MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/desktopandmobile/Creating Add-ons for Android
Title of Session: Creating Add-ons for Firefox on Android
Facilitator(s): Jorge Villalobos
Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Paid
Area of Contribution: Add-ons
How are you currently involved with the community?:
I am the technical contact point for the add-on developer community, and also co-lead the new Mozilla Costa Rica community.
Location of Work: Costa Rica
Talk Length (please choose between 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes): 60 or 90 minutes
The talk will consist of a brief presentation about add-ons for Firefox on Android, pointing to documentation and prebuilt add-ons that can be used as templates for development. Then the participants will be asked to install and try these add-ons on their devices, and then hack them in various ways. Most of the session should be dedicated to hacking and answering questions.
How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals:
This session is meant to empower people to extend Firefox on Android and make it their own.
Expected Outcome or Deliverable:
Participants should leave the session with a set of tools that allow them to create useful add-ons for Firefox on Android. They should have at least tried to create their own version of the sample add-ons shown in the presentation.
Desired Audience Type or Skill-set:
Add-on developers and web developers. Some JavaScript and HTML knowledge is necessary.
Everyone is invited, but if you want to participate creating add-ons, you'll need an Android device that runs Firefox and a laptop to code on. It will save you some time if you Set up your Android environment before the talk.
- (PDF format)
Equipment Needs (Video projector already included):
To Be Completed by the Audience
(If you would like) Submit a Question for the Speaker(s) or indicate what information you hope to gain by attending this talk here:
Place your name here if you would like to attend this talk:
- Girish Sharma
- Amy Tsay
- [Your name here]