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Bug Triage/Projects/Bug Handling

58 bytes removed, 23:51, 26 February 2016
Triage Leads
==Triage Leads==
We've [https:Bugmasters/Project/ Handling/spreadsheets/d/10i30CFUPJM7snz0xX3czFJeBh2tNwjwjtI409DQw3x0/edit#gid=743363211 Triage Leads|identified leads for 80% of these components]. These people will be responsible for making sure new bugs landing in components, are acted on in a timely fashion, new bugs are now being moved into components by volunteers and Mozilla's contractors. Triage leads are encouraged to delegate the work to other members of their team, and set up rotations for reviewing bugs [see Networking].
In a separate project, another team is building groups of volunteers to help with classification of new bugs in a component.

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