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CA/Bug Triage

No change in size, 23:40, 7 February 2017
updated headings
* Need to get better at triaging and tracking CA Program bugs that are not root inclusion/change requests, such as CA Incident Response bugs.
* With other root store operators (e.g. Microsoft) also using Bugzilla for things like audit statements (see below), I will need to make sure the bugs get properly handled.
* Other?== Bug Triage in Mozilla's CA Certificate Program==
Mozilla’s [[CA:Overview|CA Certificate Program]] governs inclusion of root certificates in [ Network Security Services (NSS),] a set of open source libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications. The [[CA:IncludedCAs|NSS root certificate store]] is not only used in Mozilla products such as the [ Firefox] browser, but is also used by other companies in a variety of products.
<br /><br />
* [[CA:SalesforceCommunity#Documents|CA Audit statements]], when they are not published on [], the auditor's website, or the CA's website.
=== CA Program Whiteboard Tags ====='''Root Inclusion/Change requests, and EV treatment enablement requests'''Treatment Enablement Requests===
* [ca-initial] -- not enough information to begin the Information Verification phase, or not yet assigned to someone to do the Information Verification
* [ca-verification] -- in Information Verification phase
** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ awaiting PSM]
'''Concerns about certificates CAs have issued'''=== CA Certificate Issuance Problems and Incidents ===
* [ca-concern] -- concern has been raised about certificates that a CA has issued
** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ Incident Reported]
** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ BR Compliance]
'''===CA Program Process or Policy Related Bugs'''===
* [ca-program] -- bugs related to CA Program process, wiki pages, or policy. Note that most [ CA Program Policy issues] are tracked in github.
'''=== CA Audit Statements''' Statement Bugs ===
* [ &#91;ca-audits&#93;] -- One bug may be created per CA to store audit statements that are not published on [], the auditor's website, or the CA's website.
** Close bug as RESOLVED | WORKSFORME, with comment "Closing this bug, but this bug may continue to be used for tracking this CA's annual audit statements."
Confirm, administrator

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