Participation/Projects/Reps Program

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Project Name:

Reps Program


  1. Be a representation of the mozillian population and regional communities by being an open accessible program for any core trusted mozillian interested and establishing formal links of participation with all local communities.
  2. Formed and governed by core trusted mozillians by ensuring the governance bodies are accessible to anyone in the program.
  3. Mozillians that through the program grow in their leadership skills by providing leadership curriculum in an action-oriented focused way
  4. Represent Mozilla in their country by enabling the mechanisms to give more official and formal recognition to the Reps locally
  5. Have privileged access to internal information and strategy by systematizing early and deeper access to information sometimes covered by NDA
  6. Empower others to support Mozilla’s top initiatives in a more effective and aligned way by providing clarity on focus and top initiatives for the org and continuous sync and comms updating about them.
  7. Provide local insight and needs as a key strategic advantage for the organization by enabling the channels and structure to ensure local communities and mozillians can surface their local knowledge, ideas and feedback up and down.


The Reps program aims to be a representation of the mozillian population and regional communities, formed and governed by core trusted mozillians that through the program grow in their leadership skills, represent Mozilla in their country, have privileged access to internal information and strategy, empower others to support Mozilla’s top initiatives in a more effective and aligned way, as well as provide local insight and needs as a key strategic advantage for the organization.

Alignment With Mozilla Goals

Invest in our core strengths. Invest in our core mobilizers.


We believe that by investing in our core mobilizers and providing them with the training and tools in a formal program we will get a high ROI on both sides (mozilla’s goals and volunteers personal/professional development)


We demonstrate impact by returning high value to the focus initiatives around the organization and at the same time develop strong local communities around the world that can influence the organization path as peers.


This is an ongoing effort since 2011


  • Konstantina - Community Manager and Financial coordinator
  • Guillermo Movia - Coaching and mentoring
  • Francisco Picolini - Events strategy
  • Rizki Kelimutu - Financial-coordinator
  • Rubén - Program Manager and appointer Council member
  • Brian King - Appointed Council member
  • Reps Council - Elected volunteer governance body

Internal Stakeholders

  • Activate campaign (Brian)
  • Campus program (Lucy, Christos)
  • Participation Systems (Reps Portal)
  • Participation Team
  • Reps
  • Local communities


Link to key resources/strategy

How to get involved