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List of bugs

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam (blocks the sprint bug 1212336)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
1192263 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] We load Inbox before going to the notification conversation when app is run via notification click. 2.5+ No cf_feature-b2g [p=2] FIXED
1197231 Increase in SMS app memory consumption --- No cf_feature-b2g [p=2] WONTFIX
1206727 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Messages][Inbox] Don't reload the conversation node after saving draft --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-papercuts][p=1] FIXED
1211395 Steve Chung [:steveck] Performance regression in Message 2.5+ No cf_feature-b2g [p=2] FIXED

4 Total; 4 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Remaining points and burndown chart

google chart api url for Sprint FxOS-S9

Burndown chart
Remaining points
Start 7
Day 2 7
Day 3 7
Day 4 7
Day 5 7
Day 6 7
Day 7 7
Day 8 7
Day 9
Day 10

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam outside of the sprint (contains whiteboard "sms-sprint-FxOS-S9")

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
1213199 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] 'Message saved as draft' notification is displayed even if draft has been removed afterwards before going to Inbox 2.5+ No cf_feature-b2g [2.5-aries-test-run-3][sms-sprint-FxOS-S9] FIXED
1216617 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Disable timeout for ActivityClient 2.5+ No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-FxOS-S9] FIXED
1218091 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Performance] Use optimized Bridge libraries --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-sprint-FxOS-S9] FIXED

3 Total; 3 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

All SMS issues tracked for this sprint (target milestone)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature b2g Resolution
1037620 Stéphane Roucheray [v2.1] Feature Proposal: Late Arrival Notice in Messages App --- --- FIXED
1181936 (Gaia RTL 2.5) Support RTL for Messages/SMS App --- 2.5+ WONTFIX
1192263 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] We load Inbox before going to the notification conversation when app is run via notification click. 2.5+ --- FIXED
1212336 SMS sprint FxOS-S9 --- --- WONTFIX

4 Total; 4 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint planning

Minutes are on a separate page.

Daily meetings

Day 2: 8th October


  • National holiday on Friday
  • bug 1211395 - Performance regression in Message
    • Profiling the number for coldlaunch time, will compare the result in each stage to see which stage is the bottoleneck
      (Oleg) I'll post my numbers into the bug, will be nice to compare with yours later then :)
  • bug 1192263 - [Messages] We load Inbox before going to the notification conversation when app is run via notification click
    • Cearte a small patch for early feeback
  • Reviewing the systemMessage handler(Still in unit test part)


  • Coldlaunch profiling.
  • Give some feedback for Oleg's patch about the system message.
  • Working on some blockers if they have any progress.


Nothing really exciting. I reviewed patches that are out of the SMS codebase:

  • bug 1209041 is a patch for gaia-header but that affected our RTL support
  • bug 1196268 is a patch to action_menu.js that will fix the "cancel" button in all our menus

I also had a look to the NI in bug 1206844 about emojis support. And I also looked at bug 1190980 as discussed yesterday, to see if I could reproduce (copy/paste issue in To recipient panel). I also started my experiment with async scripts, but will stop now and will resume later tonight or tomorrow. Today: I want to:

  • handle review/feedback/NI queue that's still huge
  • handle my bugmail that's still huge too
  • land some r+ bugs I have somewhere


  • I'll be on PTO on Friday.
  • bug 1198266 - [Messages] Use ConversationService in the application
    • No progress (awaiting feedback).
  • bug 1208532 - [Messages][Refactoring] Extract SystemMessageHandler from ActivityHandler
    • No progress (in review).
  • bug 1197231 - Increase in SMS app memory consumption
    • Started to dig into it from re-measuring v2.2, but figured out that raptor doesn't work with v2.2 anymore, talked with Eli and bisect that it has been broken between 1.4.4 and 1.4.5 (current is 2.0.3), filed "bug 1212454 - [Raptor] Raptor fails to run coldlaunch tests for v2.2 branch".
    • So if you need v2.2 numbers use @mozilla/raptor@1.4.4 for now.
    • Also tried to test v2.5 gaia on v2.2 gecko - no luck, it doesn't work for Messages app - Intl api is not available, and other not-really-clear exceptions are thrown in shims. So I measure gaia v2.2/gecko v2.2, gaia master/gecko master and will try gaia v2.2 (well entire gaia doesn't work, so will try only v2.2 Messages app in v2.5 gaia)/gecko master. (in progress)
      (Steve) I saw the empty homscreen after make raptor on 2.2, is that the issue you said here? So using raptor v1.4 should be working on 2.2?
      (Oleg) gaia v2.2 on gecko v2.5 - yes, empty home screen, gaia v2.5 on gecko v2.2 - sms doesn't work, but homescreen works :) Yep v1.4.4 for v2.2 branch (1.4.3 doesn't work, 1.4.5 doesn't work as well but with different error). I've just was able to run gaia v2.5 + sms v2.2 on gecko v2.5 - aaaaaand I'm confused :) _Memory_ numbers are very close to sms v2.5 - digging.
      (Steve) ok :/ We want to reduce the variable as less as possible but it seems not gonna happen


  • bug 1207094 - [Messages] Disable appropriate controls when in low storage condition
    • Left feedback.
  • bug 1133711 - Remove dev_apps folder (in background)
    • Discussing with Eli and Kevin where and how we can put performance benchmarking apps into gaia, things are going very slow, maybe I've involved not the right people into discussion - so no decision yet :/
    • Tried to preload outoftree apps with preload script like Spark does, looks like a viable solution.
    • Ideally I'd include various benchmarking app to have _pure_ performance numbers for the API we use, ServiceWorker, maybe mozMobileMessage - to easier and earlier spot Gecko (or System app at least) regressions.
  • Guided contributor on "bug 1209419 - [Messages][Tests] Add basic integration tests for the Conversation view Edit mode";
  • Finished with bugmail.


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 3: 9th October


  • Reviewed bug 1192263 about the bug that clicking the notification is loading the inbox
  • Answered the question in bug 1190613 about automatically canceling current inline activities when the user displays an app's existing instance from the homescreen
  • Looked at bug 864790 about warning about deleting unread messages
  • Had a deep look at the issue in bug 1210201 in Calendar, about a change in event fluffing that benefitted the SMS app
  • Had a look at bug 1212875 about RTL issues in empty contenteditable elements
  • Reviewed bug 1196268 about the cancel button in action menus
  • Looked at bug 1180470 about the send report configuration

Today: I want to:

  • handle review/feedback/NI queue that's still huge
  • handle my bugmail that's still huge too
  • land some r+ bugs I have somewhere


National Holiday



Day 4: 12th October


  • bug 1211395 - Performance regression in Message
    • Profiling with profiler for both versions and will insert more marks for profling. Sorry about the inconvenience that we have to aware of the limited default entry number :/ Tingyu will file a bug for that.
      (Julien) thanks ! I totally knew about it but it was not obvious from the profile I got. It's weird I got different periods for the different threads...
  • bug 1192263 - [Messages] We load Inbox before going to the notification conversation when app is run via notification click
    • Updated the patch for another early feeback
  • Reviewing the systemMessage handler(Still in unit test part, I promise I will finish it October 12)
    (Oleg) No hurry, it's out of sprint anyway, thanks! :)


  • Coldlaunch profiling.
  • Give some feedback for Oleg's patch about the system message.
  • Working on some blockers if they have any progress.


  • spent some time on bug 1209961 about reversing icons in RTL mode. I had a look at opentype fonts and found that opentype has a mechanism to handle this. So it's likely better to do this inside the font than adding more CSS.
  • gave a feedback for 2.5+ System bug 1190613 that's affecting the Messages app as well. We'll cancel any inline activities if app.launch() is called for the initiating app (eg: when tapping a notification; but also when starting the app from the homescreen).
    (Steve) I think messages team don't have to do anything if platform decided to close the inline instance when app launched?
    (Julien) agreed :) When I say "we" I mean "Firefox OS" ;) Got it :)
  • reviewed bug 1064144 about the focus handling when entering new message/conversation panel. Instead of "focusComposer: true" we'll have an enum "focus: 'composer'/'recipients'/undefined". Undefined will yield a specified algorithm.
  • reviewed bug 1203108 about porting SMS to l20n
  • reviewed bug 1037620 about displaying a late arrival notice when the message is received a long time after being sent.

Apart from this I continued reading some of my bugmail but still not finished. Today: I want to:

  • I still want to finish handling my review/feedback/NI queue.
  • handle my bugmail that's still huge too
  • land some r+ bugs I have somewhere


  • bug 1198266 - [Messages] Use ConversationService in the application
    • No progress (awaiting feedback).
  • bug 1208532 - [Messages][Refactoring] Extract SystemMessageHandler from ActivityHandler
    • Got some feedback from Steve, will reply today(in review).
  • bug 1197231 - Increase in SMS app memory consumption
    • Eli fixed raptor (bug 1212454 - [Raptor] Raptor fails to run coldlaunch tests for v2.2 branch) so we can use the latest improved version for both master and v2.2 now (raptor@3.0.2);
    • Tried to figure out/bisect the gecko build where our memory usage increased - but it seems it slowly adds up since April. Raptor dashboards look the same with several spikes, I've tried to look closer to one of biggest (middle of June, but builds from that period don't show this spike anymore, maybe something has been uplifted/backed out after measurements has been made). Investigating (in progress).


  • bug 1133711 - Remove dev_apps folder (in background)
    • Will give a try to Eli suggestion to hardcode origin inside manifest and test with "distros/raptor" approach (in background).
      (Julien) I don't properly understand what you're trying to do in this bug ?
      (Oleg) We want to have the list of benchmarking-only-apps _somewhere_, that are located out of gaia tree and these apps should be dowloaded and flashed to device with "make raptor" command.
      (Julien) and you have such apps somewhere, right ? I agree it would be nice to have a list of such apps so that it's easy to find :)
      (Oleg) I have only one for now :) To test SW performance
      (Julien) OK !
  • Guided contributor on "bug 1209419 - [Messages][Tests] Add basic integration tests for the Conversation view Edit mode";
    (Julien) I also added a NI to you on another mentored bug :)
    (Oleg) Yep, thanks! Replied with small guidance already :)


  • (if I have time) Will prepare quick PR for feedback for "bug 1213199 - [Message] Wrong suggestions 'Message saved as draft' pop up after you select delete the MMS.";
  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 5: 13th October


  • bug 1211395 - Performance regression in Message
    • Found a regression between navigated and first conversation rendering. There's a runFontFit that took 200ms but in 2.2 I can't find it. I think we all need to run font fit for the inbox header with given position, not sure why it consumed lots of time in 2.5 but I didn't see it in 2.2
      (Oleg) Wondering if it's related to "bug 1203464 - [Messages][Performance] Consider delaying of expensive gaia-header initialization for the secondary views" and ?
      (Steve) Yeah I think it might be the reason, I'm trying to postpone the edit header in inbox for another test. But I just wonder why I can't see any runfontfit in 2.2(before visually loaded)
      (Julien) I don't know if that's easy, but it would be nice to see which header the runFontFit run for.
      (Steve) That's what I'm doing now ;)
      (Julien) maybe try to profile with a code that does not remove the existing no-font-fit attributes ? So that we can quickly see if the issue comes from one of these (it shouldn't because we remove them only after visually loaded anyway...)
      (Oleg) "it shouldn't because we remove them only after visually loaded" -- mm we remove no font fit from edit header in InboxView.beforeEnter I think.
      (Julien) mmm so maybe we should not do that.
      (Oleg) Defintely, that is "bug 1203464 - [Messages][Performance] Consider delaying of expensive gaia-header initialization for the secondary views" is for :)
      (Julien) OK, definitely a good lead !
      (Julien) should look also at the changes in gaia-header -- maybe they delay the calculation more than before and as a result it happens later, when we have a lot more things in the DOM.
  • bug 1192263 - [Messages] We load Inbox before going to the notification conversation when app is run via notification click
    • Got feedback and will work on the tests.


  • Coldlaunch profiling.
  • Working on some blockers if they have any progress.


  • gave quick feedback on bug 1192263 (don't display inbox for "notification" activities)
  • also gave quick feedback on bug 1213199 ("draft" notice is displayed when it shouldn't)
  • reviewed bug 1037620 (late arrival notice)

Also resumed work on scrum bug 1206727 (don't reload the conversation node in inbox when only draft changed) Today: I want to:

  • I still want to finish handling my review/feedback/NI queue.
  • handle my bugmail that's still huge too
  • land some r+ bugs I have somewhere


  • bug 1198266 - [Messages] Use ConversationService in the application
    • No progress (awaiting feedback).
  • bug 1208532 - [Messages][Refactoring] Extract SystemMessageHandler from ActivityHandler
    • Got r+, fixed nits and replied to questions, waiting for final sign off from Steve :) (almost landed).
  • bug 1197231 - Increase in SMS app memory consumption
    • More measurements and investigations, re-measured with the latest raptor (in progress);
    • Figured out how much Shared Worker affects our memory numbers, created reduced test case and involved Ben and Kyle to figure out if these numbers are expected;
    • However I have mixed feelings about memory numbers on "startup" - what do they mean in real life? I thought it's more important to have numbers for some usage pattern instead (inbox -> conversation). Anyway asked your opinion on that.
    • Today want to check build that Ben suggested to see if "bug 1188545 - Refactor service worker management code and implement limited lifetime for service workers" has affected ShW memory consumption.
    • Looking at the latest v2.2 vs v2.5 numbers from Eli, our memory consumption looks better now, just +2.283KB and +250ms on visuallyLoaded :D "just" :p :D
  • bug 1213199 - [Message] Wrong suggestions 'Message saved as draft' pop up after you select delete the MMS.
    • Prepared WIP patch to get feedback, got feedback and prepared ready-for-review PR (in review).


  • bug 1133711 - Remove dev_apps folder (in background)
    • Gave a try to script, but package downloaded with it can't have fixed "origin" that is critical for raptor tests - ni'ed relevant people.


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 6: 14th October


  • bug 1211395 - Performance regression in Message
    • Found another regression in thte use of Intl.DateTimeFormat, and found adding the display: none to the non-active panel might help to shave more ms. Per my testing it could reach ~1350 ms - nearly 170ms less than orignal master.(but still +80ms than 2.2). But adding display none would make the panel transition uglier- you can see the the white panel switch in first. Finding a proper timeing to display the panel earlier.
      (Oleg) "Found another regression in thte use of Intl.DateTimeFormat" --> Yeah, I think we have bug to improve that somewhere
      (Julien) I have an idea to use a background-color of the same than the header, this helps making the white flashing easier. Also David gave me the idea of showing the panel with an animation using opacity, this also gives a better perceived performance.
      (Julien) be careful with using "display: none" though, I know I had issues in the past... especially with the gaia header. In the end I removed it because it had no performance impact from my testing -- but maybe it has some impact now, I don't know.
  • bug 1192263 - [Messages] We load Inbox before going to the notification conversation when app is run via notification click
    • Still working on the tests.


  • Coldlaunch profiling.
  • Working on some blockers if they have any progress.


  • very smal lwork on bug 1206727
  • had a discussion about scrolling in a conversation. When we get/set "scrollHeight/scrollTop" it's really ugly. Currently we display 10 messages each time, I think we should increase this to at least 50, otherwise the issue is too much visible. Longer-term solutions include: using "visibility: hidden" instead of "display: none", save the height so that we can set it. Another idea I have is measuring the added height in an hidden iframe... All this is messy. Vivien suggested having a CSS property to control the direction of a list, so that the platform knows that when we add something it should scroll on the "other side". Maybe experimenting with "flex-direction: column-reverse" ? But I think the same than today would happen.
  • had a quick look on bug 1213199 (problem with "message save as draft" notice), but I think we need better tests.
  • looked at bug 1203108 (l10n -> l20n migration), but it was breaking receiving a message (fortunately we had integration tests !)
  • r+ed bug 1037620 (late arrival notice) \o/ \o/


Today: I want to:

  • I still want to finish handling my review/feedback/NI queue.
  • handle my bugmail that's still huge too
  • land some r+ bugs I have somewhere


Going to attend conference 20-21 October, 19-22 October will be travelling, so likely will work on Saturdays instead of 19 and 22 or take PTOs :)

  • bug 1198266 - [Messages] Use ConversationService in the application
    • No progress (awaiting feedback).
  • bug 1208532 - [Messages][Refactoring] Extract SystemMessageHandler from ActivityHandler
    • Landed (landed).
  • bug 1213199 - [Message] Wrong suggestions 'Message saved as draft' pop up after you select delete the MMS.
    • PR is reviewed, started to handle review comments, should finish today (in progress).
  • bug 1197231 - Increase in SMS app memory consumption
    • Checked build prior "bug 1188545 - Refactor service worker management code and implement limited lifetime for service workers" that Ben suggested - memory consuption was even worse there, but SharedWorker impact (~1mb in RSS is the same) :).
    • Created draft with switchable SharedWorker service, measured memory and asked early feedback (awaiting feedback).
    • Today will see if I can do something else to improve memory usage.
    • Also noticed that we have "bug 1162535 - Major memory usage regressions in v2.5" with no progress.
      (Julien) I think it was mainly because of
      (Oleg) Ah, that's bad :D


  • bug 1214220 - Add Raptor's "metrics.ldjson" to .gitingore
    • Fixed that tiny thing (landed).
  • bug 1209419 - [Messages][Tests] Add basic integration tests for the Conversation view Edit mode
    • Left feedback and guided on the next steps (in progress).
  • bug 1151847 - [Network Alerts][Refactoring] Use notification "data" attribute instead of icon URL query string parameters
    • Left feedback and guided on the next steps (in progress).
  • bug 1133711 - Remove dev_apps folder (in background)
    • No progress so far, waiting for ni? I've set (waiting for ni?)


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 7: 15th October


  • bug 1211395 - Performance regression in Message
    • Apply the style lazyloader and hide the edit modeform for shaving 100ms. Ceate a patch for early feedback and please let me know if the patch does improve somehow.
  • bug 1192263 - [Messages] We load Inbox before going to the notification conversation when app is run via notification click
    • Add a unit test, but wondering where to add the integration test for it. It looks like we can resue the notification test and add assertion in openNotification. Oleg, do you think it make sense or I should assert in somewhere else, or even write another test for this?
      (Oleg) IMO notification test sounds good, the suite name sounds appropriate "'Run application via notification'" :)
      (Julien) not sure how to do a solid integration test for this. I'll read your proposal :)
      (Oleg) Heh, yeah, I was also wondering if it's not too hard :)
      (Steve) TBH I'm not sure how to write a proper integration test for it :p
      (Julien) if we don't have a good idea, I'd be happy enough with only a unit test.
      (Steve) I might still need to touch the integration test because this changes seems break 3rd test in notifiction test, still finding the root cause.
      (Julien) ok !


  • Polishing the edit form display for bug 1211395 and wait for feedbacks.
  • Working on some blockers if they have any progress.


Not a very productive day, I felt not so good yesterday.

  • continued work on bug 1206727. I'm considering having a follow-up to extract the conversation rendering logic to an external object -- but not here because I want this to be risk-less.
  • fixed bug 1214623 to prevent test files from being packaged. I thought this could have a performance impact, but nada :) - I've learnt new Spanish (?) "nada" word :)
  • finished handling my old bugmail !

Today: I want to:

  • handle my review queue
  • try to wrap up bug 1206727 to ask for a first feedback
  • maybe try to fix some blockers in other apps.
  • land some r+ bugs I have somewhere


  • bug 1198266 - [Messages] Use ConversationService in the application
    • No progress (awaiting feedback).
  • bug 1213199 - [Message] Wrong suggestions 'Message saved as draft' pop up after you select delete the MMS.
    • Handled review comments and asked for review (in review).
  • bug 1197231 - Increase in SMS app memory consumption
    • Tried to analyze about:memory reports, a lot of stuff is unclear - asked for a help from platform guys; Comparing it with v2.2, trying to spot something obvious (in progres);
    • Tried small tweaks like removing event listeners from lazy loaded scripts (we have about 160 active event listeners in inbox per about:memory report) - nothing significant;
    • Compiling build with DMD enabled to see if it can give more details (


  • bug 1209419 - [Messages][Tests] Add basic integration tests for the Conversation view Edit mode
    • Again, left feedback and guided on the next steps (in progress).
  • bug 1133711 - Remove dev_apps folder (in background)
    • No progress so far, waiting for ni? I've set (waiting for ni?)


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 8: 16th October


  • bug 1211395 - Performance regression in Message
    • Got f+ and replied some thought. Commit another update with small changes about the lazyload more styles and element hiding. Will work on unit tests.
  • bug 1192263 - [Messages] We load Inbox before going to the notification conversation when app is run via notification click
    • Figured out the problem we have with current patch. Replied some thought as well on bugzilla.


  • Will update the unit test part for performce patch.
  • Working on some blockers if they have any progress.
  • Review and reply ni.


I decided to work on some blockers yesterday.

  • worked on a blocker in Contacts (bug 1213553); especially spent some time on writing integration tests for pages opened by but it didn't work ;) Will likely be useful for us later !
  • worked on bug 1215312 that is a follow-up for the late arrival bug 1037620. (In review; steve I would appreciate if you look at it today, I'd like it in the next OTA if it's r+ :) ).
  • continued some little work on bug 1206727.
  • had a look at bug 1192263 (start the app from notification system message); sorry my proposed solution is a lot of work :(
    •  :(Steve) I left some comments and maybe we can only check visibility and close the window first. Not sure if we really need taskRunner for it.
  • r+ed bug 1213199 about the draft notice being shown at wrong moments
  • reviewed bug 1210731 refactoring the RTL code in our CSS
  • feedback+ed bug 1197231 about the memory consumption. More idea I got from Nicholas comment: our lazy loaded JS files are not minified... so I started a change in the build to do this)
    • (Oleg) But it was the same on v2.2, no (note I've used the same Messages app v2.2 for both reports)?
      (Steve) no we didn't minified the lazyload scripts on 2.2 either. But we lazyload more scripts in master :p
      (Julien) ok :)
      (Julien) yeah, but if we have more scripts, this could still help us go down :) Okay :)
      (Julien) same thing than about Steve's patch to lazy load CSS: we had them before too ;) but now that it's better split, we can do this.
  • feedback+ed bug 1211395 about the launch time regression


  • I now have the bugzilla right to add the editbugs right to people :)
  • filed bug 1215047 to be nicer with attachment names with letters that are not in the 7-bit ASCII space

Today: I want to:

  • handle my review queue
  • try to wrap up bug 1206727 to ask for a first feedback
  • maybe try to fix some blockers in other apps.
  • land some r+ bugs I have somewhere


  • bug 1198266 - [Messages] Use ConversationService in the application
    • No progress (awaiting feedback).
  • bug 1213199 - [Message] Wrong suggestions 'Message saved as draft' pop up after you select delete the MMS.
    • Got r+, waiting for Treeherder (single set view doesn't work due to "bug 1215450 - Treeherder single result set view is stuck "waiting for a push with revision xxx"") (almost landed).
  • bug 1197231 - Increase in SMS app memory consumption
    • More analysis, DMD didn't give any info I can really interpret;
    • But I was able to figure out the reason why Gaia v2.2 didn't work on Gecko v2.5 for me - it's new web components permission, I've added it and running raptor - I want to have as concrete info as possible about Gecko regression, will file a bug with raptor results and memory reports. Do you know guys who will be the best Gecko person to ni? (in progress);
      (Julien) IMO Nicholas is really the best here. He worked a lot on reducing memory in Gecko.
      (Oleg) Okay, so will ni? him with as much info as I can get :)
    • Got reply from Nicholas.


  • bug 1209419 - [Messages][Tests] Add basic integration tests for the Conversation view Edit mode
    • Again, left feedback and guided on the next steps (in progress).
  • bug 1211395 - Performance regression in Message
    • Left feedback for Steve's patch, mostly tested on device and quickly skimmed through the patch, looks good :)
  • bug 1133711 - Remove dev_apps folder (in background)
    • No progress so far, waiting for ni? I've set (waiting for ni?). Likely need to ping guys directly on IRC :/


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 9: 19th October


  • bug 1211395 - Performance regression in Message
    • Tests added for review and reply the memory usage concerns.
  • bug 1192263 - [Messages] We load Inbox before going to the notification conversation when app is run via notification click
    • Give another idea for the notivication removal and message launch handling.


  • Waiting for performce patch review.
  • Working on some blockers if they have any progress.


  • Tried to fix bug 1215513 to minify all JS files, not only the files that are imported from index.html.. but this gave no meaningful improvement.
  • looked at bug 1192263 about the "notification" system message
  • commented on bug 1215655 to explain to Bryant the "unread" vs "draft" indicators behavior

Today: I want to:

  • handle my review queue
  • try to wrap up bug 1206727 to ask for a first feedback
  • maybe try to fix some blockers in other apps.
  • land some r+ bugs I have somewhere


Worked on Saturday instead of Monday, Oct 20-21 - on conference, will be checking email occasionally

  • bug 1198266 - [Messages] Use ConversationService in the application
    • No progress (awaiting feedback).
  • bug 1213199 - [Message] Wrong suggestions 'Message saved as draft' pop up after you select delete the MMS.
    • Landed (landed).
  • bug 1197231 - Increase in SMS app memory consumption
    • Recaptured memory reports with "-m" options, diff between Gecko v2.2, Gaia v2.2 and Gaia v2.2, Gecko v2.5, difference decreased, but still exists, wondering if something related to how GC works changed in Gecko;
    • Run raptor-compare for the raptor results I had, it shows statistically significant 1.7ms USS Gecko regression, so Raptor and about:memory show different numbers, Raptor likely doesn't force GC as well as the user when he opens the app;
    • So I'd say we need answers from Gecko for SharedWorker consumption (if we can reduce memory footprint) and from Nicholas (but not sure if it's possible to say something using just basic memory reports). Since it will not block release I'd not spent time on crazy workarounds. Still need to keep an eye on this and incorporate easy and safe improvements if we manage to find such.


  • bug 1209419 - [Messages][Tests] Add basic integration tests for the Conversation view Edit mode
    • Was guiding contributor and investigating the issue he was experiecing, see below (in progress).
  • bug 1215806 - Marionette Element.displayed() works inconsistently for the elements that aren't in viewport because of scroll.
    • Was investigating this issue that prevents makes integration testing of Edit mode difficult, provided reduced test case and ni?'ed :gaye (wating for ni?)
  • bug 1175080 - AssertionError: expected [Function] to not throw an error but 'Error: Polling socket recv() timeout!' was thrown can happen if you wait for an element to disappear.
    • Reviewed that tiny PR that temporarily disabled some Contacts + SMS integration tests (landed).
  • bug 1151847 - [Network Alerts][Refactoring] Use notification "data" attribute instead of icon URL query string parameters
    • Reviewed PR, still needs some work (in progress).
  • bug 1215471 - [Contacts] The attachment file name shows "NaN MB" when user attaches a contact in Messages
    • Quickly checked that we can't attach Contact from Email as well and invalid blob is returned from contact activity (can't clone like error in logcat), redirected to Contacts, but could be a Gecko regression as well.
  • bug 1205988 - [Messages]Enter Messaging Settings view, then device receives a MMS, but it can't back to Messages view when user taps the notification.
    • Quickly verified this bug - works fine from the first look (waiting for QA check).
  • Recorded demo for the removed draft save/replace/discard dialog:
  • bug 1133711 - Remove dev_apps folder (in background)
    • No progress so far, waiting for ni? I've set (waiting for ni?).


  • Will handle review/feedback/need-info requests;
  • Will work on review comments and assigned bugs.

Day 10: 20th October


  • bug 1211395 - Performance regression in Message
    • In review.
  • bug 1192263 - [Messages] We load Inbox before going to the notification conversation when app is run via notification click
    • Update the patch and create another task runner version(could not work correctly :/) for feedback.
      (Julien) thanks !
      (Steve) I have some new problem in task runner version, so maybe it's not the right timming to thank in advanced :p
  • Scanning the blockers, might take costcontrol blocker first.


  • Waiting for performce patch review.
  • Working on some blockers if they have any progress.


  • provided some guidance to Vishnu in bug 941763 (link helper issue)
  • spent a lot of time reviewing bug 1210731 (css RTL refactoring)
  • had another look on bug 1192263 ("notification" system message issue)
  • helped Bryant understanding some behaviors we have in bug 1215655 and bug 1215047


  • fixed a regression from bug 1213539 (in contacts' duplicate window)
  • filed bug 1216464 so that we can write integration tests for windows opened with
  • filed sms bug 1216176 about the carrier subheader that is displayed in edit mode
  • filed sms bug 1216183 about how we behave when is incorrect.

Today: I want to:

  • handle my review queue
  • try to wrap up bug 1206727 to ask for a first feedback
  • maybe try to fix some blockers in other apps.
  • land some r+ bugs I have somewhere


bug 1176976: Remove the draft saving/replacing action menu

See the Youtube Video:
