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Bug Triage/Projects/Bug Handling

194 bytes added, 23:02, 26 February 2016
Add link to decision template page
Triage teams will have to follow up on these tags by hand during the pilot, and we expect bugs that are `btpp-fix-now` will be tracked by the team to confirm they are going into releases.
==Current Status==
Starting Monday, 29 February 2016, each bug that's triaged will get [[Bugmasters/Projects/Bug Handling/Decision Templates|a comment explaining the disposition of the bug]].
==Next Step==
After the pilot project, we will finalize the decision states for bugs, and ask Mozillians for comment. In the Second Quarter of 2016 we'll work with the [ Bugzilla] developers to make it easy for triagers to mark decisions on bugs, as well as alerting triagers about bugs that need attention.

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