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The process of budget requests is made up of three distinct phases:

1) Preliminary screening made by the Rep's mentor if not filed by a Resource Team member 2) "Filtering" made by Review Team member and approves/rejects budget requests <$500 USD 3) The Review Team approves or rejects budget requests >$500 USD


Preliminary Screening (skip if filed by Resource Team member

Requesting Review using flags

  • Bug wrangler assigns the bug to mentor
  Bug Status : NEW
  Bug Whiteboard : Reviewer Assigned
  Set remo-review flag to ?

Screening by the mentor

When screening the budget request (and the related event page), the mentor should use the assessment criteria, as well their own knowledge of the Rep. This screening phase is to ensure the request is clear with solid success scenarios that can be measured. It is also an opportunity for the mentor to provide any additional details that may help The Review Team's final decision.

Mentors DO NOT approve budgets
A mentor cannot decide whether or not a budget should be approved, rather, the mentor is tasked to make sure the budget request is valid for review
  • If mentor considers the budget request to be valid for review:
   Bug Status : NEW
   Bug Whiteboard : Valid for review
   Set remo-review flag to +
  • If the mentor does NOT consider the budget request to be valid for review:
   Bug Status : NEW
   Bug Whiteboard : NOT valid for review
   Set remo-review flag to -
  • Disagreement of screening results

Should the applying Rep, or any other following the request disagree with the mentor, they should voice their concerns to the The Review Team via their alias:

Mentors commenting on the bugs
A mentor should leave a comment on the bug to briefly explain why he/she thinks that the request is valid or not valid for review, and even more importantly how it can be made better.

Filtering phase

Bug wrangler will filter out those requests that are not considered relevant or appropriate. All remaining requests are then passed on to a Review Team member for final review and approval/rejection.

  • If remo-review is + or filed by a Resource Team member then the bug wrangler assigns the bug conditionally :
    • If budget request is <500 USD then it is assigned to a regional Review Team member
   Bug Status : ASSIGNED
   Bug Whiteboard : Review Team assigned
   Set remo-approval flag to ?
    • If budget request is >=500 USD then it is assigned to review-team
   Bug Status : ASSIGNED
   Bug Whiteboard : Review Team approval needed
   Set remo-approval flag to ?
  • If remo-review is - then the bug wrangler resolves the bug rejecting it
   Bug Status : RESOLVED - WONTFIX
   Bug Whiteboard : NOT valid for review
   Set remo-approval flag to -

Review Team Member Assignment for budgets OVER $500 USD

For budgets over $500 USD, there should still be a single Review Team member assigned.

The flag called "needs-info" should be set against it the Mozilla Review Team alias on bugs that need Review Team's attention. The process must be as follows:

  • A SINGLE Review Team member is assigned to the bug
  • That person can ask the Rep for any obvious missing info, but needs-info? is set to, causing the alias to get an email
  • An e-mail is sent automatically to the Review Team starting the discussion period which lasts for 48hrs
  • After the discussion period is over, the Review Team members have 72 hours to cast their vote on the portal.
  • When voting is closed, "needs-info" is canceled and "reps-approval" is set to + or -
Budget close to 500 USD
Budget requests that are exactly 500 USD or slightly less (for example 490 usd) will still be reviewed by the whole Review Team. This happens to avoid situations where an amount request plus the possible over budget amount overcomes the 500 USD limit.

Reviea Team approval or rejection

• Requests < $500 USD: assigned reviewer is a member of the Review Team and can approve/reject request without consulting with the whole Review Team

   Bug Status : ASSIGNED
   Set remo-approval flag to + or -

• Requests >= $500 USD: assigned reviewer must be a Review Team member who is responsible for udating the request. Approval of budget can only be made if Review Team approves with majority.

   Bug Status : ASSIGNED
   Set remo-approval flag to + or -
   Set need-info flag to ? for

• Requests > $5,000 USD: assigned reviewer must be be a Review Team member who is responsible for udating the request. Approval of budget can only be made if Review Team approves unanimously.

   Bug Status : ASSIGNED
   Set remo-approval flag to + or -
   Set need-info flag to ? for

Approval comment on bug must say:

Hi [first name], thanks for submitting this request. Your request has been approved.
Please follow these next steps before we can process your payment: 
* indicate the twitter hashtags, Flickr photos and blog posts related to your eventon this bug
and on your event wiki page
* provide a PayPal account 
* scan and attach all relevant receipts to this bug

Thanks and good luck for your event!
Reviewers name (either a Review Team member or a Review Team member on behalf of the Review Team)

Once the bug is approved the bug wrangler assigns of the bug back to the requester Rep.

Review Team Encouragement
A denied budget is not the end of the road, and the Review Team should update budgets with suggestions as to what part of the budget (if any) they do support for revision, and resubmission in future.

Tracking and Follow-up

We are using a module system for keywords to use on the whiteboard. The bug wrangler or reviewer must use the appropriate combination of modules to clearly point to expected actions relevant to the bug.

Prefixes (only one):

  • [approved]
    budget has been approved
  • [rejected]
    budget has been rejected
  • [closed]
    whiteboard status for resolved fixed budget. In this case STATUS changes to RESOLVED FIXED

Suffixes (multiple):

  • [advance needed full]
    the full amount of funds needs to be processed in advance
  • [advance needed partial]
    a partial amount of funds needs to be processed in advance
  • [approved partial]
    Review Team or the Review Team member have approved only a partial amount of the expenses
  • [waiting receipts]
    receipts are needed in order the bug wrangler to make the payment
  • [waiting report and photos]
    report and photos are needed in order the bug wrangler can close the bug
  • [receipts received]
    receipts have been received from the bug wrangler
  • [XXX USD processed]
    XXX amount of money has been processed
  • [special]
    In some cases, Reps will be owning an event that is already sponsored by Mozilla and as such, DO NOT require Review Team budget approval. For these special cases, the Reps needs to follow this procedure.
  • [special deveng]
    In some cases, Reps will be owning an event that is already sponsored by Mozilla's Developer Engagement Team and as such, DO NOT require Review Team budget approval. These events are overseen by Robyn Chau.
  • [full processed]
    bug wrangler has made a full payment
    indicated final amount request (For example, if the final amount requested is $800 USD, then the whiteboard should indicate [FR800]