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NDA and Slack Access

Mozilla’s Slack is a great tool for working collaboratively with staff on Mozilla projects. As of February 2018 volunteers who have signed Mozilla's Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) can be invited by their NDA Administrator to sign up to Mozilla Slack (via SSO) if they need to regularly, synchronously communicate with staff. You can see if a Slacker is a staff member or a volunteer by clicking on their Slack profile.

To invite contractors, vendors or anyone else we have a business arrangement with, but who does not have an LDAP to Slack, staff should file a ticket on the Jira Service Management Portal.

What do you commit to when you join Slack?

Mozilla’s Slack is primarily a professional environment where people collaborate to get work done in a safe and positive environment.

Community Participation Guideline:Staff and volunteers are required to follow the Community Participation Guideline in all of their interactions on Slack, failure to abide by the CPG may result in temporary or permanent loss of access.

Slack Etiquette Guide: Slack is a microcosm of Mozilla's professional environment has norms and etiquette expectations beyond the CPG, to keep Slack a productive environment for everyone you must also read and comply with the Etiquette Guide here.

How long does Slack access last:

Having a valid NDA is a prerequisite for Slack access and your access will only last as long as you are a member of the NDA group.

NDA’s expire after one year, in order to make sure that those on the list are regularly active. One year from the acceptance date, inviters will have the opportunity to re-invite volunteers to the NDA group.

To avoid perceived conflicts of interest, volunteers that work for an organization that can be categorized as a Mozilla competitor or with an organization that we have a business relationship with cannot be granted Slack access, and would have their access suspended if these conflicts arise after they have been granted Slack access (for Slack access for vendors and contractors, please check “who can join Slack")

What happens once I get my invitation:

Once you receive your invitation, you will be directed to read and agree to the Community Participation Guidelines, and the etiquette guide. Make sure you read them both carefully before you agree to their terms. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to your inviter!

Once you have accepted the terms of the Guidelines you will:

  • Be able to sign up to slack via SSO using your Github identity
  • You will have access to all public channels.

If at any point you have any questions jump into the #slack-onboarding channel or reach out to your Inviter.

Who Can Join Slack?

Slack access is available by invitation to contributors who are have signed an NDA and who have also been invited to join the Slack-Access group by administrators of a Mozilla Community. Signing an NDA does not automatically grant access to Slack but is a necessary prerequisite.

Staff who are not administrators can vouch for contributors to join Slack access group if they believe that their ability to contribute effectively would be benefited by the capacity to synchronously communicate through Slack. Staff can place a request using this form - using this form.

Mozilla Staff can see who has vouched for a contributor by visiting their Mozillians.org profile and looking under "Access Groups".

Groups like Reps, L10N, Security and SUMO may also have additional procedures for determining who should receive Slack access. Here is the information for each of these groups.

To invite contractors, vendors or anyone else we have a business arrangement with, but who does not have an LDAP to Slack, staff should file a ticket on Service Now.

The requests will be reviewed weekly by the Reps team.

If you have any questions, reach out to Konstantina Papadea.


The Mozilla Support Community requires an NDA for product updates and support related communications and participation in the Social Support program that answers brand questions. Check out how to get involved at https://support.mozilla.com and Support. If you are a member of the Mozilla Support Community who has participated for a while and would benefit from synchronous communication with staff on Slack please send a request here https://forms.gle/W68PK5svZqzhzfD3A. Please note that an NDA is required for participation in the Social Support program. If you do not currently have an NDA, please read more about the NDA and how to request one here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/NDA.


The l10n-drivers prefer the #l10n IRC channel (irc.mozilla.org) or the Mozilla L10n Community Telegram group for real-time chat with l10n staff. That being said, we know that some contributors may need Slack access. Please reach out to a member of the l10n-drivers team on IRC or Telegram to make your case for Slack access.

Tech Speakers

[Looks like this team hasn't shared details about Slack-Access yet - reach out to the staff team for more details!]

Security Contributors

[Looks like this team hasn't shared details about Slack-Access yet - reach out to the staff team for more details!]

Research Contributors

Please email Lars Bergstrom at larsberg@mozilla.com if you require NDA slack access. Most Research work is done on IRC or public forums, but contractors and frequent speakers may require access to additional internal information that is easier to share over Slack.

Add-ons Contributors

Synchronous chat with members of the add-ons team almost always occurs in irc.mozilla.org in the following public channels: #addon-reviewers, #addons, #amo, #themedev, or #webextensions.

While the add-ons team prefers communications to happen IRC, we understand that some contributors may need to have access to slack. Please email Caitlin Neiman at cneiman [at] mozilla [dot] com to discuss.

Mozilla Community Web Services

The MCWS Team is using their own Telegram group for most synchronous/chat-like communications. MCWS volunteers provision resources to Mozilla communities. It is therefore helpful to be able to reach Staff members who might be program/product/service/capability owners on Slack. MCWS members also provide invaluable insight about managing resources for distributed, self-governed Mozilla communities to our conversations.

Please reach out to Henrik Mitsch to be vouched as a MCWS volunteer for Slack.


Staff Requests for Contributor Access

In order to receive access to Slack, if you are not in any of these groups, you must be invited by a staff member. Staff members can vouch for contributors using this form.

Staff should consider whether this contributors ability to contribute would be improved by the ability to communicate freely and synchronously with Mozilla staff on Slack. Please think about whether this person is active and trusted in your community and whether you believe that being added to Mozilla-Slack will improve their ability to contribute.

Please note that contributors must have a Mozillians.org account and must also meet the criteria to be added to the NDA Group.

Staff: Please note that you will accountable for your invitee while they are on Slack. In order to accommodate for changes in position or employment you must also list a “back-up” inviter who will assume responsibility for your contributors should you leave the organization.