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Public meeting note of Apr 15th, 2014

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Nothing is committed until it lands in a release :) .

These are the features mainly driven by the Taipei teams, in cooperation with other teams in Taipei and around the world. We are not meant to take all the credit :)


Last week

  • Re-enable HardwareButtons tests (bug 989974).
  • Land bug 977451 autocorrect and suggestions tests for new keyboard codebase.

This week

Topic status

  • Copy-paste: Kicked-off for 1.5. Gaia will be responsible for a "popup" UI. API draft ready for RFC. Need a topic owner and assignee.
  • 3rd-party keyboard: Re-launch performance issue of the old keyboard need to be addressed bug 970193 or we need to ship the new keyboard. Marketplace and feature detection issues on going, need PMs to work with other teams on hasFeature API priorities (bug 900241).


Last week

  • Blockers
    • bug 991803 - [B2G][Tarako][Contacts]Text field does not display keyboard input after attaching image to contact from camera - v1.3t, dupe of bug 950573, patch uplifted.
  • Keyboard refactoring
    • bug 956175 - [keyboard refactor] handle language switching - landed.
    • bug 994539 - [keyboard refactor] layout definition could borrow key def from predefined pages - landed.
    • bug 956182 - [keyboard refactor] convert layout files to new format - in review.
  • Keyboard integration test
    • Work with Gary and Evan to enable keyboard test with marionette-js, bug 995093.
  • Code reviews
    • bug 992338 - [B2G][Tarako][] The first Bengali keyboard is not working correctly in the search bar - r+.
    • bug 993367 - Keyboard has a big sync reflow when switching between keyboards - r+.
    • bug 991509 - Adding Tamil input method for B2G - r+.
    • bug 993999 - [Tarako] Two async reflows (73 ms. each) when keyboard pops up - r+, landed.
    • bug 992346 - [B2G][Tarako][Keyboard] Keyboard appears with delay after device is restarted - r+ for part 1.
    • bug 993952 - Big async reflow when toggling between two keyboards - found a regression.

This week

  • Blockers
    • Tarako blockers, reviews.
  • Keyboard refactoring
    • feature parity bugs:
    • bug 956182 - [keyboard refactor] convert layout files to new format.
    • bug 989920 - [keyboard refactor] handle language switching for auto correction and suggestion.
  • Keyboard integration test
    • Work with Gary and Evan to enable keyboard test with marionette-js, bug 995093.

Topic status

  • 3rd-party keyboard.
    • No update here.


Last week

This week

  • On-site support for Tarako project at Shanghai.
  • 1.3+ bug investigation: bug 995148, bug 991909
  • More bugs tracking in partner's pool.

Topic status

  • bug 859168 - [Settings][Bluetooth] fire a bluetooth pairing notification when lock screen turn on(review passed without unit test)
  • WebBluetooth-v2: Discussed new version API design run 1.(
  • SD Card management:
    • 3/18:
      • WIP patch for the user story( The mount/unmount API is working fine. But the status which is gotten via storageStatus() API not accurately. Will need Gecko to provide follow up work(bug 943825).
      • Not ready items:
        • The event trigger time is not reflect to storageStatus() of volume action.
        • Need to provide accurate status(might not an async function or Dom API).
        • SD card is not able to insert/remove on reference phone. Will need API provide property for query "CanBeFormatted", "CanBeMounted" and "CanBeShared".


Last week

  • 1.3T+
    • bug 988772(fixed) - [tarako][buri] sometimes contact index shows nothing when tap on a index: Write some integration test for shortcuts scroll behavior
    • bug 993892(WIP given) - [Message] Threads and messages are kept loading after switch to background: Message list generated when traversing the message db might cause too many memory consumption and app has high possibility to be killed when app moves to background. Trying to stop cursor traversal seem not enough because the memory usage won't drop down immediately.
  • 1.4+
    • bug 983315(feedback-) - [Messages][DSDS] Provide a feedback while we're switching the data APN to send a MMS:
  • 1.4 backlog and others
    • bug 983074(fixed) - [MADAI][SMS] @2.25x assets update for SMS(Reviewing): Adding 2.25x images for MADAI device(with some assets and styling clean up)
  • Reply needinfos and code review.

This week

  • 1.3T+
    • bug 993892 - [Message] Threads and messages are kept loading after switch to background: More thought about reducing the memory usage:
      • Maybe we should apply incremental traversal and rendering (bug 972731)
      • Release image source when image out of screen like gallery app.
  • 1.4+
    • bug 983315 - [Messages][DSDS] Provide a feedback while we're switching the data APN to send a MMS: Finish the patch based on reviewer's comments.
    • bug 992233 - Bug 984153 regressed the background color for suggestions list: Some UI regression in contact suggestions list caused by Bug 984153.
  • Helping with other new 1.3/1.3T+/1.4+ blockers(if any).

Topic status

  • 2.0 message app visual refresh:
    • bug 949457 [Messages] Multi-recipient participants view should show back button instead of cross one: Message app report page and multiple recipient view refactoring. Will need to wait for app navigation refactoring ready.
    • bug 949457 [DSDS] [Meta] Messaging. Apply Visual Refresh to DSDS scenarios: Check if there is any missing UI scenario for DSDS or overlap part


Last week

  • 1.3T+
    • bug 987022 - (fixed for 1.3t) Two new components were implemented for system(Media App Agent) and music(State Manager), but not sure if master will take this change, or we need to back to the original plan that put the audio element in system. Also our partner is also questioning us about this fix, but I think it's another issue that the playing music is easily to be killed by the LMK.
    • bug 991550 - (duplicate) a dupe of bug 970007.
  • Others
    • bug 984313 - (fixed) Music app @2.25x assets update, landed with the correct images.
    • Answered needinfos.

This week

  • 1.4?
    • bug 993293 - Looks like an issue about the mozAudioChannelType property on the audio context(web audio).
  • Others
    • Plan for sound settings in 1.5.
    • Plan to write more marionette tests for music app to avoid regressions.
  • Answer needinfos and reviews.

Topic status

  • Audio channel service in gaia: Picked up 4 bugs that Omega and I think which can be fixed in the 1.5 dev cycle.
    • bug 937937 - This is actually a noticeable bug and we definitely should fix it. Basically it's to sync the sound toast and the slider in settings->sounds when volumeup and volumedown are pressed.
    • bug 910055 - It's a feature request that add a slider of content/media channel in settings->sounds.
    • bug 985849 - If we are going to fix Bug 910055, we better fix this as well since it's a visual refresh about the volume sliders.
    • bug 961980 - This is also related to Bug 910055 and a feature request, if we add one more slider for media, probably the user will want this on all the sliders.
  • Spec for sound in settings:


Last week

  • bug 916709 - PopupWindow - v5 r?=etienne
  • bug 990802 - [B2G][Homescreen] Cancelling sharing link via email turns Homescreen wallpaper to a blank white screen - Fixed by clearing class in app transition controller. This is an uplift fail.
  • bug 994527 - permissionManager is null - Fixed by start() without return.
  • bug 994537 - Dupe alert between inline activity and its caller - Caused by bug 977934. mozbrowsershowmodalprompt is not stopped in activityWindow.
  • bug 950673 - 150+ ms launch regression in gallery, video, camera, email_ftu (Dec 10-13) - Try out patch on phone
    • Dave Huseby made all the profiles, but it seems not helpful.

This week

  • bug 950673 - 150+ ms launch regression in gallery, video, camera, email_ftu (Dec 10-13) - Try out patch on phone
  • bug 987994 - multiple apps regressed cold_load_launch time by 300ms on Mar 24
    • Use TaskTracer/Isis to find out why main process is busy. Will refine Isis at the same time.

Topic Status

  • Gaia bug: bug 938045
    • Modify mozbrowser selection API.
    • 2nd UI review this week.
Window Management
  • Fixing 1.4 blockers and mentor 1.3t blockers
  • SysFE 2.0 user story
    • bug 992083 [User Story] Ability to Disable Identification of Live Apps When Swiping in Sheet Stack
    • bug 992084 [User Story] Edge Gestures Starting in Landscape Mode
    • bug 992085 [User Story] Edge Gestures When Landscape App is Encountered in Portrait Mode
    • bug 967447 [User Story] Browser Chrome: Load URL from hyperlink


Last week

  • bug 897352 - [gaia build system] Transition to a build_stage for assembling apps (fix some issues which reviewer mentioned on github)
  • bug 968666 - multilocale.js should be a standalone build script which can be executed by macro |run-js-command|
  • review

Next week

  • bug 968666 - multilocale.js should be a standalone build script which can be executed by macro |run-js-command|
  • bug 993835 - Added Makefile for keyboard back
  • bug 988712 - The last item in app list is not built

Topic status

Build system refactoring: refactoring webapp-shared.js was backout and will be landed today (developer: George), and we have a refactoring multilocale WIP and wait webapp-shared.js landed.


Last week

  • 1.3 blockers
    • bug 984243 - [Tarako]No response when clicking STK menus in some SIM cars (f-) - Force to send a terminal message and extend the timeout to avoid the issue.
    • bug 992150 - [Tarako][Settings] Settings has a really slow response after restarting the device - The root cause is loading the chinese font. AE team will remove the font as we don't need it for tarako.
  • 1.4 blockers
    • bug 975343 - [DSDS] In Settings' "device information" page, we see only the informations for one SIM (landed)
    • bug 949741 - [CDMA] Settings supplementary services (SS) broken (landed)
    • bug 993161 - new voicemail notification dials the phone number "1" rather than the voicemail number (WIP) - We need to consider dogfooding users when doing data migration.
  • Settings refactoring
    • bug 973436 - [settings] refactor battery panel with AMD pattern (backed out) - Need to add a critical test.
  • Reviewed settings refactor patches.

This week

  • 1.3T blockers
    • bug 995458 - [B2G][Tarako][Settings] 'Caller ID' and 'Call waiting' settings are not saved for individual SIM cards
  • 1.4 blockers
    • bug 993161 - new voicemail notification dials the phone number "1" rather than the voicemail number
  • Settings refactoring
    • bug 973456 - [settings] refactor Keyboard panel with AMD pattern (WIP)
  • Review settings panel refactor patches.

Topic status

  • Settings refactoring: Focus on reviewing panel refactor patches and survey separating the root panel.


Last week

Next week

Topic status update


Last week

  • bug 993832 - wrong multi-res resource file name (r+)
  • bug 994493 - 1.3t+, Remove the usage widget for Tarako in the notification tray (r+)
  • bug 995111 - [camera] fix jshint error for camera (r+)
  • bug 993318 - [Settings] build script improvement for load time (r?)
  • bug 993948 - [Settings] refactor to identify root panel scope inside of settings.js (r?)
  • bug 973445 - [settings] refactor Sound panel with AMD pattern (r?)

This week

  • bug 968696 - [settings] add marionette test for Media storage panel
  • bug 973451 - [settings] refactor Media storage panel with AMD pattern
  • Land last week PRs
  • Finding potential settings load time improvements

Topic status update


  • To support inline activity. we'd do settings/root panel refactor to make loading path clear.
  • bug 956210 1.4sp6 and 2.0 plan for marionette test and panel refactor
  • Refactor settings.js and root panel, finding potential load time improvements.


 * Passing browsers options to autoprefixer
 * bug 963320 - Get L20N.js into bower


Last week

  • (Build) - (bug 968661) webapp-shared.js, fix bugs on tbpl.
  • (Build) - (bug 983573) webapp-manifest.js, generate webapp_stage.json for homescreen and keyboard and webapp.json of profile.
  • (Settings) - (bug 973454) permission refactored panel, waiting for review
  • (Settings) - (bug 968686) marionette for datetime panel, travis result is different with local side.
  • (Homescreen) - (bug 991906) dockbar shifted when wake up from sleep. Patch is provided.
  • (LayerScope) - Start to work on the UI of layer tree. repo: .

This week

  • (Build) - (bug 968661) webapp-shared.js, rebase to master and push to travis for testing again. I will land it if it's all green.
  • (Build) - (bug 983573) webapp-manifest.js, implement test cases.
  • (Settings) - (bug 973454) land permission refactored panel.
  • (Settings) - (bug 968686) land marionette for datetime panel.
  • (LayerScope) - discuss the data form and refactor original code base.

Topic status update

  • Start working on Layerscope debugging tool last Friday, beta version will be released by 5/11.
  • Continually working on Buildscript and Settings refactoring.


Last week

  • Re-scheduled the LockScreen plan: as-an-app would be the first thing we should complete.
  • Start to make the LockScreen as an app.
  • bug 992345 had been solved. But need approval to land it in v1.4.
  • Found that the bug 994900 seems unable to reproduce on my local console. Need more information to confirm this regression.

This week

Topic status update

After re-scheduling the plan, the as-an-app bug would be solved first. And then we can start to implement the widget system with visual updates.


Last week

  • r+ bug 962927 [DSDS] After PUK is locked, SIM manager did not show "No SIM card" on the locked SIM. Merged into Gaia/v1.4.
  • r+ bug 971624 [settings] refactor marionette test for do not track panel. Merged into Gaia/master. (Made sure it is green on try server & travis)
  • r+ bug 988445 [settings] [AirplaneModeHelper] getStatus method does not return the correct state. Merged into Gaia/master and Gaia/v1.4.
  • bug 973445 [settings] refactor Sound panel with AMD pattern. Help to review this patch.
  • bug 988316 Enabling airplane mode while wifi is obtaining IP address does not work as expected. Help to verify this bug is a bug from python uitest.

This week

  • f+, r+ bug 973440 [settings] refactor Screen lock panel with AMD pattern. Got r+ from :Zac and f+ from Arthur, and waiting for Arthur's r+.
  • f? bug 994511 [Settings] move Settings.getSettings out of Settings.js. Have WIP for this patch now, waiting for Fred's feedback.
  • Investigate how to improve launch time in Settings app.

Topic status update

Settings Refactor : Focus on refactoring screenlock, language panels and related marionette tests.

Airplane Mode: Focus on isolating Radio services and Airplane Mode itself and fix AirplaneModeHelper.


Last week

  • bug 991442 - Add coverage threshold to test-agent-test make target (WIP)
  • bug 991446 - Fix coverage when tests are run in their own sandbox (Landed)
  • bug 997662 - Mocha duration time does not accumulate (RESOLVED WONTFIX)

This week

  • bug 991442 - Add coverage threshold to test-agent-test make target (WIP)

Topic status update

Welcome NCU students to visit Mozilla Taipei office and discuss their travis-reporter project. Evan and me will try to lead a new Test Agent project in TSOC 2014 (