Mobile/Firefox for Android/Sprint Status/2017 Sprint5

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Fennec Core Engineering Team Backlog

Fennec Core Eng Trello

Review/Retro on previous sprint

Sprint#4 done. 14 Total; 10 Open (71.43%); 4 Resolved (28.57%); From the completion is looks bad but the 10 open bugs all have patches in review process. Next sprint we will do a 4-week period considering the upcoming holidays and PTO.

Sprint#5, 2017/Mar/20 ~ 2017/Apr/14

Sprint goal

  • Get Custom tab feature (phase1) ready and hop on release 55
  • Stand alone mode (part of PWA initiative) targeting on release 55
  • Keep on Bookmark management feature, targeting release 56
  • Keep on RTL refinement

Sprint backlog

Full Query
ID Summary Status Resolution Assigned to Whiteboard Last change time
1232439 Full-page edit bookmark dialog RESOLVED FIXED Jing-wei Wu [:jwu] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1285858 Support manifest display: standalone display mode RESOLVED INCOMPLETE [ptototype][fennec 54] 2020-12-21T18:38:00Z
1293713 Rethink how homepages are done on Firefox Android RESOLVED FIXED Nevin Chen(Not active on Bugzilla) 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1321981 [RTL] Swiping gesture between Top Sites, Bookmarks and History in a New Tab is reversed RESOLVED FIXED Max Liu [:maliu] 2020-12-21T18:36:49Z
1325955 Address bar spoofing on Android VERIFIED FIXED Julian Chu [:walkingice] [adv-main53+][post-critsmash-triage] 2024-05-30T16:24:29Z
1329128 Fennec Bookmark Management: Allow users to create, remove and move folders VERIFIED FIXED Jing-wei Wu [:jwu] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1329130 Fennec Bookmark Management: Allow users to created nested folders RESOLVED DUPLICATE Jing-wei Wu [:jwu] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1329131 Fennec Bookmark Management: Allow users to move bookmarks and folders into folders VERIFIED FIXED Jing-wei Wu [:jwu] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1329152 Custom tabs: Enable custom tabs by default (when released) RESOLVED FIXED Julian Chu [:walkingice] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1329155 Custom tabs: Collect information on number of launches (Load_URL) using custom tabs RESOLVED FIXED Nevin Chen(Not active on Bugzilla) 2020-12-21T18:34:28Z
1329157 Custom tabs: Collect the source names of 3rd party app that is using custom tabs RESOLVED FIXED Nevin Chen(Not active on Bugzilla) 2020-12-21T18:34:28Z
1329160 Custom tabs: Collect information on pre-warming sessions used by 3rd party apps RESOLVED FIXED Nevin Chen(Not active on Bugzilla) 2020-12-21T18:34:28Z
1336373 Custom tabs: Action button icon supports tint RESOLVED FIXED Julian Chu [:walkingice] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1337238 Custom Tabs: progress bar on the custom bar for loading page VERIFIED FIXED Julian Chu [:walkingice] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1337440 [RTL] Top Sites pager indicator in the Activity Stream should start from the right VERIFIED FIXED Max Liu [:maliu] 2020-12-21T18:36:49Z
1339884 Crash in java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.mozilla.gecko.prompts.PromptInput$DateTimeInput.getValue( on Android 4.x VERIFIED FIXED Jing-wei Wu [:jwu] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1340973 Developer's note for RTL Support RESOLVED INCOMPLETE 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1346542 Back button navigation and web content copy/paste broken in restored GeckoApp instance VERIFIED FIXED Eugen Sawin [:esawin] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1347476 [RTL] LTR closing thumbnails action present on RTL too VERIFIED FIXED Max Liu [:maliu] 2020-12-21T18:36:49Z
1348716 Copy link in CustomTabsActivity by long-clicking in Title VERIFIED FIXED Julian Chu [:walkingice] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1348718 Tweak images of ActionBar in CustomTabsActivity RESOLVED FIXED Julian Chu [:walkingice] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z

21 Total; 0 Open (0%); 12 Resolved (57.14%); 9 Verified (42.86%);

Project specific status


Overall project health

[GREEN, ON TRACK, ready in Firefox53] QA has checked 100% of all bugs, bringing 16 more bugs for further clarification and follow-up.

In total, we have 29 bugs for tracking, 24 out of these 29 bugs are resolved, representing a 83% completion rate. l10n team included 4 RTL locals( Hebrew, Arabic, Urdu, Persian ) into the multilocales build of firefox53.

Target Milestone


Project pages (if any)

Bookmark management

[GREEN, ON TRACK] Engineering team work on bugs.

  • Bug 1329127 - [META] Fennec Bookmark Management

Custom tab

Overall project health

[GREEN, ON TRACK] 19 MVP bugs are planned; 14 Phase1 bugs targeting firefox55. Among 19 MVP bugs, 7 are resolved, representing a 50% phase1 completion rate, and 37% project completion rate, respectively.

Target Milestone


Project pages (if any)

General (triage)

[GREEN, ON TRACK] We keep backlog grooming for the long list

Triage WIKI page

Fennec Feature backlog

[GREEN, ON TRACK] [Bug 1341545] [meta] Fennec Feature backlog collection

Fennec Feature backlog

UX polish


  • Bug 1157964 - (fennec-polish) [meta] Fennec UX polish

UX had finished input and we had prioritization into the backlog. We're still continuing taking new suggestions when it comes to user experience improvements.

Performance dashboard

[GREEN, ON TRACK] Currently running manual initial benchmark perf testing and study tooling.

  • Bug 1320263 - Feasibility/PoC for Fennec performance assessment