproducing the issue to make sure it's still happening.

Today: I want to:

  • work on the system messages issue
  • possibly work on 1 simple follow-up to the navigation patch

If all this moves forward well, I could:

  • continue the prototype caching the thread list to a single db (including contacts/drafts/etc).


  • bug 1155534 - [Messages][NG] Extract NewMessage view from Conversation view
    • No updates (in background).
  • bug 1176976 - [Messages][Drafts] Remove the draft saving/replacing action menu
    • Rebased, resolved conflicts, fixed most of the comments, but found the issue with edge case when user deletes all messages from conversation with saved draft - with my patch we loose it, Morpheus agreed to automatically resave draft in this case. So will keep PR on hold to fix this until I have free cycles (on hold).
  • bug 1169576 - [Messages][NG] Implement Conversation service: method for streaming joined threads and drafts list
    • Upgraded bridge version, improved code that converts draft and thread to conversation summary (namely simplified version of what we have in Threads.fromDraft and etc, don't want to change this file right now to serve our needs);
    • Trying to verify how slow we're if ConversationService is hosted in shim iframe instead comparing to SharedWorker version (in progress).
      (Julien) did you try sending the threads 10 by 10 already ?
      (Oleg) Yeah, it looked ugly :) Mainly because of the first 300ms delay with SharedWorker we don't see anything and then "boom" several items, quite noticeable - I was trying 1-3-5-7 - it looked better but still not ideal.
    • It seems I can reliable reproduce the "race" I see with ctrl-f5 - will talk to Wilson today, window client can't connect to SharedWorker service, but I see it only with app:// through httpd:// - should not have difference, but still, will check.



  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 3: 14th August


  • bug 1184865 - [Messages][NG] Replace some methods in MessageManager with messaging service in conversation view.
    • timeout PR still in review. Will update the message part today.
      (Julien) I think Wilson is away; maybe ask francisco who can review this while he's away.
      (Steve) Ok, maybe even you ? ;)
      (Julien) I don't feel very confident :) but worst case is we can have the change in our own copy first.
      (Steve) I'm trying to do so
      (Oleg) Some time ago Wilson told that gmarty can review, but not sure if it's still true.
      (Julien) yeah you're right gmarty was handling reviews in july; we can ask him when he arrives.
      (Steve) yeah right.
  • bug 1179628 - [Messages][NG] Lay out Settings service structure
    • Start mozMobileConnections.
  • bug 1180592 - [Messages][NG] mozMobileConnections shim Implementation
    • Layout for mozMobileConnections shim first. No progress yet.
  • bug 1167144 - [Messages] Reduce the use of and Threads.currentId in conversation view
    • Rebase and clean up all the use of active/currentId in Threads.
  • Fast list experiment: Some updates for fast-list and gaia-fast-list might help to improve the performance issue. Will rebase and give it another try.


  • Find someone for reviewing Timeout patch for threads lib
  • Revise the messaging client patch.
  • Use the latest fast-list/gaia-fast-list components for more test.
  • Layout for mozConnections shim


  • worked on a small follow-up for the navigation patch: bug 1192754 about adding aria-hidden to panels (while waiting for building B2G) (in review)
  • continued working on bug 818000
    • still mostly looked at the code, adding logs, trying cases, etc
    • using my own test app in, different branches are different cases.
    • spent a lot of time just syncing B2G repo and building :/
    • today I'll start modifying code, I think I have a plan. Hope to be able to ask feedback to Fabrice tonight.

Today: I want to:

  • work on the system messages issue
  • possibly handle review comments on bug 1190275, but likely not today. Want to focus on the system messages :)

If all this moves forward well, I could:

  • continue the prototype caching the thread list to a single db (including contacts/drafts/etc).


  • bug 1155534 - [Messages][NG] Extract NewMessage view from Conversation view
    • No updates (in background).
  • bug 1176976 - [Messages][Drafts] Remove the draft saving/replacing action menu
    • No updates (in background).
  • bug 1169576 - [Messages][NG] Implement Conversation service: method for streaming joined threads and drafts list
    • Almost finished unit tests, just a few left, will be ready for review today (in review);
    • Figured out the issue I had with ctrl-f5 - it was just connection timeout, after ctrl-f5, bootstrapping of SharedWorker and service inside of it can take more than default bridge timeout (1000);
    • Added performance marks (for now I made it "switchable" like we do for "debug" function, not sure if we ever need them on main raptor dashboard, but they are quite useful during development) into affected methods (conversation_client, conversation_service, mozMobileMessageShim) and made more measures. Got some numbers, but didn't interpret them well yet :) It's easy to start hosting conversation_service inside of iframe instead of SharedWorker, but I didn't see much improvements, that is what I didn't expect :( Will see.
      (Julien) how are conversation_service and mozMobileMessageShim communicating ? postMessage ? BroadcastChannel ?
      (Oleg) They still use BC, to keep services unchanged. But I'll experiment with other options.
      (Julien) OK. We'll need to measure how slower it is; if it's not that bad we can still land and work on performance later. If it's really bad :/
      (Oleg) Yeah, that's the plan, I don't plan to use this service in this PR, just land main code and continue with measurements, improvements in follow-ups.
    • Also we need to use reduced bridge version (bridge-service) inside of iframe, and bridge-client inside of main window (and load bridge-service only for activity shim later), but I'm not sure if we can do this with out shell script --- need to check. Maybe we just need to vote for :)
      (Julien) doesn't bower just do a git fetch from the repo ?
      (Oleg) I just meant that bridge-service and bridge-client that live inside threads repo already hardcoded "threads" inside, need to double check, but 90% sure
      (Julien) so you think that with bower only we can't rewrite those ? mmm I'd think they use commonjs modules so I think it's possible :) but ok, we'll see.
      (Oleg) I'm mainly referring to It should produce smth like threads.service, we can build from sources, but then we'll have global "Service", so yeah need to experiment.
      (Julien) see as well; it's wrapped in browserify stuff; so I think we can do the same with a different name.
      (Oleg) Yeah, but it's wrapped using that had "threads" inside :) We need our version of "build/service" or ideally something generic that can build "alias.service" and "alias.client", I mean we have nested name, I'm not sure if we can _easily_ build it using primitives we have in threads repo. Or maybe I just don't have enough experience with browserify :)
      (Julien) :) no I think you invested more time than me in it already so you know better :)
      (Oleg) Ha-ha, will see :)


  • Reviewed "bug 1190276 - [Messages] In a "new" activity we don't keep the body if the phone number has a conversation already";
  • Reviewed "bug 1190275 - [Messages] Image attachments are not showing up properly when going to a subview and coming back".


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 4: 17th August


  • bug 1184865 - [Messages][NG] Replace some methods in MessageManager with messaging service in conversation view.
    • PR for timeout still in review & update the PR for message (including the timeout patch)
    (Julien) did you ask to gmarty ?
    (Steve) Pinged gmarty last week on github
    (Julien) OK
  • bug 1179628 - [Messages][NG] Lay out Settings service structure
    • Start mozMobileConnections.
  • bug 1180592 - [Messages][NG] mozMobileConnections shim Implementation
    • Layout for mozMobileConnections shim first. No progress yet.
  • bug 1167144 - [Messages] Reduce the use of and Threads.currentId in conversation view
    • Patch rebased. Running the test and will send another review request today.
  • Fast list experiment: Give it another try(No progress).
  • Some discussion about new moz mobile message API: Bevis would like to remove the "sending" status once we handle the DB in gaia. He also mentioned that the sequence for request promise return and status change event will become unpredictable(if we use dom request success/error, callback must be called earlier then event get dispatched). He'll send out more details in email.


  • Find someone for reviewing Timeout patch for threads lib
  • Use the latest fast-list/gaia-fast-list components for more test.
  • Review Oleg's conversation service patch
  • Layout for mozConnections shim


  • continued working on bug 818000
    • started modifying code but not as much as I wanted. Will continue today.
  • landed bug 1192754 about panel visibility.

Today: I want to:

  • review Steve and Oleg's patches.
  • work on the system messages issue

If all this moves forward well, I could:

  • continue the prototype caching the thread list to a single db (including contacts/drafts/etc).


  • bug 1155534 - [Messages][NG] Extract NewMessage view from Conversation view
    • No updates (in background).
  • bug 1176976 - [Messages][Drafts] Remove the draft saving/replacing action menu
    • No updates (in background).
  • bug 1169576 - [Messages][NG] Implement Conversation service: method for streaming joined threads and drafts list
    • Prepared PR for the first round of review and trying different setups (different places where we can host services, iframe, window, shared worker), measuring. One of the observations iis that connection handshake between client and service that live in the same window is quite long - will get more data and talk to Wilson once he's back (in review, measuring).
      (Julien) one idea to fastpath this is using a pure object as endpoint.
      (Oleg) Yeah, there is one more idea that already have issue filed: I also was thinking about "local service repo" that bridge can keep, but anyway we need some sort of fastpath.



  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 5: 18th August


  • bug 1184865 - [Messages][NG] Replace some methods in MessageManager with messaging service in conversation view.
    • PR for timeout still in review & update the PR based on Oleg's suggestion
  • bug 1179628 - [Messages][NG] Lay out Settings service structure
    • Start mozMobileConnections.
  • bug 1180592 - [Messages][NG] mozMobileConnections shim Implementation
    • Layout for mozMobileConnections shim first. No progress yet.
  • bug 1167144 - [Messages] Reduce the use of and Threads.currentId in conversation view
    • Landed.
      (Julien) \o/
  • Fast list experiment: Give it another try(No progress).
  • Reviewing the conversation service patch(still reviewing).


  • Find someone for reviewing Timeout patch for threads lib
  • Use the latest fast-list/gaia-fast-list components for more test.
  • Finish conversation service patch review
  • Layout for mozConnections shim


Today: I want to:

  • work on the system messages issue
  • review Steve and Oleg's patches and answer questions on IRC/github about them if needed

If all this moves forward well, I could:

  • continue the prototype caching the thread list to a single db (including contacts/drafts/etc).


  • bug 1155534 - [Messages][NG] Extract NewMessage view from Conversation view
    • No updates (in background).
  • bug 1176976 - [Messages][Drafts] Remove the draft saving/replacing action menu
    • No updates (in background).
  • bug 1169576 - [Messages][NG] Implement Conversation service: method for streaming joined threads and drafts list
    • Got Julien's review comments, will fix/reply today; Will need to rebase once Steve's patch is merged.
    • More measurements and tests, some observations that may be interesting:
      • MessagesChannel is used for Window to Window communication; Need to check if it's the reason of not-that-fast window-to-window communication;
      • MessageChannel is created and started even if endpoint doesn't support it (e.g. in our case it's BroadcastChannel that can't transfer ports). Although it's closed after connection handshake, I'd like to see what impact it has, if it's big then bridge lib can mark certain endpoints as "dont-support-message-channel" so they can skip this useless work;
      • "Highly" minimized libs didnt give any perf benefit, need to check if separated libs will give it.
      •  :(Steve) How did you minimized lib with "highly"?
      •  :(Oleg) I've just forked threads repo and slightly updated minimize scripts that Wilson has in package.json - it's google closure compiler + SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS. And yeah one more thing - I need to talk to Wilson to understand why ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS don't work for me :(
      •  :(Steve) ok I remembered only size of the script will effect the performance, and like julien said less script to be loaded might bring better performance
        (Julien) from our early tests, minimization didn't bring much improvement, more concatenation did bring improvement.
        (Oleg) Right, I just wanted to be sure that the same thing is true for worker + importScripts - and yes it's :)
        (Julien) if I understnd correctly, we have 2 main issues: setup at startup, then loading each thread. Right ?
        (Oleg) Yep, setup at startup includes - create workers + import scripts + bridge connection handshake.
    • To check if we can do faster with window-to-window or window-to-iframe I've created "LocalBroadcastChannel" ( based on global + event dispatcher. Now checking with bridge-2-hops test app, and then inject it into sms to see if it can make a difference. It's sync right now.... LocalBroadcastChannel can work for same origin window-to-iframe via window.parent - this thing is also I need to measure.
    • So yeah, mainly measurements and various tests yesterday.


  • Reviewed "bug 1184865 - [Messages][NG] Replace some methods in MessageManager with messaging service in conversation view";


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 6: 19th August


  • bug 1184865 - [Messages][NG] Replace some methods in MessageManager with messaging service in conversation view.
    • PR updated and rebased. Do you prefer to land this patch first to keep the conversation service/client moving before timeout patch review? I can create a follow up if there's any changes in bridge.
      (Julien) Let's wait one more day and land tomorrow if it's not moving. I'll still remove these 2 points from the burndown :)
      (Oleg) Do you prefer me to delay review request on ConversationService until this PR is landed (it will need rebase anyway)?
      (Julien) can't you already rebase on top of this PR ?
      (Oleg) Yep, this also should work, okay will do this then :)
  • bug 1179628 - [Messages][NG] Lay out Settings service structure
    • Start mozMobileConnections.
  • bug 1180592 - [Messages][NG] mozMobileConnections shim Implementation
    • Layout for mozMobileConnections shim first. No progress yet.
  • Fast list experiment: Tried with latest fast-list/gaia-fast-list and it works much better then before. But I need to confirm with Etienne that how to set the mark for view ready.
  • Reviewing the conversation service patch and I think that's all I can add on github.


  • Find someone for reviewing Timeout patch for threads lib
    (Julien) I pinged Wilson about it yesterday, I thought he would do it ! I guess he was busy with other things... I'll ping him again.
  • Confirm with Etienne about the profiling and make the list layout close to master.
    (Julien) Etienne is in PTO this week.
    (Steve) Ok thanks for the reminder
  • Layout for mozConnections shim


  • mostly worked on system messages issue; I was struggling with finding the proper object structure to store information but I think I found it. I really hope to move faster today.
  • Had a meeting with Katie Caldwell (UX) about low-storage condition; looks like some minimal work on this is planned for v2.5 and we'll have some minimal work. I try to find right now what's possible with current gecko API so that we don't have too much work. (and by "we" it's both for whole Gaia and for us)

Today: I want to:

  • work on the system messages issue
  • review Steve and Oleg's patches and answer questions on IRC/github about them if needed

If all this moves forward well, I could:

  • continue the prototype caching the thread list to a single db (including contacts/drafts/etc).


  • bug 1155534 - [Messages][NG] Extract NewMessage view from Conversation view
    • No updates (in background).
  • bug 1176976 - [Messages][Drafts] Remove the draft saving/replacing action menu
    • Rebasing on the latest master, since it has some conflicts with Steve's "active thread" patch and also it looks like I can fix the issue with the edge case when participants are not saved into draft when all conversation messages are deleted (in background).
  • bug 1169576 - [Messages][NG] Implement Conversation service: method for streaming joined threads and drafts list
    • Replied to comments and fixed issues Julien/Steve found so far - added separate commit, will wait for the rest of Steve's comments, fix and ask for review :) (in progress, in review)
    • Investigated several possible approaches we can use to host service, putting numbers with explanations into github right now (added some already). So it's mainly window-SharedWorker-iframe (MessageChannel and BC are main communication channels), window-window-iframe (MessageChannel and BC are main communication channels), window-window-window (MessageChannel is used everywhere) and the last one is window-window-window with LocalBC (custom endpoint I've created).
      (Julien) FWIW I'm more concerned about the thread-iteration performance than the startup setup perfromance, for landing. In case this can influence you.
      (Oleg) Yeah, I'm poking around "visuallyLoaded" at least to make it as fast as in master, but yeah still don't have good plan. With LocalBC it looks okay except that conversation is slowly "propagated" to client/view. In master it's kind of synchronous: we retrieved conversation - passed to view - called continue. Now stream.write returns almost immediately and we don't have way to know when conversation reached client.
      (Julien) I remember when I tried to use promises for the thread rendering, thinking it could be faster, and actually I think I saw what you see now...
      (Oleg) Yep, it worked "as expected" with "setTimeout(() => cursor.continue(), 0)", but it significantly slowed down full load. Need to digest this :)
      (Steve) I've vaguely remembered that the queue for dom event and other async promise/timeout is quite different, and in this case when cursor runs in full speed might effect the queue
      (Julien) yeah, microtasks vs events. Yes the event queue may be completely overloaded between the cross-threads events and the MobileMessage events :/ Only a profile can help finding this.
      (Oleg) Yep, also previously stream.write was returning promise that we could use for cursor.continue, but it has been removed recently.
      (Julien) i'm not sure we should wait for the promise before calling cursor.continue, though. Maybe setTimeout(() => cursor.continue()) could be an idea ?
      (Oleg) I've mentioned it above :) It's good for the first page, but not for full load, we can use it for just first page though. And when everything is in window it doesn't look so bad :) So will add all raptor tables I have to github, so that you can take a look as well.
      (Julien) OK :)
    • Added to "freeze" raptor numbers to see how they may change in the future;
    • Still need to talk to Wilson, could not catch him yesterday :) Mainly about delay between connection and method call when MessageChannel is used, about "threads to bridge" renaming (we need separated libs, so want to check if should do it by ourselves).


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 7: 20th August


  • bug 1184865 - [Messages][NG] Replace some methods in MessageManager with messaging service in conversation view.
    • Wilson updated the bridge with new timeout implementation. Patch updated based on new lib.
  • bug 1179628 - [Messages][NG] Lay out Settings service structure
    • Start mozMobileConnections.
  • bug 1180592 - [Messages][NG] mozMobileConnections shim Implementation
    • Layout for mozMobileConnections shim first. No progress yet.
  • Fast list experiment: Figure out the layout work(in background).


  • Land the messaging service patch
  • Layout for mozConnections shim
  • Confirm with Etienne about the profiling and make the list layout close to master.


  • mostly worked on system messages issue; I managed to implement the structure, and it seems to _still_ work ;) Now I'll implement the new functionality. This moves slowly because I rebased to a newer Gecko and had to build again...
  • Continued investigation about how low-storage condition works so that I could report to the people interested. Still have to find how the SMS app can find we're in this condition.

Today: I want to:

  • review patches in review
  • work on the system messages issue

If all this moves forward well, I could:

  • continue the prototype caching the thread list to a single db (including contacts/drafts/etc).


  • bug 1155534 - [Messages][NG] Extract NewMessage view from Conversation view
    • No updates (in background).
  • bug 1176976 - [Messages][Drafts] Remove the draft saving/replacing action menu
    • Rebased on the latest master, fixed unit test with respect to new ConversationView.activeThread, still didn't fix the weird issue with saved draft once conversation is removed - draft is saved, but there is a race somewhere so that newly created draft sometimes appears in the Inbox and sometimes doesn't (in background).
  • bug 1169576 - [Messages][NG] Implement Conversation service: method for streaming joined threads and drafts list
    • Rebased on the latest Steve's PR, fixed review comments and asked for review (in review).
    • Dumped all numbers and thoughts I had about bridge performance so that you can take a look, experimented with few other approaches;
    • Talked to Wilson about bridge-related problems we had: bridge name (fixed yesterday), minimized bridge lib didn't work (fixed yesterday), weirdness with MessageChannel and connection handshake performance (Wilson is going to instrument bridge with performance.marks and create test app so that we can measure things inside the lib itself).


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 8: 21st August


  • bug 1184865 - [Messages][NG] Replace some methods in MessageManager with messaging service in conversation view.
    • Landed, but I'll file a bug for the dataclone error. It might be the message event that broadcasting from shim but not handled.
      (Oleg) Yeah, I remember it was error while broadcasting event, so I didn't pay attention :)
  • bug 1179628 - [Messages][NG] Lay out Settings service structure
    • Start mozMobileConnections.
  • bug 1180592 - [Messages][NG] mozMobileConnections shim Implementation
    • Some idea about the mozMobileConnections shim and create a simple WIP for it.


  • Layout for mozConnections shim
  • Testing with the conversation service patch
  • Confirm with Etienne about the profiling and make the list layout close to master.


  • mostly worked on system messages issue. I fixed the errors I had in SystemMessage subsystem in Gecko, and then I started studying the System app part. After discussing with Vivien I have good ideas to change things here but I don't want to break things :p
(Oleg) It's their fault if they don't have integration tests :D Just kidding.
(Julien) ;) I have test cases for my case, I'll try to do integration tests from them so that this doesn't break in the future.

Today: I want to:

  • review patches in review
  • work on the system messages issue

If all this moves forward well, I could:

  • continue the prototype caching the thread list to a single db (including contacts/drafts/etc).


  • bug 1155534 - [Messages][NG] Extract NewMessage view from Conversation view
    • No updates (in background).
  • bug 1176976 - [Messages][Drafts] Remove the draft saving/replacing action menu
    • Added support for saving draft with participants when all Conversation messages are removed (in background);
    • Added more integration tests and spend some time to figure out why my tests worked before rebase and didn't after :) So it seems after "activeThread" patch drafts are a broken on master - activeThread is not cleared when you leave Conversation. And when you enter conversation, then go to composer and save a draft - you'll have thread-bound draft instead. It's good that we'll have new tests that can catch this in the future :)
    • I'll think to add activeThread cleanup somewhere in afterLeave (and not to erase new one if we move from conversation to conversation). Or maybe we need separate bug?
      (Julien) I'm not sure I follow; we can discuss on IRC :)
      (Oleg) Sure.
  • bug 1169576 - [Messages][NG] Implement Conversation service: method for streaming joined threads and drafts list
    • Not much updates here, was wrapping up simple MessageChannel benchmark app (in review);
    • Going to dive into WebIDE profiler land and check if I see something obvious there :)
(Julien) don't hesitate to ask me if you need anything here. I did my part of profiling during the meetup week :)
(Oleg) Yeah, I should have questions :) Thanks!


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests; Sorry concentrated on drafts patch yesterday, will handle review/ni? today.
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 9: 24th August


  • bug 1179628 - [Messages][NG] Lay out Settings service structure
    • Start mozMobileConnections.
  • bug 1180592 - [Messages][NG] mozMobileConnections shim Implementation
    • Reply some thought and revise the WIP.
  • bug 1197104 - [Messages][Drafts] Threadless drafts are broken
    • Landed in master, do I need to requesting 2.5 uplift approval again?
      (Julien) good question, I don't think so.
      (Steve) I think the answer is no, but just not sure when will the release manager decide to branch.
      (Julien) Ah right we don't have a branch yet. Current plan is that the branch will be created at the start of november (November 2nd I think but not sure). So no uplift needed for 2.5.


  • Create a bug to disable the message event broadcast
  • Layout for mozConnections shim
  • Testing with the conversation service patch
  • Confirm with Etienne about the profiling and make the list layout close to master.


  • reviewed bug 1169576 (retrieve threads+drafts from a service)
  • worked more on system messages issue but didn't move a lot last friday.
  • spent time looking at bug 994567 ("exact" matching does not try to match the phone numbers) to provide a solution to the contributor

Today: I want to:

  • work on the system messages issue

If all this moves forward well, I could:

  • continue the prototype caching the thread list to a single db (including contacts/drafts/etc).


  • bug 1155534 - [Messages][NG] Extract NewMessage view from Conversation view
    • No updates (in background).
  • bug 1176976 - [Messages][Drafts] Remove the draft saving/replacing action menu
    • Handled the rest of feedback comments, will quickly look through final PR and ask for review (in progress).
  • bug 1169576 - [Messages][NG] Implement Conversation service: method for streaming joined threads and drafts list
    • Got Julien's r+, will handle comments today (in review/in progress).
    • Wilson confirmed delay for the first message in MessageChannel, he should have talked to :bake about this - will find out today;
    • Started to profile with WebIDE profiler, filed a bug "bug 1197257 - App crashes when profiling page reload performance with WebIDE", but seems it's on in Fx Dev Edition - not much to report here yet, looking & learning :)


  • Filed and reviewed "bug 1197104 - [Messages][Drafts] Threadless drafts are broken";
  • Quickly looked at WIP patch in "bug 1180592 - [Messages][NG] mozMobileConnections shim Implementation".


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.



Previous sprints' actions

From 2.1S3:

  • Look into VM with gaia dev environment
    Nothing more done in this sprint

From 2.1S5:

  • in planning for sprint N, we pick some items we want to do in sprint N+1 to ask early questions to UX and Designers (esp refresh bugs, but also bugs with UX changes)
  • we'll add screenshots of panels in Wiki, with the various cases for these panels, to help analyzing change impacts and not forgetting things
    Oleg started this:

From 2.2S4:

  • undercommit in the sprints.
  • use bugs and github's PR for spec definition and changes

From 2.2S14:

  • move more discussions to #gaia
  • figure out 2.5 features for SMS

From FxOS-S3:

  • split patches as much as we can when we develop it, and split bugs as much as we can when planning them.

What was good in the last sprint

  • The sprint was better than the previous ones -- I think we finished it ? (we didn't expect to finish the system messages bug)
  • I could make system messages work (with bugs :D) \0/ <3

What was bad in the last sprint

  • I feel like I was a bit slow this sprint (maybe monotonous perf measurements.... or weather :));
    • (Steve): I thought we can pending the measurement to next sprint since we don't actually enable the service right now.
    • (Oleg) Yeah, measurements showed that we can't enable it right now :)
    • (Julien) Do you think about anything to make this better ?
    • (Oleg) I think I just needed to gain experience + it's not really handy to create apps with reduced use cases, it takes time - it's going to be better once bridge is instrumented with marks (Wilson was going to do this eventually), so that we can pay attention to "our" side/problems only.
    • (Julien) I think we'll always have to pay attention to the big picture anyway :)
    • (Oleg) Yeah :)
  • Gij is in bad shape on treeherder

Any questions

No questions.

Actions for next sprint

No new actions.