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CA/Bug Triage

14 bytes removed, 00:50, 7 February 2017
Drafting initial text
=== CA Program Whiteboard Tags ===
* '''Root Inclusion/Change requests, and EV treatment enablement requests'''** [ca-initial] -- not enough information to begin the Information Verification phase** [ca-verification] -- in Information Verification phase*** Current query: [ Whiteboard contains Information incomplete]** [ca-verified] (date) -- Information Verification phase complete. Ready for public discussion. In parentheses add date when Information Verification phase was completed.*** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ ready for public discussion]** [ca-discussion] -- in discussion in the forum.*** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ in public discussion]** [ca-discussion-hold] -- discussion on hold, pending CA actions.*** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ discussion on hold]** [ca-hold] -- CA's request is on hold, typically because the CA is a super-CA, so all of their subCAs have to achieve inclusion first.*** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ super CA]** [ca-pending-approval] -- final notice of intent to approve the CA's request*** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ pending approval]** [ca-approved] -- request is approved, pending code changes in NSS*** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ approved]** [ca-approved-ev] -- request is approved, certs are in NSS, pending code changes in PSM*** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ awaiting PSM]* '''Concerns about certificates CAs have issued'''** [ca-concern] -- concern has been raised about certificates that a CA has issued*** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ Incident Reported]** [ca-incident] -- the concern about a CA's certificates has been confirmed, and further investigation and action required to understand and contain the incident.** [ca-incident-response] -- the incident has been contained, and the CA has follow-up action items*** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ Incident Action Items]*** Whiteboard hasn't yet been updated for all of these types of bugs.** [ca-compliance] -- the concern about a CA's certificates is in regards to failure to comply with Mozilla policy and/or the CA/Browser Forum's Baseline Requirements, and is determined to not be an imminent security concern.*** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ BR Compliance]* '''CA Audit Statements ''' ** [ca-audits] -- One bug may be created per CA to store audit statements that are not published on [], the auditor's website, or the CA's website. The bug will be closed as WONTFIX, but the CA may continue to add documents to the bug each year.*** These have been getting put into the NSS product instead of, so I will need to update all of them anyways.*** Current query: Summary contains [ Audit info] in NSS product
*** and Summary contains [ Audit] in product
Confirm, administrator

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