QA/Desktop Firefox/Meetings:2012-07-30

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Desktop QA Meeting

Chair: Scribe:

Previous: This:



Previous Actions (add status update here):

If the status item is not complete, include it as an action item for the following week


* None


* None


* None


* None


* None


* Finalize Q3 goals for Desktop QA
* Strategies for tracking ideas caught during goals discussion (and discussing them)
* Strategies for rethinking and strengthening Release Test Plans for Desktop Firefox
  * Good Resource Example? - 
  * Reliable or Out of Date? -
  * Meta Analyzing a Past Test Plan -
  * Rethinking -
* Paid Staff vs. Contributors - Desktop QA context

Goals Take Two

1. On-Time Qualification of Desktop Firefox 15 and 16 releases with no chemspills by oversight by the Mozilla Organization 2. Support Qualification of the Firefox OS basecamp milestone and Firefox for Android 15 and 16 releases as needed 3. Grow and leverage the wider community to provide extensive and efficient test coverage of Desktop Firefox releases 4. Grow and utilize test automation to provide for efficient test coverage of Desktop Firefox releases

Ideas Generated from Goals Discussion for Desktop QA

* Qualification of High Priority Features In-House vs. Out of House
  * Mobile QA does something like this for FF Android -
  * Current Features with In-House Support in Desktop QA
    * Social API (Anthony)
    * Desktop WebRT (Jason)
    * AITC Desktop (Jason)
    * Camera API Desktop (Jason)
    * WebRTC Desktop (Jason)
    * Snappy - Desktop (?)
    * Memshrink - Desktop (?)
    * Native Persona Support (Tracy)
    * Sync Desktop (Tracy)
    * Sync Mobile (Tracy)
    * Any others?
  * Current Roles Other Than Feature Management in Desktop QA - In-House
    * Crashkill Management (Marcia)
    * FF Release Management (Juan & Anthony)
    * OS X 10.8 Integration (Marcia?)
    * Windows 8 Non-Metro Integration (?)
    * Services Client Release Management (Tracy)
  * Other Features or Roles That is Not In-House
    * <fill in examples here>
* On-boarding of a contributor to continuous direct involvement
  * What strongly involved contributors do we have with Desktop QA?
    * Gaby
    * Aleksej
    * Scoobidiver
* Bi-weekly blog posts on what's going on and how to get involved
* QA ownership of bugs
  * Component Level?
  * Bug Level?
  * What type of ownership?
    * QAWanted?
    * Verification?
    * Specialized testing tasks?
* Buddy system
* Chemspill Management and Process Improvement
  * When urgent things come up, get together to figure out what to do.
* Smoke Test Desktop Automation
* Dashboard for Test Day Involvement
* UNCONFIRMED bug triage improvement
* Integrate Mozmill Test Results into MozTrap and retire Litmus

Other Notes

* cc on bugs, public email alias, include on emails to keep contributors involved
* Posting of larger testing initiatives to QMO vs.
* Hacks looks like engagement team from what i have found out

Action Items:


* Update In House Ownership wiki with your info


* Create a wiki called QA/Ownership/In_House with primary and secondary columns
* Update In House Ownership wiki with your info


* Update In House Ownership wiki with your info
* Build a list of high priority bugzilla components that may need QA contact ownership
* Followup with Anthony about Desktop Smoke Tests Automation
* Add more QA rooms (public) for when there's overload.


* Update In House Ownership wiki with your info
* Followup who owns - How can QA post?


* Update In House Ownership wiki with your info