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NOTE: This talk has now been merged with Pocket Sized Add-ons: Extension development for Firefox Mobile. Look there for current details!

Participation Proposal

Facilitator(s): Margaret Leibovic

Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Paid

Area of Contribution (Team Name): Firefox Mobile Front-End Development

How are you currently involved with the community?: IRC and Bugzilla, helping contributors report bugs and write patches.

Location of Work (where do you reside?): San Francisco

Talk Length (please choose between 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes): 60 minutes

Summary: I'll talk about the new Firefox for Android and how to develop add-ons for it. I'll work through a tutorial to build a "Hello World" add-on, then let participants start hacking on their own add-ons!

How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals ( This session will help make more add-ons available for Firefox for Android, and it will help grow our mobile add-on developer community.

Expected Outcome or Deliverable: More add-on developers (and add-ons) for Firefox for Android.

Desired Audience Type or Skill-set: Current and future add-on developers. JavaScript knowledge will be useful.

Equipment Needs (Video projector already included): Participants should bring their laptops and Android phones/tablets.

Audience Participation

Place your name here if you would like to attend this talk:

  • Giorgio Maone
  • Jeff Griffiths
  • Mark Capella :capella