QA/Mozmill Test Automation/Test Modules Refactor/Style Guide
From MozillaWiki
Mozmill Style Guide v0.1
- Write clear code
- Please use good coding practice - see
Exceptions to the Rule:
- If you don't agree with something in this styleguide, or you think something could be done "better", be prepared to explain why
- The styleguide is not written in stone and is open to improvements
- Lines of code should not exceed 80 characters (or thereabouts)
- sleep() should never be used in a test, unless absolutely necessary -- try to use waitFor() instead
- Each test file should only contain a single test
- When performing an action on an element, be sure to declare an instance of the element first
- Coding flow should follow a template:
- Use Array.forEach() to iterate array elements
- Use for() to iterate string characters
- License Block
- If you create a test
- Initial Author = The Mozilla Foundation, if you are a Mozilla employee
- Initial Author = YOUR NAME, if you are not a Mozilla employee
- If you are contributing to a test
- Add your name and email to the bottom of the contributors list
* Firstname Lastname <>
- Add your name and email to the bottom of the contributors list
- If you create a test
- Error messages should be positive in nature
- GOOD: Expected the notification bar to be visible
- BAD: Didn't find a notification bar
- There should be no whitespace at the end of a line
- In general, all lines should be indented 2 spaces from their parent
- All files should have 1 newline, no more, no less
- If an XPath string needs to be concatenated, split the string on a /
- If anything needs concatenation:
- the operator should trail the line with one space
- each line should be left-aligned with the first
- All functions should be named and use camelCase with the opening brace trailing the signature by a single space
- All variables should be named using camelCase
- All constants should be named using ALL_CAPS
- All unchanging variables/values should be declared as constant
- All components should be declared in setupModule()
- If it needs concatenation, split on the . leaving it on the first line
- Ideally, necessary component loading should be handled by the appropriate API
- Commenting code should be done inline //
- Commenting functions should be done using JSDoc Toolkit style
- Replace gDelay and 100 with DELAY
- Replace gTimeout and 5000 with TIMEOUT
- Replace other timeouts with CONSTANTS
- Replace sleep() parameter with CONSTANT
- Replace unchanging values with CONSTANT
- Move tests from testGeneral into appropriate subfolder
- Encapsulate all test pages in a LOCAL_TEST_PAGES array
- Replace failing waitForEval() with waitFor()
- Make sure proper use of "The Mozilla Foundation" in tests
- Make sure contributor list is aligned on N in Contributor(s)
- Make sure assertion messages are positive
- Remove any trailing whitespace
- Make sure all tests have 1 newline EOF
- Make sure most lines of code respect the 2-space indent rule
- Make sure most lines of code respect the 80-char limit (wrap where necessary)
- Investigate removal of sleep() in favour of waitFor() where possible
- Extract any element-instantiation-as-parameter into it's own declaration
- Replace for each() with Array.forEach() for arrays and for() for strings
- Replace anonymous functions with named functions?
- Ensure proper commenting of code