ReleaseEngineering/How To/Stage Work on Staging Master

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Warning: This RelEng page is obsolete!
Superceded by ReleaseEngineering/How_To/Setup_Personal_Development_Master

This page describes the best practices for using staging-master. In particular, the moz2-master and moz2-master2 instances on it.

First run stuff

If you've never used one of the staging masters before you'll need to ensure you have clones of the repositories before the instructions below will work. To do so, do the following;

cd /builds/buildbot/user-configs
hg clone $username-configs
cd ../user-configs2
hg clone $username-configs
cd /tools/buildbotcustom
hg clone buildbotcustom-$username
cd ../buildbotcustom2
hg clone buildbotcustom-$username

Scheduler DB masters

The scheduler db masters currently run out of the 'default' branch in both buildbotcustom and buildbot-configs. The '' script in the relevant master directory will update the checkout to the appropriate branch.


This is the main staging scheduler master. It is responsible for all the hg polling and receiving and acting on sendchanges. There's no web interface since all it has is schedulers and change sources. It writes new changes, buildrequests, etc. to a remote mysql database that is used by builder_master1.


This is the main buildbot master on this machine. It uses a remote mysql database to fetch build requests from.

hg polling and creation of most new jobs is handled by scheduler_master

To work on this master, check out 'sm01' in the bookings page, and make sure moz2-master is stopped, then do the following:

# cltbld@staging-master
cd /builds/buildbot/builder_master1
./ $name

When starting, stopping, etc. you should use the Makefile targets to ensure PYTHONPATH is correctly set. For example:

# cltbld@staging-master
cd /builds/buildbot/builder_master1
make stop
make checkconfig
make start


This is a secondary buildbot master on this machine. It handles both scheduling and building, and uses a local sqlite database.

To work on this master, check out 'sm02' in the bookings page, and make sure moz2-master2 is stopped, then do the following:

# cltbld@staging-master
cd /builds/buildbot/builder_master2
./ $name

When starting, stopping, etc. you should use the Makefile targets to ensure PYTHONPATH is correctly set. For example:

# cltbld@staging-master
cd /builds/buildbot/builder_master2
make stop
make checkconfig
make start

Old masters


This used to be the main Buildbot master on this machine. It normally has 3 slaves per platform connected to it, and constantly runs builds. To swap in your Buildbot configs for this master do the following:

# cltbld@staging-master
cd /builds/buildbot/moz2-master
./ $name

...and apply local changes.

When starting, stopping, etc. you should use the Makefile targets to ensure PYTHONPATH is correctly set. For example:

# cltbld@staging-master
cd /builds/buildbot/moz2-master
make stop
make checkconfig
make start


This is a secondary Buildbot master and only used when two people want to test things at the same time. It normally has no slaves attached to it. If you are using it you may pull slave(s) from moz2-master, after checking with the person who is already using it. Please make sure to return them to moz2-master when you're doing with them. To swap in your Buildbot configs for this master do the following:

# cltbld@staging-master
cd /builds/buildbot/moz2-master2
./ $name

When starting, stopping, etc. you should use the Makefile targets to ensure PYTHONPATH is correctly set. For example:

# cltbld@staging-master
cd /builds/buildbot/moz2-master2
make stop
make checkconfig
make start

Cleanup after yourself

When you're done with either master please make sure to swap back in the clean configuration files using in the appropriate directory, like this:

cd /builds/buildbot/moz2-master clean