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The Marketplace has been placed into maintenance mode. It is no longer under active development. You can read complete details here.

Contribute to Firefox Marketplace/QA

Thank you for your interest in Firefox Marketplace. There's lots of different ways to contribute to this project, and every skill level is welcome. There is automation for experienced developers, manual testing, and exploratory testing to get familiar with the project.

Verify Bugs

Have a few minutes? If you're looking to help, and you have limited time- one of the easist ways to contribute is to work with Marketplace bugs.

Anything on this list of bugs is up for grabs! Click here for the List of Bugs

What needs to be done? Select a bug Read all of the description and comments Follow the steps to reproduce the bug. If you can reproduce it, add a comment saying what you did, and what happened.

Try reproducing the bug on different browsers or operating systems if it isn't specific. Add comments stating what you did, and what results you found. Add screenshots or relevant data, to help the developers narrow down the problem. You can also narrow down the repro steps for a bug:

All of your work helps the team verify which bugs are reproducible, so they can set a priority and get them fixed. Your input helps a lot, and doesn't require anything more than some time and ability to follow repro steps!

Run & Write test cases

As a manual tester, a great way to help Mozilla is to run some test cases against Marketplace. You do not need a lot of experience- either as a tester or with Mozilla products. Running these tests is the best way to learn your way around, and to get an idea of what is important to test!

Even as a beginner, you should be able to run these tests. Each test has clear steps and expected results- all you need to do is to record your result.

Set up:

Get a Persona [1] account if you don't already have one. Open MozTrap [2] and sign in.

You may go directly to the Marketplace tests by clicking this link: Select your operating system, and click the Run button to begin testing

Next Steps:

Now that you've run Marketplace tests, you have a good idea of what needs to be tested. Installing apps, voting - all of the things you did during the tests.

We've found that the best way to find more interesting bugs is to do exploratory testing. Work on the staging website Do your best to try both usual and unusual actions! Try everything you can think of- be creative. Exploratory testing can be a lot more fun as you have the freedom to follow unusual testing paths, instead of repeating the same steps found in test cases.


Are you familiar with Selenium or Python? Are you interested in helping out Mozilla? Marketplace is a great place to start. Work with code, even as a beginner, to build up your skills and participate in the code development process.

Review pull requests

You can help the development process by reviewing pull requests. You don't need to be an expert to do this. Add comments about pep8, adhering to style guidelines, or that you were [or were not] able to run the test successfully on your local machine.

Check out the current list of available pull requests

Write some code!

Start with one of our known code requests, or Issues on GitHub:

Pick one that matches your level of experience. Running and writing code on our projects is the best way to learn the code and also to improve your skills. Look at the tags used. Community level tags indicate Issues for folks just getting started, or maybe try something that is more advanced.

Marketplace runs on Community. By added a pull request you'll get helpful feedback from members of the Marketplace team. By joining them, you'll be part of the team as well!

Develop an App!

If you already are an app developer, or you want to try your hand at designing, learning and publishing Apps, check out this link for App Developers: If you are new to exploratory testing, you can find more information here:

Bugs! If you find any bugs, you should file them here: XXXX Make sure to enter all of the steps, expected results, and relevant screenshots or videos.

If you'd like more information on bug writing, read this article:

Writing Tests: Are you interested in getting more involved? Exercise your test writing skills by helping out the Marketplace team.