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How We Track Our Backlog

All tracking of backlog and work-in-progress items happens in Bugzilla.


There are several flag used to track work in Bugzilla including:


The severity of the bug is also used in how we track our work and the backlog. For info on severity see Bug Severity


The definition of Triaged is Firefox related bugs of type defect where the component is not UNTRIAGED, and a Severity value not equal to -- or N/A.
Bugs of type Task or Enhancement may have a Severity of N/A, but defects must have a Severity that is neither -- nor N/A.

For an overview of Bugzilla triage see the documentation Triage for Bugzilla

Definition of Assigned

A bug is considered "assigned" if it has both a valid assignee AND its status is set to ASSIGNED. Having only one of these fields set is not sufficient for it to be tracked as an assigned bug. nobody[at] is not a valid assignee for a bug to be considered assigned.

Commonly-Used Backlog Queries

Kanban View

For quick reference, view our backlog as a kanban board.

Backlog by Category

In Progress

Bugs, tasks, and enhancements that are in progress right now. This list includes any bug, task or enhancement that is assigned and has the [layout:backlog] whiteboard tag.

Full Query
ID Summary Assigned to Status Resolution
1118086 [e10s] There is a delay for about 1 seconds to display <select> drop-down list with 1600+ items Alex Thayer [:alexical] (she/her) ASSIGNED

1 Total; 1 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Needs Owner

Bugs, tasks, and enhancements that should be in progress, but currently do not have an assignee. This list includes unassigned P1 tasks, enhancements, and bugs with the [layout:backlog] whiteboard tag.

Full Query
ID Summary Assigned to Status Resolution
939897 [meta] Support shifting / splitting flex items between continuations of a fragmented flex container (flexbox content truncated when printing) NEW
1521655 [meta] Support client-side printing in Google Docs and GSuite (Google Workspace) NEW

2 Total; 2 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Bugs, tasks, and enhancements we are considering working on within the next 2-3 releases. This list includes unassigned P2 tasks, enhancements, and bugs with the [layout:backlog] whiteboard tag.

Full Query
ID Summary Assigned to Status Resolution
267029 Absolutely positioned elements all print on first page, and the ones that don't fit aren't shown NEW
945187 Add support for "pointer-events: bounding-box" NEW
1480477 Removing DOM children where positional pseudo-classes are involved is really slow. NEW
1519756 srcset is ignored in some cases NEW
1607081 SVG image with no intrisic size returns a naturalWidth of 0 NEW
1619465 Run clip-path animations on the compositor NEW
1666937 Lazily add mDNS/Bonjour/Avahi printers to the print UI on CUPS platforms (missing printers) NEW

7 Total; 7 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Bugs and enhancements we are considering working on within the year. This list includes all unassigned P3 tasks, enhancements, and bugs with the [layout:backlog] whiteboard tag.

Full Query
ID Summary Assigned to Status Resolution
255139 Reflow absolute children of relative positioned inlines during nsLineLayout::RelativePositionFrames NEW
683043 reimplement forced page breaks (page-break-before / page-break-after) (kill nsPageBreakFrame) NEW
1223880 Implement initial-letter (from CSS Inline Layout Module Level 3) NEW
1320435 don't reflow during paint suppression Timothy Nikkel (:tnikkel) NEW
1446011 Make getCTM and getScreenCTM compatible with other browsers NEW
1476154 Investigate performance improvements for the frame constructor NEW
1507516 HTML select cut off on non-retina monitors using retina Macs UNCONFIRMED
1527329 Print preview - text not rendered properly if not loaded fully NEW
1527899 above-the-fold animations in scrollport (of e.g. 'height') can cause visible elements to jitter when the scroll position is clamped NEW
1531781 borders and sticky position don't work in border-collapsed table head NEW
1547859 Let dynamic reflow roots ride the trains to release NEW
1567584 Lack of interop regarding visual styling of text-decoration NEW
1594249 implement -webkit-tap-highlight-color NEW
1602669 Convert nscoord into a struct / class NEW
1622947 input type="number" with datalist, repeat up/down keys increases or decreases values only once NEW
1623425 transform translateX animation with requestAnimationFrame is jittery NEW
1627386 [meta] Windows 10 layout, CSS and SVG reftest failures NEW
1633936 Add telemetry to determine how much content is clipped during printing NEW
1646895 {inc} Inline content in a box centred with auto margins next to a float reflows erratically on browser window resize NEW
1663634 Firefox doesn't handle body with height 100vh properly with overflow:hidden on the root element REOPENED
1670705 [css-text] 'overflow-wrap: anywhere' should break between unbreakable inlines NEW

21 Total; 21 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Recently Fixed in Nightly

Bugs, tasks, and enhancements that have landed in the current nightly.

Full Query
ID Summary Assigned to Status Resolution
1639816 Printing local pages via Print Menu fails with In Printing:Print:Done handler, got unexpected rv 2147746065 Jonathan Watt [:jwatt] VERIFIED FIXED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 1 Verified (100%);

Recently Fixed in Beta

Bugs, tasks, and enhancements that have landed in the current beta.

Full Query
ID Summary Assigned to Status Resolution
1584890 abspos root element (html) ignores top/right/bottom/left properties, if it has "display:flex" or "display:grid" Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) RESOLVED FIXED
1622935 Support pushing and splitting flex items for single-line (and some multi-line) flex container Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) RESOLVED FIXED
1626129 Height computation for (nested?) box is somewhat different in printing Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) RESOLVED FIXED
1564128 Unable to print CSS animations/transitions and web animations Emily McDonough [:alaskanemily] RESOLVED FIXED

4 Total; 0 Open (0%); 4 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);