From MozillaWiki
We need to improve the offline application cache. The priority is speed.
These are the owners/maintainers who will do most of the work.
- Jason Duell
- Honza Bambas
- Andreas Gal
Ben Turner should review sqlite usage.
In priority order:
- 751754: Allow separation between the update-available and start-download states in appcache (close to land)
- 794663: Allow downloading appcache for a specific appid/browserflag (close to land)
- 730424: window.applicationCache.status not getting updated when resources finish loading (needs r from Jason)
- 654081: Remote @font-face fails when used with appcache
- Dromaeo regression caused by bug 753990
- 722683: The request that fetches the HTML5 manifest file doesn't send cookies from main domain when third-party cookies are disabled (needs r from Jason)
- 744713: Add support for putting "total size" into appcache manifest