ReleaseEngineering/How To/Add a Python Package to PuppetAgain

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Warning signWarning: This is probably not what you want to do! Only PuppetAgain itself uses the PuppetAgain python repository now. Instead, see Buildduty:Other Duties

Step by step instructions

# ssh to `whoami`
export URL=
export PACKAGE=`basename $URL`
wget --no-check-certificate $URL
chmod 664 $PACKAGE
cd /data/python/packages
ls -l $PACKAGE # it should not exist
# verify the package doesn't already exist.
# if you upload a different version of the same package,
# e.g. PACKAGE-1.1 when PACKAGE-1.0 is there, there's a
# non-zero chance this will break something that relies on PACKAGE.
# Please be mindful of tree issues after uploading a python package
# that tests or builds rely on.
sudo mv ~/$PACKAGE .
# verify you can see PACKAGE in
# this will get synced to all the other puppetagain hosts every 30 minutes.


ssh repos

should tell you what host is syncing, and when.

'repos' is a cname to the various releng-puppet servers; you'll have to use their fqdn's if you want to reach a specific server.