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Discussion Items
- Website Testing (henrik)
- Public site
- few responses so far from employees and community
- waiting for IT so setup my account on QMO for database and frontend
- We want to have pages to show current stats and users can enter their results
- UPDATE - (henrik) to get an account on the db, to create a nice front end to manage this site. (Murali) will help with the backend.
- QA Q109 Workweek (marcia) 2/17-2/20
- Feedback on the workweek
- Sent out a few emails requesting feedback on the meetup frequency but no responses received yet [marcia]
- Timing was an issue, some couldnt make it, projects coulda been delayed
- hard to get stuff done when other date dependent issues were in the way
- Events should target the audience explicitly, so people dont arent ambiguous if they should be there or not.
- Some events would overrun into other meetings, or some didnt start on time
- We lost one day due to holiday, look for a full week.
- meetup had a good handful of people
- will survey for feedback, and move toward a labs night type of meetup in the future
- have a exit survey and fill out their info, try to draw them in
- QMO stuff (marcia)
- Style Guide/Community Leads
- UPDATE - (marcia, murali, tomcat, jay), will look at drupal creating roles, allowing users to create a new post and have the message sent to the admin to review and accept.
- Update on this?
- will have a meeting with webdev this week, to talk about bugs and priorities that need webdev help etc - Tomcat
- QMO Content teams (marcia)
- Current setup: (can change if people want)
- File bugs to track content and docs. bug 479270 as example.
- BUGS: Stephen, Juan
- Focus: Bugzilla queries, triaging, logging, regression finding, etc
- DATA: Al, Henrik
- Focus: Metrics, crash analysis, hendrix feedback, bug stats, etc
- CODE: Clint, Tomcat, Martijn, Bob
- Focus: QA tools, applications, test automation, test development, community projects, etc
- TEST: Marcia, Tracy, Tony
- Focus: Test case writing, Litmus related stuff, release testing, exploratory testing, etc
- Current setup: (can change if people want)
- Style Guide/Community Leads
- QA for rtl locales (henrik)
- Discussion in l10n group if a new rtl subgroup should be created (any results so far)?
- (henrik/timr) to ping axel, sethb to get this item on the agenda for the next l10n meeting - wed @9am.
- Discussion in l10n group if a new rtl subgroup should be created (any results so far)?
Project Updates
- Firefox 3.0.x/Tb 2.0.0.x? (abillings)
- Firefox 3.1 (tchung)
- Beta 3 Testplan
- B3 builds ~7 days from today? bug 452498 is the troublemaker.
- B4 in the pipe, due to more testing on video, tracemonkey, places.
- QA test signoff - +5 days
- Tracking Status page
- Update your testing progress percentages
- Beta 3 Testplan
- 3.0 -> 3.1b3 major update trial run (abillings)
- Test Plan is available
- Possibly testing 3.0.7->1.9.1 nightly? or should we wait for b3 since its projected ~7 days out for builds?
- Webdev update (stephend)
- SUMO 0.9
- Working hard to verify the remaining bugs, since the fallout of a DB-replication fail (see bug 479854, which had plagued us for a while)
- Goal is to push Thursday night @ 7pm
- AMO 5.0.3
- Just starting work on it; will include some Bandwagon parts
- Spread Firefox redesign - staging server
- Still shooting for the 4th of March (likely will slip)
- Slipping because cutting the PSDs into HTML/CSS is hard (inflexible design)
- Aakash is a rockstar
- Get Personas redesign
- Wrote a test plan based on our support levels; awaiting feedback (we'll finalize Thursday)
- All.html testing almost complete (except for the multivariate testing)
- Testing 3.1 content changes (including /firstrun, /whatsnew)
- SUMO 0.9
- Mobile update (jmaher)
- This week mobile team is cranking on Beta1
- The team should make it a goal to spend 1 hour on Friday testing Fennec bits on a device if possible or a desktop version (I will have a linux build available)
- This week mobile team is cranking on Beta1
- Accessibility update (MarcoZ)
- Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) 1.0 is on last call for review. Not long before it becomes an official standard!
- Spent some time testing Safari 4.0 beta ARIA support in Mac OS X. Some basic support is there, like for basic widgets such as buttons, checkboxes, list boxes. But as widgets become less HTML-ish, like tab panels, sliders or the like, support quality drops. Will be interesting to see how Firefox will fare once we get the perf issues out.
- Speaking of Mac accessibility in Firefox: Work on this was moved out to Q2 since we need to get some final touches on ARIA 1.0 support first.
- Expecting ARIA 1.0 support bits to also go into 1.9.1 (they are currently only in m-c nightlies), but not for beta 3.
- Had a huge name calculation refactor patch land on m-c last week, which required a lot of pre-landing testing, and we still managed to miss something that regressed (see bug 480099.
- Firefox 3.1 beta3 is in good shape so far, with one important bugfix that landed late last week (bug 472662).
Other topics?